[llvm] 6922ab7 - Revert "[InstCombine] Extract bitcast -> gep transform"

Nikita Popov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 21 12:34:29 PDT 2021

Author: Nikita Popov
Date: 2021-06-21T21:34:17+02:00
New Revision: 6922ab73a5a5b0d6a65f0b8796e5fae4345dbbd9

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6922ab73a5a5b0d6a65f0b8796e5fae4345dbbd9
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6922ab73a5a5b0d6a65f0b8796e5fae4345dbbd9.diff

LOG: Revert "[InstCombine] Extract bitcast -> gep transform"

This reverts commit d9f5d7b959de36085944d4a99a73f3053f953796.
This reverts commit 5780611d7e044ef56c4214df2c236ef5e15545ab.

This causes a failure in Coroutine tests.




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCasts.cpp b/llvm/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCasts.cpp
index 24187d50a484..9b38eb6ab24d 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCasts.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCasts.cpp
@@ -2603,57 +2603,6 @@ Instruction *InstCombinerImpl::optimizeBitCastFromPhi(CastInst &CI,
   return RetVal;
-static Instruction *convertBitCastToGEP(BitCastInst &CI, IRBuilderBase &Builder,
-                                        const DataLayout &DL) {
-  Value *Src = CI.getOperand(0);
-  PointerType *SrcPTy = cast<PointerType>(Src->getType());
-  PointerType *DstPTy = cast<PointerType>(CI.getType());
-  // Bitcasts involving opaque pointers cannot be converted into a GEP.
-  if (SrcPTy->isOpaque() || DstPTy->isOpaque())
-    return nullptr;
-  Type *DstElTy = DstPTy->getElementType();
-  Type *SrcElTy = SrcPTy->getElementType();
-  // When the type pointed to is not sized the cast cannot be
-  // turned into a gep.
-  if (!SrcElTy->isSized())
-    return nullptr;
-  // If the source and destination are pointers, and this cast is equivalent
-  // to a getelementptr X, 0, 0, 0...  turn it into the appropriate gep.
-  // This can enhance SROA and other transforms that want type-safe pointers.
-  unsigned NumZeros = 0;
-  while (SrcElTy && SrcElTy != DstElTy) {
-    SrcElTy = GetElementPtrInst::getTypeAtIndex(SrcElTy, (uint64_t)0);
-    ++NumZeros;
-  }
-  // If we found a path from the src to dest, create the getelementptr now.
-  if (SrcElTy == DstElTy) {
-    SmallVector<Value *, 8> Idxs(NumZeros + 1, Builder.getInt32(0));
-    GetElementPtrInst *GEP =
-        GetElementPtrInst::Create(SrcPTy->getElementType(), Src, Idxs);
-    // If the source pointer is dereferenceable, then assume it points to an
-    // allocated object and apply "inbounds" to the GEP.
-    bool CanBeNull, CanBeFreed;
-    if (Src->getPointerDereferenceableBytes(DL, CanBeNull, CanBeFreed)) {
-      // In a non-default address space (not 0), a null pointer can not be
-      // assumed inbounds, so ignore that case (dereferenceable_or_null).
-      // The reason is that 'null' is not treated 
diff erently in these address
-      // spaces, and we consequently ignore the 'gep inbounds' special case
-      // for 'null' which allows 'inbounds' on 'null' if the indices are
-      // zeros.
-      if (SrcPTy->getAddressSpace() == 0 || !CanBeNull)
-        GEP->setIsInBounds();
-    }
-    return GEP;
-  }
-  return nullptr;
 Instruction *InstCombinerImpl::visitBitCast(BitCastInst &CI) {
   // If the operands are integer typed then apply the integer transforms,
   // otherwise just apply the common ones.
@@ -2667,6 +2616,11 @@ Instruction *InstCombinerImpl::visitBitCast(BitCastInst &CI) {
     return replaceInstUsesWith(CI, Src);
   if (isa<PointerType>(SrcTy) && isa<PointerType>(DestTy)) {
+    PointerType *SrcPTy = cast<PointerType>(SrcTy);
+    PointerType *DstPTy = cast<PointerType>(DestTy);
+    Type *DstElTy = DstPTy->getElementType();
+    Type *SrcElTy = SrcPTy->getElementType();
     // If we are casting a alloca to a pointer to a type of the same
     // size, rewrite the allocation instruction to allocate the "right" type.
     // There is no need to modify malloc calls because it is their bitcast that
@@ -2675,8 +2629,43 @@ Instruction *InstCombinerImpl::visitBitCast(BitCastInst &CI) {
       if (Instruction *V = PromoteCastOfAllocation(CI, *AI))
         return V;
-    if (Instruction *I = convertBitCastToGEP(CI, Builder, DL))
-      return I;
+    // When the type pointed to is not sized the cast cannot be
+    // turned into a gep.
+    Type *PointeeType =
+        cast<PointerType>(Src->getType()->getScalarType())->getElementType();
+    if (!PointeeType->isSized())
+      return nullptr;
+    // If the source and destination are pointers, and this cast is equivalent
+    // to a getelementptr X, 0, 0, 0...  turn it into the appropriate gep.
+    // This can enhance SROA and other transforms that want type-safe pointers.
+    unsigned NumZeros = 0;
+    while (SrcElTy && SrcElTy != DstElTy) {
+      SrcElTy = GetElementPtrInst::getTypeAtIndex(SrcElTy, (uint64_t)0);
+      ++NumZeros;
+    }
+    // If we found a path from the src to dest, create the getelementptr now.
+    if (SrcElTy == DstElTy) {
+      SmallVector<Value *, 8> Idxs(NumZeros + 1, Builder.getInt32(0));
+      GetElementPtrInst *GEP =
+          GetElementPtrInst::Create(SrcPTy->getElementType(), Src, Idxs);
+      // If the source pointer is dereferenceable, then assume it points to an
+      // allocated object and apply "inbounds" to the GEP.
+      bool CanBeNull, CanBeFreed;
+      if (Src->getPointerDereferenceableBytes(DL, CanBeNull, CanBeFreed)) {
+        // In a non-default address space (not 0), a null pointer can not be
+        // assumed inbounds, so ignore that case (dereferenceable_or_null).
+        // The reason is that 'null' is not treated 
diff erently in these address
+        // spaces, and we consequently ignore the 'gep inbounds' special case
+        // for 'null' which allows 'inbounds' on 'null' if the indices are
+        // zeros.
+        if (SrcPTy->getAddressSpace() == 0 || !CanBeNull)
+          GEP->setIsInBounds();
+      }
+      return GEP;
+    }
   if (FixedVectorType *DestVTy = dyn_cast<FixedVectorType>(DestTy)) {

