[lld] 12b1dc0 - [WebAssembly][lld] Convert signature-mismatch.ll test to asm. NFC

Sam Clegg via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Aug 18 19:17:33 PDT 2021

Author: Sam Clegg
Date: 2021-08-18T22:17:02-04:00
New Revision: 12b1dc0467e0d7ba6f4a3d7a85f85a7f91e052eb

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/12b1dc0467e0d7ba6f4a3d7a85f85a7f91e052eb
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/12b1dc0467e0d7ba6f4a3d7a85f85a7f91e052eb.diff

LOG: [WebAssembly][lld] Convert signature-mismatch.ll test to asm. NFC

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D108346




diff  --git a/lld/test/wasm/signature-mismatch.ll b/lld/test/wasm/signature-mismatch.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index 931ec9ef12346..0000000000000
--- a/lld/test/wasm/signature-mismatch.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown %p/Inputs/ret32.s -o %t.ret32.o
-; RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown %p/Inputs/call-ret32.s -o %t.call.o
-; RUN: llc -filetype=obj %s -o %t.main.o
-; RUN: wasm-ld --export=call_ret32 --export=ret32 -o %t.wasm %t.main.o %t.ret32.o %t.call.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=WARN
-; RUN: obj2yaml %t.wasm | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=YAML
-; RUN: wasm-ld -r -o %t.reloc.o %t.main.o %t.ret32.o %t.call.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=WARN
-; RUN: obj2yaml %t.reloc.o | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RELOC
-; RUN: not wasm-ld --fatal-warnings -o %t.wasm %t.main.o %t.ret32.o %t.call.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ERROR
-target triple = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"
- at ret32_address_main = global i32 (i32, i64, i32)* @ret32, align 4
-; Function Attrs: nounwind
-define hidden void @_start() local_unnamed_addr {
-  %call1 = call i32 @ret32(i32 1, i64 2, i32 3)
-  %addr = load i32 (i32, i64, i32)*, i32 (i32, i64, i32)** @ret32_address_main, align 4
-  %call2 = call i32 %addr(i32 1, i64 2, i32 3)
-  ret void
-declare i32 @ret32(i32, i64, i32) local_unnamed_addr
-; WARN: warning: function signature mismatch: ret32
-; WARN-NEXT: >>> defined as (i32, i64, i32) -> i32 in {{.*}}.main.o
-; WARN-NEXT: >>> defined as (f32) -> i32 in {{.*}}.ret32.o
-; ERROR: error: function signature mismatch: ret32
-; ERROR-NEXT: >>> defined as (i32, i64, i32) -> i32 in {{.*}}.main.o
-; ERROR-NEXT: >>> defined as (f32) -> i32 in {{.*}}.ret32.o
-; YAML:        - Type:            EXPORT
-; YAML:           - Name:            ret32
-; YAML-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
-; YAML-NEXT:        Index:           2
-; YAML-NEXT:      - Name:            call_ret32
-; YAML-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
-; YAML-NEXT:        Index:           3
-; YAML:        - Type:            CUSTOM
-; YAML-NEXT:     Name:            name
-; YAML-NEXT:     FunctionNames:   
-; YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           0
-; YAML-NEXT:         Name:            'signature_mismatch:ret32'
-; YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           1
-; YAML-NEXT:         Name:            _start
-; YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           2
-; YAML-NEXT:         Name:            ret32
-; YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           3
-; YAML-NEXT:         Name:            call_ret32
-; YAML-NEXT:     GlobalNames:
-; YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           0
-; YAML-NEXT:         Name:            __stack_pointer
-; YAML-NEXT:     DataSegmentNames:
-; YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           0
-; YAML-NEXT:         Name:            .data
-; YAML-NEXT: ...
-;      RELOC:     Name:            linking
-; RELOC-NEXT:     Version:         2
-; RELOC-NEXT:     SymbolTable:
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            FUNCTION
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            _start
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Function:        1
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           1
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            FUNCTION
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            ret32
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Function:        2
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           2
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            ret32_address_main
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [  ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            4
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           3
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            TABLE
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            __indirect_function_table
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ UNDEFINED, NO_STRIP ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Table:           0
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           4
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            FUNCTION
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            call_ret32
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Function:        3
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           5
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            ret32_address
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [  ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         1
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            4
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           6
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            FUNCTION
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            'signature_mismatch:ret32'
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ BINDING_LOCAL ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Function:        0

