[PATCH] D101137: scudo: Store header on deallocation before retagging memory.
Peter Collingbourne via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Apr 23 09:32:39 PDT 2021
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rG0a5576ecf05f: scudo: Store header on deallocation before retagging memory. (authored by pcc).
rG LLVM Github Monorepo
Index: compiler-rt/lib/scudo/standalone/combined.h
--- compiler-rt/lib/scudo/standalone/combined.h
+++ compiler-rt/lib/scudo/standalone/combined.h
@@ -1036,8 +1036,22 @@
Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header, uptr Size) {
void *Ptr = getHeaderTaggedPointer(TaggedPtr);
Chunk::UnpackedHeader NewHeader = *Header;
+ // If the quarantine is disabled, the actual size of a chunk is 0 or larger
+ // than the maximum allowed, we return a chunk directly to the backend.
+ // This purposefully underflows for Size == 0.
+ const bool BypassQuarantine = !Quarantine.getCacheSize() ||
+ ((Size - 1) >= QuarantineMaxChunkSize) ||
+ !NewHeader.ClassId;
+ NewHeader.State =
+ BypassQuarantine ? Chunk::State::Available : Chunk::State::Quarantined;
+ NewHeader.OriginOrWasZeroed = useMemoryTagging<Params>(Options) &&
+ NewHeader.ClassId &&
+ !TSDRegistry.getDisableMemInit();
+ Chunk::compareExchangeHeader(Cookie, Ptr, &NewHeader, Header);
if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<Params>(Options))) {
u8 PrevTag = extractTag(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(TaggedPtr));
+ storeDeallocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr, PrevTag, Size);
if (NewHeader.ClassId) {
if (!TSDRegistry.getDisableMemInit()) {
uptr TaggedBegin, TaggedEnd;
@@ -1049,19 +1063,9 @@
setRandomTag(Ptr, Size, OddEvenMask | (1UL << PrevTag), &TaggedBegin,
- NewHeader.OriginOrWasZeroed = !TSDRegistry.getDisableMemInit();
- storeDeallocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr, PrevTag, Size);
- // If the quarantine is disabled, the actual size of a chunk is 0 or larger
- // than the maximum allowed, we return a chunk directly to the backend.
- // This purposefully underflows for Size == 0.
- const bool BypassQuarantine = !Quarantine.getCacheSize() ||
- ((Size - 1) >= QuarantineMaxChunkSize) ||
- !NewHeader.ClassId;
if (BypassQuarantine) {
- NewHeader.State = Chunk::State::Available;
- Chunk::compareExchangeHeader(Cookie, Ptr, &NewHeader, Header);
if (allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<Params>())
Ptr = untagPointer(Ptr);
void *BlockBegin = getBlockBegin(Ptr, &NewHeader);
@@ -1079,8 +1083,6 @@
Secondary.deallocate(Options, BlockBegin);
} else {
- NewHeader.State = Chunk::State::Quarantined;
- Chunk::compareExchangeHeader(Cookie, Ptr, &NewHeader, Header);
bool UnlockRequired;
auto *TSD = TSDRegistry.getTSDAndLock(&UnlockRequired);
-------------- next part --------------
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