[llvm] c9e6678 - [LV] Move buildScalarSteps out of ILV (NFC).

Florian Hahn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 8 13:18:46 PST 2022

Author: Florian Hahn
Date: 2022-02-08T21:18:40Z
New Revision: c9e6678b56c4bed177d56136dad71b12198a4ebb

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c9e6678b56c4bed177d56136dad71b12198a4ebb
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c9e6678b56c4bed177d56136dad71b12198a4ebb.diff

LOG: [LV] Move buildScalarSteps out of ILV (NFC).

This makes the function independent of shared state in ILV (ensures no
new dependencies on things like the cost model are introduced) and allows
for use directly in recipe's ::execute functions.




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/LoopVectorize.cpp b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/LoopVectorize.cpp
index f8f54a0e7060..f4d16480a5ac 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/LoopVectorize.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/LoopVectorize.cpp
@@ -608,15 +608,6 @@ class InnerLoopVectorizer {
   /// represented as.
   void truncateToMinimalBitwidths(VPTransformState &State);
-  /// Compute scalar induction steps. \p ScalarIV is the scalar induction
-  /// variable on which to base the steps, \p Step is the size of the step, and
-  /// \p EntryVal is the value from the original loop that maps to the steps.
-  /// Note that \p EntryVal doesn't have to be an induction variable - it
-  /// can also be a truncate instruction.
-  void buildScalarSteps(Value *ScalarIV, Value *Step, Instruction *EntryVal,
-                        const InductionDescriptor &ID, VPValue *Def,
-                        VPTransformState &State);
   /// Create a vector induction phi node based on an existing scalar one. \p
   /// EntryVal is the value from the original loop that maps to the vector phi
   /// node, and \p Step is the loop-invariant step. If \p EntryVal is a
@@ -652,17 +643,6 @@ class InnerLoopVectorizer {
   /// added.
   BasicBlock *emitMemRuntimeChecks(Loop *L, BasicBlock *Bypass);
-  /// Compute the transformed value of Index at offset StartValue using step
-  /// StepValue.
-  /// For integer induction, returns StartValue + Index * StepValue.
-  /// For pointer induction, returns StartValue[Index * StepValue].
-  /// FIXME: The newly created binary instructions should contain nsw/nuw
-  /// flags, which can be found from the original scalar operations.
-  Value *emitTransformedIndex(IRBuilderBase &B, Value *Index,
-                              ScalarEvolution *SE, const DataLayout &DL,
-                              const InductionDescriptor &ID,
-                              BasicBlock *VectorHeader) const;
   /// Emit basic blocks (prefixed with \p Prefix) for the iteration check,
   /// vector loop preheader, middle block and scalar preheader. Also
   /// allocate a loop object for the new vector loop and return it.
@@ -2469,6 +2449,192 @@ void InnerLoopVectorizer::createVectorIntOrFpInductionPHI(
   VecInd->addIncoming(LastInduction, LoopVectorLatch);
+/// Compute scalar induction steps. \p ScalarIV is the scalar induction
+/// variable on which to base the steps, \p Step is the size of the step, and
+/// \p EntryVal is the value from the original loop that maps to the steps.
+/// Note that \p EntryVal doesn't have to be an induction variable - it
+/// can also be a truncate instruction.
+static void buildScalarSteps(Value *ScalarIV, Value *Step,
+                             Instruction *EntryVal,
+                             const InductionDescriptor &ID, VPValue *Def,
+                             VPTransformState &State) {
+  IRBuilderBase &Builder = State.Builder;
+  // We shouldn't have to build scalar steps if we aren't vectorizing.
+  assert(State.VF.isVector() && "VF should be greater than one");
+  // Get the value type and ensure it and the step have the same integer type.
+  Type *ScalarIVTy = ScalarIV->getType()->getScalarType();
+  assert(ScalarIVTy == Step->getType() &&
+         "Val and Step should have the same type");
+  // We build scalar steps for both integer and floating-point induction
+  // variables. Here, we determine the kind of arithmetic we will perform.
