[llvm] b2b5098 - Revert "[TextAPI] Implement TBDv5 Writer"

Cyndy Ishida via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 22 11:40:05 PST 2023

Author: Cyndy Ishida
Date: 2023-02-22T11:39:23-08:00
New Revision: b2b50980de240b3d89e0f9340b51d6d6079fd19d

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b2b50980de240b3d89e0f9340b51d6d6079fd19d
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b2b50980de240b3d89e0f9340b51d6d6079fd19d.diff

LOG: Revert "[TextAPI] Implement TBDv5 Writer"

This reverts commit 8217932aabcb271df7eb30e069fdace904299cba.

Breaks buildbots.




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/InterfaceFile.h b/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/InterfaceFile.h
index 2ee22ee4c8f2d..c32917da69f8a 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/InterfaceFile.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/InterfaceFile.h
@@ -396,16 +396,7 @@ class InterfaceFile {
   const_filtered_symbol_range exports() const {
     std::function<bool(const Symbol *)> fn = [](const Symbol *Symbol) {
-      return !Symbol->isUndefined() && !Symbol->isReexported();
-    };
-    return make_filter_range(
-        make_range<const_symbol_iterator>({Symbols.begin()}, {Symbols.end()}),
-        fn);
-  }
-  const_filtered_symbol_range reexports() const {
-    std::function<bool(const Symbol *)> fn = [](const Symbol *Symbol) {
-      return Symbol->isReexported();
+      return !Symbol->isUndefined();
     return make_filter_range(
         make_range<const_symbol_iterator>({Symbols.begin()}, {Symbols.end()}),

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/PackedVersion.h b/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/PackedVersion.h
index f9cdf4a7e4c54..24bec2ebe8fcd 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/PackedVersion.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/PackedVersion.h
@@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ class PackedVersion {
   uint32_t rawValue() const { return Version; }
-  operator std::string() const;
   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/TextAPIWriter.h b/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/TextAPIWriter.h
index 9bdaaf58d09f3..f9857a806f60a 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/TextAPIWriter.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/TextAPI/TextAPIWriter.h
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ class TextAPIWriter {
   TextAPIWriter() = delete;
-  static Error writeToStream(raw_ostream &OS, const InterfaceFile &File,
-                             bool Compact = false);
+  static Error writeToStream(raw_ostream &os, const InterfaceFile &);
 } // end namespace MachO.

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/TextAPI/PackedVersion.cpp b/llvm/lib/TextAPI/PackedVersion.cpp
index 22960c33e9ee8..67fb30aeb127b 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/TextAPI/PackedVersion.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/TextAPI/PackedVersion.cpp
@@ -100,13 +100,6 @@ std::pair<bool, bool> PackedVersion::parse64(StringRef Str) {
   return std::make_pair(true, Truncated);
-PackedVersion::operator std::string() const {
-  SmallString<32> Str;
-  raw_svector_ostream OS(Str);
-  print(OS);
-  return std::string(Str);
 void PackedVersion::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
   OS << format("%d", getMajor());
   if (getMinor() || getSubminor())

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStub.cpp b/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStub.cpp
index c51edc17a5bee..73cb61472bff3 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStub.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStub.cpp
@@ -1159,17 +1159,10 @@ TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef InputBuffer) {
   return std::move(File);
-Error TextAPIWriter::writeToStream(raw_ostream &OS, const InterfaceFile &File,
-                                   bool Compact) {
+Error TextAPIWriter::writeToStream(raw_ostream &OS, const InterfaceFile &File) {
   TextAPIContext Ctx;
   Ctx.Path = std::string(File.getPath());
   Ctx.FileKind = File.getFileType();
-  // Write out in JSON format.
