[llvm] 854b1bc - [DebugInfo] getMergedLocation: Maintain the line number if they match

Juan Manuel MARTINEZ CAAMAÑO via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Oct 25 07:13:50 PDT 2022

Author: Juan Manuel MARTINEZ CAAMAÑO
Date: 2022-10-25T14:10:21Z
New Revision: 854b1bca60ebb784e507e905885f4ba664bb65af

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/854b1bca60ebb784e507e905885f4ba664bb65af
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/854b1bca60ebb784e507e905885f4ba664bb65af.diff

LOG: [DebugInfo] getMergedLocation: Maintain the line number if they match

getMergedLocation returns a 'line 0' DILocaiton if the two locations
being merged don't perfecly match, even if they are in the same line but
a different column.

This commit adds support to keep the line number if it matches (but only
the column differs). The merged column number is the leftmost between the

Reviewed By: dblaikie, orlando

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D135166




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.h b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.h
index 8fc3f54bf2813..5b20bf3ade99a 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.h
@@ -1710,18 +1710,18 @@ class DILocation : public MDNode {
   /// When two instructions are combined into a single instruction we also
   /// need to combine the original locations into a single location.
+  /// When the locations are the same we can use either location.
+  /// When they 
diff er, we need a third location which is distinct from either.
+  /// If they share a common scope, use this scope and compare the line/column
+  /// pair of the locations with the common scope:
+  /// * if both match, keep the line and column;
+  /// * if only the line number matches, keep the line and set the column as 0;
+  /// * otherwise set line and column as 0.
+  /// If they do not share a common scope the location is ambiguous and can't be
+  /// represented in a line entry. In this case, set line and column as 0 and
+  /// use the scope of any location.
-  /// When the locations are the same we can use either location. When they
-  /// 
diff er, we need a third location which is distinct from either. If they
-  /// have the same file/line but have a 
diff erent discriminator we could
-  /// create a location with a new discriminator. If they are from 
diff erent
-  /// files/lines the location is ambiguous and can't be represented in a line
-  /// entry. In this case, if \p GenerateLocation is true, we will set the
-  /// merged debug location as line 0 of the nearest common scope where the two
-  /// locations are inlined from.
-  ///
-  /// \p GenerateLocation: Whether the merged location can be generated when
-  /// \p LocA and \p LocB 
diff er.
+  /// \p LocA \p LocB: The locations to be merged.
   static const DILocation *getMergedLocation(const DILocation *LocA,
                                              const DILocation *LocB);

