[llvm] 99203f2 - [Analysis]Add getPointersDiff function to improve compile time.

Richard Smith via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 25 16:55:22 PDT 2021

Landed in 040c60d9b69e2ad570556f255a746929a4b10e82.

I didn't look at the other callers of getPointersDiff to see if they are OK
passing StrictCheck == false. Is it OK for the returned value to be rounded
down to a multiple of the type size in the other cases?

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021 at 16:44, Alexey Bataev <a.bataev at outlook.com> wrote:

> Sure!
> Best regards,
> Alexey Bataev
> 25 марта 2021 г., в 19:41, Richard Smith <richard at metafoo.co.uk>
> написал(а):
> Sure, I'm currently running the tests on that change and will land that
> once they pass. However, I've not figured out how to observe the bug with
> an LLVM test yet (the testcase in question was extracted from the middle of
> a JIT process). Do you mind if I land this without a test and leave the
> test coverage with you? This is currently blocking us, so I'd like to get
> the bug resolved as soon as possible.
> On Thu, 25 Mar 2021 at 16:34, Alexey Bataev <a.bataev at outlook.com> wrote:
>> Hi Richard, yes, that’s what I thought. Can you commit this fix?
>> Best regards,
>> Alexey Bataev
>> 25 марта 2021 г., в 19:29, Richard Smith <richard at metafoo.co.uk>
>> написал(а):
>> On Thu, 25 Mar 2021 at 16:24, Richard Smith <richard at metafoo.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Alexey, this patch has introduced a miscompile for us.
>>> On Tue, 23 Mar 2021 at 14:26, Alexey Bataev via llvm-commits <
>>> llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>>>> Author: Alexey Bataev
>>>> Date: 2021-03-23T14:25:36-07:00
>>>> New Revision: 99203f2004d031f2ef22f01e3c569d2775de1836
>>>> URL:
>>>> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/99203f2004d031f2ef22f01e3c569d2775de1836
>>>> DIFF:
>>>> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/99203f2004d031f2ef22f01e3c569d2775de1836.diff
>>>> LOG: [Analysis]Add getPointersDiff function to improve compile time.
>>>> Added getPointersDiff function to LoopAccessAnalysis and used it instead
>>>> direct calculatoin of the distance between pointers and/or
>>>> isConsecutiveAccess function in SLP vectorizer to improve compile time
>>>> and detection of stores consecutive chains.
>>>> Part of D57059
>>>> Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D98967
>>>> Added:
>>>> Modified:
>>>>     llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.h
>>>>     llvm/lib/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.cpp
>>>>     llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SLPVectorizer.cpp
>>>>     llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/pr35497.ll
>>>> Removed:
>>>> ################################################################################
>>>> diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.h
>>>> b/llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.h
>>>> index 13fbe884eddf..39acfd5bbbee 100644
>>>> --- a/llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.h
>>>> +++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.h
>>>> @@ -679,6 +679,15 @@ int64_t getPtrStride(PredicatedScalarEvolution
>>>> &PSE, Value *Ptr, const Loop *Lp,
>>>>                       const ValueToValueMap &StridesMap =
>>>> ValueToValueMap(),
>>>>                       bool Assume = false, bool ShouldCheckWrap = true);
>>>> +/// Returns the distance between the pointers \p PtrA and \p PtrB iff
>>>> they are
>>>> +/// compatible and it is possible to calculate the distance between
>>>> them. This
>>>> +/// is a simple API that does not depend on the analysis pass.
>>>> +/// \param StrictCheck Ensure that the calculated distance matches the
>>>> +/// type-based one after all the bitcasts removal in the provided
>>>> pointers.
>>>> +Optional<int> getPointersDiff(Value *PtrA, Value *PtrB, const
>>>> DataLayout &DL,
>>>> +                              ScalarEvolution &SE, bool StrictCheck =
>>>> false,
>>>> +                              bool CheckType = true);
>>>> +
>>>>  /// Attempt to sort the pointers in \p VL and return the sorted indices
>>>>  /// in \p SortedIndices, if reordering is required.