-  if (Ctx.FileKind >= FileType::TBD_V5) {
-    return serializeInterfaceFileToJSON(OS, File, Compact);
-  }
   llvm::yaml::Output YAMLOut(OS, &Ctx, /*WrapColumn=*/80);
   std::vector<const InterfaceFile *> Files;

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStubCommon.h b/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStubCommon.h
index 9558bd9e2d352..51b423137f4e9 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStubCommon.h
+++ b/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStubCommon.h
@@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ class PackedVersion;
 getInterfaceFileFromJSON(StringRef JSON);
-Error serializeInterfaceFileToJSON(raw_ostream &OS, const InterfaceFile &File,
-                                   bool Compact);
 } // namespace MachO
 namespace yaml {

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStubV5.cpp b/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStubV5.cpp
index 43519c06d0888..f0ef10dc0a5ca 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStubV5.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/TextAPI/TextStubV5.cpp
@@ -161,10 +161,6 @@ static llvm::SmallString<128> getParseErrorMsg(TBDKey Key) {
   return {"invalid ", Keys[Key], " section"};
-static llvm::SmallString<128> getSerializeErrorMsg(TBDKey Key) {
-  return {"missing ", Keys[Key], " information"};
 class JSONStubError : public llvm::ErrorInfo<llvm::json::ParseError> {
   JSONStubError(Twine ErrMsg) : Message(ErrMsg.str()) {}
@@ -720,294 +716,3 @@ MachO::getInterfaceFileFromJSON(StringRef JSON) {
   return std::move(IF);
-namespace {
-template <typename ContainerT = Array>
-bool insertNonEmptyValues(Object &Obj, TBDKey Key, ContainerT &&Contents) {
-  if (Contents.empty())
-    return false;
-  Obj[Keys[Key]] = std::move(Contents);
-  return true;
-std::string getFormattedStr(const MachO::Target &Targ) {
-  std::string PlatformStr = Targ.Platform == PLATFORM_MACCATALYST
-                                ? "maccatalyst"
-                                : getOSAndEnvironmentName(Targ.Platform);
-  return (getArchitectureName(Targ.Arch) + "-" + PlatformStr).str();
-template <typename AggregateT>
-std::vector<std::string> serializeTargets(const AggregateT Targets,
-                                          const TargetList &ActiveTargets) {
-  std::vector<std::string> TargetsStr;
-  if (Targets.size() == ActiveTargets.size())
-    return TargetsStr;
-  llvm::for_each(Targets, [&TargetsStr](const MachO::Target &Target) {
-    TargetsStr.emplace_back(getFormattedStr(Target));
-  });
-  return TargetsStr;
-Array serializeTargetInfo(const TargetList &ActiveTargets) {
-  Array Targets;
-  for (const auto Targ : ActiveTargets) {
-    Object TargetInfo;
-    TargetInfo[Keys[TBDKey::Deployment]] = Targ.MinDeployment.getAsString();
-    TargetInfo[Keys[TBDKey::Target]] = getFormattedStr(Targ);
-    Targets.emplace_back(std::move(TargetInfo));
-  }
-  return Targets;
-template <typename ValueT, typename EntryT = ValueT>
-Array serializeScalar(TBDKey Key, ValueT Value, ValueT Default = ValueT()) {
-  if (Value == Default)
-    return {};
-  Array Container;
-  Object ScalarObj({Object::KV({Keys[Key], EntryT(Value)})});
-  Container.emplace_back(std::move(ScalarObj));
-  return Container;
-using TargetsToValuesMap =
-    std::map<std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string>>;
-template <typename AggregateT = TargetsToValuesMap>
-Array serializeAttrToTargets(AggregateT &Entries, TBDKey Key) {
-  Array Container;
-  for (const auto &[Targets, Values] : Entries) {
-    Object Obj;
-    insertNonEmptyValues(Obj, TBDKey::Targets, std::move(Targets));
-    Obj[Keys[Key]] = Values;
-    Container.emplace_back(std::move(Obj));
-  }
-  return Container;
-template <typename ValueT = std::string,
-          typename AggregateT = std::vector<std::pair<MachO::Target, ValueT>>>
-Array serializeField(TBDKey Key, const AggregateT &Values,
-                     const TargetList &ActiveTargets, bool IsArray = true) {
-  std::map<ValueT, std::set<MachO::Target>> Entries;
-  for (const auto &[Target, Val] : Values)
-    Entries[Val].insert(Target);
-  if (!IsArray) {
-    std::map<std::vector<std::string>, std::string> FinalEntries;
-    for (const auto &[Val, Targets] : Entries)