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.cpp b/llvm/lib/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.cpp
index b29daeb653f0b..99c445fc2842a 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.cpp
@@ -112,34 +112,64 @@ const DILocation *DILocation::getMergedLocation(const DILocation *LocA,
   if (LocA == LocB)
     return LocA;
-  SmallSet<std::pair<DIScope *, DILocation *>, 5> Locations;
+  LLVMContext &C = LocA->getContext();
+  SmallDenseMap<std::pair<DILocalScope *, DILocation *>,
+                std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 4>
+      Locations;
   DIScope *S = LocA->getScope();
   DILocation *L = LocA->getInlinedAt();
-  while (S) {
-    Locations.insert(std::make_pair(S, L));
+  unsigned Line = LocA->getLine();
+  unsigned Col = LocA->getColumn();
+  // Walk from the current source locaiton until the file scope;
+  // then, do the same for the inlined-at locations.
+  auto AdvanceToParentLoc = [&S, &L, &Line, &Col]() {
     S = S->getScope();
     if (!S && L) {
+      Line = L->getLine();
+      Col = L->getColumn();
       S = L->getScope();
       L = L->getInlinedAt();
+  };
+  while (S) {
+    if (auto *LS = dyn_cast<DILocalScope>(S))
+      Locations.try_emplace(std::make_pair(LS, L), std::make_pair(Line, Col));
+    AdvanceToParentLoc();
+  // Walk the source locations of LocB until a match with LocA is found.
   S = LocB->getScope();
   L = LocB->getInlinedAt();
+  Line = LocB->getLine();
+  Col = LocB->getColumn();
   while (S) {
-    if (Locations.count(std::make_pair(S, L)))
-      break;
-    S = S->getScope();
-    if (!S && L) {
-      S = L->getScope();
-      L = L->getInlinedAt();
+    if (auto *LS = dyn_cast<DILocalScope>(S)) {
+      auto MatchLoc = Locations.find(std::make_pair(LS, L));
+      if (MatchLoc != Locations.end()) {
+        // If the lines match, keep the line, but set the column to '0'
+        // If the lines don't match, pick a "line 0" location but keep
+        // the current scope and inlined-at.
+        bool SameLine = Line == MatchLoc->second.first;
+        bool SameCol = Col == MatchLoc->second.second;
+        Line = SameLine ? Line : 0;
+        Col = SameLine && SameCol ? Col : 0;
+        break;
+      }
+    AdvanceToParentLoc();
-  // If the two locations are irreconsilable, just pick one. This is misleading,
-  // but on the other hand, it's a "line 0" location.
-  if (!S || !isa<DILocalScope>(S))
+  if (!S) {
+    // If the two locations are irreconsilable, pick any scope,
+    // and return a "line 0" location.
+    Line = Col = 0;
     S = LocA->getScope();
-  return DILocation::get(LocA->getContext(), 0, 0, S, L);
+  }
+  return DILocation::get(C, Line, Col, S, L);
 Optional<unsigned> DILocation::encodeDiscriminator(unsigned BD, unsigned DF,

diff  --git a/llvm/test/DebugInfo/return-same-line-merge.ll b/llvm/test/DebugInfo/return-same-line-merge.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5c9965b6447f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/DebugInfo/return-same-line-merge.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+; RUN: opt -simplifycfg -S < %s | FileCheck %s
+; Simplified from the following code:
+; int foo() {
+;   if(c) { return a; } else { return b; }
+; }
+define i32 @foo(i32 %c, i32 %a, i32 %b) !dbg !4 {
+; CHECK: define i32 @foo({{.*}}) !dbg [[FOO_SUBPROGRAM:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TOBOOL:%.*]] = icmp ne i32 [[C:%.*]], 0, !dbg [[DBG_CMP:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_B:%.*]] = select i1 [[TOBOOL]], i32 [[A:%.*]], i32 [[B:%.*]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i32 [[A_B]], !dbg [[DBG_RET:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK: [[DBG_CMP]] = !DILocation(line: 2, column: 1, scope: [[FOO_SUBPROGRAM]])
+; CHECK: [[DBG_RET]] = !DILocation(line: 4, scope: [[FOO_SUBPROGRAM]])
+  %tobool = icmp ne i32 %c, 0, !dbg !7
+  br i1 %tobool, label %cond.true, label %cond.false, !dbg !8
+cond.true:                                        ; preds = %entry
+  ret i32 %a, !dbg !9
+cond.false:                                       ; preds = %entry
+  ret i32 %b, !dbg !10
+!llvm.dbg.cu = !{!0}
+!llvm.module.flags = !{!2, !3}
+!0 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !1, producer: "clang version 16.0.0)", isOptimized: false, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: LineTablesOnly, splitDebugInlining: false, nameTableKind: None)
+!1 = !DIFile(filename: "test.c", directory: "/")
+!2 = !{i32 7, !"Dwarf Version", i32 5}
+!3 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}
+!4 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "foo", scope: !1, file: !1, line: 1, type: !5, scopeLine: 1, flags: DIFlagPrototyped, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition, unit: !0, retainedNodes: !6)
+!5 = !DISubroutineType(types: !6)
+!6 = !{}
+!7 = !DILocation(line: 2, column: 1, scope: !4)
+!8 = !DILocation(line: 3, column: 1, scope: !4)
+!9 = !DILocation(line: 4, column: 1, scope: !4)
+!10 = !DILocation(line: 4, column: 2, scope: !4)

