[llvm] 15f7857 - [tests] Refresh autogen tests for SLP

Philip Reames via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jan 24 17:06:14 PST 2022

Author: Philip Reames
Date: 2022-01-24T17:05:58-08:00
New Revision: 15f7857412aebcaa0277803f8eafbd366e236820

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/15f7857412aebcaa0277803f8eafbd366e236820
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/15f7857412aebcaa0277803f8eafbd366e236820.diff

LOG: [tests] Refresh autogen tests for SLP




diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/64-bit-vector.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/64-bit-vector.ll
index ad970b2bec1bf..10883987aa758 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/64-bit-vector.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/64-bit-vector.ll
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ define void @f(float* %r, float* %w) {
 ; NO_SLP-LABEL: @f(
 ; NO_SLP-NEXT:    [[R0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[R:%.*]], i64 0
 ; NO_SLP-NEXT:    [[R1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[R]], i64 1
-; NO_SLP-NEXT:    [[F0:%.*]] = load float, float* [[R0]]
-; NO_SLP-NEXT:    [[F1:%.*]] = load float, float* [[R1]]
+; NO_SLP-NEXT:    [[F0:%.*]] = load float, float* [[R0]], align 4
+; NO_SLP-NEXT:    [[F1:%.*]] = load float, float* [[R1]], align 4
 ; NO_SLP-NEXT:    [[ADD0:%.*]] = fadd float [[F0]], [[F0]]
 ; NO_SLP-NEXT:    [[ADD1:%.*]] = fadd float [[F1]], [[F1]]
 ; NO_SLP-NEXT:    [[W0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[W:%.*]], i64 0
 ; NO_SLP-NEXT:    [[W1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[W]], i64 1
-; NO_SLP-NEXT:    store float [[ADD0]], float* [[W0]]
-; NO_SLP-NEXT:    store float [[ADD1]], float* [[W1]]
+; NO_SLP-NEXT:    store float [[ADD0]], float* [[W0]], align 4
+; NO_SLP-NEXT:    store float [[ADD1]], float* [[W1]], align 4
 ; NO_SLP-NEXT:    ret void
   %r0 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %r, i64 0

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/slp-or-reduction.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/slp-or-reduction.ll
index 185eb8a73ffb1..53126ee407e98 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/slp-or-reduction.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/slp-or-reduction.ll
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ define i8 @reduce_or(%struct.buf* %a, %struct.buf* %b) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = xor <8 x i8> [[TMP3]], [[TMP1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = call i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.or.v8i8(<8 x i8> [[TMP4]])
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i8 [[TMP5]]
   %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds %struct.buf, %struct.buf* %a, i64 0, i32 0, i64 0

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/spillcost-di.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/spillcost-di.ll
index 98a9fd482e872..39f2f885bc26b 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/spillcost-di.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/spillcost-di.ll
@@ -9,20 +9,20 @@ target triple = "aarch64"
 define void @patatino(i64 %n, i64 %i, %struct.S* %p) !dbg !7 {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @patatino(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 [[N:%.*]], metadata !18, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !23
-; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 [[I:%.*]], metadata !19, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !24
-; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata %struct.S* [[P:%.*]], metadata !20, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !25
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[X1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_S:%.*]], %struct.S* [[P]], i64 [[N]], i32 0, !dbg !26
-; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 undef, metadata !21, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !27
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_S]], %struct.S* [[P]], i64 [[N]], i32 1, !dbg !28
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[X1]] to <2 x i64>*, !dbg !26
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* [[TMP0]], align 8, !dbg !26, !tbaa !29
-; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 undef, metadata !22, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !33
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[X5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_S]], %struct.S* [[P]], i64 [[I]], i32 0, !dbg !34
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y7:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_S]], %struct.S* [[P]], i64 [[I]], i32 1, !dbg !35
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[X5]] to <2 x i64>*, !dbg !36
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP1]], <2 x i64>* [[TMP2]], align 8, !dbg !36, !tbaa !29
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void, !dbg !37
+; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 [[N:%.*]], metadata [[META18:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG23:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 [[I:%.*]], metadata [[META19:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG24:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata %struct.S* [[P:%.*]], metadata [[META20:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG25:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[X1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_S:%.*]], %struct.S* [[P]], i64 [[N]], i32 0, !dbg [[DBG26:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 undef, metadata [[META21:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG27:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_S]], %struct.S* [[P]], i64 [[N]], i32 1, !dbg [[DBG28:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[X1]] to <2 x i64>*, !dbg [[DBG26]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* [[TMP0]], align 8, !dbg [[DBG26]], !tbaa [[TBAA29:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 undef, metadata [[META22:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG33:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[X5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_S]], %struct.S* [[P]], i64 [[I]], i32 0, !dbg [[DBG34:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y7:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_S]], %struct.S* [[P]], i64 [[I]], i32 1, !dbg [[DBG35:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[X5]] to <2 x i64>*, !dbg [[DBG36:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP1]], <2 x i64>* [[TMP2]], align 8, !dbg [[DBG36]], !tbaa [[TBAA29]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void, !dbg [[DBG37:![0-9]+]]
   call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 %n, metadata !18, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !23

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/add_sub_sat-inseltpoison.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/add_sub_sat-inseltpoison.ll
index f2c4b7e899c12..a86fd0e9b8693 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/add_sub_sat-inseltpoison.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/add_sub_sat-inseltpoison.ll
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ define <3 x i16> @uadd_sat_v3i16(<3 x i16> %arg0, <3 x i16> %arg1) {
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <3 x i16> [[ARG1]], <3 x i16> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1>
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = call <2 x i16> @llvm.uadd.sat.v2i16(<2 x i16> [[TMP0]], <2 x i16> [[TMP1]])
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[ADD_2:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.uadd.sat.i16(i16 [[ARG0_2]], i16 [[ARG1_2]])
-; GFX8-NEXT:    [[INS_11:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i16> [[TMP2]], <2 x i16> poison, <3 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef>
-; GFX8-NEXT:    [[INS_2:%.*]] = insertelement <3 x i16> [[INS_11]], i16 [[ADD_2]], i64 2
+; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i16> [[TMP2]], <2 x i16> poison, <3 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef>
+; GFX8-NEXT:    [[INS_2:%.*]] = insertelement <3 x i16> [[TMP3]], i16 [[ADD_2]], i64 2
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    ret <3 x i16> [[INS_2]]
@@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ define <4 x i16> @uadd_sat_v4i16(<4 x i16> %arg0, <4 x i16> %arg1) {
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> [[ARG0]], <4 x i16> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3>
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> [[ARG1]], <4 x i16> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3>
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = call <2 x i16> @llvm.uadd.sat.v2i16(<2 x i16> [[TMP3]], <2 x i16> [[TMP4]])
-; GFX8-NEXT:    [[INS_32:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i16> [[TMP2]], <2 x i16> [[TMP5]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
-; GFX8-NEXT:    ret <4 x i16> [[INS_32]]
+; GFX8-NEXT:    [[INS_31:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i16> [[TMP2]], <2 x i16> [[TMP5]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+; GFX8-NEXT:    ret <4 x i16> [[INS_31]]
   %arg0.0 = extractelement <4 x i16> %arg0, i64 0