-      FinalEntries[serializeTargets(Targets, ActiveTargets)] = Val;
-    return serializeAttrToTargets(FinalEntries, Key);
-  }
-  TargetsToValuesMap FinalEntries;
-  for (const auto &[Val, Targets] : Entries)
-    FinalEntries[serializeTargets(Targets, ActiveTargets)].emplace_back(Val);
-  return serializeAttrToTargets(FinalEntries, Key);
-Array serializeField(TBDKey Key, const std::vector<InterfaceFileRef> &Values,
-                     const TargetList &ActiveTargets) {
-  TargetsToValuesMap FinalEntries;
-  for (const auto &Ref : Values) {
-    TargetList Targets{Ref.targets().begin(), Ref.targets().end()};
-    FinalEntries[serializeTargets(Targets, ActiveTargets)].emplace_back(
-        Ref.getInstallName());
-  }
-  return serializeAttrToTargets(FinalEntries, Key);
-struct SymbolFields {
-  struct SymbolTypes {
-    std::vector<StringRef> Weaks;
-    std::vector<StringRef> Globals;
-    std::vector<StringRef> TLV;
-    std::vector<StringRef> ObjCClasses;
-    std::vector<StringRef> IVars;
-    std::vector<StringRef> EHTypes;
-    bool empty() const {
-      return Weaks.empty() && Globals.empty() && TLV.empty() &&
-             ObjCClasses.empty() && IVars.empty() && EHTypes.empty();
-    }
-  };
-  SymbolTypes Data;
-  SymbolTypes Text;
-Array serializeSymbols(InterfaceFile::const_filtered_symbol_range Symbols,
-                       const TargetList &ActiveTargets) {
-  auto AssignForSymbolType = [](SymbolFields::SymbolTypes &Assignment,
-                                const Symbol *Sym) {
-    switch (Sym->getKind()) {
-    case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClass:
-      Assignment.ObjCClasses.emplace_back(Sym->getName());
-      return;
-    case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClassEHType:
-      Assignment.EHTypes.emplace_back(Sym->getName());
-      return;
-    case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCInstanceVariable:
-      Assignment.IVars.emplace_back(Sym->getName());
-      return;
-    case SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol: {
-      if (Sym->isWeakReferenced() || Sym->isWeakDefined())
-        Assignment.Weaks.emplace_back(Sym->getName());
-      else if (Sym->isThreadLocalValue())
-        Assignment.TLV.emplace_back(Sym->getName());
-      else
-        Assignment.Globals.emplace_back(Sym->getName());
-      return;
-    }
-    }
-  };
-  std::map<std::vector<std::string>, SymbolFields> Entries;
-  for (const auto *Sym : Symbols) {
-    std::set<MachO::Target> Targets{Sym->targets().begin(),
-                                    Sym->targets().end()};
-    auto JSONTargets = serializeTargets(Targets, ActiveTargets);
-    if (Sym->isData())
-      AssignForSymbolType(Entries[std::move(JSONTargets)].Data, Sym);
-    else if (Sym->isText())
-      AssignForSymbolType(Entries[std::move(JSONTargets)].Text, Sym);
-    else
-      llvm_unreachable("unexpected symbol type");
-  }
-  auto InsertSymbolsToJSON = [](Object &SymSection, TBDKey SegmentKey,
-                                SymbolFields::SymbolTypes &SymField) {
-    if (SymField.empty())
-      return;
-    Object Segment;
-    insertNonEmptyValues(Segment, TBDKey::Globals, std::move(SymField.Globals));
-    insertNonEmptyValues(Segment, TBDKey::ThreadLocal, std::move(SymField.TLV));
-    insertNonEmptyValues(Segment, TBDKey::Weak, std::move(SymField.Weaks));
-    insertNonEmptyValues(Segment, TBDKey::ObjCClass,
-                         std::move(SymField.ObjCClasses));
-    insertNonEmptyValues(Segment, TBDKey::ObjCEHType,
-                         std::move(SymField.EHTypes));
-    insertNonEmptyValues(Segment, TBDKey::ObjCIvar, std::move(SymField.IVars));
-    insertNonEmptyValues(SymSection, SegmentKey, std::move(Segment));
-  };
-  Array SymbolSection;
-  for (auto &[Targets, Fields] : Entries) {
-    Object AllSyms;
-    insertNonEmptyValues(AllSyms, TBDKey::Targets, std::move(Targets));
-    InsertSymbolsToJSON(AllSyms, TBDKey::Data, Fields.Data);
-    InsertSymbolsToJSON(AllSyms, TBDKey::Text, Fields.Text);
-    SymbolSection.emplace_back(std::move(AllSyms));
-  }
-  return SymbolSection;
-Array serializeFlags(const InterfaceFile *File) {
-  // TODO: Give all Targets the same flags for now.