diff  --git a/llvm/unittests/IR/MetadataTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/IR/MetadataTest.cpp
index 9dd49d04405f5..126ae03ff9877 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/IR/MetadataTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/IR/MetadataTest.cpp
@@ -917,31 +917,6 @@ TEST_F(MDNodeTest, deleteTemporaryWithTrackingRef) {
 typedef MetadataTest DILocationTest;
-TEST_F(DILocationTest, Overflow) {
-  DISubprogram *N = getSubprogram();
-  {
-    DILocation *L = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, N);
-    EXPECT_EQ(2u, L->getLine());
-    EXPECT_EQ(7u, L->getColumn());
-  }
-  unsigned U16 = 1u << 16;
-  {
-    DILocation *L = DILocation::get(Context, UINT32_MAX, U16 - 1, N);
-    EXPECT_EQ(UINT32_MAX, L->getLine());
-    EXPECT_EQ(U16 - 1, L->getColumn());
-  }
-  {
-    DILocation *L = DILocation::get(Context, UINT32_MAX, U16, N);
-    EXPECT_EQ(UINT32_MAX, L->getLine());
-    EXPECT_EQ(0u, L->getColumn());
-  }
-  {
-    DILocation *L = DILocation::get(Context, UINT32_MAX, U16 + 1, N);
-    EXPECT_EQ(UINT32_MAX, L->getLine());
-    EXPECT_EQ(0u, L->getColumn());
-  }
 TEST_F(DILocationTest, Merge) {
   DISubprogram *N = getSubprogram();
   DIScope *S = DILexicalBlock::get(Context, N, getFile(), 3, 4);
@@ -961,11 +936,24 @@ TEST_F(DILocationTest, Merge) {
     auto *A = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, N);
     auto *B = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, S);
     auto *M = DILocation::getMergedLocation(A, B);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0u, M->getLine()); // FIXME: Should this be 2?
-    EXPECT_EQ(0u, M->getColumn()); // FIXME: Should this be 7?
+    EXPECT_EQ(2u, M->getLine());
+    EXPECT_EQ(7u, M->getColumn());
     EXPECT_EQ(N, M->getScope());
+  {
+    // Same line, 
diff erent column.
+    auto *A = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, N);
+    auto *B = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 10, S);
+    auto *M0 = DILocation::getMergedLocation(A, B);
+    auto *M1 = DILocation::getMergedLocation(B, A);
+    for (auto *M : {M0, M1}) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(2u, M->getLine());
+      EXPECT_EQ(0u, M->getColumn());
+      EXPECT_EQ(N, M->getScope());
+    }
+  }
     // Different lines, same scopes.
     auto *A = DILocation::get(Context, 1, 6, N);
@@ -998,15 +986,36 @@ TEST_F(DILocationTest, Merge) {
     auto *I = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, N);
     auto *A = DILocation::get(Context, 1, 6, SP1, I);
-    auto *B = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, SP2, I);
+    auto *B = DILocation::get(Context, 3, 8, SP2, I);
     auto *M = DILocation::getMergedLocation(A, B);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0u, M->getLine());
+    EXPECT_EQ(2u, M->getLine());
+    EXPECT_EQ(7u, M->getColumn());
+    EXPECT_EQ(N, M->getScope());
+    EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, M->getInlinedAt());
+  }
+  {
+    // Different function, inlined-at same line, but 
diff erent column.
+    auto *F = getFile();
+    auto *SP1 = DISubprogram::getDistinct(Context, F, "a", "a", F, 0, nullptr,
+                                          0, nullptr, 0, 0, DINode::FlagZero,
+                                          DISubprogram::SPFlagZero, nullptr);
+    auto *SP2 = DISubprogram::getDistinct(Context, F, "b", "b", F, 0, nullptr,
+                                          0, nullptr, 0, 0, DINode::FlagZero,
+                                          DISubprogram::SPFlagZero, nullptr);
+    auto *IA = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, N);
+    auto *IB = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 8, N);
+    auto *A = DILocation::get(Context, 1, 6, SP1, IA);