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/add_sub_sat.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/add_sub_sat.ll
index af1b7f42f9973..503e947ebeed2 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/add_sub_sat.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/add_sub_sat.ll
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ define <3 x i16> @uadd_sat_v3i16(<3 x i16> %arg0, <3 x i16> %arg1) {
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <3 x i16> [[ARG1]], <3 x i16> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1>
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = call <2 x i16> @llvm.uadd.sat.v2i16(<2 x i16> [[TMP0]], <2 x i16> [[TMP1]])
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[ADD_2:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.uadd.sat.i16(i16 [[ARG0_2]], i16 [[ARG1_2]])
-; GFX8-NEXT:    [[INS_11:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i16> [[TMP2]], <2 x i16> poison, <3 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef>
-; GFX8-NEXT:    [[INS_2:%.*]] = insertelement <3 x i16> [[INS_11]], i16 [[ADD_2]], i64 2
+; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i16> [[TMP2]], <2 x i16> poison, <3 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef>
+; GFX8-NEXT:    [[INS_2:%.*]] = insertelement <3 x i16> [[TMP3]], i16 [[ADD_2]], i64 2
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    ret <3 x i16> [[INS_2]]
@@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ define <4 x i16> @uadd_sat_v4i16(<4 x i16> %arg0, <4 x i16> %arg1) {
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> [[ARG0]], <4 x i16> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3>
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> [[ARG1]], <4 x i16> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3>
 ; GFX8-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = call <2 x i16> @llvm.uadd.sat.v2i16(<2 x i16> [[TMP3]], <2 x i16> [[TMP4]])
-; GFX8-NEXT:    [[INS_32:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i16> [[TMP2]], <2 x i16> [[TMP5]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
-; GFX8-NEXT:    ret <4 x i16> [[INS_32]]
+; GFX8-NEXT:    [[INS_31:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i16> [[TMP2]], <2 x i16> [[TMP5]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+; GFX8-NEXT:    ret <4 x i16> [[INS_31]]
   %arg0.0 = extractelement <4 x i16> %arg0, i64 0

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/address-space-ptr-sze-gep-index-assert.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/address-space-ptr-sze-gep-index-assert.ll
index 4f85482e3ae00..fc6347dcaa427 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/address-space-ptr-sze-gep-index-assert.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AMDGPU/address-space-ptr-sze-gep-index-assert.ll
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ define void @slp_scev_assert(i32 %idx, i64 %tmp3) #0 {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP:%.*]] = addrspacecast i8 addrspace(5)* undef to i8*
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8 addrspace(5)* undef, i32 [[IDX:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* [[TMP]], i64 [[TMP3:%.*]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i8 0, i8 addrspace(5)* [[TMP2]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i8 0, i8* [[TMP4]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i8 0, i8 addrspace(5)* [[TMP2]], align 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i8 0, i8* [[TMP4]], align 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ define void @multi_as_reduction_
diff erent_sized(i32 addrspace(3)* %lds, i32 %idx
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[LOAD_FLAT_1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[FLAT_1]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB0:%.*]] = sub i32 [[LOAD_FLAT_0]], [[LOAD_LDS_0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB1:%.*]] = sub i32 [[LOAD_FLAT_1]], [[LOAD_LDS_1]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB0]], i32* undef
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB1]], i32* undef
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB0]], i32* undef, align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB1]], i32* undef, align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ define void @multi_as_reduction_same_size(i32 addrspace(1)* %global, i64 %idx0,
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[LOAD_FLAT_1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[FLAT_1]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB0:%.*]] = sub i32 [[LOAD_FLAT_0]], [[LOAD_GLOBAL_0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB1:%.*]] = sub i32 [[LOAD_FLAT_1]], [[LOAD_GLOBAL_1]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB0]], i32* undef
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB1]], i32* undef
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB0]], i32* undef, align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB1]], i32* undef, align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ define void @multi_as_reduction_
diff erent_sized_noncanon(i32 addrspace(3)* %lds,
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[LOAD_FLAT_1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[FLAT_1]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB0:%.*]] = sub i32 [[LOAD_FLAT_0]], [[LOAD_LDS_0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB1:%.*]] = sub i32 [[LOAD_FLAT_1]], [[LOAD_LDS_1]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB0]], i32* undef
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB1]], i32* undef
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB0]], i32* undef, align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[SUB1]], i32* undef, align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
@@ -148,9 +148,17 @@ bb:
   ret void
-; CHECK-LABEL: slp_crash_on_addrspacecast
-; CHECK: ret void
 define void @slp_crash_on_addrspacecast() {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @slp_crash_on_addrspacecast(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64 addrspace(3)* undef, i32 undef
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[P0:%.*]] = addrspacecast i64 addrspace(3)* [[TMP0]] to i64*
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i64 undef, i64* [[P0]], align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64 addrspace(3)* undef, i32 undef
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[P1:%.*]] = addrspacecast i64 addrspace(3)* [[TMP1]] to i64*
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i64 undef, i64* [[P1]], align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
   %0 = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64 addrspace(3)* undef, i32 undef
   %p0 = addrspacecast i64 addrspace(3)* %0 to i64*

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/PowerPC/aggregate.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/PowerPC/aggregate.ll
index 99af834e5b81e..974bddc4ba2cf 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/PowerPC/aggregate.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/PowerPC/aggregate.ll
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ define { i64, i64 } @getS() {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @getS(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i64, i64* bitcast (%struct.S* @kS0 to i64*), align 8
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load i64, i64* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds (%struct.S, %struct.S* @kS0, i64 0, i32 1) to i64*), align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load i64, i64* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([[STRUCT_S:%.*]], %struct.S* @kS0, i64 0, i32 1) to i64*), align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = insertvalue { i64, i64 } undef, i64 [[TMP0]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = insertvalue { i64, i64 } [[TMP2]], i64 [[TMP1]], 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret { i64, i64 } [[TMP3]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/PR34635.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/PR34635.ll
index daa68b12b3300..33be367b35311 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/PR34635.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/PR34635.ll
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ; RUN: opt < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux -slp-vectorizer -S -mcpu=corei7 | FileCheck %s
 define i32 @main() {
-; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@main(
+; CHECK-LABEL: @main(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  bb:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T:%.*]] = alloca <8 x i32>, align 32
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i32>* [[T]] to [8 x i32]*

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/PR36280.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/PR36280.ll
index 1001468fd6f74..6968171f5db7c 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/PR36280.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/PR36280.ll
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ define float @jacobi(float* %p, float %x, float %y, float %z) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @jacobi(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[GEP1:%.*]] = getelementptr float, float* [[P:%.*]], i64 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[GEP2:%.*]] = getelementptr float, float* [[P]], i64 2
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[P1:%.*]] = load float, float* [[GEP1]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[P2:%.*]] = load float, float* [[GEP2]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[P1:%.*]] = load float, float* [[GEP1]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[P2:%.*]] = load float, float* [[GEP2]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MUL1:%.*]] = fmul float [[P1]], [[X:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MUL2:%.*]] = fmul float [[P2]], [[Y:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD1:%.*]] = fadd float [[MUL1]], [[Z:%.*]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/aggregate.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/aggregate.ll
index f270dbf4f78e7..1af4154a8f338 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/aggregate.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/aggregate.ll
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ define { i64, i64 } @getS() {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @getS(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i64, i64* bitcast (%struct.S* @kS0 to i64*), align 8
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load i64, i64* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds (%struct.S, %struct.S* @kS0, i64 0, i32 1) to i64*), align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load i64, i64* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([[STRUCT_S:%.*]], %struct.S* @kS0, i64 0, i32 1) to i64*), align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = insertvalue { i64, i64 } undef, i64 [[TMP0]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = insertvalue { i64, i64 } [[TMP2]], i64 [[TMP1]], 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret { i64, i64 } [[TMP3]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/alternate-cast-inseltpoison.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/alternate-cast-inseltpoison.ll
index 44d0f17182694..2416d100f653f 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/alternate-cast-inseltpoison.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/alternate-cast-inseltpoison.ll
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ define <8 x float> @sitofp_4i32_8i16(<4 x i32> %a, <8 x i16> %b) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = sitofp <4 x i32> [[A:%.*]] to <4 x float>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[B:%.*]], <8 x i16> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = sitofp <4 x i16> [[TMP2]] to <4 x float>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R72:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP1]], <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R72]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R71:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP1]], <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R71]]
   %a0 = extractelement <4 x i32> %a, i32 0
   %a1 = extractelement <4 x i32> %a, i32 1
@@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ define <8 x float> @sitofp_uitofp_4i32_8i16_16i8(<4 x i32> %a, <8 x i16> %b, <16
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = sitofp <2 x i8> [[TMP8]] to <2 x float>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = uitofp <2 x i8> [[TMP8]] to <2 x float>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[TMP9]], <2 x float> [[TMP10]], <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 3>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R31:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[TMP7]], <2 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R53:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[R31]], <8 x float> [[TMP12]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 8, i32 9, i32 undef, i32 undef>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[TMP11]], <2 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R72:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[R53]], <8 x float> [[TMP13]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 8, i32 9>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R72]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[TMP7]], <2 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R52:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[TMP12]], <8 x float> [[TMP13]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 8, i32 9, i32 undef, i32 undef>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP14:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[TMP11]], <2 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R71:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[R52]], <8 x float> [[TMP14]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 8, i32 9>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R71]]
   %a0 = extractelement <4 x i32> %a, i32 0
   %a1 = extractelement <4 x i32> %a, i32 1