-  Array Flags;
-  if (!File->isTwoLevelNamespace())
-    Flags.emplace_back("flat_namespace");
-  if (!File->isApplicationExtensionSafe())
-    Flags.emplace_back("not_app_extension_safe");
-  return serializeScalar(TBDKey::Attributes, std::move(Flags));
-Expected<Object> serializeIF(const InterfaceFile *File) {
-  Object Library;
-  // Handle required keys.
-  TargetList ActiveTargets{File->targets().begin(), File->targets().end()};
-  if (!insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::TargetInfo,
-                            serializeTargetInfo(ActiveTargets)))
-    return make_error<JSONStubError>(getSerializeErrorMsg(TBDKey::TargetInfo));
-  Array Name = serializeScalar<StringRef>(TBDKey::Name, File->getInstallName());
-  if (!insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::InstallName, std::move(Name)))
-    return make_error<JSONStubError>(getSerializeErrorMsg(TBDKey::InstallName));
-  // Handle optional keys.
-  Array Flags = serializeFlags(File);
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::Flags, std::move(Flags));
-  Array CurrentV = serializeScalar<PackedVersion, std::string>(
-      TBDKey::Version, File->getCurrentVersion(), PackedVersion(1, 0, 0));
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::CurrentVersion, std::move(CurrentV));
-  Array CompatV = serializeScalar<PackedVersion, std::string>(
-      TBDKey::Version, File->getCompatibilityVersion(), PackedVersion(1, 0, 0));
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::CompatibilityVersion,
-                       std::move(CompatV));
-  Array SwiftABI = serializeScalar<uint8_t, int64_t>(
-      TBDKey::ABI, File->getSwiftABIVersion(), 0u);
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::SwiftABI, std::move(SwiftABI));
-  Array RPaths = serializeField(TBDKey::Paths, File->rpaths(), ActiveTargets);
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::RPath, std::move(RPaths));
-  Array Umbrellas = serializeField(TBDKey::Umbrella, File->umbrellas(),
-                                   ActiveTargets, /*IsArray=*/false);
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::ParentUmbrella, std::move(Umbrellas));
-  Array Clients =
-      serializeField(TBDKey::Clients, File->allowableClients(), ActiveTargets);
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::AllowableClients, std::move(Clients));
-  Array ReexportLibs =
-      serializeField(TBDKey::Names, File->reexportedLibraries(), ActiveTargets);
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::ReexportLibs, std::move(ReexportLibs));
-  // Handle symbols.
-  Array Exports = serializeSymbols(File->exports(), ActiveTargets);
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::Exports, std::move(Exports));
-  Array Reexports = serializeSymbols(File->reexports(), ActiveTargets);
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::Reexports, std::move(Reexports));
-  if (!File->isTwoLevelNamespace()) {
-    Array Undefineds = serializeSymbols(File->undefineds(), ActiveTargets);
-    insertNonEmptyValues(Library, TBDKey::Undefineds, std::move(Undefineds));
-  }
-  return std::move(Library);
-Expected<Object> getJSON(const InterfaceFile *File) {
-  assert(File->getFileType() == FileType::TBD_V5 &&
-         "unexpected json file format version");
-  Object Root;
-  auto MainLibOrErr = serializeIF(File);
-  if (!MainLibOrErr)
-    return MainLibOrErr;
-  Root[Keys[TBDKey::MainLibrary]] = std::move(*MainLibOrErr);
-  Array Documents;
-  for (const auto &Doc : File->documents()) {
-    auto LibOrErr = serializeIF(Doc.get());
-    if (!LibOrErr)
-      return LibOrErr;
-    Documents.emplace_back(std::move(*LibOrErr));
-  }
-  Root[Keys[TBDKey::TBDVersion]] = 5;
-  insertNonEmptyValues(Root, TBDKey::Documents, std::move(Documents));
-  return std::move(Root);
-} // namespace
-Error MachO::serializeInterfaceFileToJSON(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                          const InterfaceFile &File,
-                                          bool Compact) {
-  auto TextFile = getJSON(&File);
-  if (!TextFile)
-    return TextFile.takeError();
-  if (Compact)
-    OS << formatv("{0}", Value(std::move(*TextFile))) << "\n";
-  else
-    OS << formatv("{0:2}", Value(std::move(*TextFile))) << "\n";