+  Instruction::BinaryOps AddOp;
+  Instruction::BinaryOps MulOp;
+  if (ScalarIVTy->isIntegerTy()) {
+    AddOp = Instruction::Add;
+    MulOp = Instruction::Mul;
+  } else {
+    AddOp = ID.getInductionOpcode();
+    MulOp = Instruction::FMul;
+  }
+  // Determine the number of scalars we need to generate for each unroll
+  // iteration.
+  bool FirstLaneOnly = vputils::onlyFirstLaneUsed(Def);
+  unsigned Lanes = FirstLaneOnly ? 1 : State.VF.getKnownMinValue();
+  // Compute the scalar steps and save the results in State.
+  Type *IntStepTy = IntegerType::get(ScalarIVTy->getContext(),
+                                     ScalarIVTy->getScalarSizeInBits());
+  Type *VecIVTy = nullptr;
+  Value *UnitStepVec = nullptr, *SplatStep = nullptr, *SplatIV = nullptr;
+  if (!FirstLaneOnly && State.VF.isScalable()) {
+    VecIVTy = VectorType::get(ScalarIVTy, State.VF);
+    UnitStepVec =
+        Builder.CreateStepVector(VectorType::get(IntStepTy, State.VF));
+    SplatStep = Builder.CreateVectorSplat(State.VF, Step);
+    SplatIV = Builder.CreateVectorSplat(State.VF, ScalarIV);
+  }
+  for (unsigned Part = 0; Part < State.UF; ++Part) {
+    Value *StartIdx0 = createStepForVF(Builder, IntStepTy, State.VF, Part);
+    if (!FirstLaneOnly && State.VF.isScalable()) {
+      auto *SplatStartIdx = Builder.CreateVectorSplat(State.VF, StartIdx0);
+      auto *InitVec = Builder.CreateAdd(SplatStartIdx, UnitStepVec);
+      if (ScalarIVTy->isFloatingPointTy())
+        InitVec = Builder.CreateSIToFP(InitVec, VecIVTy);
+      auto *Mul = Builder.CreateBinOp(MulOp, InitVec, SplatStep);
+      auto *Add = Builder.CreateBinOp(AddOp, SplatIV, Mul);
+      State.set(Def, Add, Part);
+      // It's useful to record the lane values too for the known minimum number
+      // of elements so we do those below. This improves the code quality when
+      // trying to extract the first element, for example.
+    }
+    if (ScalarIVTy->isFloatingPointTy())
+      StartIdx0 = Builder.CreateSIToFP(StartIdx0, ScalarIVTy);
+    for (unsigned Lane = 0; Lane < Lanes; ++Lane) {
+      Value *StartIdx = Builder.CreateBinOp(
+          AddOp, StartIdx0, getSignedIntOrFpConstant(ScalarIVTy, Lane));
+      // The step returned by `createStepForVF` is a runtime-evaluated value
+      // when VF is scalable. Otherwise, it should be folded into a Constant.
+      assert((State.VF.isScalable() || isa<Constant>(StartIdx)) &&
+             "Expected StartIdx to be folded to a constant when VF is not "
+             "scalable");
+      auto *Mul = Builder.CreateBinOp(MulOp, StartIdx, Step);
+      auto *Add = Builder.CreateBinOp(AddOp, ScalarIV, Mul);
+      State.set(Def, Add, VPIteration(Part, Lane));
+    }
+  }
+/// Compute the transformed value of Index at offset StartValue using step
+/// StepValue.
+/// For integer induction, returns StartValue + Index * StepValue.
+/// For pointer induction, returns StartValue[Index * StepValue].
+/// FIXME: The newly created binary instructions should contain nsw/nuw
+/// flags, which can be found from the original scalar operations.
+static Value *emitTransformedIndex(IRBuilderBase &B, Value *Index,
+                                   ScalarEvolution *SE, const DataLayout &DL,
+                                   const InductionDescriptor &ID, LoopInfo &LI,
+                                   BasicBlock *VectorHeader) {
+  SCEVExpander Exp(*SE, DL, "induction");
+  auto Step = ID.getStep();
+  auto StartValue = ID.getStartValue();
+  assert(Index->getType()->getScalarType() == Step->getType() &&
+         "Index scalar type does not match StepValue type");
+  // Note: the IR at this point is broken. We cannot use SE to create any new
+  // SCEV and then expand it, hoping that SCEV's simplification will give us
+  // a more optimal code. Unfortunately, attempt of doing so on invalid IR may
+  // lead to various SCEV crashes. So all we can do is to use builder and rely
+  // on InstCombine for future simplifications. Here we handle some trivial
+  // cases only.
