[PATCH] D138495: [openmp][mlir] Lower parallel if to new fork_call_if function.

Martin Storsjö via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 13 03:51:38 PST 2022

mstorsjo added a subscriber: tianshilei1992.
mstorsjo added inline comments.

Comment at: openmp/runtime/src/kmp.h:3904
                                  kmpc_micro microtask, ...);
+KMP_EXPORT void __kmpc_fork_call_if(ident_t *loc, kmp_int32 nargs,
+                                    kmpc_micro microtask, kmp_int32 cond,
mstorsjo wrote:
> DavidTruby wrote:
> > mstorsjo wrote:
> > > This new function needs to be added to the `dllexports` file to make it available and usable on Windows.
> > Ok, I can add that; do you have any clue how the numbers for functions are chosen in that file? I don't really understand how dll exporting works on Windows
> In general cases, it would be enough to just add the name (or mark the symbol with a `dllexport` attribute in the source code), but here in OpenMP, the exports also are given ordinal numbers (which need to be unique). I think the logic so far is to just pick the next free number.
> D131830 is adding `292` and `293` (if it ends up reapplied in its current form), so I guess we could go with `294` to avoid conflicts - unless anyone of the actual OpenMP maintainers have a better suggestion?
CC @tianshilei1992 who has sorted out such issues before too.

I'd like to have this issue solved soonish in one way or another - this has had my nightly builds broken for many days already.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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