-  return Error::success();

diff  --git a/llvm/unittests/TextAPI/TextStubV5Tests.cpp b/llvm/unittests/TextAPI/TextStubV5Tests.cpp
index 2536a5a9cccb3..c9668bbc23130 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/TextAPI/TextStubV5Tests.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/TextAPI/TextStubV5Tests.cpp
@@ -520,524 +520,4 @@ TEST(TBDv5, ReadMultipleDocuments) {
       std::equal(Exports.begin(), Exports.end(), std::begin(ExpectedExports)));
-TEST(TBDv5, WriteFile) {
-  static const char TBDv5File[] = R"({
-"tapi_tbd_version": 5,
-"main_library": {
-  "target_info": [
-    {
-      "target": "x86_64-macos",
-      "min_deployment": "10.14"
-    },
-    {
-      "target": "arm64-macos",
-      "min_deployment": "10.14"
-    },
-    {
-      "target": "arm64-maccatalyst",
-      "min_deployment": "12.1"
-    }
-  ],
-  "install_names": [
-    {
-        "name": "@rpath/S/L/F/Foo.framework/Foo"
-    }
-  ],
-  "current_versions": [
-    {
-        "version": "1.2"
-    }
-  ],
-  "compatibility_versions": [
-    { "version": "1.1" }
-  ],
-  "flags": [
-    {
-      "attributes": [
-            "flat_namespace"
-        ]
-    }
-  ],
-  "rpaths": [
-    {
-      "targets": [
-          "x86_64-macos"
-      ],
-      "paths": [
-          "@executable_path/.../Frameworks"
-      ]
-    }
-  ],
-  "parent_umbrellas": [
-    {
-      "umbrella": "System"
-    }
-  ],
-  "allowable_clients": [
-    {
-        "clients": [
-            "ClientA",
-            "ClientB"
-        ]
-    }
-  ],
-  "reexported_libraries": [
-    {
-        "names": [
-            "/u/l/l/libfoo.dylib",
-            "/u/l/l/libbar.dylib"
-        ]
-    }
-  ],
-  "exported_symbols": [
-    {
-        "targets": [
-            "x86_64-macos",
-            "arm64-macos"
-        ],
-        "data": {
-            "global": [
-                "_global"
-            ],
-            "objc_class": [
-                "ClassA"
-            ],
-            "weak": [],
-            "thread_local": []
-        },
-        "text": {
-            "global": [
-                "_func"
-            ],
-            "weak": [],
-            "thread_local": []
-        }
-    },
-    {
-      "targets": [
-          "x86_64-macos"
-      ],
-      "data": {
-          "global": [
-              "_globalVar"
-          ],
-          "objc_class": [
-              "ClassData"
-          ],
-          "objc_eh_type": [
-              "ClassA",
-              "ClassB"
-          ],
-          "objc_ivar": [
-              "ClassA.ivar1",
-              "ClassA.ivar2",
-              "ClassC.ivar1"
-          ]
-      },
-      "text": {
-          "global": [
-              "_funcFoo"
-          ]
-      }
-    }
-  ],
-  "reexported_symbols": [
-    {
-        "data": {
-            "global": [
-                "_globalRe"
-            ],
-            "objc_class": [
-                "ClassRexport"
-            ]
-        },
-        "text": {
-            "global": [
-                "_funcA"
-            ]
-        }
-    }
-  ],
-  "undefined_symbols": [
-    {
-        "targets": [
-            "x86_64-macos"
-        ],
-        "data": {
-            "global": [
-                "_globalBind"
-            ],
-            "weak": [
-                "referenced_sym"
-            ]
-        }
-    }
-  ]
-  InterfaceFile File;
-  File.setFileType(FileType::TBD_V5);
-  TargetList AllTargets = {
-      Target(AK_x86_64, PLATFORM_MACOS, VersionTuple(10, 14)),
-      Target(AK_arm64, PLATFORM_MACOS, VersionTuple(10, 14)),
-      Target(AK_arm64, PLATFORM_MACCATALYST, VersionTuple(12, 1)),
-  };
-  File.addTargets(AllTargets);
-  File.setInstallName("@rpath/S/L/F/Foo.framework/Foo");
-  File.setCurrentVersion(PackedVersion(1, 2, 0));
-  File.setCompatibilityVersion(PackedVersion(1, 1, 0));
-  File.addRPath(AllTargets[0], "@executable_path/.../Frameworks");
-  for (const auto &Targ : AllTargets) {
-    File.addParentUmbrella(Targ, "System");
-    File.addAllowableClient("ClientA", Targ);
-    File.addAllowableClient("ClientB", Targ);
-    File.addReexportedLibrary("/u/l/l/libfoo.dylib", Targ);
-    File.addReexportedLibrary("/u/l/l/libbar.dylib", Targ);
-  }
-  SymbolFlags Flags = SymbolFlags::None;
-  // Exports.