+  auto CreateAdd = [&B](Value *X, Value *Y) {
+    assert(X->getType() == Y->getType() && "Types don't match!");
+    if (auto *CX = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(X))
+      if (CX->isZero())
+        return Y;
+    if (auto *CY = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Y))
+      if (CY->isZero())
+        return X;
+    return B.CreateAdd(X, Y);
+  };
+  // We allow X to be a vector type, in which case Y will potentially be
+  // splatted into a vector with the same element count.
+  auto CreateMul = [&B](Value *X, Value *Y) {
+    assert(X->getType()->getScalarType() == Y->getType() &&
+           "Types don't match!");
+    if (auto *CX = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(X))
+      if (CX->isOne())
+        return Y;
+    if (auto *CY = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Y))
+      if (CY->isOne())
+        return X;
+    VectorType *XVTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(X->getType());
+    if (XVTy && !isa<VectorType>(Y->getType()))
+      Y = B.CreateVectorSplat(XVTy->getElementCount(), Y);
+    return B.CreateMul(X, Y);
+  };
+  // Get a suitable insert point for SCEV expansion. For blocks in the vector
+  // loop, choose the end of the vector loop header (=VectorHeader), because
+  // the DomTree is not kept up-to-date for additional blocks generated in the
+  // vector loop. By using the header as insertion point, we guarantee that the
+  // expanded instructions dominate all their uses.
+  auto GetInsertPoint = [&B, &LI, VectorHeader]() {
+    BasicBlock *InsertBB = B.GetInsertPoint()->getParent();
+    if (InsertBB != VectorHeader &&
+        LI.getLoopFor(VectorHeader) == LI.getLoopFor(InsertBB))
+      return VectorHeader->getTerminator();
+    return &*B.GetInsertPoint();
+  };
+  switch (ID.getKind()) {
+  case InductionDescriptor::IK_IntInduction: {
+    assert(!isa<VectorType>(Index->getType()) &&
+           "Vector indices not supported for integer inductions yet");
+    assert(Index->getType() == StartValue->getType() &&
+           "Index type does not match StartValue type");
+    if (ID.getConstIntStepValue() && ID.getConstIntStepValue()->isMinusOne())
+      return B.CreateSub(StartValue, Index);
+    auto *Offset = CreateMul(
+        Index, Exp.expandCodeFor(Step, Index->getType(), GetInsertPoint()));
+    return CreateAdd(StartValue, Offset);
+  }
+  case InductionDescriptor::IK_PtrInduction: {
+    assert(isa<SCEVConstant>(Step) &&
+           "Expected constant step for pointer induction");
+    return B.CreateGEP(
+        ID.getElementType(), StartValue,
+        CreateMul(Index,
+                  Exp.expandCodeFor(Step, Index->getType()->getScalarType(),
+                                    GetInsertPoint())));
+  }
+  case InductionDescriptor::IK_FpInduction: {
+    assert(!isa<VectorType>(Index->getType()) &&
+           "Vector indices not supported for FP inductions yet");
+    assert(Step->getType()->isFloatingPointTy() && "Expected FP Step value");
+    auto InductionBinOp = ID.getInductionBinOp();
+    assert(InductionBinOp &&
+           (InductionBinOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::FAdd ||
+            InductionBinOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::FSub) &&
+           "Original bin op should be defined for FP induction");
+    Value *StepValue = cast<SCEVUnknown>(Step)->getValue();
+    Value *MulExp = B.CreateFMul(StepValue, Index);
+    return B.CreateBinOp(InductionBinOp->getOpcode(), StartValue, MulExp,
+                         "induction");
+  }
+  case InductionDescriptor::IK_NoInduction:
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("invalid enum");
 void InnerLoopVectorizer::widenIntOrFpInduction(
     PHINode *IV, VPWidenIntOrFpInductionRecipe *Def, VPTransformState &State,
     Value *CanonicalIV) {
@@ -2511,7 +2677,7 @@ void InnerLoopVectorizer::widenIntOrFpInduction(
               ? Builder.CreateSExtOrTrunc(ScalarIV, NeededType)
               : Builder.CreateCast(Instruction::SIToFP, ScalarIV, NeededType);
       ScalarIV = emitTransformedIndex(Builder, ScalarIV, PSE.getSE(), DL, ID,
-                                      State.CFG.PrevBB);
+                                      *State.LI, State.CFG.PrevBB);
     if (Trunc) {
@@ -2573,82 +2739,6 @@ void InnerLoopVectorizer::widenIntOrFpInduction(
-void InnerLoopVectorizer::buildScalarSteps(Value *ScalarIV, Value *Step,
-                                           Instruction *EntryVal,
-                                           const InductionDescriptor &ID,
-                                           VPValue *Def,
-                                           VPTransformState &State) {
-  IRBuilderBase &Builder = State.Builder;
-  // We shouldn't have to build scalar steps if we aren't vectorizing.