>>>>  ///
>>>> diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.cpp
>>>> b/llvm/lib/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.cpp
>>>> index e632fe25c24c..997d4474a448 100644
>>>> --- a/llvm/lib/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.cpp
>>>> +++ b/llvm/lib/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.cpp
>>>> @@ -1124,139 +1124,123 @@ int64_t
>>>> llvm::getPtrStride(PredicatedScalarEvolution &PSE, Value *Ptr,
>>>>    return Stride;
>>>>  }
>>>> +Optional<int> llvm::getPointersDiff(Value *PtrA, Value *PtrB,
>>>> +                                    const DataLayout &DL,
>>>> ScalarEvolution &SE,
>>>> +                                    bool StrictCheck, bool CheckType) {
>>>> +  assert(PtrA && PtrB && "Expected non-nullptr pointers.");
>>>> +  // Make sure that A and B are
>>>> diff erent pointers.
>>>> +  if (PtrA == PtrB)
>>>> +    return 0;
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Make sure that PtrA and PtrB have the same type if required
>>>> +  if (CheckType && PtrA->getType() != PtrB->getType())
>>>> +    return None;
>>>> +
>>>> +  unsigned ASA = PtrA->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace();
>>>> +  unsigned ASB = PtrB->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace();
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Check that the address spaces match.
>>>> +  if (ASA != ASB)
>>>> +    return None;
>>>> +  unsigned IdxWidth = DL.getIndexSizeInBits(ASA);
>>>> +
>>>> +  APInt OffsetA(IdxWidth, 0), OffsetB(IdxWidth, 0);
>>>> +  Value *PtrA1 = PtrA->stripAndAccumulateInBoundsConstantOffsets(DL,
>>>> OffsetA);
>>>> +  Value *PtrB1 = PtrB->stripAndAccumulateInBoundsConstantOffsets(DL,
>>>> OffsetB);
>>>> +
>>>> +  int Val;
>>>> +  if (PtrA1 == PtrB1) {
>>>> +    // Retrieve the address space again as pointer stripping now
>>>> tracks through
>>>> +    // `addrspacecast`.
>>>> +    ASA = cast<PointerType>(PtrA1->getType())->getAddressSpace();
>>>> +    ASB = cast<PointerType>(PtrB1->getType())->getAddressSpace();
>>>> +    // Check that the address spaces match and that the pointers are
>>>> valid.
>>>> +    if (ASA != ASB)
>>>> +      return None;
>>>> +
>>>> +    IdxWidth = DL.getIndexSizeInBits(ASA);
>>>> +    OffsetA = OffsetA.sextOrTrunc(IdxWidth);
>>>> +    OffsetB = OffsetB.sextOrTrunc(IdxWidth);
>>>> +
>>>> +    OffsetB -= OffsetA;
>>>> +    Val = OffsetB.getSExtValue();
>>>> +  } else {
>>>> +    // Otherwise compute the distance with SCEV between the base
>>>> pointers.
>>>> +    const SCEV *PtrSCEVA = SE.getSCEV(PtrA);
>>>> +    const SCEV *PtrSCEVB = SE.getSCEV(PtrB);
>>>> +    const auto *Diff =
>>>> +        dyn_cast<SCEVConstant>(SE.getMinusSCEV(PtrSCEVB, PtrSCEVA));
>>>> +    if (!Diff)
>>>> +      return None;
>>>> +    Val = Diff->getAPInt().getSExtValue();
>>>> +  }
>>>> +  Type *Ty = cast<PointerType>(PtrA->getType())->getElementType();
>>>> +  int Size = DL.getTypeStoreSize(Ty);
>>>> +  int Dist = Val / Size;
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Ensure that the calculated distance matches the type-based one
>>>> after all
>>>> +  // the bitcasts removal in the provided pointers.