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/alternate-cast.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/alternate-cast.ll
index 5b537ac6683f4..7d44d988143f9 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/alternate-cast.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/alternate-cast.ll
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ define <8 x float> @sitofp_4i32_8i16(<4 x i32> %a, <8 x i16> %b) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = sitofp <4 x i32> [[A:%.*]] to <4 x float>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[B:%.*]], <8 x i16> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = sitofp <4 x i16> [[TMP2]] to <4 x float>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R72:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP1]], <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R72]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R71:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP1]], <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R71]]
   %a0 = extractelement <4 x i32> %a, i32 0
   %a1 = extractelement <4 x i32> %a, i32 1
@@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ define <8 x float> @sitofp_uitofp_4i32_8i16_16i8(<4 x i32> %a, <8 x i16> %b, <16
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = sitofp <2 x i8> [[TMP8]] to <2 x float>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = uitofp <2 x i8> [[TMP8]] to <2 x float>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[TMP9]], <2 x float> [[TMP10]], <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 3>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R31:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[TMP7]], <2 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R53:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[R31]], <8 x float> [[TMP12]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 8, i32 9, i32 undef, i32 undef>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[TMP11]], <2 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R72:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[R53]], <8 x float> [[TMP13]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 8, i32 9>
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R72]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[TMP7]], <2 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R52:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[TMP12]], <8 x float> [[TMP13]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 8, i32 9, i32 undef, i32 undef>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP14:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[TMP11]], <2 x float> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R71:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[R52]], <8 x float> [[TMP14]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 8, i32 9>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R71]]
   %a0 = extractelement <4 x i32> %a, i32 0
   %a1 = extractelement <4 x i32> %a, i32 1

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/arith-add-ssat.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/arith-add-ssat.ll
index a94439f348702..66154522c327d 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/arith-add-ssat.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/arith-add-ssat.ll
@@ -96,6 +96,24 @@ define void @add_v8i64() {
 ; SLM-NEXT:    store i64 [[R7]], i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 7), align 8
 ; SLM-NEXT:    ret void
+; AVX-LABEL: @add_v8i64(
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @b64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @b64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = call <4 x i64> @llvm.sadd.sat.v4i64(<4 x i64> [[TMP1]], <4 x i64> [[TMP3]])
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = call <4 x i64> @llvm.sadd.sat.v4i64(<4 x i64> [[TMP2]], <4 x i64> [[TMP4]])
+; AVX-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP5]], <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @c64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP6]], <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    ret void
+; AVX512-LABEL: @add_v8i64(
+; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <8 x i64>, <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <8 x i64>, <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @b64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call <8 x i64> @llvm.sadd.sat.v8i64(<8 x i64> [[TMP1]], <8 x i64> [[TMP2]])
+; AVX512-NEXT:    store <8 x i64> [[TMP3]], <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @c64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX512-NEXT:    ret void
 ; AVX1-LABEL: @add_v8i64(
 ; AVX1-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <2 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX1-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 2) to <2 x i64>*), align 8
@@ -114,7 +132,6 @@ define void @add_v8i64() {
 ; AVX1-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP11]], <2 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 4) to <2 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX1-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP12]], <2 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 6) to <2 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX1-NEXT:    ret void
 ; AVX2-LABEL: @add_v8i64(
 ; AVX2-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX2-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
@@ -125,14 +142,6 @@ define void @add_v8i64() {
 ; AVX2-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP5]], <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @c64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX2-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP6]], <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX2-NEXT:    ret void
-; AVX512-LABEL: @add_v8i64(
-; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <8 x i64>, <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
-; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <8 x i64>, <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @b64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
-; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call <8 x i64> @llvm.sadd.sat.v8i64(<8 x i64> [[TMP1]], <8 x i64> [[TMP2]])
-; AVX512-NEXT:    store <8 x i64> [[TMP3]], <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @c64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
-; AVX512-NEXT:    ret void
 ; AVX256BW-LABEL: @add_v8i64(
 ; AVX256BW-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX256BW-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
@@ -143,7 +152,6 @@ define void @add_v8i64() {
 ; AVX256BW-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP5]], <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @c64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX256BW-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP6]], <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX256BW-NEXT:    ret void
   %a0 = load i64, i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 0), align 8
   %a1 = load i64, i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 1), align 8
   %a2 = load i64, i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 2), align 8

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/arith-sub-ssat.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/arith-sub-ssat.ll
index 3c23d0fd75f4b..88f18cba2b2ee 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/arith-sub-ssat.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/arith-sub-ssat.ll
@@ -96,6 +96,24 @@ define void @sub_v8i64() {
 ; SLM-NEXT:    store i64 [[R7]], i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 7), align 8
 ; SLM-NEXT:    ret void
+; AVX-LABEL: @sub_v8i64(
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @b64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @b64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = call <4 x i64> @llvm.ssub.sat.v4i64(<4 x i64> [[TMP1]], <4 x i64> [[TMP3]])
+; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = call <4 x i64> @llvm.ssub.sat.v4i64(<4 x i64> [[TMP2]], <4 x i64> [[TMP4]])
+; AVX-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP5]], <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @c64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP6]], <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX-NEXT:    ret void
+; AVX512-LABEL: @sub_v8i64(
+; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <8 x i64>, <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <8 x i64>, <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @b64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call <8 x i64> @llvm.ssub.sat.v8i64(<8 x i64> [[TMP1]], <8 x i64> [[TMP2]])
+; AVX512-NEXT:    store <8 x i64> [[TMP3]], <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @c64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
+; AVX512-NEXT:    ret void
 ; AVX1-LABEL: @sub_v8i64(
 ; AVX1-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <2 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX1-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 2) to <2 x i64>*), align 8
@@ -114,7 +132,6 @@ define void @sub_v8i64() {
 ; AVX1-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP11]], <2 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 4) to <2 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX1-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP12]], <2 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 6) to <2 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX1-NEXT:    ret void
 ; AVX2-LABEL: @sub_v8i64(
 ; AVX2-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX2-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
@@ -125,14 +142,6 @@ define void @sub_v8i64() {
 ; AVX2-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP5]], <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @c64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX2-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP6]], <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX2-NEXT:    ret void
-; AVX512-LABEL: @sub_v8i64(
-; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <8 x i64>, <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
-; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <8 x i64>, <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @b64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
-; AVX512-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call <8 x i64> @llvm.ssub.sat.v8i64(<8 x i64> [[TMP1]], <8 x i64> [[TMP2]])
-; AVX512-NEXT:    store <8 x i64> [[TMP3]], <8 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @c64 to <8 x i64>*), align 8
-; AVX512-NEXT:    ret void
 ; AVX256BW-LABEL: @sub_v8i64(
 ; AVX256BW-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @a64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX256BW-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
@@ -143,7 +152,6 @@ define void @sub_v8i64() {
 ; AVX256BW-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP5]], <4 x i64>* bitcast ([8 x i64]* @c64 to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX256BW-NEXT:    store <4 x i64> [[TMP6]], <4 x i64>* bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @c64, i32 0, i64 4) to <4 x i64>*), align 8
 ; AVX256BW-NEXT:    ret void
   %a0 = load i64, i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 0), align 8
   %a1 = load i64, i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 1), align 8
   %a2 = load i64, i64* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i64], [8 x i64]* @a64, i32 0, i64 2), align 8