-  assert(State.VF.isVector() && "VF should be greater than one");
-  // Get the value type and ensure it and the step have the same integer type.
-  Type *ScalarIVTy = ScalarIV->getType()->getScalarType();
-  assert(ScalarIVTy == Step->getType() &&
-         "Val and Step should have the same type");
-  // We build scalar steps for both integer and floating-point induction
-  // variables. Here, we determine the kind of arithmetic we will perform.
-  Instruction::BinaryOps AddOp;
-  Instruction::BinaryOps MulOp;
-  if (ScalarIVTy->isIntegerTy()) {
-    AddOp = Instruction::Add;
-    MulOp = Instruction::Mul;
-  } else {
-    AddOp = ID.getInductionOpcode();
-    MulOp = Instruction::FMul;
-  }
-  // Determine the number of scalars we need to generate for each unroll
-  // iteration.
-  bool FirstLaneOnly = vputils::onlyFirstLaneUsed(Def);
-  unsigned Lanes = FirstLaneOnly ? 1 : State.VF.getKnownMinValue();
-  // Compute the scalar steps and save the results in State.
-  Type *IntStepTy = IntegerType::get(ScalarIVTy->getContext(),
-                                     ScalarIVTy->getScalarSizeInBits());
-  Type *VecIVTy = nullptr;
-  Value *UnitStepVec = nullptr, *SplatStep = nullptr, *SplatIV = nullptr;
-  if (!FirstLaneOnly && State.VF.isScalable()) {
-    VecIVTy = VectorType::get(ScalarIVTy, State.VF);
-    UnitStepVec =
-        Builder.CreateStepVector(VectorType::get(IntStepTy, State.VF));
-    SplatStep = Builder.CreateVectorSplat(State.VF, Step);
-    SplatIV = Builder.CreateVectorSplat(State.VF, ScalarIV);
-  }
-  for (unsigned Part = 0; Part < State.UF; ++Part) {
-    Value *StartIdx0 = createStepForVF(Builder, IntStepTy, State.VF, Part);
-    if (!FirstLaneOnly && State.VF.isScalable()) {
-      auto *SplatStartIdx = Builder.CreateVectorSplat(State.VF, StartIdx0);
-      auto *InitVec = Builder.CreateAdd(SplatStartIdx, UnitStepVec);
-      if (ScalarIVTy->isFloatingPointTy())
-        InitVec = Builder.CreateSIToFP(InitVec, VecIVTy);
-      auto *Mul = Builder.CreateBinOp(MulOp, InitVec, SplatStep);
-      auto *Add = Builder.CreateBinOp(AddOp, SplatIV, Mul);
-      State.set(Def, Add, Part);
-      // It's useful to record the lane values too for the known minimum number
-      // of elements so we do those below. This improves the code quality when
-      // trying to extract the first element, for example.
-    }
-    if (ScalarIVTy->isFloatingPointTy())
-      StartIdx0 = Builder.CreateSIToFP(StartIdx0, ScalarIVTy);
-    for (unsigned Lane = 0; Lane < Lanes; ++Lane) {
-      Value *StartIdx = Builder.CreateBinOp(
-          AddOp, StartIdx0, getSignedIntOrFpConstant(ScalarIVTy, Lane));
-      // The step returned by `createStepForVF` is a runtime-evaluated value
-      // when VF is scalable. Otherwise, it should be folded into a Constant.
