[llvm] 67db311 - [llvm-profgen] Clean up unnecessary memory reservations between phases.

Hongtao Yu via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 1 16:29:30 PST 2022

Author: Hongtao Yu
Date: 2022-02-01T16:27:54-08:00
New Revision: 67db31115dca9828e1b06b014f823e7891d20e40

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/67db31115dca9828e1b06b014f823e7891d20e40
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/67db31115dca9828e1b06b014f823e7891d20e40.diff

LOG: [llvm-profgen] Clean up unnecessary memory reservations between phases.

Cleaning up data structures that are not used after a certain point. This further brings down peak memory usage by 15% for a large benchmark.

   note: Before parsePerfTraces
   note: VM: 40.73 GB   RSS: 39.18 GB
   note: Before parseAndAggregateTrace
   note: VM: 40.73 GB   RSS: 39.18 GB
   note: After parseAndAggregateTrace
   note: VM: 88.93 GB   RSS: 87.97 GB
   note: Before generateUnsymbolizedProfile
   note: VM: 88.95 GB   RSS: 87.99 GB
   note: After generateUnsymbolizedProfile
   note: VM: 93.50 GB   RSS: 92.53 GB
   note: After computeSizeForProfiledFunctions
   note: VM: 101.13 GB   RSS: 99.36 GB
   note: After generateProbeBasedProfile
   note: VM: 215.61 GB   RSS: 210.88 GB
   note: After postProcessProfiles
   note: VM: 237.48 GB   RSS: 212.50 GB

   note: Before parsePerfTraces
   note: VM: 40.73 GB   RSS: 39.18 GB
   note: Before parseAndAggregateTrace
   note: VM: 40.73 GB   RSS: 39.18 GB
   note: After parseAndAggregateTrace
   note: VM: 88.93 GB   RSS: 87.96 GB
   note: Before generateUnsymbolizedProfile
   note: VM: 88.95 GB   RSS: 87.97 GB
   note: After generateUnsymbolizedProfile
   note: VM: 93.50 GB   RSS: 92.51 GB
   note: After computeSizeForProfiledFunctions
   note: VM: 93.50 GB   RSS: 92.53 GB
   note: After generateProbeBasedProfile
   note: VM: 164.87 GB   RSS: 163.55 GB
   note: After postProcessProfiles
   note: VM: 182.28 GB   RSS: 179.43 GB

Reviewed By: wenlei, wlei

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D118677




diff  --git a/llvm/tools/llvm-profgen/PerfReader.cpp b/llvm/tools/llvm-profgen/PerfReader.cpp
index 46422ce470898..98b4c7cdf169a 100644
--- a/llvm/tools/llvm-profgen/PerfReader.cpp
+++ b/llvm/tools/llvm-profgen/PerfReader.cpp
@@ -1212,6 +1212,7 @@ void PerfScriptReader::parsePerfTraces() {
+  AggregatedSamples.clear();
   if (SkipSymbolization)


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