[llvm] 61e9e61 - [VE] Fix useDeprecatedPositionallyEncodedOperands errors.

James Y Knight via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 31 16:52:47 PST 2023

Author: James Y Knight
Date: 2023-01-31T19:50:26-05:00
New Revision: 61e9e6199e2ef8620f0a2c4f30dafec6b7843565

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/61e9e6199e2ef8620f0a2c4f30dafec6b7843565
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/61e9e6199e2ef8620f0a2c4f30dafec6b7843565.diff

LOG: [VE] Fix useDeprecatedPositionallyEncodedOperands errors.

This is a follow-on to https://reviews.llvm.org/D134073.

Behavior is unchanged by this cleanup, except that previously the
'CVTRDm' pattern was accidentally getting the top bit of 'sz' from the
'sx' input, instead of setting it to 0.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D140922




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VE.td b/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VE.td
index 16d6c36ee4ab6..1cb4a642632cb 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VE.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VE.td
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ include "VERegisterInfo.td"
 include "VECallingConv.td"
 include "VEInstrInfo.td"
-def VEInstrInfo : InstrInfo {
-  let useDeprecatedPositionallyEncodedOperands = 1;
+def VEInstrInfo : InstrInfo {}
 def VEAsmParser : AsmParser {
   // Use both VE register name matcher to accept "S0~S63" register names

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VEInstrFormats.td b/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VEInstrFormats.td
index f43c9755f1b9e..a2d2ae929dbdc 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VEInstrFormats.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VEInstrFormats.td
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class CF<bits<8>opVal, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern = []>
   bits<1>  cx = 0;
   bits<1>  cx2 = 0;
   bits<2>  bpf = 0;
-  bits<4>  cf;
+  bits<4>  cond;
   bits<1>  cy = 1;
   bits<7>  sy;
   bits<1>  cz = 1;
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class CF<bits<8>opVal, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern = []>
   let Inst{55} = cx;
   let Inst{54} = cx2;
   let Inst{53-52} = bpf;
-  let Inst{51-48} = cf;
+  let Inst{51-48} = cond;
   let Inst{47} = cy;
   let Inst{46-40} = sy;
   let Inst{39} = cz;

