[llvm] cfd594f - [SROA] `isVectorPromotionViable()`: memory intrinsics operate on vectors of bytes (take 3)

Jeremy Morse via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 20 06:15:13 PST 2022

Hi Roman,

In addition to what Nikita mentioned, before reapplying could you take
a closer look at the debug-info tests you've updated: with this patch
as-is, they no longer cover the code paths they are intended for. For
example, memcpy.ll has the memcpys being tested completely elided, but
it looks like adding some nondeterministic stores followed by a
volatile load keeps the intended behaviour (SROA splitting the alloca
into two parts). Something similar happens in store.ll, and the others
where the number of CHECK lines have reduced.

Without these tests we can't detect debug-info regressions in the future.


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