-      assert((State.VF.isScalable() || isa<Constant>(StartIdx)) &&
-             "Expected StartIdx to be folded to a constant when VF is not "
-             "scalable");
-      auto *Mul = Builder.CreateBinOp(MulOp, StartIdx, Step);
-      auto *Add = Builder.CreateBinOp(AddOp, ScalarIV, Mul);
-      State.set(Def, Add, VPIteration(Part, Lane));
-    }
-  }
 void InnerLoopVectorizer::packScalarIntoVectorValue(VPValue *Def,
                                                     const VPIteration &Instance,
                                                     VPTransformState &State) {
@@ -3217,105 +3307,6 @@ BasicBlock *InnerLoopVectorizer::emitMemRuntimeChecks(Loop *L,
   return MemCheckBlock;
-Value *InnerLoopVectorizer::emitTransformedIndex(
-    IRBuilderBase &B, Value *Index, ScalarEvolution *SE, const DataLayout &DL,
-    const InductionDescriptor &ID, BasicBlock *VectorHeader) const {
-  SCEVExpander Exp(*SE, DL, "induction");
-  auto Step = ID.getStep();
-  auto StartValue = ID.getStartValue();
-  assert(Index->getType()->getScalarType() == Step->getType() &&
-         "Index scalar type does not match StepValue type");
-  // Note: the IR at this point is broken. We cannot use SE to create any new
-  // SCEV and then expand it, hoping that SCEV's simplification will give us
-  // a more optimal code. Unfortunately, attempt of doing so on invalid IR may
-  // lead to various SCEV crashes. So all we can do is to use builder and rely
-  // on InstCombine for future simplifications. Here we handle some trivial
-  // cases only.
-  auto CreateAdd = [&B](Value *X, Value *Y) {
-    assert(X->getType() == Y->getType() && "Types don't match!");
-    if (auto *CX = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(X))
-      if (CX->isZero())
-        return Y;
-    if (auto *CY = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Y))
-      if (CY->isZero())
-        return X;
-    return B.CreateAdd(X, Y);
-  };
-  // We allow X to be a vector type, in which case Y will potentially be
-  // splatted into a vector with the same element count.
-  auto CreateMul = [&B](Value *X, Value *Y) {
-    assert(X->getType()->getScalarType() == Y->getType() &&
-           "Types don't match!");
-    if (auto *CX = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(X))
-      if (CX->isOne())
-        return Y;
-    if (auto *CY = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Y))
-      if (CY->isOne())
-        return X;
-    VectorType *XVTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(X->getType());
-    if (XVTy && !isa<VectorType>(Y->getType()))
-      Y = B.CreateVectorSplat(XVTy->getElementCount(), Y);
-    return B.CreateMul(X, Y);
-  };
-  // Get a suitable insert point for SCEV expansion. For blocks in the vector
-  // loop, choose the end of the vector loop header (=VectorHeader), because
-  // the DomTree is not kept up-to-date for additional blocks generated in the
-  // vector loop. By using the header as insertion point, we guarantee that the
-  // expanded instructions dominate all their uses.
