[PATCH] D127344: [AMDGPU] Fix hazard handling of v_cmpx to permlane

Stanislav Mekhanoshin via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 9 01:43:13 PDT 2022

rampitec added a comment.

In D127344#3569337 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D127344#3569337>, @foad wrote:

> LGTM as-is, but perhaps it is time to introduce an "IsCMPX" helper function?
> Does this also handle DPP forms of compares?
> Maybe add a negative test for v_cmp->permlane since that is part of what you have fixed.

There is no DPP form because gfx11 VOPC DPP is not yet sumbitted AFAIR.

I didn't want to add a negative test because even initial form was very conservative. It is almost impossible to run into that hazard, so the check was very relaxed and catching more than needed. I'd prefer to add a negative test after gfx11 code for this is settled, as we yet didn't agree on the tsflag bits for that.



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