>>>> +  if (!StrictCheck || Dist * Size == Val)
>>>> +    return Dist;
>>> Specifically, we get here, with Val == 12 and Size == 8, resulting in an
>>> incorrect computation of Dist, for the following testcase:
>>> ; Function Attrs: nofree norecurse nounwind uwtable
>>> define void @Int32R2.5(i8* nocapture readnone %retval, i8* noalias
>>> nocapture readnone %run_options, i8** noalias nocapture readnone %params,
>>> i8** noalias nocapture readonly %buffer_table, i64* noalias nocapture
>>> readnone %prof_counters) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
>>> entry:
>>>   %0 = getelementptr inbounds i8*, i8** %buffer_table, i64 2
>>>   %1 = bitcast i8** %0 to i32**
>>>   %2 = load i32*, i32** %1, align 8, !invariant.load !0,
>>> !dereferenceable !1, !align !1
>>>   %3 = getelementptr inbounds i8*, i8** %buffer_table, i64 3
>>>   %4 = bitcast i8** %3 to i32**
>>>   %5 = load i32*, i32** %4, align 8, !invariant.load !0,
>>> !dereferenceable !1, !align !1
>>>   %6 = getelementptr inbounds i8*, i8** %buffer_table, i64 1
>>>   %7 = bitcast i8** %6 to [2 x [2 x i32]]**
>>>   %8 = load [2 x [2 x i32]]*, [2 x [2 x i32]]** %7, align 8,
>>> !invariant.load !0, !dereferenceable !2, !align !2
>>>   %9 = load i32, i32* %2, align 4, !invariant.load !0, !noalias !3
>>>   %10 = icmp sgt i32 %9, 0
>>>   %11 = load i32, i32* %5, align 4, !invariant.load !0, !noalias !3
>>>   %12 = icmp sgt i32 %11, 0
>>>   %13 = select i1 %10, i64 12, i64 0
>>>   %14 = select i1 %12, i64 4, i64 0
>>>   %15 = add nuw nsw i64 %13, %14
>>>   %scevgep6 = getelementptr [36 x i8], [36 x i8]* @0, i64 0, i64 %15
>>>   %16 = bitcast i8* %scevgep6 to i64*
>>>   %17 = bitcast [2 x [2 x i32]]* %8 to i64*
>>>   %18 = load i64, i64* %16, align 4
>>>   store i64 %18, i64* %17, align 16
>>>   %scevgep.1 = getelementptr [2 x [2 x i32]], [2 x [2 x i32]]* %8, i64
>>> 0, i64 1, i64 0
>>>   %19 = add nuw nsw i64 %15, 12
>>>   %scevgep6.1 = getelementptr [36 x i8], [36 x i8]* @0, i64 0, i64 %19
>>>   %20 = bitcast i8* %scevgep6.1 to i64*
>>>   %21 = bitcast i32* %scevgep.1 to i64*
>>>   %22 = load i64, i64* %20, align 4
>>>   store i64 %22, i64* %21, align 8
>>>   ret void
>>> }
>>> ... when computing the difference between %16 and %20 in the call from
>>> LoopAccessAnalysis.cpp:1207.
>>> Perhaps StrictCheck should always be enabled, given that this function
>>> truncates its result and produces a wrong answer if not?
>>>> +  return None;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>>  bool llvm::sortPtrAccesses(ArrayRef<Value *> VL, const DataLayout &DL,
>>>>                             ScalarEvolution &SE,
>>>>                             SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &SortedIndices) {
>>>>    assert(llvm::all_of(
>>>>               VL, [](const Value *V) { return
>>>> V->getType()->isPointerTy(); }) &&
>>>>           "Expected list of pointer operands.");
>>>> -  SmallVector<std::pair<int64_t, Value *>, 4> OffValPairs;
>>>> -  OffValPairs.reserve(VL.size());
>>>> -
>>>>    // Walk over the pointers, and map each of them to an offset
>>>> relative to
>>>>    // first pointer in the array.
>>>>    Value *Ptr0 = VL[0];
>>>> -  const SCEV *Scev0 = SE.getSCEV(Ptr0);
>>>> -  Value *Obj0 = getUnderlyingObject(Ptr0);
>>>> -
>>>> -  llvm::SmallSet<int64_t, 4> Offsets;
>>>> -  for (auto *Ptr : VL) {
>>>> -    // TODO: Outline this code as a special, more time consuming,
>>>> version of
>>>> -    // computeConstantDifference() function.