-  auto GetInsertPoint = [this, &B, VectorHeader]() {
-    BasicBlock *InsertBB = B.GetInsertPoint()->getParent();
-    if (InsertBB != LoopVectorBody &&
-        LI->getLoopFor(VectorHeader) == LI->getLoopFor(InsertBB))
-      return VectorHeader->getTerminator();
-    return &*B.GetInsertPoint();
-  };
-  switch (ID.getKind()) {
-  case InductionDescriptor::IK_IntInduction: {
-    assert(!isa<VectorType>(Index->getType()) &&
-           "Vector indices not supported for integer inductions yet");
-    assert(Index->getType() == StartValue->getType() &&
-           "Index type does not match StartValue type");
-    if (ID.getConstIntStepValue() && ID.getConstIntStepValue()->isMinusOne())
-      return B.CreateSub(StartValue, Index);
-    auto *Offset = CreateMul(
-        Index, Exp.expandCodeFor(Step, Index->getType(), GetInsertPoint()));
-    return CreateAdd(StartValue, Offset);
-  }
-  case InductionDescriptor::IK_PtrInduction: {
-    assert(isa<SCEVConstant>(Step) &&
-           "Expected constant step for pointer induction");
-    return B.CreateGEP(
-        ID.getElementType(), StartValue,
-        CreateMul(Index,
-                  Exp.expandCodeFor(Step, Index->getType()->getScalarType(),
-                                    GetInsertPoint())));
-  }
-  case InductionDescriptor::IK_FpInduction: {
-    assert(!isa<VectorType>(Index->getType()) &&
-           "Vector indices not supported for FP inductions yet");
-    assert(Step->getType()->isFloatingPointTy() && "Expected FP Step value");
-    auto InductionBinOp = ID.getInductionBinOp();
-    assert(InductionBinOp &&
-           (InductionBinOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::FAdd ||
-            InductionBinOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::FSub) &&
-           "Original bin op should be defined for FP induction");
-    Value *StepValue = cast<SCEVUnknown>(Step)->getValue();
-    Value *MulExp = B.CreateFMul(StepValue, Index);
-    return B.CreateBinOp(InductionBinOp->getOpcode(), StartValue, MulExp,
-                         "induction");
-  }
-  case InductionDescriptor::IK_NoInduction:
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  llvm_unreachable("invalid enum");
 Loop *InnerLoopVectorizer::createVectorLoopSkeleton(StringRef Prefix) {
   LoopScalarBody = OrigLoop->getHeader();
   LoopVectorPreHeader = OrigLoop->getLoopPreheader();
@@ -3420,8 +3411,8 @@ void InnerLoopVectorizer::createInductionResumeValues(
           CastInst::getCastOpcode(VectorTripCount, true, StepType, true);
       Value *CRD = B.CreateCast(CastOp, VectorTripCount, StepType, "cast.crd");
       const DataLayout &DL = LoopScalarBody->getModule()->getDataLayout();
-      EndValue =
-          emitTransformedIndex(B, CRD, PSE.getSE(), DL, II, LoopVectorBody);
+      EndValue = emitTransformedIndex(B, CRD, PSE.getSE(), DL, II, *LI,
+                                      LoopVectorBody);
       // Compute the end value for the additional bypass (if applicable).
@@ -3431,8 +3422,8 @@ void InnerLoopVectorizer::createInductionResumeValues(
                                          StepType, true);
         CRD =
             B.CreateCast(CastOp, AdditionalBypass.second, StepType, "cast.crd");
-        EndValueFromAdditionalBypass =
-            emitTransformedIndex(B, CRD, PSE.getSE(), DL, II, LoopVectorBody);
+        EndValueFromAdditionalBypass = emitTransformedIndex(
+            B, CRD, PSE.getSE(), DL, II, *LI, LoopVectorBody);
@@ -3624,8 +3615,8 @@ void InnerLoopVectorizer::fixupIVUsers(PHINode *OrigPhi,
               : B.CreateSExtOrTrunc(CountMinusOne, II.getStep()->getType());
-      Value *Escape =
-          emitTransformedIndex(B, CMO, PSE.getSE(), DL, II, LoopVectorBody);
+      Value *Escape = emitTransformedIndex(B, CMO, PSE.getSE(), DL, II, *LI,
+                                           LoopVectorBody);
       MissingVals[UI] = Escape;
@@ -4513,8 +4504,9 @@ void InnerLoopVectorizer::widenPHIInstruction(Instruction *PN,
           Value *Idx = Builder.CreateAdd(
               PartStart, ConstantInt::get(PtrInd->getType(), Lane));
           Value *GlobalIdx = Builder.CreateAdd(PtrInd, Idx);
-          Value *SclrGep = emitTransformedIndex(Builder, GlobalIdx, PSE.getSE(),
-                                                DL, II, State.CFG.PrevBB);
+          Value *SclrGep =
+              emitTransformedIndex(Builder, GlobalIdx, PSE.getSE(), DL, II,
+                                   *State.LI, State.CFG.PrevBB);
           State.set(PhiR, SclrGep, VPIteration(Part, Lane));


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