[PATCH] D104546: [CSSPGO][llvm-profgen] Handle reurn to external transition.
Hongtao Yu via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 21 18:29:23 PDT 2021
hoy added inline comments.
Comment at: llvm/tools/llvm-profgen/PerfReader.cpp:464
+ if (Binary->addressIsReturn(Src)) {
+ // In a callback case, a return from internal code, say A, to external
wenlei wrote:
> hoy wrote:
> > hoy wrote:
> > > wenlei wrote:
> > > > If we have a transition from A to B, which is in the form of A calling <external> and <external> calling B, we would form artificial branch from A to B as well. But the same issue with unwinder still exists, right?
> > > >
> > > > So IIUC, the bail out condition should be A and B are not the same frame/function? In order for artificial branch to work with unwinder, the original execution flow can't involve extra external frames.
> > > The processing order here is in reversed timing order. E..g, we are processing a trace from latest to oldest like:
> > >
> > > [C, D] [E, F] [ext, B] [ext, ext] .... , [A, ext], and now we are at [A, ext], without this change we would group [ext, B] (cached by `PrevTrDst`) and [A, ext] to form an artificial branch. With this change, we only keep processed traces up to [E, F].
> > >
> > > Checking A and B are not in the same function can narrow down the cases. But even if they are in the same function, returning from A to runtime and then form to A ends up with an artificial branch meaning A returning to A can still be confusing, since there may not be a callsite corresponding to that.
> > > If we have a transition from A to B, which is in the form of A calling <external> and <external> calling B, we would form artificial branch from A to B as well. But the same issue with unwinder still exists, right?
> >
> > This is fine so far. The problem with returning from A to B is that it causes the unwinder to treat the instruction in front of B is a call instruction, which is not always the case.
> > Checking A and B are not in the same function can narrow down the cases. But even if they are in the same function, returning from A to runtime and then form to A ends up with an artificial branch meaning A returning to A can still be confusing, since there may not be a callsite corresponding to that.
> Fair point.
> > > If we have a transition from A to B, which is in the form of A calling <external> and <external> calling B, we would form artificial branch from A to B as well. But the same issue with unwinder still exists, right?
> >
> > This is fine so far. The problem with returning from A to B is that it causes the unwinder to treat the instruction in front of B is a call instruction, which is not always the case.
> For this case, we don't have the problem of expecting a non-existing call site, but I was wondering if unwinder can yield correct results. When unwinding through artificial branch A->B, we see it's a call and will pop the frame of B, however in reality, we should pop frames for both B and <external>?
If there is a preceding return from B to somewhere which pushes a frame, then the artificial call from A to B should naturally pop it. This likely means calling into the runtime from A, and then calling back to user code B, and then returning to user code, which is likely to happen due to tail calls.
If there is no preceding return in LBR, the call stack should be empty since the call stack trace truncation happens at external calling B point. The leftover traces will be treated without a calling context.
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