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VEInstrInfo.td b/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VEInstrInfo.td
index 40cfa4b9211b2..6598aba52d38a 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VEInstrInfo.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/VE/VEInstrInfo.td
@@ -760,14 +760,14 @@ multiclass CVTRDm<string opcStr, bits<8> opc, RegisterClass RCo,
   def r : RR<opc, (outs RCo:$sx), (ins RDOp:$rd, RCi:$sy),
              !strconcat(opcStr, "${rd} $sx, $sy")> {
     bits<4> rd;
-    let sz{5-4} = 0;
+    let sz{6-4} = 0;
     let sz{3-0} = rd;
   let cy = 0 in
   def i : RR<opc, (outs RCo:$sx), (ins RDOp:$rd, simm7:$sy),
              !strconcat(opcStr, "${rd} $sx, $sy")> {
     bits<4> rd;
-    let sz{5-4} = 0;
+    let sz{6-4} = 0;
     let sz{3-0} = rd;
@@ -790,33 +790,33 @@ multiclass CVTm<string opcStr, bits<8> opc, RegisterClass RCo, ValueType Tyo,
 //   e.g. PFCH
 let sx = 0, hasSideEffects = 0 in
 multiclass PFCHm<string opcStr, bits<8>opc> {
-  def rri : RM<opc, (outs), (ins MEMrri:$addr), !strconcat(opcStr, " $addr"),
+  def rri : RM<opc, (outs), (ins (MEMrri $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr), !strconcat(opcStr, " $addr"),
                [(prefetch ADDRrri:$addr, imm, imm, (i32 1))]>;
   let cy = 0 in
-  def rii : RM<opc, (outs), (ins MEMrii:$addr), !strconcat(opcStr, " $addr"),
+  def rii : RM<opc, (outs), (ins (MEMrii $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr), !strconcat(opcStr, " $addr"),
                [(prefetch ADDRrii:$addr, imm, imm, (i32 1))]>;
   let cz = 0 in
-  def zri : RM<opc, (outs), (ins MEMzri:$addr), !strconcat(opcStr, " $addr"),
+  def zri : RM<opc, (outs), (ins (MEMzri $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr), !strconcat(opcStr, " $addr"),
                [(prefetch ADDRzri:$addr, imm, imm, (i32 1))]>;
   let cy = 0, cz = 0 in
-  def zii : RM<opc, (outs), (ins MEMzii:$addr), !strconcat(opcStr, " $addr"),
+  def zii : RM<opc, (outs), (ins (MEMzii $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr), !strconcat(opcStr, " $addr"),
                [(prefetch ADDRzii:$addr, imm, imm, (i32 1))]>;
 // Multiclass for CAS instructions.
 //   e.g. TS1AML, TS1AMW, TS2AM, and etc.
-let Constraints = "$dest = $sd", DisableEncoding = "$sd",
+let Constraints = "$sx = $sd", DisableEncoding = "$sd",
     mayStore=1, mayLoad = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in
 multiclass RRCAStgm<string opcStr, bits<8>opc, RegisterClass RC, ValueType Ty,
                     Operand immOp, Operand MEM, ComplexPattern ADDR,
                     SDPatternOperator OpNode = null_frag> {
-  def r : RRM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEM:$addr, RC:$sy, RC:$sd),
-              !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr, $sy"),
-              [(set Ty:$dest, (OpNode ADDR:$addr, Ty:$sy, Ty:$sd))]>;
+  def r : RRM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEM $sz, $imm32):$addr, RC:$sy, RC:$sd),
+              !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr, $sy"),
+              [(set Ty:$sx, (OpNode ADDR:$addr, Ty:$sy, Ty:$sd))]>;
   let cy = 0 in
-  def i : RRM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEM:$addr, immOp:$sy, RC:$sd),
-              !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr, $sy"),
-              [(set Ty:$dest, (OpNode ADDR:$addr, (Ty immOp:$sy), Ty:$sd))]>;
+  def i : RRM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEM $sz, $imm32):$addr, immOp:$sy, RC:$sd),
+              !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr, $sy"),
+              [(set Ty:$sx, (OpNode ADDR:$addr, (Ty immOp:$sy), Ty:$sd))]>;
 multiclass RRCASm<string opcStr, bits<8>opc, RegisterClass RC, ValueType Ty,
                   Operand immOp, SDPatternOperator OpNode = null_frag> {
@@ -831,13 +831,13 @@ let isBranch = 1, isTerminator = 1, isIndirectBranch = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in
 multiclass BCbpfm<string opcStr, string cmpStr, bits<8> opc, dag cond,
