[PATCH] D103900: [llvm] Add enum iteration to Sequence
Arthur O'Dwyer via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 24 09:14:47 PDT 2021
Quuxplusone added inline comments.
Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/ADT/Sequence.h:159
+ // This assertion forbids overflow of `PastEndValue`.
+ assert(End != std::numeric_limits<raw_type>::max() &&
+ "Forbidden End value for seq_inclusive.");
gchatelet wrote:
> Quuxplusone wrote:
> > gchatelet wrote:
> > > courbet wrote:
> > > > So you can't `iota_range` and enum with `uint8_t` underlying type and 256 values ? That seems a bit artificial.
> > > > Maybe we could always use `intmax_t` (resp. `uintmax_t` for unsigned underlying types) as raw_type ?
> > > > So you can't `iota_range` and enum with `uint8_t` underlying type and 256 values ? That seems a bit artificial.
> > > > Maybe we could always use `intmax_t` (resp. `uintmax_t` for unsigned underlying types) as raw_type ?
> > >
> > > Fair enough. I'm slightly concerned about integer promotion/conversion rules but it //should be safe// (famous last words).
> > Well, now I'm wondering why we don't just use `uintptr_t` all the time. Why does the storage type //ever// have to be signed `intptr_t`?
> > I think the rationale has to do with ensuring that `r.begin() < r.end()`; but maybe that just indicates that `Op::difference` is computing its return value via the wrong expression.
> > But anyway, I continue to be uninterested in blocking this at this point. :)
> >
> > Please do verify that the test failures in the latest run aren't your fault (e.g. by rebasing and letting the tests run again) before committing.
> > Well, now I'm wondering why we don't just use `uintptr_t` all the time. Why does the storage type //ever// have to be signed `intptr_t`?
> So there are enums that explicitly use negative values (e.g. [[ https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/aa5c09bead260a6008ed7e92a1ee7b1023703b40/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/FloatingPointMode.h#L44 | FloatingPointMode.h:44 ]]) so I think it's reasonable to allow negative values.
> Also, I think it's a valid use case to use seq with negative values as well (e.g. `seq<int>(-10, 0)`).
> > I think the rationale has to do with ensuring that `r.begin() < r.end()`; but maybe that just indicates that `Op::difference` is computing its return value via the wrong expression.
> > But anyway, I continue to be uninterested in blocking this at this point. :)
> Thx a lot for the time you spent on the review. Highly appreciate it.
> > Please do verify that the test failures in the latest run aren't your fault (e.g. by rebasing and letting the tests run again) before committing.
> Yes.
For the record, I was talking about the storage type (`raw_type`) being unsigned, not the value type (`value_type`). I certainly agree that the `value_type` needs to be able to be signed or unsigned, enum or integral. But the reason you ever need anything besides `uintptr_t` as the `raw_type` is much subtler and harder to see.
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