[llvm] 95a436f - [X86][ABI] Pre-commit test for the f80 ABI alignment change. NFC

Phoebe Wang via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 12 01:12:03 PST 2022

Author: Phoebe Wang
Date: 2022-01-12T17:11:49+08:00
New Revision: 95a436f8cca6991dc0f30588d9b1af3223818168

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/95a436f8cca6991dc0f30588d9b1af3223818168
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/95a436f8cca6991dc0f30588d9b1af3223818168.diff

LOG: [X86][ABI] Pre-commit test for the f80 ABI alignment change. NFC




diff  --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/long-double-abi-align.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/long-double-abi-align.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..ca45886db5705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/long-double-abi-align.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py UTC_ARGS: --no_x86_scrub_sp --no_x86_scrub_mem_shuffle
+; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i386-pc-windows-msvc | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MSVC
+; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i386-pc-mingw32 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MINGW
+; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i386-pc-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=LINUX
+; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i386--apple-darwin  | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=DARWIN
+define void @foo(i32 %0, x86_fp80 %1, i32 %2) nounwind {
+; MSVC-LABEL: foo:
+; MSVC:       # %bb.0:
+; MSVC-NEXT:    pushl %ebp
+; MSVC-NEXT:    movl %esp, %ebp
+; MSVC-NEXT:    andl $-16, %esp
+; MSVC-NEXT:    subl $32, %esp
+; MSVC-NEXT:    fldt 12(%ebp)
+; MSVC-NEXT:    fstpt (%esp)
+; MSVC-NEXT:    leal 8(%ebp), %eax
+; MSVC-NEXT:    pushl %eax
+; MSVC-NEXT:    calll _escape
+; MSVC-NEXT:    addl $4, %esp
+; MSVC-NEXT:    movl %esp, %eax
+; MSVC-NEXT:    pushl %eax
+; MSVC-NEXT:    calll _escape
+; MSVC-NEXT:    addl $4, %esp
+; MSVC-NEXT:    leal 24(%ebp), %eax
+; MSVC-NEXT:    pushl %eax
+; MSVC-NEXT:    calll _escape
+; MSVC-NEXT:    addl $4, %esp
+; MSVC-NEXT:    movl %ebp, %esp
+; MSVC-NEXT:    popl %ebp
+; MSVC-NEXT:    retl
+; MINGW-LABEL: foo:
+; MINGW:       # %bb.0:
+; MINGW-NEXT:    pushl %ebp
+; MINGW-NEXT:    movl %esp, %ebp
+; MINGW-NEXT:    andl $-16, %esp
+; MINGW-NEXT:    subl $32, %esp
+; MINGW-NEXT:    fldt 12(%ebp)
+; MINGW-NEXT:    fstpt (%esp)
+; MINGW-NEXT:    leal 8(%ebp), %eax
+; MINGW-NEXT:    pushl %eax
+; MINGW-NEXT:    calll _escape
+; MINGW-NEXT:    addl $4, %esp
+; MINGW-NEXT:    movl %esp, %eax
+; MINGW-NEXT:    pushl %eax
+; MINGW-NEXT:    calll _escape
+; MINGW-NEXT:    addl $4, %esp
+; MINGW-NEXT:    leal 24(%ebp), %eax
+; MINGW-NEXT:    pushl %eax
+; MINGW-NEXT:    calll _escape
+; MINGW-NEXT:    addl $4, %esp
+; MINGW-NEXT:    movl %ebp, %esp
+; MINGW-NEXT:    popl %ebp
+; MINGW-NEXT:    retl
+; LINUX-LABEL: foo:
+; LINUX:       # %bb.0:
+; LINUX-NEXT:    subl $28, %esp
+; LINUX-NEXT:    fldt 36(%esp)
+; LINUX-NEXT:    fstpt 16(%esp)
+; LINUX-NEXT:    leal 32(%esp), %eax
+; LINUX-NEXT:    movl %eax, (%esp)
+; LINUX-NEXT:    calll escape at PLT
+; LINUX-NEXT:    leal 16(%esp), %eax
+; LINUX-NEXT:    movl %eax, (%esp)
+; LINUX-NEXT:    calll escape at PLT
+; LINUX-NEXT:    leal 48(%esp), %eax
+; LINUX-NEXT:    movl %eax, (%esp)
+; LINUX-NEXT:    calll escape at PLT
+; LINUX-NEXT:    addl $28, %esp
+; LINUX-NEXT:    retl
+; DARWIN:       ## %bb.0:
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    subl $44, %esp
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    fldt 64(%esp)
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    fstpt 16(%esp)
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    leal 48(%esp), %eax
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    movl %eax, (%esp)
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    calll _escape
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    leal 16(%esp), %eax
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    movl %eax, (%esp)
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    calll _escape
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    leal 80(%esp), %eax
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    movl %eax, (%esp)
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    calll _escape
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    addl $44, %esp
+; DARWIN-NEXT:    retl
+  %4 = alloca i32, align 4
+  %5 = alloca x86_fp80, align 16
+  %6 = alloca i32, align 4
+  store i32 %0, i32* %4, align 4
+  store x86_fp80 %1, x86_fp80* %5, align 16
+  store i32 %2, i32* %6, align 4
+  %7 = bitcast i32* %4 to i8*
+  call void @escape(i8* nonnull %7)
+  %8 = bitcast x86_fp80* %5 to i8*
+  call void @escape(i8* nonnull %8)
+  %9 = bitcast i32* %6 to i8*
+  call void @escape(i8* nonnull %9)
+  ret void
+declare void @escape(i8*)


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