[PATCH] D113756: [fir] Add fir.embox conversion
Valentin Clement via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Nov 12 04:11:30 PST 2021
clementval created this revision.
clementval added reviewers: jeanPerier, svedanayagam, sscalpone, kiranchandramohan, jdoerfert, schweitz, pmccormick, rovka, AlexisPerry, PeteSteinfeld, awarzynski.
Herald added a subscriber: mehdi_amini.
Herald added a project: Flang.
clementval requested review of this revision.
Herald added a project: LLVM.
Herald added a subscriber: llvm-commits.
Convert a `fir.embox` operation to LLVM IR dialect.
A `fir.embox` is converted to a sequence of operation that
create, allocate if needed, and populate a descriptor.
This patch is part of the upstreaming effort from fir-dev branch.
Co-authored-by: Eric Schweitz <eschweitz at nvidia.com>
Co-authored-by: Jean Perier <jperier at nvidia.com>
rG LLVM Github Monorepo
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