+    auto *B = DILocation::get(Context, 3, 8, SP2, IB);
+    auto *M = DILocation::getMergedLocation(A, B);
+    EXPECT_EQ(2u, M->getLine());
     EXPECT_EQ(0u, M->getColumn());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(isa<DILocalScope>(M->getScope()));
-    EXPECT_EQ(I, M->getInlinedAt());
+    EXPECT_EQ(N, M->getScope());
+    EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, M->getInlinedAt());
-   {
+  {
     // Completely 
diff erent.
     auto *I = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, N);
     auto *A = DILocation::get(Context, 1, 6, S, I);
@@ -1018,6 +1027,67 @@ TEST_F(DILocationTest, Merge) {
     EXPECT_EQ(S, M->getScope());
     EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, M->getInlinedAt());
+  // Two locations, same line/column 
diff erent file, inlined at the same place.
+  {
+    auto *FA = getFile();
+    auto *FB = getFile();
+    auto *FI = getFile();
+    auto *SPA = DISubprogram::getDistinct(Context, FA, "a", "a", FA, 0, nullptr,
+                                          0, nullptr, 0, 0, DINode::FlagZero,
+                                          DISubprogram::SPFlagZero, nullptr);
+    auto *SPB = DISubprogram::getDistinct(Context, FB, "b", "b", FB, 0, nullptr,
+                                          0, nullptr, 0, 0, DINode::FlagZero,
+                                          DISubprogram::SPFlagZero, nullptr);
+    auto *SPI = DISubprogram::getDistinct(Context, FI, "i", "i", FI, 0, nullptr,
+                                          0, nullptr, 0, 0, DINode::FlagZero,
+                                          DISubprogram::SPFlagZero, nullptr);
+    auto *I = DILocation::get(Context, 3, 8, SPI);
+    auto *A = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, SPA, I);
+    auto *B = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, SPB, I);
+    auto *M = DILocation::getMergedLocation(A, B);
+    EXPECT_EQ(3u, M->getLine());
+    EXPECT_EQ(8u, M->getColumn());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isa<DILocalScope>(M->getScope()));
+    EXPECT_EQ(SPI, M->getScope());
+    EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, M->getInlinedAt());
+  }
+  // Two locations, same line/column 
diff erent file, one location with 2 scopes,
+  // inlined at the same place.
+  {
+    auto *FA = getFile();
+    auto *FB = getFile();
+    auto *FI = getFile();
+    auto *SPA = DISubprogram::getDistinct(Context, FA, "a", "a", FA, 0, nullptr,
+                                          0, nullptr, 0, 0, DINode::FlagZero,
+                                          DISubprogram::SPFlagZero, nullptr);
+    auto *SPB = DISubprogram::getDistinct(Context, FB, "b", "b", FB, 0, nullptr,
+                                          0, nullptr, 0, 0, DINode::FlagZero,
+                                          DISubprogram::SPFlagZero, nullptr);
+    auto *SPI = DISubprogram::getDistinct(Context, FI, "i", "i", FI, 0, nullptr,
+                                          0, nullptr, 0, 0, DINode::FlagZero,
+                                          DISubprogram::SPFlagZero, nullptr);
+    auto *SPAScope = DILexicalBlock::getDistinct(Context, SPA, FA, 4, 9);
+    auto *I = DILocation::get(Context, 3, 8, SPI);
+    auto *A = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, SPAScope, I);
+    auto *B = DILocation::get(Context, 2, 7, SPB, I);
+    auto *M = DILocation::getMergedLocation(A, B);
+    EXPECT_EQ(3u, M->getLine());
+    EXPECT_EQ(8u, M->getColumn());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isa<DILocalScope>(M->getScope()));
+    EXPECT_EQ(SPI, M->getScope());
+    EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, M->getInlinedAt());
+  }
 TEST_F(DILocationTest, getDistinct) {


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