[PATCH] D102401: [AMDGPU] Allocate LDS globals in sorted order of their alignment and size.

Jay Foad via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 18 02:01:47 PDT 2021

foad added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/Utils/AMDGPULDSUtils.cpp:115
+  SmallVector<const GlobalVariable *, 8> StaticLDSGlobals =
+      collectStaticLDSGlobals(&M);
hsmhsm wrote:
> rampitec wrote:
> > hsmhsm wrote:
> > > rampitec wrote:
> > > > Maybe just pass a filter lambda there?
> > > I personally think that it will be over complicated - collectStaticLDSGlobals() is called by both findVariablesToLower() and getSortedUsedLDSGlobals().  Further filtering of LDS globals is required for findVariablesToLower(), but not for getSortedUsedLDSGlobals().
> > I do not like the idea of allocating memory, then copying.
> Then you mean to say, let's return vector, instead of passing it as reference arg? then we cannot use SmallVectorImpl<> as return type, so, we need to go back to returning SmallVector<> itself.
To avoid allocating memory for a copy of the data, you could filter StaticLDSGlobals in-place with `erase(remove_if(StaticLDSGlobals.begin(), StaticLDSGlobals.end(), predicate), StaticLDSGlobals.end())`.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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