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/opaque-ptr.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/opaque-ptr.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bf205ca9141..000000000000
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/opaque-ptr.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py
-; RUN: opt -S -instcombine < %s | FileCheck %s
-define ptr @bitcast_opaque_to_opaque(ptr %a) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: @bitcast_opaque_to_opaque(
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret ptr [[A:%.*]]
-  %b = bitcast ptr %a to ptr
-  ret ptr %b
-define ptr @bitcast_typed_to_opaque(i8* %a) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: @bitcast_typed_to_opaque(
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[B:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[A:%.*]] to ptr
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret ptr [[B]]
-  %b = bitcast i8* %a to ptr
-  ret ptr %b
-define i8* @bitcast_opaque_to_typed(ptr %a) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: @bitcast_opaque_to_typed(
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[B:%.*]] = bitcast ptr [[A:%.*]] to i8*
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i8* [[B]]
-  %b = bitcast ptr %a to i8*
-  ret i8* %b
-;define ptr @addrspacecast_opaque_to_opaque(ptr addrspace(1) %a) {
-;  %b = addrspacecast ptr addrspace(1) %a to ptr
-;  ret ptr %b
-;define ptr @addrspacecast_typed_to_opaque(i8 addrspace(1)* %a) {
-;  %b = addrspacecast i8 addrspace(1)* %a to ptr
-;  ret ptr %b
-;define i8* @addrspacecast_opaque_to_typed(ptr addrspace(1) %a) {
-;  %b = addrspacecast ptr addrspace(1) %a to i8*
-;  ret i8* %b


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