[PATCH] D99078: [LLD] Implement /guard:[no]ehcont

Phoebe Wang via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Aug 27 03:07:22 PDT 2022

pengfei added inline comments.

Comment at: lld/COFF/DriverUtils.cpp:104-111
     else if (arg.equals_lower("nolongjmp"))
-      config->guardCF = GuardCFLevel::NoLongJmp;
-    else if (arg.equals_lower("cf") || arg.equals_lower("longjmp"))
-      config->guardCF = GuardCFLevel::Full;
+      config->guardCF &= ~GuardCFLevel::LongJmp;
+    else if (arg.equals_lower("noehcont"))
+      config->guardCF &= ~GuardCFLevel::EHCont;
+    else if (arg.equals_lower("cf"))
+      config->guardCF = GuardCFLevel::CF;
+    else if (arg.equals_lower("longjmp"))
alvinhochun wrote:
> This changed the behaviour of `/guard:cf`. Before this change, `/guard:cf` is equivalent to `/guard:cf,longjmp` by default, but after this change one must explicitly pass `/guard:longjmp` to`lld-link for it to generate the guard long jump table.
> This also does not match the behaviour of MSVC's link.exe. From my quick testing, `/guard:cf`, `/guard:longjmp` and `/guard:cf,longjmp` all do the same thing for it to enable both CFGuard and the long jump table. Only when you pass `/guard:cf,nolongjmp` is the jump table not present in the final image.
Thanks for raising the problem. I don't find any description about the `longjmp` option in official document. Unless there's explicit document about the relationship between `/guard:cf`, `/guard:longjmp` and `/guard:cf,longjmp`, I don't think we need to match the exact behavior with MSVC. The single `/guard:cf` has ambiguity since we are supporting `ehcont`. So I'm not sure if the current MSVC behavior is constant in future versions.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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