[PATCH] D115918: [MS][NFC] Remove SEH chaininfo assembler macros

namazso via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 6 14:33:29 PST 2022

namazso added a comment.

In D115918#3226107 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D115918#3226107>, @rnk wrote:

> What do you think of the example? Is that a possible way that one could set up correct chained unwind info with the directives as they are? Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with these. As you can see, the compiler doesn't use them, they are only implemented at the assembler level.

If you mean how it is right now, no, because that will just error:

  <unknown>:0: error: expected relocatable expression
  <unknown>:0: error: expected relocatable expression

syntax-wise it might be possible to make it work like this though, although I think a syntax like `.seh_proc procname, chainedprocname` might be better as it allows you to generate output similar to some that MSVC generates if you want to.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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