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, "_global",
-                 {AllTargets[0], AllTargets[1]}, Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, "_func",
-                 {AllTargets[0], AllTargets[1]}, Flags | SymbolFlags::Text);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClass, "ClassA",
-                 {AllTargets[0], AllTargets[1]}, Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, "_funcFoo", {AllTargets[0]},
-                 Flags | SymbolFlags::Text);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, "_globalVar", {AllTargets[0]},
-                 Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClass, "ClassData", {AllTargets[0]},
-                 Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClassEHType, "ClassA", {AllTargets[0]},
-                 Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClassEHType, "ClassB", {AllTargets[0]},
-                 Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::ObjectiveCInstanceVariable, "ClassA.ivar1",
-                 {AllTargets[0]}, Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::ObjectiveCInstanceVariable, "ClassA.ivar2",
-                 {AllTargets[0]}, Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::ObjectiveCInstanceVariable, "ClassC.ivar1",
-                 {AllTargets[0]}, Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  // Reexports.
-  Flags = SymbolFlags::Rexported;
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, "_globalRe", AllTargets,
-                 Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, "_funcA", AllTargets,
-                 Flags | SymbolFlags::Text);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClass, "ClassRexport", AllTargets,
-                 Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  // Undefineds.
-  Flags = SymbolFlags::Undefined;
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, "_globalBind", {AllTargets[0]},
-                 Flags | SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addSymbol(SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, "referenced_sym", {AllTargets[0]},
-                 Flags | SymbolFlags::Data | SymbolFlags::WeakReferenced);
-  File.setTwoLevelNamespace(false);
-  File.setApplicationExtensionSafe(true);
-  // Write out file then process it back into IF and compare equality
-  // against TBDv5File.
-  SmallString<4096> Buffer;
-  raw_svector_ostream OS(Buffer);
-  Error Result = TextAPIWriter::writeToStream(OS, File);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(Result);
-  Expected<TBDFile> Input =
-      TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef(TBDv5File, "Input.tbd"));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(!!Input);
-  TBDFile InputFile = std::move(Input.get());
-  Expected<TBDFile> Output =
-      TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef(Buffer, "Output.tbd"));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(!!Output);
-  TBDFile OutputFile = std::move(Output.get());
-  EXPECT_EQ(*InputFile, *OutputFile);
-TEST(TBDv5, WriteMultipleDocuments) {
-  static const char TBDv5File[] = R"({ 
-"tapi_tbd_version": 5,
-"main_library": {
-  "target_info": [
-    {
-      "target": "armv7-ios",
-      "min_deployment": "11.0" 
-    }
-  ],
-  "install_names":[