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/call.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/call.ll
index 5cca9363802b4..a0dece0a58b47 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/call.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/call.ll
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ define void @sqrt_libm_errno(double* %a, double* %b) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A0:%.*]] = load double, double* [[A:%.*]], align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDX1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds double, double* [[A]], i64 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A1:%.*]] = load double, double* [[IDX1]], align 8
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SQRT1:%.*]] = tail call nnan double @sqrt(double [[A0]]) #2
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SQRT2:%.*]] = tail call nnan double @sqrt(double [[A1]]) #2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SQRT1:%.*]] = tail call nnan double @sqrt(double [[A0]]) #[[ATTR2:[0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SQRT2:%.*]] = tail call nnan double @sqrt(double [[A1]]) #[[ATTR2]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    store double [[SQRT1]], double* [[B:%.*]], align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDX2:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds double, double* [[B]], i64 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    store double [[SQRT2]], double* [[IDX2]], align 8
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ define void @round_custom(i64* %a, i64* %b) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A0:%.*]] = load i64, i64* [[A:%.*]], align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDX1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* [[A]], i64 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A1:%.*]] = load i64, i64* [[IDX1]], align 8
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ROUND1:%.*]] = tail call i64 @round(i64 [[A0]]) #3
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ROUND2:%.*]] = tail call i64 @round(i64 [[A1]]) #3
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ROUND1:%.*]] = tail call i64 @round(i64 [[A0]]) #[[ATTR3:[0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ROUND2:%.*]] = tail call i64 @round(i64 [[A1]]) #[[ATTR3]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    store i64 [[ROUND1]], i64* [[B:%.*]], align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDX2:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* [[B]], i64 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    store i64 [[ROUND2]], i64* [[IDX2]], align 8
@@ -168,10 +168,5 @@ define void @round_custom(i64* %a, i64* %b) {
-; CHECK: declare <2 x double> @llvm.sin.v2f64(<2 x double>) [[ATTR0:#[0-9]+]]
-; CHECK: declare <2 x double> @llvm.cos.v2f64(<2 x double>) [[ATTR0]]
-; CHECK: declare <2 x double> @llvm.pow.v2f64(<2 x double>, <2 x double>) [[ATTR0]]
-; CHECK: declare <2 x double> @llvm.exp2.v2f64(<2 x double>) [[ATTR0]]
-; CHECK: attributes [[ATTR0]] = { nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn }

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_netbsd_decompress.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_netbsd_decompress.ll
index de17d44f39a04..7e40a49fb09e9 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_netbsd_decompress.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_netbsd_decompress.ll
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ target triple = "x86_64-apple-macosx10.8.0"
 define i32 @fn1() {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @fn1(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i32, i32* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.DState, %struct.DState* @b, i32 0, i32 0), align 4
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.DState, %struct.DState* @b, i32 0, i32 1), align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i32, i32* getelementptr inbounds ([[STRUCT_DSTATE:%.*]], %struct.DState* @b, i32 0, i32 0), align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* getelementptr inbounds ([[STRUCT_DSTATE]], %struct.DState* @b, i32 0, i32 1), align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load i32, i32* @d, align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[COND:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[TMP2]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[COND]], label [[SW_BB:%.*]], label [[SAVE_STATE_AND_RETURN:%.*]]
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ define i32 @fn1() {
 ; CHECK:       save_state_and_return:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T_0:%.*]] = phi i32 [ 0, [[IF_END]] ], [ [[TMP0]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ], [ [[TMP0]], [[SW_BB]] ], [ [[TMP0]], [[SW_BB]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[F_0:%.*]] = phi i32 [ 0, [[IF_END]] ], [ [[TMP1]], [[ENTRY]] ], [ 0, [[SW_BB]] ], [ 0, [[SW_BB]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[T_0]], i32* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.DState, %struct.DState* @b, i32 0, i32 0), align 4
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[F_0]], i32* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.DState, %struct.DState* @b, i32 0, i32 1), align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[T_0]], i32* getelementptr inbounds ([[STRUCT_DSTATE]], %struct.DState* @b, i32 0, i32 0), align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[F_0]], i32* getelementptr inbounds ([[STRUCT_DSTATE]], %struct.DState* @b, i32 0, i32 1), align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i32 undef

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_scheduling-inseltpoison.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_scheduling-inseltpoison.ll
index 348aed4a48e5a..f529d0fc47338 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_scheduling-inseltpoison.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_scheduling-inseltpoison.ll
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ define void @_foo(double %p1, double %p2, double %p3) #0 {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[VECINIT_I_I237:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x double> poison, double [[T_0259]], i32 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[X13:%.*]] = tail call i32 @_xfn(<2 x double> [[VECINIT_I_I237]])
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [256 x i32], [256 x i32]* [[TAB1]], i64 0, i64 [[INDVARS_IV266]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[X13]], i32* [[ARRAYIDX]], align 4, [[TBAA0:!tbaa !.*]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[X13]], i32* [[ARRAYIDX]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0:![0-9]+]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[VECINIT_I_I:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x double> poison, double [[P3_ADDR_0258]], i32 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[X14:%.*]] = tail call i32 @_xfn(<2 x double> [[VECINIT_I_I]])
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [256 x i32], [256 x i32]* [[TAB2]], i64 0, i64 [[INDVARS_IV266]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[X14]], i32* [[ARRAYIDX26]], align 4, [[TBAA0]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[X14]], i32* [[ARRAYIDX26]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD27]] = fadd double [[MUL19]], [[T_0259]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD28]] = fadd double [[MUL21]], [[P3_ADDR_0258]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[INDVARS_IV_NEXT267]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[INDVARS_IV266]], 1

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_scheduling.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_scheduling.ll
index 8e93552ff3663..9265ca1731a09 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_scheduling.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_scheduling.ll
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ define void @_foo(double %p1, double %p2, double %p3) #0 {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[VECINIT_I_I237:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x double> undef, double [[T_0259]], i32 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[X13:%.*]] = tail call i32 @_xfn(<2 x double> [[VECINIT_I_I237]])
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [256 x i32], [256 x i32]* [[TAB1]], i64 0, i64 [[INDVARS_IV266]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[X13]], i32* [[ARRAYIDX]], align 4, !tbaa !0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[X13]], i32* [[ARRAYIDX]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0:![0-9]+]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[VECINIT_I_I:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x double> undef, double [[P3_ADDR_0258]], i32 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[X14:%.*]] = tail call i32 @_xfn(<2 x double> [[VECINIT_I_I]])
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [256 x i32], [256 x i32]* [[TAB2]], i64 0, i64 [[INDVARS_IV266]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[X14]], i32* [[ARRAYIDX26]], align 4, !tbaa !0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[X14]], i32* [[ARRAYIDX26]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD27]] = fadd double [[MUL19]], [[T_0259]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD28]] = fadd double [[MUL21]], [[P3_ADDR_0258]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[INDVARS_IV_NEXT267]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[INDVARS_IV266]], 1