                   Operand ADDR> {
   let bpf = 0 /* NONE */ in
-  def "" : CF<opc, (outs), !con(cond, (ins ADDR:$addr)),
+  def "" : CF<opc, (outs), !con(cond, (ins (ADDR $sz, $imm32):$addr)),
               !strconcat(opcStr, " ", cmpStr, "$addr")>;
   let bpf = 2 /* NOT TAKEN */ in
-  def _nt : CF<opc, (outs), !con(cond, (ins ADDR:$addr)),
+  def _nt : CF<opc, (outs), !con(cond, (ins (ADDR $sz, $imm32):$addr)),
                !strconcat(opcStr, ".nt ", cmpStr, "$addr")>;
   let bpf = 3 /* TAKEN */ in
-  def _t : CF<opc, (outs), !con(cond, (ins ADDR:$addr)),
+  def _t : CF<opc, (outs), !con(cond, (ins (ADDR $sz, $imm32):$addr)),
               !strconcat(opcStr, ".t ", cmpStr, "$addr")>;
 multiclass BCtgm<string opcStr, string cmpStr, bits<8> opc, dag cond> {
@@ -847,14 +847,14 @@ multiclass BCtgm<string opcStr, string cmpStr, bits<8> opc, dag cond> {
 multiclass BCm<string opcStr, string opcStrAt, string opcStrAf, bits<8> opc,
                RegisterClass RC, Operand immOp> {
   let DecoderMethod = "DecodeBranchCondition" in
-  defm r : BCtgm<opcStr, "$comp, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cond, RC:$comp)>;
+  defm r : BCtgm<opcStr, "$sy, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cond, RC:$sy)>;
   let DecoderMethod = "DecodeBranchCondition", cy = 0 in
-  defm i : BCtgm<opcStr, "$comp, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cond, immOp:$comp)>;
+  defm i : BCtgm<opcStr, "$sy, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cond, immOp:$sy)>;
   let DecoderMethod = "DecodeBranchConditionAlways", cy = 0, sy = 0,
-      cf = 15 /* AT */, isBarrier = 1 in
+      cond = 15 /* AT */, isBarrier = 1 in
   defm a : BCtgm<opcStrAt, "", opc, (ins)>;
   let DecoderMethod = "DecodeBranchConditionAlways", cy = 0, sy = 0,
-      cf = 0 /* AF */ in
+      cond = 0 /* AF */ in
   defm na : BCtgm<opcStrAf, "", opc, (ins)>;
@@ -874,19 +874,19 @@ multiclass BCRbpfm<string opcStr, string cmpStr, bits<8> opc, dag cond> {
 multiclass BCRm<string opcStr, string opcStrAt, string opcStrAf, bits<8> opc,
                RegisterClass RC, Operand immOp, Operand zeroOp> {
-  defm rr : BCRbpfm<opcStr, "$sy, $sz, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cf, RC:$sy, RC:$sz)>;
+  defm rr : BCRbpfm<opcStr, "$sy, $sz, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cond, RC:$sy, RC:$sz)>;
   let cy = 0 in
-  defm ir : BCRbpfm<opcStr, "$sy, $sz, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cf, immOp:$sy,
+  defm ir : BCRbpfm<opcStr, "$sy, $sz, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cond, immOp:$sy,
   let cz = 0 in
-  defm rz : BCRbpfm<opcStr, "$sy, $sz, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cf, RC:$sy,
+  defm rz : BCRbpfm<opcStr, "$sy, $sz, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cond, RC:$sy,
   let cy = 0, cz = 0 in
-  defm iz : BCRbpfm<opcStr, "$sy, $sz, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cf, immOp:$sy,
+  defm iz : BCRbpfm<opcStr, "$sy, $sz, ", opc, (ins CCOp:$cond, immOp:$sy,
-  let cy = 0, sy = 0, cz = 0, sz = 0, cf = 15 /* AT */, isBarrier = 1 in
+  let cy = 0, sy = 0, cz = 0, sz = 0, cond = 15 /* AT */, isBarrier = 1 in
   defm a : BCRbpfm<opcStrAt, "", opc, (ins)>;
-  let cy = 0, sy = 0, cz = 0, sz = 0, cf = 0 /* AF */ in
+  let cy = 0, sy = 0, cz = 0, sz = 0, cond = 0 /* AF */ in
   defm na : BCRbpfm<opcStrAf, "", opc, (ins)>;
@@ -947,20 +947,20 @@ multiclass FIDCRm<string opcStr, bits<8>opc, RegisterClass RC> {
 // Multiclass for LHM instruction.
 let mayLoad = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in
 multiclass LHMm<string opcStr, bits<8> opc, RegisterClass RC> {
-  def ri : RRMHM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEMriHM:$addr),
-                 !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr")>;
+  def ri : RRMHM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEMriHM $sz, $imm32):$addr),
+                 !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr")>;
   let cz = 0 in
-  def zi : RRMHM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEMziHM:$addr),