-    { "name":"/S/L/F/Foo.framework/Foo" }
-  ],
-  "reexported_libraries": [
-    { "names": ["/u/l/l/libfoo.dylib"] 
-    }
-  ]
-"libraries": [
-  {
-    "target_info": [
-      {
-        "target": "armv7-ios",
-        "min_deployment": "11.0" 
-      },
-      {
-        "target": "armv7s-ios",
-        "min_deployment": "11.0" 
-      }
-    ],
-    "install_names":[
-      { "name":"/u/l/l/libfoo.dylib" }
-    ],
-    "current_versions": [
-      {
-          "version": "2.1.1"
-      }
-    ],
-    "rpaths": [
-      {
-        "targets": [
-            "armv7-ios"
-        ],
-        "paths": [
-            "@executable_path/.../Frameworks"
-        ]
-      }],
-    "reexported_libraries": [ { "names": ["@rpath/libfoo.dylib"] } ],
-    "flags":[ 
-      { "attributes": ["not_app_extension_safe"] }
-    ], 
-    "exported_symbols": [
-      {
-        "text": {
-          "global": [ "_funcFoo" ]
-        }
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "target_info": [
-      {
-        "target": "armv7-ios",
-        "min_deployment": "11.0" 
-      }
-    ],
-    "install_names":[
-      { "name":"@rpath/libfoo.dylib" }
-    ],
-    "exported_symbols": [
-      {
-        "data": {
-          "global": [ "_varFooBaz" ]
-        }
-      }
-    ]
-  }
-  InterfaceFile File;
-  File.setFileType(FileType::TBD_V5);
-  TargetList AllTargets = {
-      Target(AK_armv7, PLATFORM_IOS, VersionTuple(11, 0)),
-      Target(AK_armv7s, PLATFORM_IOS, VersionTuple(11, 0)),
-  };
-  File.setInstallName("/S/L/F/Foo.framework/Foo");
-  File.addTarget(AllTargets[0]);
-  File.setCurrentVersion(PackedVersion(1, 0, 0));
-  File.setCompatibilityVersion(PackedVersion(1, 0, 0));
-  File.addReexportedLibrary("/u/l/l/libfoo.dylib", AllTargets[0]);
-  File.setTwoLevelNamespace();
-  File.setApplicationExtensionSafe(true);
-  InterfaceFile NestedFile;
-  NestedFile.setFileType(FileType::TBD_V5);
-  NestedFile.setInstallName("/u/l/l/libfoo.dylib");
-  NestedFile.addTargets(AllTargets);
-  NestedFile.setCompatibilityVersion(PackedVersion(1, 0, 0));
-  NestedFile.setTwoLevelNamespace();
-  NestedFile.setApplicationExtensionSafe(false);
-  NestedFile.setCurrentVersion(PackedVersion(2, 1, 1));
-  NestedFile.addRPath(AllTargets[0], "@executable_path/.../Frameworks");
-  for (const auto &Targ : AllTargets)
-    NestedFile.addReexportedLibrary("@rpath/libfoo.dylib", Targ);
-  NestedFile.addSymbol(SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, "_funcFoo", AllTargets,
-                       SymbolFlags::Text);
-  File.addDocument(std::make_shared<InterfaceFile>(std::move(NestedFile)));
-  InterfaceFile NestedFileB;
-  NestedFileB.setFileType(FileType::TBD_V5);
-  NestedFileB.setInstallName("@rpath/libfoo.dylib");
-  NestedFileB.addTarget(AllTargets[0]);
-  NestedFileB.setCompatibilityVersion(PackedVersion(1, 0, 0));
-  NestedFileB.setCurrentVersion(PackedVersion(1, 0, 0));
-  NestedFileB.setTwoLevelNamespace();
-  NestedFileB.setApplicationExtensionSafe(true);
-  NestedFileB.addSymbol(SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, "_varFooBaz", AllTargets,
-                        SymbolFlags::Data);
-  File.addDocument(std::make_shared<InterfaceFile>(std::move(NestedFileB)));
-  // Write out file then process it back into IF and compare equality
-  // against TBDv5File.