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_vectorizeTree.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_vectorizeTree.ll
index d646180f36d98..c1a67ab415fea 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_vectorizeTree.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/crash_vectorizeTree.ll
@@ -25,27 +25,36 @@ define void @bar() {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[TMP0]], %0* undef, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[TMP0]], %0* undef, i64 0, i32 1, i32 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[TMP7:%.*]]
-; CHECK:         [[TMP8:%.*]] = phi <2 x double> [ <double 1.800000e+01, double 2.800000e+01>, [[TMP0]] ], [ [[TMP11:%.*]], [[TMP21:%.*]] ], [ [[TMP11]], [[TMP18:%.*]] ], [ [[TMP11]], [[TMP18]] ]
+; CHECK:       7:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = phi <2 x double> [ <double 1.800000e+01, double 2.800000e+01>, [[TMP0]] ], [ [[TMP11:%.*]], [[TMP21:%.*]] ], [ [[TMP11]], [[TMP18:%.*]] ], [ [[TMP11]], [[TMP18]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[TMP1]] to <2 x double>*
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x double> [[TMP8]], <2 x double>* [[TMP9]], align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[TMP3]] to <2 x double>*
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP11]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP10]], align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 undef, label [[TMP12:%.*]], label [[TMP13:%.*]]
-; CHECK:         ret void
-; CHECK:         [[TMP14:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[TMP5]] to <2 x double>*
+; CHECK:       12:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
+; CHECK:       13:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP14:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[TMP5]] to <2 x double>*
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x double> [[TMP11]], <2 x double>* [[TMP14]], align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 undef, label [[TMP15:%.*]], label [[TMP16:%.*]]
-; CHECK:         br label [[TMP16]]
-; CHECK:         br i1 undef, label [[TMP17:%.*]], label [[TMP18]]
-; CHECK:         unreachable
-; CHECK:         [[TMP19:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x double> [[TMP11]], i32 0
+; CHECK:       15:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[TMP16]]
+; CHECK:       16:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 undef, label [[TMP17:%.*]], label [[TMP18]]
+; CHECK:       17:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    unreachable
+; CHECK:       18:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP19:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x double> [[TMP11]], i32 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP20:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x double> [[TMP11]], i32 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    switch i32 undef, label [[TMP21]] [
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    i32 32, label [[TMP7]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    i32 103, label [[TMP7]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ]
-; CHECK:         br i1 undef, label [[TMP7]], label [[TMP22:%.*]]
-; CHECK:         unreachable
+; CHECK:       21:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 undef, label [[TMP7]], label [[TMP22:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       22:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    unreachable
   %1 = getelementptr inbounds %0, %0* undef, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
   %2 = getelementptr inbounds %0, %0* undef, i64 0, i32 1, i32 1

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/debug_info.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/debug_info.ll
index 25ff6b6ba702a..c717c5d10b30c 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/debug_info.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/debug_info.ll
@@ -16,24 +16,24 @@ target triple = "x86_64-apple-macosx10.7.0"
 define i32 @depth(double* nocapture %A, i32 %m) #0 !dbg !4 {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @depth(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata double* [[A:%.*]], metadata !12, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !18
-; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 [[M:%.*]], metadata !13, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !18
-; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata double 0.000000e+00, metadata !14, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !19
-; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata double 2.000000e-01, metadata !15, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !19
-; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 0, metadata !16, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !20
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP8:%.*]] = icmp sgt i32 [[M]], 0, !dbg !20
-; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP8]], label [[FOR_BODY_LR_PH:%.*]], label [[FOR_END:%.*]], !dbg !20
+; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata double* [[A:%.*]], metadata [[META12:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG18:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 [[M:%.*]], metadata [[META13:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG18]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata double 0.000000e+00, metadata [[META14:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG19:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata double 2.000000e-01, metadata [[META15:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG19]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 0, metadata [[META16:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG20:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP8:%.*]] = icmp sgt i32 [[M]], 0, !dbg [[DBG20]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP8]], label [[FOR_BODY_LR_PH:%.*]], label [[FOR_END:%.*]], !dbg [[DBG20]]
 ; CHECK:       for.body.lr.ph:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds double, double* [[A]], i64 4, !dbg !21
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[ARRAYIDX]] to <2 x double>*, !dbg !21
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP0]], align 8, !dbg !21
-; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[FOR_END]], !dbg !20
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds double, double* [[A]], i64 4, !dbg [[DBG21:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[ARRAYIDX]] to <2 x double>*, !dbg [[DBG21]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP0]], align 8, !dbg [[DBG21]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[FOR_END]], !dbg [[DBG20]]
 ; CHECK:       for.end:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = phi <2 x double> [ [[TMP1]], [[FOR_BODY_LR_PH]] ], [ <double 0.000000e+00, double 1.000000e+00>, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX2:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds double, double* [[A]], i64 8, !dbg !23
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[ARRAYIDX2]] to <2 x double>*, !dbg !23
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x double> [[TMP2]], <2 x double>* [[TMP3]], align 8, !dbg !23
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i32 undef, !dbg !24
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX2:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds double, double* [[A]], i64 8, !dbg [[DBG23:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[ARRAYIDX2]] to <2 x double>*, !dbg [[DBG23]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x double> [[TMP2]], <2 x double>* [[TMP3]], align 8, !dbg [[DBG23]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i32 undef, !dbg [[DBG24:![0-9]+]]
   tail call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata double* %A, i64 0, metadata !12, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !19

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/external_user.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/external_user.ll
index 9f14ff88cc816..012ba4da88033 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/external_user.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/external_user.ll
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ define i32 @needtogather(double *noalias %a, i32 *noalias %b,  float * noalias %
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[D:%.*]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CONV:%.*]] = sitofp i32 [[TMP0]] to float
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load float, float* [[C:%.*]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load float, float* [[C:%.*]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB:%.*]] = fsub float 0.000000e+00, [[TMP1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MUL:%.*]] = fmul float [[SUB]], 0.000000e+00
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD:%.*]] = fadd float [[CONV]], [[MUL]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/extract_in_tree_user.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/extract_in_tree_user.ll
index cbf6d8ff4fa95..38b2b97a23cd0 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/extract_in_tree_user.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/extract_in_tree_user.ll
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ define void @externally_used_ptrs() {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x i64*> [[TMP3]], i32 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[TMP5]] to <2 x i64>*
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* [[TMP6]], align 8
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = add <2 x i64> [[TMP4]], [[TMP7]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[TMP5]] to <2 x i64>*
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP9]], <2 x i64>* [[TMP10]], align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = add <2 x i64> [[TMP4]], [[TMP7]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[TMP5]] to <2 x i64>*
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP8]], <2 x i64>* [[TMP9]], align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/gep_mismatch.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/gep_mismatch.ll
index f9b9995066a22..409e2e71d090a 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/gep_mismatch.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/gep_mismatch.ll
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ define void @foo() {
 ; CHECK:       bb1:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[LS1_PH:%.*]] = phi float* [ [[_TMP1:%.*]], [[BB1]] ], [ undef, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[LS2_PH:%.*]] = phi float* [ [[_TMP2:%.*]], [[BB1]] ], [ undef, [[ENTRY]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store float undef, float* [[LS1_PH]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store float undef, float* [[LS1_PH]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[_TMP1]] = getelementptr float, float* [[LS1_PH]], i32 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[_TMP2]] = getelementptr float, float* [[LS2_PH]], i64 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 false, label [[BB1]], label [[BB2:%.*]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hadd-inseltpoison.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hadd-inseltpoison.ll
index bc6eeb1cdd7fd..8db775a352246 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hadd-inseltpoison.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hadd-inseltpoison.ll
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ define <4 x double> @test_v4f64(<4 x double> %a, <4 x double> %b) {
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 6>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 3, i32 7>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fadd <2 x double> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SSE-NEXT:    [[R032:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
-; SSE-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R032]]
+; SSE-NEXT:    [[R031:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+; SSE-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R031]]
 ; SLM-LABEL: @test_v4f64(
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A:%.*]], <4 x double> [[B:%.*]], <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 4>
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ define <4 x double> @test_v4f64(<4 x double> %a, <4 x double> %b) {
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 6>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 3, i32 7>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fadd <2 x double> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SLM-NEXT:    [[R032:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
-; SLM-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R032]]
+; SLM-NEXT:    [[R031:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+; SLM-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R031]]
 ; AVX-LABEL: @test_v4f64(
 ; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A:%.*]], <4 x double> [[B:%.*]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 4, i32 2, i32 6>
@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ define <8 x float> @test_v8f32(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) {
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A]], <8 x float> [[B]], <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 6, i32 12, i32 14>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A]], <8 x float> [[B]], <4 x i32> <i32 5, i32 7, i32 13, i32 15>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fadd <4 x float> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SLM-NEXT:    [[R072:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> [[TMP6]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
-; SLM-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R072]]
+; SLM-NEXT:    [[R071:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> [[TMP6]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
+; SLM-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R071]]
 ; AVX-LABEL: @test_v8f32(
 ; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A:%.*]], <8 x float> [[B:%.*]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2, i32 8, i32 10, i32 4, i32 6, i32 12, i32 14>
@@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ define <16 x i16> @test_v16i16(<16 x i16> %a, <16 x i16> %b) {
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A]], <16 x i16> [[B]], <8 x i32> <i32 8, i32 10, i32 12, i32 14, i32 24, i32 26, i32 28, i32 30>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A]], <16 x i16> [[B]], <8 x i32> <i32 9, i32 11, i32 13, i32 15, i32 25, i32 27, i32 29, i32 31>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = add <8 x i16> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SSE-NEXT:    [[RV152:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], <8 x i16> [[TMP6]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
-; SSE-NEXT:    ret <16 x i16> [[RV152]]
+; SSE-NEXT:    [[RV151:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], <8 x i16> [[TMP6]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
+; SSE-NEXT:    ret <16 x i16> [[RV151]]
 ; SLM-LABEL: @test_v16i16(
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A:%.*]], <16 x i16> [[B:%.*]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2, i32 4, i32 6, i32 16, i32 18, i32 20, i32 22, i32 8, i32 10, i32 12, i32 14, i32 24, i32 26, i32 28, i32 30>

