[PATCH] D100630: [Debug-Info][DBX] DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type should not be generated when dwarf version is smaller than 4

David Blaikie via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed May 12 19:41:20 PDT 2021

dblaikie added a comment.

In D100630#2755936 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D100630#2755936>, @aprantl wrote:

> Doing this in the backend SGTM, assuming all of @dblaikie's comments are addressed.

The complication is that if we naively lower DW_TAG_rvalue_reference to DW_TAG_reference, then we'll end up with two DW_TAG_reference DIEs in the output (one from the rvalue_reference, one from the reference) - which seems not ideal. I don't have /great/ ideas about how to address that, but think it might be worth figuring out - but doing it in the frontend is pretty simple (& CodeView's certainly got precedent for changing the DI metadata in the frontend - not sure if we have cases where we change the DI metadata based on DWARF version or anything like that - do you know of any?).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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