[PATCH] D113399: [flang][OpenMP] Add semantic checks of nesting of region about ordered construct

Peixin Qiao via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Nov 8 06:20:05 PST 2021

peixin added a comment.

The following two checks cannot be fully supported because of limited inter-procedure analysis.

  An ordered region that corresponds to an ordered construct without the simd clause specified must be closely nested inside a worksharing-loop region.
  During execution of an iteration of a worksharing-loop or a loop nest within a worksharing-loop, simd, or worksharing-loop SIMD region, a thread must not execute more than one ordered region that corresponds to an ordered construct without a depend clause.

Up to now, all the semantic checks of nesting of regions about ordered construct nested in worksharing-loop, SIMD, or worksharing-loop SIMD region are supported.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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