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hadd.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hadd.ll
index b9d55ecb27ebe..3f332c14126b5 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hadd.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hadd.ll
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ define <4 x double> @test_v4f64(<4 x double> %a, <4 x double> %b) {
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 6>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 3, i32 7>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fadd <2 x double> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SSE-NEXT:    [[R032:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
-; SSE-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R032]]
+; SSE-NEXT:    [[R031:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+; SSE-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R031]]
 ; SLM-LABEL: @test_v4f64(
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A:%.*]], <4 x double> [[B:%.*]], <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 4>
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ define <4 x double> @test_v4f64(<4 x double> %a, <4 x double> %b) {
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 6>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 3, i32 7>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fadd <2 x double> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SLM-NEXT:    [[R032:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
-; SLM-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R032]]
+; SLM-NEXT:    [[R031:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+; SLM-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R031]]
 ; AVX-LABEL: @test_v4f64(
 ; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A:%.*]], <4 x double> [[B:%.*]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 4, i32 2, i32 6>
@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ define <8 x float> @test_v8f32(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) {
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A]], <8 x float> [[B]], <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 6, i32 12, i32 14>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A]], <8 x float> [[B]], <4 x i32> <i32 5, i32 7, i32 13, i32 15>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fadd <4 x float> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SLM-NEXT:    [[R072:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> [[TMP6]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
-; SLM-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R072]]
+; SLM-NEXT:    [[R071:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> [[TMP6]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
+; SLM-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R071]]
 ; AVX-LABEL: @test_v8f32(
 ; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A:%.*]], <8 x float> [[B:%.*]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2, i32 8, i32 10, i32 4, i32 6, i32 12, i32 14>
@@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ define <16 x i16> @test_v16i16(<16 x i16> %a, <16 x i16> %b) {
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A]], <16 x i16> [[B]], <8 x i32> <i32 8, i32 10, i32 12, i32 14, i32 24, i32 26, i32 28, i32 30>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A]], <16 x i16> [[B]], <8 x i32> <i32 9, i32 11, i32 13, i32 15, i32 25, i32 27, i32 29, i32 31>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = add <8 x i16> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SSE-NEXT:    [[RV152:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], <8 x i16> [[TMP6]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
-; SSE-NEXT:    ret <16 x i16> [[RV152]]
+; SSE-NEXT:    [[RV151:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], <8 x i16> [[TMP6]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
+; SSE-NEXT:    ret <16 x i16> [[RV151]]
 ; SLM-LABEL: @test_v16i16(
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A:%.*]], <16 x i16> [[B:%.*]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2, i32 4, i32 6, i32 16, i32 18, i32 20, i32 22, i32 8, i32 10, i32 12, i32 14, i32 24, i32 26, i32 28, i32 30>

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hsub-inseltpoison.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hsub-inseltpoison.ll
index 3d165eb00b90d..c123956b8856e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hsub-inseltpoison.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hsub-inseltpoison.ll
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ define <4 x double> @test_v4f64(<4 x double> %a, <4 x double> %b) {
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 6>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 3, i32 7>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fsub <2 x double> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SSE-NEXT:    [[R032:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
-; SSE-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R032]]
+; SSE-NEXT:    [[R031:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+; SSE-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R031]]
 ; SLM-LABEL: @test_v4f64(
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A:%.*]], <4 x double> [[B:%.*]], <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 4>
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ define <4 x double> @test_v4f64(<4 x double> %a, <4 x double> %b) {
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 6>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 3, i32 7>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fsub <2 x double> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SLM-NEXT:    [[R032:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
-; SLM-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R032]]
+; SLM-NEXT:    [[R031:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+; SLM-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R031]]
 ; AVX-LABEL: @test_v4f64(
 ; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A:%.*]], <4 x double> [[B:%.*]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 4, i32 2, i32 6>
@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ define <8 x float> @test_v8f32(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) {
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A]], <8 x float> [[B]], <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 6, i32 12, i32 14>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A]], <8 x float> [[B]], <4 x i32> <i32 5, i32 7, i32 13, i32 15>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fsub <4 x float> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SLM-NEXT:    [[R072:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> [[TMP6]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
-; SLM-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R072]]
+; SLM-NEXT:    [[R071:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> [[TMP6]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
+; SLM-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R071]]
 ; AVX-LABEL: @test_v8f32(
 ; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A:%.*]], <8 x float> [[B:%.*]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2, i32 8, i32 10, i32 4, i32 6, i32 12, i32 14>
@@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ define <16 x i16> @test_v16i16(<16 x i16> %a, <16 x i16> %b) {
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A]], <16 x i16> [[B]], <8 x i32> <i32 8, i32 10, i32 12, i32 14, i32 24, i32 26, i32 28, i32 30>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A]], <16 x i16> [[B]], <8 x i32> <i32 9, i32 11, i32 13, i32 15, i32 25, i32 27, i32 29, i32 31>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = sub <8 x i16> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SSE-NEXT:    [[RV152:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], <8 x i16> [[TMP6]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
-; SSE-NEXT:    ret <16 x i16> [[RV152]]
+; SSE-NEXT:    [[RV151:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], <8 x i16> [[TMP6]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
+; SSE-NEXT:    ret <16 x i16> [[RV151]]
 ; SLM-LABEL: @test_v16i16(
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A:%.*]], <16 x i16> [[B:%.*]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2, i32 4, i32 6, i32 16, i32 18, i32 20, i32 22, i32 8, i32 10, i32 12, i32 14, i32 24, i32 26, i32 28, i32 30>