>>>> -    if (Ptr->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace() !=
>>>> -        Ptr0->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace())
>>>> -      return false;
>>>> -    // If a pointer refers to a
>>>> diff erent underlying object, bail - the
>>>> -    // pointers are by definition incomparable.
>>>> -    Value *CurrObj = getUnderlyingObject(Ptr);
>>>> -    if (CurrObj != Obj0)
>>>> -      return false;
>>>> -    const SCEV *Scev = SE.getSCEV(Ptr);
>>>> -    const auto *Diff = dyn_cast<SCEVConstant>(SE.getMinusSCEV(Scev,
>>>> Scev0));
>>>> -    // The pointers may not have a constant offset from each other, or
>>>> SCEV
>>>> -    // may just not be smart enough to figure out they do. Regardless,
>>>> -    // there's nothing we can do.
>>>> +  using DistOrdPair = std::pair<int64_t, int>;
>>>> +  auto Compare = [](const DistOrdPair &L, const DistOrdPair &R) {
>>>> +    return L.first < R.first;
>>>> +  };
>>>> +  std::set<DistOrdPair, decltype(Compare)> Offsets(Compare);
>>>> +  Offsets.emplace(0, 0);
>>>> +  int Cnt = 1;
>>>> +  bool IsConsecutive = true;
>>>> +  for (auto *Ptr : VL.drop_front()) {
>>>> +    Optional<int> Diff = getPointersDiff(Ptr0, Ptr, DL, SE);
>> Passing StrictCheck = true here fixes the miscompile.
>>>      if (!Diff)
>>>>        return false;
>>>>      // Check if the pointer with the same offset is found.
>>>> -    int64_t Offset = Diff->getAPInt().getSExtValue();
>>>> -    if (!Offsets.insert(Offset).second)
>>>> +    int64_t Offset = *Diff;
>>>> +    auto Res = Offsets.emplace(Offset, Cnt);
>>>> +    if (!Res.second)
>>>>        return false;
>>>> -    OffValPairs.emplace_back(Offset, Ptr);
>>>> +    // Consecutive order if the inserted element is the last one.
>>>> +    IsConsecutive = IsConsecutive && std::next(Res.first) ==
>>>> Offsets.end();
>>>> +    ++Cnt;
>>>>    }
>>>>    SortedIndices.clear();
>>>> -  SortedIndices.resize(VL.size());
>>>> -  std::iota(SortedIndices.begin(), SortedIndices.end(), 0);
>>>> -
>>>> -  // Sort the memory accesses and keep the order of their uses in
>>>> UseOrder.
>>>> -  llvm::stable_sort(SortedIndices, [&](unsigned Left, unsigned Right) {
>>>> -    return OffValPairs[Left].first < OffValPairs[Right].first;
>>>> -  });
>>>> -
>>>> -  // Check if the order is consecutive already.
>>>> -  if (llvm::all_of(SortedIndices, [&SortedIndices](const unsigned I) {
>>>> -        return I == SortedIndices[I];
>>>> -      }))
>>>> -    SortedIndices.clear();
>>>> -
>>>> +  if (!IsConsecutive) {
>>>> +    // Fill SortedIndices array only if it is non-consecutive.
>>>> +    SortedIndices.resize(VL.size());
>>>> +    Cnt = 0;
>>>> +    for (const std::pair<int64_t, int> &Pair : Offsets) {
>>>> +      IsConsecutive = IsConsecutive && Cnt == Pair.second;
>>>> +      SortedIndices[Cnt] = Pair.second;
>>>> +      ++Cnt;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +  }
>>>>    return true;
>>>>  }
>>>> -/// Take the address space operand from the Load/Store instruction.
>>>> -/// Returns -1 if this is not a valid Load/Store instruction.