diff  --git a/lld/test/wasm/signature-mismatch.s b/lld/test/wasm/signature-mismatch.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5d305efca2464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lld/test/wasm/signature-mismatch.s
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown %p/Inputs/ret32.s -o %t.ret32.o
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown %p/Inputs/call-ret32.s -o %t.call.o
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown %s -o %t.main.o
+# RUN: wasm-ld --export=call_ret32 --export=ret32 -o %t.wasm %t.main.o %t.ret32.o %t.call.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=WARN
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t.wasm | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=YAML
+# RUN: wasm-ld -r -o %t.reloc.o %t.main.o %t.ret32.o %t.call.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=WARN
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t.reloc.o | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RELOC
+# RUN: not wasm-ld --fatal-warnings -o %t.wasm %t.main.o %t.ret32.o %t.call.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ERROR
+.functype ret32 (i32, i64, i32) -> (i32)
+.hidden  _start
+.globl  _start
+  .functype _start () -> ()
+  i32.const 1
+  i64.const 2
+  i32.const 3
+  call  ret32
+  drop
+  i32.const 1
+  i64.const 2
+  i32.const 3
+  i32.const 0
+  i32.load  ret32_address_main
+  call_indirect  (i32, i64, i32) -> (i32)
+  drop
+  end_function
+.section  .data,"",@
+.globl  ret32_address_main
+.p2align  2
+  .int32  ret32
+.size ret32_address_main, 4
+# WARN: warning: function signature mismatch: ret32
+# WARN-NEXT: >>> defined as (i32, i64, i32) -> i32 in {{.*}}.main.o
+# WARN-NEXT: >>> defined as (f32) -> i32 in {{.*}}.ret32.o
+# ERROR: error: function signature mismatch: ret32
+# ERROR-NEXT: >>> defined as (i32, i64, i32) -> i32 in {{.*}}.main.o
+# ERROR-NEXT: >>> defined as (f32) -> i32 in {{.*}}.ret32.o
+# YAML:        - Type:            EXPORT
+# YAML:           - Name:            ret32
+# YAML-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
+# YAML-NEXT:        Index:           2
+# YAML-NEXT:      - Name:            call_ret32
+# YAML-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
+# YAML-NEXT:        Index:           3
+# YAML:        - Type:            CUSTOM
+# YAML-NEXT:     Name:            name
+# YAML-NEXT:     FunctionNames:   
+# YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           0
+# YAML-NEXT:         Name:            'signature_mismatch:ret32'
+# YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           1
+# YAML-NEXT:         Name:            _start
+# YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           2
+# YAML-NEXT:         Name:            ret32
+# YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           3
+# YAML-NEXT:         Name:            call_ret32
+# YAML-NEXT:     GlobalNames:
+# YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           0
+# YAML-NEXT:         Name:            __stack_pointer
+# YAML-NEXT:     DataSegmentNames:
+# YAML-NEXT:       - Index:           0
+# YAML-NEXT:         Name:            .data
+# YAML-NEXT: ...
+#      RELOC:     Name:            linking
+# RELOC-NEXT:     Version:         2
+# RELOC-NEXT:     SymbolTable:
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            FUNCTION
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            _start
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Function:        1
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           1
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            FUNCTION
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            ret32
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Function:        2
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           2
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            ret32_address_main
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [  ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            4
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           3
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            TABLE
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            __indirect_function_table
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ UNDEFINED, NO_STRIP ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Table:           0
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           4
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            FUNCTION
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            call_ret32
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Function:        3
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           5
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            ret32_address
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [  ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         1
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            4
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           6
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            FUNCTION
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            'signature_mismatch:ret32'
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ BINDING_LOCAL ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Function:        0


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