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hsub.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hsub.ll
index 9ff8142b269df..ffd320d34e869 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hsub.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/hsub.ll
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ define <4 x double> @test_v4f64(<4 x double> %a, <4 x double> %b) {
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 6>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 3, i32 7>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fsub <2 x double> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SSE-NEXT:    [[R032:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
-; SSE-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R032]]
+; SSE-NEXT:    [[R031:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+; SSE-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R031]]
 ; SLM-LABEL: @test_v4f64(
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A:%.*]], <4 x double> [[B:%.*]], <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 4>
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ define <4 x double> @test_v4f64(<4 x double> %a, <4 x double> %b) {
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 6>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A]], <4 x double> [[B]], <2 x i32> <i32 3, i32 7>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fsub <2 x double> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SLM-NEXT:    [[R032:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
-; SLM-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R032]]
+; SLM-NEXT:    [[R031:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x double> [[TMP3]], <2 x double> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+; SLM-NEXT:    ret <4 x double> [[R031]]
 ; AVX-LABEL: @test_v4f64(
 ; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x double> [[A:%.*]], <4 x double> [[B:%.*]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 4, i32 2, i32 6>
@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ define <8 x float> @test_v8f32(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) {
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A]], <8 x float> [[B]], <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 6, i32 12, i32 14>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A]], <8 x float> [[B]], <4 x i32> <i32 5, i32 7, i32 13, i32 15>
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = fsub <4 x float> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SLM-NEXT:    [[R072:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> [[TMP6]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
-; SLM-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R072]]
+; SLM-NEXT:    [[R071:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> [[TMP6]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
+; SLM-NEXT:    ret <8 x float> [[R071]]
 ; AVX-LABEL: @test_v8f32(
 ; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float> [[A:%.*]], <8 x float> [[B:%.*]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2, i32 8, i32 10, i32 4, i32 6, i32 12, i32 14>
@@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ define <16 x i16> @test_v16i16(<16 x i16> %a, <16 x i16> %b) {
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A]], <16 x i16> [[B]], <8 x i32> <i32 8, i32 10, i32 12, i32 14, i32 24, i32 26, i32 28, i32 30>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A]], <16 x i16> [[B]], <8 x i32> <i32 9, i32 11, i32 13, i32 15, i32 25, i32 27, i32 29, i32 31>
 ; SSE-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = sub <8 x i16> [[TMP4]], [[TMP5]]
-; SSE-NEXT:    [[RV152:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], <8 x i16> [[TMP6]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
-; SSE-NEXT:    ret <16 x i16> [[RV152]]
+; SSE-NEXT:    [[RV151:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], <8 x i16> [[TMP6]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
+; SSE-NEXT:    ret <16 x i16> [[RV151]]
 ; SLM-LABEL: @test_v16i16(
 ; SLM-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i16> [[A:%.*]], <16 x i16> [[B:%.*]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2, i32 4, i32 6, i32 16, i32 18, i32 20, i32 22, i32 8, i32 10, i32 12, i32 14, i32 24, i32 26, i32 28, i32 30>

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/insertvalue.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/insertvalue.ll
index 7974bce183d45..ed58f407628cd 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/insertvalue.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/insertvalue.ll
@@ -275,12 +275,12 @@ define void @julia_load_struct_of_float(%pseudovec* %a, %pseudovec* %b, %pseudov
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP4]], i32 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C_STRUCT0:%.*]] = insertvalue [[PSEUDOVEC]] undef, float [[TMP5]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP4]], i32 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C_STRUCT1:%.*]] = insertvalue [[PSEUDOVEC]] %c_struct0, float [[TMP6]], 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C_STRUCT1:%.*]] = insertvalue [[PSEUDOVEC]] [[C_STRUCT0]], float [[TMP6]], 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP4]], i32 2
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C_STRUCT2:%.*]] = insertvalue [[PSEUDOVEC]] %c_struct1, float [[TMP7]], 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C_STRUCT2:%.*]] = insertvalue [[PSEUDOVEC]] [[C_STRUCT1]], float [[TMP7]], 2
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP4]], i32 3
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C_STRUCT3:%.*]] = insertvalue [[PSEUDOVEC]] %c_struct2, float [[TMP8]], 3
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store [[PSEUDOVEC]] %c_struct3, %pseudovec* [[C:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C_STRUCT3:%.*]] = insertvalue [[PSEUDOVEC]] [[C_STRUCT2]], float [[TMP8]], 3
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store [[PSEUDOVEC]] [[C_STRUCT3]], %pseudovec* [[C:%.*]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/metadata.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/metadata.ll
index 7956ab3411e64..5bfd4f0f5fcf7 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/metadata.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/metadata.ll
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ define void @test1(double* %a, double* %b, double* %c) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test1(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[A:%.*]] to <2 x double>*
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP0]], align 8, !tbaa !0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP0]], align 8, !tbaa [[TBAA0:![0-9]+]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[B:%.*]] to <2 x double>*
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP2]], align 8, !tbaa !0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP2]], align 8, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = fmul <2 x double> [[TMP1]], [[TMP3]], !fpmath !4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[C:%.*]] to <2 x double>*
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x double> [[TMP4]], <2 x double>* [[TMP5]], align 8, !tbaa !0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x double> [[TMP4]], <2 x double>* [[TMP5]], align 8, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ define void @test2(double* %a, double* %b, i8* %e) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test2(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[A:%.*]] to <2 x double>*
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP0]], align 8, !tbaa !0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP0]], align 8, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[B:%.*]] to <2 x double>*
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP2]], align 8, !tbaa !0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* [[TMP2]], align 8, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = fmul <2 x double> [[TMP1]], [[TMP3]], !fpmath !5
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[E:%.*]] to double*
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = bitcast double* [[C]] to <2 x double>*
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x double> [[TMP4]], <2 x double>* [[TMP5]], align 8, !tbaa !0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x double> [[TMP4]], <2 x double>* [[TMP5]], align 8, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ entry:
   ret void
-;CHECK-DAG: !0 = !{[[TYPEC:!.*]], [[TYPEC]], i64 0}
 ;CHECK-DAG: !4 = !{float 5.000000e+00}
 ;CHECK-DAG: !5 = !{float 2.500000e+00}
 !0 = !{ float 5.0 }

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/multi_block.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/multi_block.ll
index b0cc02b649f04..1b224cb4109c1 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/multi_block.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/multi_block.ll
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ define i32 @bar(double* nocapture %A, i32 %d) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = fptrunc <2 x double> [[TMP2]] to <2 x float>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[D:%.*]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[TMP4]], label [[TMP7:%.*]], label [[TMP5:%.*]]
-; CHECK:         [[TMP6:%.*]] = tail call i32 (...) @foo()
+; CHECK:       5:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = tail call i32 (...) @foo()
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[TMP7]]
-; CHECK:         [[TMP8:%.*]] = fadd <2 x float> [[TMP3]], <float 4.000000e+00, float 5.000000e+00>
+; CHECK:       7:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = fadd <2 x float> [[TMP3]], <float 4.000000e+00, float 5.000000e+00>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds double, double* [[A]], i64 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = fpext <2 x float> [[TMP8]] to <2 x double>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = fadd <2 x double> [[TMP10]], <double 9.000000e+00, double 5.000000e+00>