>>>> -static unsigned getAddressSpaceOperand(Value *I) {
>>>> -  if (LoadInst *L = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I))
>>>> -    return L->getPointerAddressSpace();
>>>> -  if (StoreInst *S = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I))
>>>> -    return S->getPointerAddressSpace();
>>>> -  return -1;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>>  /// Returns true if the memory operations \p A and \p B are
>>>> consecutive.
>>>>  bool llvm::isConsecutiveAccess(Value *A, Value *B, const DataLayout
>>>> &DL,
>>>>                                 ScalarEvolution &SE, bool CheckType) {
>>>>    Value *PtrA = getLoadStorePointerOperand(A);
>>>>    Value *PtrB = getLoadStorePointerOperand(B);
>>>> -  unsigned ASA = getAddressSpaceOperand(A);
>>>> -  unsigned ASB = getAddressSpaceOperand(B);
>>>> -
>>>> -  // Check that the address spaces match and that the pointers are
>>>> valid.
>>>> -  if (!PtrA || !PtrB || (ASA != ASB))
>>>> -    return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -  // Make sure that A and B are
>>>> diff erent pointers.
>>>> -  if (PtrA == PtrB)
>>>> -    return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -  // Make sure that A and B have the same type if required.
>>>> -  if (CheckType && PtrA->getType() != PtrB->getType())
>>>> +  if (!PtrA || !PtrB)
>>>>      return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -  unsigned IdxWidth = DL.getIndexSizeInBits(ASA);
>>>> -  Type *Ty = cast<PointerType>(PtrA->getType())->getElementType();
>>>> -
>>>> -  APInt OffsetA(IdxWidth, 0), OffsetB(IdxWidth, 0);
>>>> -  PtrA = PtrA->stripAndAccumulateInBoundsConstantOffsets(DL, OffsetA);
>>>> -  PtrB = PtrB->stripAndAccumulateInBoundsConstantOffsets(DL, OffsetB);
>>>> -
>>>> -  // Retrieve the address space again as pointer stripping now tracks
>>>> through
>>>> -  // `addrspacecast`.
>>>> -  ASA = cast<PointerType>(PtrA->getType())->getAddressSpace();
>>>> -  ASB = cast<PointerType>(PtrB->getType())->getAddressSpace();
>>>> -  // Check that the address spaces match and that the pointers are
>>>> valid.
>>>> -  if (ASA != ASB)
>>>> -    return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -  IdxWidth = DL.getIndexSizeInBits(ASA);
>>>> -  OffsetA = OffsetA.sextOrTrunc(IdxWidth);
>>>> -  OffsetB = OffsetB.sextOrTrunc(IdxWidth);
>>>> -
>>>> -  APInt Size(IdxWidth, DL.getTypeStoreSize(Ty));
>>>> -
>>>> -  //  OffsetDelta = OffsetB - OffsetA;
>>>> -  const SCEV *OffsetSCEVA = SE.getConstant(OffsetA);
>>>> -  const SCEV *OffsetSCEVB = SE.getConstant(OffsetB);
>>>> -  const SCEV *OffsetDeltaSCEV = SE.getMinusSCEV(OffsetSCEVB,
>>>> OffsetSCEVA);
>>>> -  const APInt &OffsetDelta =
>>>> cast<SCEVConstant>(OffsetDeltaSCEV)->getAPInt();
>>>> -
>>>> -  // Check if they are based on the same pointer. That makes the
>>>> offsets
>>>> -  // sufficient.
>>>> -  if (PtrA == PtrB)
>>>> -    return OffsetDelta == Size;
>>>> -
>>>> -  // Compute the necessary base pointer delta to have the necessary
>>>> final delta
>>>> -  // equal to the size.
>>>> -  // BaseDelta = Size - OffsetDelta;
>>>> -  const SCEV *SizeSCEV = SE.getConstant(Size);
>>>> -  const SCEV *BaseDelta = SE.getMinusSCEV(SizeSCEV, OffsetDeltaSCEV);
>>>> -
>>>> -  // Otherwise compute the distance with SCEV between the base
>>>> pointers.
