[PATCH] D116575: [NFC][llvm][IR] Align the comments.

Shao-Ce SUN via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jan 3 22:45:48 PST 2022

achieveartificialintelligence added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/SDNodeProperties.td:1
-//===- SDNodeProperties.td - Common code for DAG isels ---*- tablegen -*-===//
+//===- SDNodeProperties.td - Common code for DAG isels ---*--- tablegen -*-===//
craig.topper wrote:
> `-*- tablegen -*-` is a pattern recognized by some text editors to enable syntax highlighting. You can't add extra dashes in that part. Add them after isels.
Thanks! And my co-worker will upload a newer revision later.

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/SDNodeProperties.td:21
-def SDNPCommutative : SDNodeProperty;   // X op Y == Y op X
-def SDNPAssociative : SDNodeProperty;   // (X op Y) op Z == X op (Y op Z)
-def SDNPHasChain    : SDNodeProperty;   // R/W chain operand and result
-def SDNPOutGlue     : SDNodeProperty;   // Write a flag result
-def SDNPInGlue      : SDNodeProperty;   // Read a flag operand
-def SDNPOptInGlue   : SDNodeProperty;   // Optionally read a flag operand
-def SDNPMayStore    : SDNodeProperty;   // May write to memory, sets 'mayStore'.
-def SDNPMayLoad     : SDNodeProperty;   // May read memory, sets 'mayLoad'.
-def SDNPSideEffect  : SDNodeProperty;   // Sets 'HasUnmodelledSideEffects'.
-def SDNPMemOperand  : SDNodeProperty;   // Touches memory, has assoc MemOperand
-def SDNPVariadic    : SDNodeProperty;   // Node has variable arguments.
-def SDNPWantRoot    : SDNodeProperty;   // ComplexPattern gets the root of match
-def SDNPWantParent  : SDNodeProperty;   // ComplexPattern gets the parent
+def SDNPCommutative : SDNodeProperty;  // X op Y == Y op X
+def SDNPAssociative : SDNodeProperty;  // (X op Y) op Z == X op (Y op Z)
craig.topper wrote:
> Why is 2 spaces better than 3?
Sorry, my mistake.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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