[PATCH] D116599: Simplify AttrBuilder storage for target dependent attributes

Nikita Popov via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 5 03:03:48 PST 2022

nikic accepted this revision.
nikic added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

LG from my side, but I'd like a second opinion for the "require LLVMContext in AttrBuilder" part of the change, as that's the main API impact.

Comment at: llvm/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.cpp:136
     const std::vector<unsigned> &Attrs = RAG.second;
-    AttrBuilder B;
+    AttrBuilder B(M->getContext());
These `M->getContext()` can be replaced by just `Context`, as LLParser stores a reference to that.

Comment at: llvm/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.cpp:1246
+  if (R == NumberedAttrBuilders.end())
+    R = NumberedAttrBuilders.emplace(VarID, AttrBuilder(M->getContext())).first;
Is the separate find call here to avoid constructing AttrBuilder if it's already in the map?

I was going to suggest that you can write this as `R = NumberedAttrBuilders.emplace(VarID, M->getContext()).first;` and leave the construction of `AttrBuilder` to emplace(), but it turns out that emplace() still unconditionally constructs the object (because C++) and the sensible replacement for this (`try_emplace`) has only been introduced in C++17.

Comment at: llvm/lib/IR/Attributes.cpp:1791
   for (const auto &I : AM.td_attrs())
-    TargetDepAttrs.erase(I);
+    removeAttribute(I);
We might as well directly resolve this TODO, I think it should be as simple as:
erase_if(TargetDepAttrs, [&](Attribute A) { return AM.contains(A); });



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