>>>> -  const SCEV *PtrSCEVA = SE.getSCEV(PtrA);
>>>> -  const SCEV *PtrSCEVB = SE.getSCEV(PtrB);
>>>> -  const SCEV *X = SE.getAddExpr(PtrSCEVA, BaseDelta);
>>>> -  return X == PtrSCEVB;
>>>> +  Optional<int> Diff =
>>>> +      getPointersDiff(PtrA, PtrB, DL, SE, /*StrictCheck=*/true,
>>>> CheckType);
>>>> +  return Diff && *Diff == 1;
>>>>  }
>>>>  MemoryDepChecker::VectorizationSafetyStatus
>>>> diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SLPVectorizer.cpp
>>>> b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SLPVectorizer.cpp
>>>> index 385b6f30dc0f..78d2ea0032db 100644
>>>> --- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SLPVectorizer.cpp
>>>> +++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SLPVectorizer.cpp
>>>> @@ -941,10 +941,16 @@ class BoUpSLP {
>>>>                                 ScalarEvolution &SE) {
>>>>        auto *LI1 = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(V1);
>>>>        auto *LI2 = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(V2);
>>>> -      if (LI1 && LI2)
>>>> -        return isConsecutiveAccess(LI1, LI2, DL, SE)
>>>> -                   ? VLOperands::ScoreConsecutiveLoads
>>>> -                   : VLOperands::ScoreFail;
>>>> +      if (LI1 && LI2) {
>>>> +        if (LI1->getParent() != LI2->getParent())
>>>> +          return VLOperands::ScoreFail;
>>>> +
>>>> +        Optional<int> Dist =
>>>> +            getPointersDiff(LI1->getPointerOperand(),
>>>> LI2->getPointerOperand(),
>>>> +                            DL, SE, /*StrictCheck=*/true);
>>>> +        return (Dist && *Dist == 1) ? VLOperands::ScoreConsecutiveLoads
>>>> +                                    : VLOperands::ScoreFail;
>>>> +      }
>>>>        auto *C1 = dyn_cast<Constant>(V1);
>>>>        auto *C2 = dyn_cast<Constant>(V2);
>>>> @@ -2871,13 +2877,9 @@ void BoUpSLP::buildTree_rec(ArrayRef<Value *>
>>>> VL, unsigned Depth,
>>>>            Ptr0 = PointerOps[CurrentOrder.front()];
>>>>            PtrN = PointerOps[CurrentOrder.back()];
>>>>          }
>>>> -        const SCEV *Scev0 = SE->getSCEV(Ptr0);
>>>> -        const SCEV *ScevN = SE->getSCEV(PtrN);
>>>> -        const auto *Diff =
>>>> -            dyn_cast<SCEVConstant>(SE->getMinusSCEV(ScevN, Scev0));
>>>> -        uint64_t Size = DL->getTypeAllocSize(ScalarTy);
>>>> +        Optional<int> Diff = getPointersDiff(Ptr0, PtrN, *DL, *SE);
>>>>          // Check that the sorted loads are consecutive.
>>>> -        if (Diff && Diff->getAPInt() == (VL.size() - 1) * Size) {
>>>> +        if (static_cast<unsigned>(*Diff) == VL.size() - 1) {
>>>>            if (CurrentOrder.empty()) {
>>>>              // Original loads are consecutive and does not require
>>>> reordering.
>>>>              ++NumOpsWantToKeepOriginalOrder;
>>>> @@ -3150,13 +3152,9 @@ void BoUpSLP::buildTree_rec(ArrayRef<Value *>
>>>> VL, unsigned Depth,
>>>>            Ptr0 = PointerOps[CurrentOrder.front()];
>>>>            PtrN = PointerOps[CurrentOrder.back()];
>>>>          }
>>>> -        const SCEV *Scev0 = SE->getSCEV(Ptr0);
>>>> -        const SCEV *ScevN = SE->getSCEV(PtrN);
>>>> -        const auto *Diff =
>>>> -            dyn_cast<SCEVConstant>(SE->getMinusSCEV(ScevN, Scev0));
>>>> -        uint64_t Size = DL->getTypeAllocSize(ScalarTy);
>>>> +        Optional<int> Dist = getPointersDiff(Ptr0, PtrN, *DL, *SE);
>>>>          // Check that the sorted pointer operands are consecutive.
