[llvm] 94a2bd5 - [LoopVectorize] Precommit a test for D122126

Mindong Chen via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 19 08:29:07 PDT 2022

Author: Tiehu Zhang
Date: 2022-05-19T23:28:39+08:00
New Revision: 94a2bd5a270bca1c539a71d0e1ca88c02a023ebd

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/94a2bd5a270bca1c539a71d0e1ca88c02a023ebd
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/94a2bd5a270bca1c539a71d0e1ca88c02a023ebd.diff

LOG: [LoopVectorize] Precommit a test for D122126




diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/PowerPC/interleaved-pointer-runtime-check-unprofitable.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/PowerPC/interleaved-pointer-runtime-check-unprofitable.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e3a76c4d598d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/PowerPC/interleaved-pointer-runtime-check-unprofitable.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py
+; RUN: opt -mtriple=powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu -mcpu=a2 -S -loop-vectorize  < %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+; The case will do aggressive interleave on PowerPC, resulting in a lot of memory checks.
+; (On the A2, always unroll aggressively. In fact, if aggressive interleaving is enabled,
+; similar issues may occur on other targets).
+; Interleaving should also be restricted by the threshold of memory checks similar to VF.
+; (e.g., runtime-memory-check-threshold, default 8).
+; CHECK-LABEL: @eddy_
diff _caleddy_
+; CHECK: vector.memcheck
+define fastcc void @eddy_
diff _caleddy_(i64* %wet_cl, i64 %0, i32 %ncol.cast.val) {
+  %trip.count = add nuw i32 %ncol.cast.val, 1
+  %wide.trip.count = zext i32 %ncol.cast.val to i64
+  %1 = shl i64 %0, 1
+  %2 = mul i64 %0, 3
+  %3 = shl i64 %0, 2
+  %4 = mul i64 %0, 5
+  %5 = mul i64 %0, 6
+  %6 = mul i64 %0, 7
+  %7 = shl i64 %0, 3
+  %8 = mul i64 %0, 9
+  %9 = mul i64 %0, 10
+  %10 = mul i64 %0, 11
+  %11 = mul i64 %0, 12
+  br label %loop.body
+  %indvars.iv774 = phi i64 [ 0, %entry ], [ %indvars.iv.next775, %loop.body ]
+  %12 = add nsw i64 %indvars.iv774, -5
+  %13 = add i64 %12, %0
+  %14 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %13
+  %15 = bitcast i64* %14 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %15, align 8
+  %16 = add i64 %12, %1
+  %17 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %16
+  %18 = bitcast i64* %17 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %18, align 8
+  %19 = add i64 %12, %2
+  %20 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %19
+  %21 = bitcast i64* %20 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %21, align 8
+  %22 = add i64 %12, %3
+  %23 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %22
+  %24 = bitcast i64* %23 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %24, align 8
+  %25 = add i64 %12, %4
+  %26 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %25
+  %27 = bitcast i64* %26 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %27, align 8
+  %28 = add i64 %12, %5
+  %29 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %28
+  %30 = bitcast i64* %29 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %30, align 8
+  %31 = add i64 %12, %6
+  %32 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %31
+  %33 = bitcast i64* %32 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %33, align 8
+  %34 = add i64 %12, %7
+  %35 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %34
+  %36 = bitcast i64* %35 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %36, align 8
+  %37 = add i64 %12, %8
+  %38 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %37
+  %39 = bitcast i64* %38 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %39, align 8
+  %40 = add i64 %12, %9
+  %41 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %40
+  %42 = bitcast i64* %41 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %42, align 8
+  %43 = add i64 %12, %10
+  %44 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %43
+  %45 = bitcast i64* %44 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %45, align 8
+  %46 = add i64 %12, %11
+  %47 = getelementptr i64, i64* %wet_cl, i64 %46
+  %48 = bitcast i64* %47 to double*
+  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %48, align 8
+  %indvars.iv.next775 = add nuw nsw i64 %indvars.iv774, 1
+  %exitcond778.not = icmp eq i64 %indvars.iv.next775, %wide.trip.count
+  br i1 %exitcond778.not, label %loop.end, label %loop.body
+  ret void


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