[llvm] 329feeb - [ORC][docs] Describe removing JITDylibs, using custom program representations.

Lang Hames via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 21 03:05:25 PST 2022

Author: Sameer Rahmani
Date: 2022-01-21T22:05:17+11:00
New Revision: 329feeb938ac63602136bcb3c5ec3a64109be94c

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/329feeb938ac63602136bcb3c5ec3a64109be94c
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/329feeb938ac63602136bcb3c5ec3a64109be94c.diff

LOG: [ORC][docs] Describe removing JITDylibs, using custom program representations.

Add documentation around:
* Removing JITDylib from the session
* Add support for custom program representation

Reviewed By: lhames

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D116476




diff  --git a/llvm/docs/ORCv2.rst b/llvm/docs/ORCv2.rst
index ec372f575b195..8012820d60e52 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/ORCv2.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/ORCv2.rst
@@ -579,6 +579,98 @@ calling the ``ExecutionSession::createJITDylib`` method with a unique name:
 The JITDylib is owned by the ``ExecutionEngine`` instance and will be freed
 when it is destroyed.
+How to remove a JITDylib
+JITDylibs can be removed completely by calling  ``ExecutionSession::removeJITDylib``.
+Calling that function will close the give JITDylib and clear all the resources held for
+it. No code can be added to a closed JITDylib.
+Please note that closing a JITDylib won't update any pointers, you are responsible for
+ensuring that any code/data contained in the JITDylib is no longer in use.
+Also You can use a custom resource tracker to remove individual modules from a JITDylib.
+How to add the support for custom program representation
+In order to add the support for a custom program representation, a custom ``MaterializationUnit``
+for the program representation, and a custom ``Layer`` are needed. The Layer will have two
+operations: ``add`` and ``emit``. The ``add`` operation takes an instance of your program
+representation, builds one of your custom ``MaterializationUnits`` to hold it, then adds it
+to a ``JITDylib``. The emit operation takes a ``MaterializationResponsibility`` object and an
+instance of your program representation and materializes it, usually by compiling it and handing
+the resulting object off to an ``ObjectLinkingLayer``.
+Your custom ``MaterializationUnit`` will have two operations: ``materialize`` and ``discard``. The
+``materialize`` function will be called for you when any symbol provided by the unit is looked up,
+and it should just call the ``emit`` function on your layer, passing in the given
+``MaterializationResponsibility`` and the wrapped program representation. The ``discard`` function
+will be called if some weak symbol provided by your unit is not needed (because the JIT found an
+overriding definition). You can use this to drop your definition early, or just ignore it and let
+the linker drops the definition later.
+Here is an example of an ASTLayer:
+  .. code-block:: c++
+    // ... In you JIT class
+    AstLayer astLayer;
+    // ...
+    class AstMaterializationUnit : public orc::MaterializationUnit {
+    public:
+      AstMaterializationUnit(AstLayer &l, Ast &ast)
+      : llvm::orc::MaterializationUnit(l.getInterface(ast)), astLayer(l),
+      ast(ast) {};
+      llvm::StringRef getName() const override {
+        return "AstMaterializationUnit";
+      }
+      void materialize(std::unique_ptr<orc::MaterializationResponsibility> r) override {
+        astLayer.emit(std::move(r), ast);
+      };
+    private:
+      void discard(const llvm::orc::JITDylib &jd, const llvm::orc::SymbolStringPtr &sym) override {
+        llvm_unreachable("functions are not overridable");
+      }
+      AstLayer &astLayer;
+      Ast *
+    };
+    class AstLayer {
+      llvhm::orc::IRLayer &baseLayer;
+      llvhm::orc::MangleAndInterner &mangler;
+    public:
+      AstLayer(llvm::orc::IRLayer &baseLayer, llvm::orc::MangleAndInterner &mangler)
+      : baseLayer(baseLayer), mangler(mangler){};
+      llvm::Error add(llvm::orc::ResourceTrackerSP &rt, Ast &ast) {
+        return rt->getJITDylib().define(std::make_unique<AstMaterializationUnit>(*this, ast), rt);
+      }
+      void emit(std::unique_ptr<orc::MaterializationResponsibility> mr, Ast &ast) {
+        // compileAst is just function that compiles the given AST and returns
+        // a `llvm::orc::ThreadSafeModule`
+        baseLayer.emit(std::move(mr), compileAst(ast));
+      }
+      llvm::orc::MaterializationUnit::Interface getInterface(Ast &ast) {
+          SymbolFlagsMap Symbols;
+          // Find all the symbols in the AST and for each of them
+          // add it to the Symbols map.
+          Symbols[mangler(someNameFromAST)] =
+            JITSymbolFlags(JITSymbolFlags::Exported | JITSymbolFlags::Callable);
+          return MaterializationUnit::Interface(std::move(Symbols), nullptr);
+      }
+    };
+Take look at the source code of `Building A JIT's Chapter 4 <tutorial/BuildingAJIT4.html>`_ for a complete example.
 How to use ThreadSafeModule and ThreadSafeContext


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