>>>> -        if (Diff && Diff->getAPInt() == (VL.size() - 1) * Size) {
>>>> +        if (static_cast<unsigned>(*Dist) == VL.size() - 1) {
>>>>            if (CurrentOrder.empty()) {
>>>>              // Original stores are consecutive and does not require
>>>> reordering.
>>>>              ++NumOpsWantToKeepOriginalOrder;
>>>> @@ -6107,20 +6105,41 @@ bool
>>>> SLPVectorizerPass::vectorizeStores(ArrayRef<StoreInst *> Stores,
>>>>    int E = Stores.size();
>>>>    SmallBitVector Tails(E, false);
>>>> -  SmallVector<int, 16> ConsecutiveChain(E, E + 1);
>>>>    int MaxIter = MaxStoreLookup.getValue();
>>>> +  SmallVector<std::pair<int, int>, 16> ConsecutiveChain(
>>>> +      E, std::make_pair(E, INT_MAX));
>>>> +  SmallVector<SmallBitVector, 4> CheckedPairs(E, SmallBitVector(E,
>>>> false));
>>>>    int IterCnt;
>>>>    auto &&FindConsecutiveAccess = [this, &Stores, &Tails, &IterCnt,
>>>> MaxIter,
>>>> +                                  &CheckedPairs,
>>>>                                    &ConsecutiveChain](int K, int Idx) {
>>>>      if (IterCnt >= MaxIter)
>>>>        return true;
>>>> +    if (CheckedPairs[Idx].test(K))
>>>> +      return ConsecutiveChain[K].second == 1 &&
>>>> +             ConsecutiveChain[K].first == Idx;
>>>>      ++IterCnt;
>>>> -    if (!isConsecutiveAccess(Stores[K], Stores[Idx], *DL, *SE))
>>>> +    CheckedPairs[Idx].set(K);
>>>> +    CheckedPairs[K].set(Idx);
>>>> +    Optional<int> Diff =
>>>> getPointersDiff(Stores[K]->getPointerOperand(),
>>>> +
>>>>  Stores[Idx]->getPointerOperand(), *DL,
>>>> +                                         *SE, /*StrictCheck=*/true);
>>>> +    if (!Diff || *Diff == 0)
>>>> +      return false;
>>>> +    int Val = *Diff;
>>>> +    if (Val < 0) {
>>>> +      if (ConsecutiveChain[Idx].second > -Val) {
>>>> +        Tails.set(K);
>>>> +        ConsecutiveChain[Idx] = std::make_pair(K, -Val);
>>>> +      }
>>>> +      return false;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    if (ConsecutiveChain[K].second <= Val)
>>>>        return false;
>>>>      Tails.set(Idx);
>>>> -    ConsecutiveChain[K] = Idx;
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> +    ConsecutiveChain[K] = std::make_pair(Idx, Val);
>>>> +    return Val == 1;
>>>>    };
>>>>    // Do a quadratic search on all of the given stores in reverse order
>>>> and find
>>>>    // all of the pairs of stores that follow each other.
>>>> @@ -6140,17 +6159,31 @@ bool
>>>> SLPVectorizerPass::vectorizeStores(ArrayRef<StoreInst *> Stores,
>>>>    // For stores that start but don't end a link in the chain:
>>>>    for (int Cnt = E; Cnt > 0; --Cnt) {
>>>>      int I = Cnt - 1;
>>>> -    if (ConsecutiveChain[I] == E + 1 || Tails.test(I))
>>>> +    if (ConsecutiveChain[I].first == E || Tails.test(I))
>>>>        continue;
>>>>      // We found a store instr that starts a chain. Now follow the
>>>> chain and try
>>>>      // to vectorize it.
>>>>      BoUpSLP::ValueList Operands;
>>>>      // Collect the chain into a list.