-                 !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr")>;
+  def zi : RRMHM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEMziHM $sz, $imm32):$addr),
+                 !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr")>;
 // Multiclass for SHM instruction.
 let mayStore = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in
 multiclass SHMm<string opcStr, bits<8> opc, RegisterClass RC> {
-  def ri : RRMHM<opc, (outs), (ins MEMriHM:$addr, RC:$sx),
+  def ri : RRMHM<opc, (outs), (ins (MEMriHM $sz, $imm32):$addr, RC:$sx),
                  !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr")>;
   let cz = 0 in
-  def zi : RRMHM<opc, (outs), (ins MEMziHM:$addr, RC:$sx),
+  def zi : RRMHM<opc, (outs), (ins (MEMziHM $sz, $imm32):$addr, RC:$sx),
                  !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr")>;
@@ -978,17 +978,17 @@ multiclass SHMm<string opcStr, bits<8> opc, RegisterClass RC> {
 // Multiclass for generic RM instructions
 multiclass RMm<string opcStr, bits<8>opc, RegisterClass RC, bit MoveImm = 0> {
-  def rri : RM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEMrri:$addr),
-               !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr"), []>;
+  def rri : RM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEMrri $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr),
+               !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"), []>;
   let cy = 0 in
-  def rii : RM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEMrii:$addr),
-               !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr"), []>;
+  def rii : RM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEMrii $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr),
+               !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"), []>;
   let cz = 0 in
-  def zri : RM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEMzri:$addr),
-               !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr"), []>;
+  def zri : RM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEMzri $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr),
+               !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"), []>;
   let cy = 0, cz = 0 in
-  def zii : RM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEMzii:$addr),
-               !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr"), []> {
+  def zii : RM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEMzii $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr),
+               !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"), []> {
     // VE uses LEAzii and LEASLzii as a move immediate instruction, so declare
     // it here.  An instruction declared as MoveImm will be optimized in
     // FoldImmediate later.
@@ -1014,21 +1014,21 @@ def : Pat<(add I64:$base, lozero:$disp), (LEASLrii $base, 0, (HI32 $disp))>;
 let mayLoad = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in
 multiclass LOADm<string opcStr, bits<8> opc, RegisterClass RC, ValueType Ty,
                  SDPatternOperator OpNode = null_frag> {
-  def rri : RM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEMrri:$addr),
-               !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr"),
-               [(set Ty:$dest, (OpNode ADDRrri:$addr))]>;
+  def rri : RM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEMrri $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr),
+               !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"),
+               [(set Ty:$sx, (OpNode ADDRrri:$addr))]>;
   let cy = 0 in
-  def rii : RM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEMrii:$addr),
-               !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr"),
-               [(set Ty:$dest, (OpNode ADDRrii:$addr))]>;
+  def rii : RM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEMrii $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr),
+               !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"),
