[PATCH] D110385: [SCEV] Verify contents of cached Block Dispositions

Philip Reames via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Nov 29 13:59:16 PST 2021

reames added a comment.

FYI, the issue fixed in D114738 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D114738> could cause this check to fail.  As such, this is blocked on that patch.

Comment at: llvm/test/Transforms/LoopFusion/triple_loop_nest_inner_guard.ll:6
+; Assertion `!isInvalid() && "Loop not in a valid state!"' failed during verification.
+; XFAIL: *
bjope wrote:
> I figure this is a fault that we now detect that should be tracked somehow. Should there be a reference to a bugzilla issue here?
This to me looks to be a blocker.  We must understand where this failure is coming from and fix it before landing the verification.  



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