>>>> -    while (I != E + 1 && !VectorizedStores.count(Stores[I])) {
>>>> +    while (I != E && !VectorizedStores.count(Stores[I])) {
>>>>        Operands.push_back(Stores[I]);
>>>> +      Tails.set(I);
>>>> +      if (ConsecutiveChain[I].second != 1) {
>>>> +        // Mark the new end in the chain and go back, if required. It
>>>> might be
>>>> +        // required if the original stores come in reversed order, for
>>>> example.
>>>> +        if (ConsecutiveChain[I].first != E &&
>>>> +            Tails.test(ConsecutiveChain[I].first) &&
>>>> +
>>>> !VectorizedStores.count(Stores[ConsecutiveChain[I].first])) {
>>>> +          Tails.reset(ConsecutiveChain[I].first);
>>>> +          if (Cnt < ConsecutiveChain[I].first + 2)
>>>> +            Cnt = ConsecutiveChain[I].first + 2;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        break;
>>>> +      }
>>>>        // Move to the next value in the chain.
>>>> -      I = ConsecutiveChain[I];
>>>> +      I = ConsecutiveChain[I].first;
>>>>      }
>>>> +    assert(!Operands.empty() && "Expected non-empty list of stores.");
>>>>      unsigned MaxVecRegSize = R.getMaxVecRegSize();
>>>>      unsigned EltSize = R.getVectorElementSize(Operands[0]);
>>>> diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/pr35497.ll
>>>> b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/pr35497.ll
>>>> index 267cf1a02c29..e28362894910 100644
>>>> --- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/pr35497.ll
>>>> +++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/X86/pr35497.ll
>>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>>  ; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by
>>>> utils/update_test_checks.py
>>>> -; RUN: opt < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -slp-vectorizer
>>>> -slp-vectorizer -mattr=+sse2 -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SSE
>>>> -; RUN: opt < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -slp-vectorizer
>>>> -slp-vectorizer -mattr=+avx  -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=AVX
>>>> -; RUN: opt < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -slp-vectorizer
>>>> -slp-vectorizer -mattr=+avx2 -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=AVX
>>>> +; RUN: opt < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -slp-vectorizer
>>>> -mattr=+sse2 -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SSE
>>>> +; RUN: opt < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -slp-vectorizer
>>>> -mattr=+avx  -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=AVX
>>>> +; RUN: opt < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -slp-vectorizer
>>>> -mattr=+avx2 -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=AVX
>>>>  %class.1 = type { %class.2 }
>>>>  %class.2 = type { %"class.3" }
>>>> @@ -117,13 +117,10 @@ define void @pr35497() local_unnamed_addr #0 {
>>>>  ; AVX-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX2_6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i64],
>>>> [0 x i64]* undef, i64 0, i64 0
>>>>  ; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[ARRAYIDX2_6]] to <2 x
>>>> i64>*
>>>>  ; AVX-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP4]], <2 x i64>* [[TMP10]], align 1
>>>> -; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x i64> [[TMP4]], i32 0
>>>> -; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i64> poison, i64
>>>> [[TMP11]], i32 0
>>>> -; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i64> [[TMP12]], i64
>>>> [[TMP5]], i32 1
>>>> -; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP14:%.*]] = lshr <2 x i64> [[TMP13]], <i64 6, i64 6>
>>>> -; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP15:%.*]] = add nuw nsw <2 x i64> [[TMP9]],
>>>> [[TMP14]]
>>>> -; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP16:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[ARRAYIDX2_2]] to <2 x
>>>> i64>*
>>>> -; AVX-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP15]], <2 x i64>* [[TMP16]], align 1
>>>> +; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = lshr <2 x i64> [[TMP4]], <i64 6, i64 6>
>>>> +; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = add nuw nsw <2 x i64> [[TMP9]],
>>>> [[TMP11]]
>>>> +; AVX-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[ARRAYIDX2_2]] to <2 x
>>>> i64>*
>>>> +; AVX-NEXT:    store <2 x i64> [[TMP12]], <2 x i64>* [[TMP13]], align 1
>>>>  ; AVX-NEXT:    ret void
>>>>  ;
>>>>  entry:
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