+               [(set Ty:$sx, (OpNode ADDRrii:$addr))]>;
   let cz = 0 in
-  def zri : RM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEMzri:$addr),
-               !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr"),
-               [(set Ty:$dest, (OpNode ADDRzri:$addr))]>;
+  def zri : RM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEMzri $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr),
+               !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"),
+               [(set Ty:$sx, (OpNode ADDRzri:$addr))]>;
   let cy = 0, cz = 0 in
-  def zii : RM<opc, (outs RC:$dest), (ins MEMzii:$addr),
-               !strconcat(opcStr, " $dest, $addr"),
-               [(set Ty:$dest, (OpNode ADDRzii:$addr))]>;
+  def zii : RM<opc, (outs RC:$sx), (ins (MEMzii $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr),
+               !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"),
+               [(set Ty:$sx, (OpNode ADDRzii:$addr))]>;
 // Section 8.2.2 - LDS
@@ -1072,19 +1072,19 @@ let mayLoad = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in {
 let mayStore = 1 in
 multiclass STOREm<string opcStr, bits<8> opc, RegisterClass RC, ValueType Ty,
                   SDPatternOperator OpNode = null_frag> {
-  def rri : RM<opc, (outs), (ins MEMrri:$addr, RC:$sx),
+  def rri : RM<opc, (outs), (ins (MEMrri $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr, RC:$sx),
                !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"),
                [(OpNode Ty:$sx, ADDRrri:$addr)]>;
   let cy = 0 in
-  def rii : RM<opc, (outs), (ins MEMrii:$addr, RC:$sx),
+  def rii : RM<opc, (outs), (ins (MEMrii $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr, RC:$sx),
                !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"),
                [(OpNode Ty:$sx, ADDRrii:$addr)]>;
   let cz = 0 in
-  def zri : RM<opc, (outs), (ins MEMzri:$addr, RC:$sx),
+  def zri : RM<opc, (outs), (ins (MEMzri $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr, RC:$sx),
                !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"),
                [(OpNode Ty:$sx, ADDRzri:$addr)]>;
   let cy = 0, cz = 0 in
-  def zii : RM<opc, (outs), (ins MEMzii:$addr, RC:$sx),
+  def zii : RM<opc, (outs), (ins (MEMzii $sz, $sy, $imm32):$addr, RC:$sx),
                !strconcat(opcStr, " $sx, $addr"),
                [(OpNode Ty:$sx, ADDRzii:$addr)]>;
@@ -1463,7 +1463,7 @@ def : Pat<(brind I64:$reg), (BCFLari_t $reg, 0)>;
 def : Pat<(brind tblockaddress:$imm), (BCFLazi_t 0, $imm)>;
 // Return instruction is a special case of jump.
-let Uses = [SX10], bpf = 3 /* TAKEN */, cf = 15 /* AT */, cy = 0, sy = 0,
+let Uses = [SX10], bpf = 3 /* TAKEN */, cond = 15 /* AT */, cy = 0, sy = 0,
     sz = 10 /* SX10 */, imm32 = 0, isReturn = 1, isTerminator = 1,
     isBarrier = 1, isCodeGenOnly = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in
 def RET : CF<0x19, (outs), (ins), "b.l.t (, %s10)", [(retflag)]>;
@@ -1478,13 +1478,13 @@ defm BCFS : BCm<"b${cond}.s", "b.s", "baf.s", 0x1C, F32, simm7fp>;
 // Section 8.8.4 - BCR (Branch on Condition Relative)
 let cx = 0, cx2 = 0 in
-defm BRCFL : BCRm<"br${cf}.l", "br.l", "braf.l", 0x18, I64, simm7, zero>;
+defm BRCFL : BCRm<"br${cond}.l", "br.l", "braf.l", 0x18, I64, simm7, zero>;
 let cx = 1, cx2 = 0 in
-defm BRCFW : BCRm<"br${cf}.w", "br.w", "braf.w", 0x18, I32, simm7, zero>;
+defm BRCFW : BCRm<"br${cond}.w", "br.w", "braf.w", 0x18, I32, simm7, zero>;
 let cx = 0, cx2 = 1 in
-defm BRCFD : BCRm<"br${cf}.d", "br.d", "braf.d", 0x18, I64, simm7fp, zerofp>;
+defm BRCFD : BCRm<"br${cond}.d", "br.d", "braf.d", 0x18, I64, simm7fp, zerofp>;
 let cx = 1, cx2 = 1 in
-defm BRCFS : BCRm<"br${cf}.s", "br.s", "braf.s", 0x18, F32, simm7fp, zerofp>;
+defm BRCFS : BCRm<"br${cond}.s", "br.s", "braf.s", 0x18, F32, simm7fp, zerofp>;
 // Section 8.8.5 - BSIC (Branch and Save IC)
 let isCall = 1, hasSideEffects = 0, DecoderMethod = "DecodeCall" in


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