-  SmallString<4096> Buffer;
-  raw_svector_ostream OS(Buffer);
-  Error Result = TextAPIWriter::writeToStream(OS, File, /*Compact=*/true);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(Result);
-  Expected<TBDFile> Input =
-      TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef(TBDv5File, "Input.tbd"));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(!!Input);
-  TBDFile InputFile = std::move(Input.get());
-  Expected<TBDFile> Output =
-      TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef(Buffer, "Output.tbd"));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(!!Output);
-  TBDFile OutputFile = std::move(Output.get());
-  EXPECT_EQ(*InputFile, *OutputFile);
-TEST(TBDv5, Target_Simulator) {
-  static const char TBDv5File[] = R"({ 
-"tapi_tbd_version": 5,
-"main_library": {
-  "target_info": [
-    {
-      "target": "arm64-ios-simulator",
-      "min_deployment": "11.0"
-    },
-    {
-      "target": "x86_64-ios-simulator",
-      "min_deployment": "11.3" 
-    }
-  ],
-  "install_names":[
-    { "name":"/S/L/F/Foo.framework/Foo" }
-  ]
-  Expected<TBDFile> Result =
-      TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef(TBDv5File, "Test.tbd"));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(!!Result);
-  TBDFile File = std::move(Result.get());
-  EXPECT_EQ(FileType::TBD_V5, File->getFileType());
-  TargetList ExpectedTargets = {
-      Target(AK_x86_64, PLATFORM_IOSSIMULATOR, VersionTuple(11, 3)),
-      Target(AK_arm64, PLATFORM_IOSSIMULATOR, VersionTuple(11, 0)),
-  };
-  TargetList Targets{File->targets().begin(), File->targets().end()};
-  llvm::sort(Targets);
-  EXPECT_EQ(Targets, ExpectedTargets);
-  SmallString<4096> Buffer;
-  raw_svector_ostream OS(Buffer);
-  Error WriteResult = TextAPIWriter::writeToStream(OS, *File);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(!WriteResult);
-  Expected<TBDFile> Output =
-      TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef(Buffer, "Output.tbd"));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(!!Output);
-  TBDFile WriteResultFile = std::move(Output.get());
-  EXPECT_EQ(*File, *WriteResultFile);
-TEST(TBDv5, MisspelledKey) {
-  static const char TBDv5File[] = R"({ 
-"tapi_tbd_version": 5,
-"main_library": {
-  "target_info": [
-    {
-      "target": "arm64-ios-simulator",
-      "min_deployment": "11.0"
-    }
-  ],
-  "intall_names":[
-    { "name":"/S/L/F/Foo.framework/Foo" }
-  ]
-  Expected<TBDFile> Result =
-      TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef(TBDv5File, "Test.tbd"));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(!!Result);
-  std::string ErrorMessage = toString(Result.takeError());
-  EXPECT_EQ("invalid install_names section\n", ErrorMessage);
-TEST(TBDv5, InvalidVersion) {
-  static const char TBDv5File[] = R"({ 
-"tapi_tbd_version": 11,
-"main_library": {
-  "target_info": [
-    {
-      "target": "arm64-ios-simulator",
-      "min_deployment": "11.0"
-    }
-  ],
-  "install_names":[
-    { "name":"/S/L/F/Foo.framework/Foo" }
-  ]
-  Expected<TBDFile> Result =
-      TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef(TBDv5File, "Test.tbd"));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(!!Result);
-  std::string ErrorMessage = toString(Result.takeError());
-  EXPECT_EQ("invalid tapi_tbd_version section\n", ErrorMessage);
-TEST(TBDv5, MissingRequiredKey) {
-  static const char TBDv5File[] = R"({ 
-"main_library": {
-  "target_info": [
-    {
-      "target": "arm64-ios-simulator",
-      "min_deployment": "11.0"
-    }
-  ],
-  "install_names":[
-    { "name":"/S/L/F/Foo.framework/Foo" }
-  ]
-  Expected<TBDFile> Result =
-      TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef(TBDv5File, "Test.tbd"));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(!!Result);
-  std::string ErrorMessage = toString(Result.takeError());
-  EXPECT_EQ("invalid tapi_tbd_version section\n", ErrorMessage);
-TEST(TBDv5, InvalidSymbols) {
-  static const char TBDv5File[] = R"({ 
-"tapi_tbd_version": 5,
-"main_library": {
-  "target_info": [
-    {
-      "target": "arm64-driverkit",
-      "min_deployment": "11.0"
-    }
-  ],
-  "install_names":[
-    { "name":"/S/L/F/Foo.framework/Foo" }
-  ],
-  "exported_symbols": [
-    {
-      "daa": {
-        "global": {
-            "weak": []
-          }
-      }
-    }
-  ]
-  Expected<TBDFile> Result =
-      TextAPIReader::get(MemoryBufferRef(TBDv5File, "Test.tbd"));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(!!Result);
-  std::string ErrorMessage = toString(Result.takeError());
-  EXPECT_EQ("invalid exported_symbols section\n", ErrorMessage);
 } // end namespace TBDv5


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