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/no_alternate_divrem.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/no_alternate_divrem.ll
index 468cabc598f1c..c0ed976fd702f 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/no_alternate_divrem.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/no_alternate_divrem.ll
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ define void @test_add_sdiv(i32 *%arr1, i32 *%arr2, i32 %a0, i32 %a1, i32 %a2, i3
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[GEP2_1:%.*]] = getelementptr i32, i32* [[ARR2]], i32 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[GEP2_2:%.*]] = getelementptr i32, i32* [[ARR2]], i32 2
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[GEP2_3:%.*]] = getelementptr i32, i32* [[ARR2]], i32 3
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V0:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_0]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_1]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V2:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_2]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_3]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V0:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_0]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_1]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V2:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_2]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_3]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y0:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[A0:%.*]], 1146
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y1:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[A1:%.*]], 146
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y2:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[A2:%.*]], 42
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ define void @test_add_sdiv(i32 *%arr1, i32 *%arr2, i32 %a0, i32 %a1, i32 %a2, i3
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RES1:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[V1]], [[Y1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RES2:%.*]] = sdiv i32 [[V2]], [[Y2]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RES3:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[V3]], [[Y3]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES0]], i32* [[GEP2_0]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES1]], i32* [[GEP2_1]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES2]], i32* [[GEP2_2]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES3]], i32* [[GEP2_3]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES0]], i32* [[GEP2_0]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES1]], i32* [[GEP2_1]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES2]], i32* [[GEP2_2]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES3]], i32* [[GEP2_3]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ define void @test_urem_add(i32 *%arr1, i32 *%arr2, i32 %a0, i32 %a1, i32 %a2, i3
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[GEP2_1:%.*]] = getelementptr i32, i32* [[ARR2]], i32 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[GEP2_2:%.*]] = getelementptr i32, i32* [[ARR2]], i32 2
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[GEP2_3:%.*]] = getelementptr i32, i32* [[ARR2]], i32 3
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V0:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_0]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_1]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V2:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_2]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_3]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V0:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_0]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_1]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V2:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_2]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[V3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[GEP1_3]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y0:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[A0:%.*]], 1146
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y1:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[A1:%.*]], 146
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y2:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[A2:%.*]], 42
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ define void @test_urem_add(i32 *%arr1, i32 *%arr2, i32 %a0, i32 %a1, i32 %a2, i3
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RES1:%.*]] = urem i32 [[V1]], [[Y1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RES2:%.*]] = urem i32 [[V2]], [[Y2]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RES3:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[V3]], [[Y3]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES0]], i32* [[GEP2_0]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES1]], i32* [[GEP2_1]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES2]], i32* [[GEP2_2]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES3]], i32* [[GEP2_3]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES0]], i32* [[GEP2_0]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES1]], i32* [[GEP2_1]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES2]], i32* [[GEP2_2]], align 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[RES3]], i32* [[GEP2_3]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/pr16899.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/pr16899.ll
index ceb48d98b744d..42c99c21c3a30 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/pr16899.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/pr16899.ll
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ target triple = "i386--netbsd"
 define i32 @fn1() #0 {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @fn1(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i32*, i32** @a, align 4, !tbaa !0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP0]], align 4, !tbaa !4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i32*, i32** @a, align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP0]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA4:![0-9]+]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i32 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARRAYIDX1]], align 4, !tbaa !4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARRAYIDX1]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA4]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[DO_BODY:%.*]]
 ; CHECK:       do.body:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C_0:%.*]] = phi i32 [ [[TMP2]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ], [ [[ADD2:%.*]], [[DO_BODY]] ]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/reduction.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/reduction.ll
index 9132cf26c2218..681d30dff4a86 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/reduction.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/reduction.ll
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ define i32 @horiz_max_multiple_uses([32 x i32]* %x, i32* %p) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T4:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[X4]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T5:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[X5]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.vector.reduce.smax.v4i32(<4 x i32> [[TMP2]])
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = icmp sgt i32 [[TMP3]], [[T4]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = select i1 [[TMP4]], i32 [[TMP3]], i32 [[T4]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C012345:%.*]] = icmp sgt i32 [[TMP5]], [[T5]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T17:%.*]] = select i1 [[C012345]], i32 [[TMP5]], i32 [[T5]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[THREE_OR_FOUR:%.*]] = select i1 [[TMP4]], i32 3, i32 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MAX_ROOT_CMP:%.*]] = icmp sgt i32 [[TMP3]], [[T4]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MAX_ROOT_SEL:%.*]] = select i1 [[MAX_ROOT_CMP]], i32 [[TMP3]], i32 [[T4]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C012345:%.*]] = icmp sgt i32 [[MAX_ROOT_SEL]], [[T5]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T17:%.*]] = select i1 [[C012345]], i32 [[MAX_ROOT_SEL]], i32 [[T5]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[THREE_OR_FOUR:%.*]] = select i1 [[MAX_ROOT_CMP]], i32 3, i32 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[THREE_OR_FOUR]], i32* [[P:%.*]], align 8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i32 [[T17]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/remark_listcost.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/remark_listcost.ll
index ed2cd870cf6f0..930315a55dc08 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/remark_listcost.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/remark_listcost.ll
@@ -5,21 +5,23 @@
 define void @vsub2_test(i32* %pin1, i32* %pin2, i32* %pout) #0 {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @vsub2_test(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[TMP1:%.*]]
-; CHECK:         [[IDX_04:%.*]] = phi i32 [ 0, [[TMP0:%.*]] ], [ [[TMP8:%.*]], [[TMP1]] ]
+; CHECK:       1:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDX_04:%.*]] = phi i32 [ 0, [[TMP0:%.*]] ], [ [[TMP8:%.*]], [[TMP1]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[PO_03:%.*]] = phi i32* [ [[POUT:%.*]], [[TMP0]] ], [ [[TMP7:%.*]], [[TMP1]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[PTMPI2_02:%.*]] = phi i32* [ [[PIN2:%.*]], [[TMP0]] ], [ [[TMP4:%.*]], [[TMP1]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[PTMPI1_01:%.*]] = phi i32* [ [[PIN1:%.*]], [[TMP0]] ], [ [[TMP2:%.*]], [[TMP1]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[PTMPI1_01]], i64 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[PTMPI1_01]], align 4, !tbaa !1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[PTMPI1_01]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA1:![0-9]+]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP4]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[PTMPI2_02]], i64 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[PTMPI2_02]], align 4, !tbaa !1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[PTMPI2_02]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = sub nsw i32 [[TMP3]], [[TMP5]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP7]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[PO_03]], i64 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[TMP6]], i32* [[PO_03]], align 4, !tbaa !1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[TMP6]], i32* [[PO_03]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP8]] = add nuw nsw i32 [[IDX_04]], 1
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[EXITCOND:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[TMP8]], 64
-; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[EXITCOND]], label [[TMP9:%.*]], label [[TMP1]], !llvm.loop !5
-; CHECK:         ret void
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[EXITCOND]], label [[TMP9:%.*]], label [[TMP1]], !llvm.loop [[LOOP5:![0-9]+]]
+; CHECK:       9:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
   br label %1

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/undef_vect.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/undef_vect.ll
index 3b5a53e44dec1..fefbbf1c75fd3 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/undef_vect.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/undef_vect.ll
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ define void @_Z2azv() local_unnamed_addr {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[DOTSROA_CAST_4]] to <8 x i32>*
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* [[TMP0]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.vector.reduce.smax.v8i32(<8 x i32> [[TMP1]])
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = icmp sgt i32 [[TMP2]], undef
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[OP_EXTRA:%.*]] = select i1 [[TMP3]], i32 [[TMP2]], i32 undef
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = icmp sgt i32 [[OP_EXTRA]], undef
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[OP_EXTRA1:%.*]] = select i1 [[TMP4]], i32 [[OP_EXTRA]], i32 undef
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[DOTSROA_SPECULATED_9:%.*]] = select i1 undef, i32 undef, i32 [[OP_EXTRA1]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[OP_EXTRA:%.*]] = icmp sgt i32 [[TMP2]], undef
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[OP_EXTRA1:%.*]] = select i1 [[OP_EXTRA]], i32 [[TMP2]], i32 undef
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[OP_EXTRA2:%.*]] = icmp sgt i32 [[OP_EXTRA1]], undef
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[OP_EXTRA3:%.*]] = select i1 [[OP_EXTRA2]], i32 [[OP_EXTRA1]], i32 undef
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[DOTSROA_SPECULATED_9:%.*]] = select i1 undef, i32 undef, i32 [[OP_EXTRA3]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I1_10:%.*]] = icmp slt i32 [[DOTSROA_SPECULATED_9]], undef
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void


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