[llvm] a8697c5 - [PowerPC] Fix the check for 16-bit signed field in peephole

Nemanja Ivanovic via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Mar 19 05:16:04 PDT 2021

Author: Nemanja Ivanovic
Date: 2021-03-19T07:15:53-05:00
New Revision: a8697c57fa994ebb9524d837ba1ebe7ab00bfb6e

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/a8697c57fa994ebb9524d837ba1ebe7ab00bfb6e
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/a8697c57fa994ebb9524d837ba1ebe7ab00bfb6e.diff

LOG: [PowerPC] Fix the check for 16-bit signed field in peephole

When a D-Form instruction is fed by an add-immediate, we attempt
to merge the two immediates to form a single displacement so we
can remove the add-immediate.

However, we don't check whether the new displacement fits into
a 16-bit signed immediate field early enough. Namely, we do a
sign-extend from 16 bits first which will discard high bits and
then we check whether the result is a 16-bit signed immediate.
It of course will always be.

Move the check prior to the sign extend to ensure we are checking
the correct value.

Fixes https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49640




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCInstrInfo.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCInstrInfo.cpp
index 4d0595689d9e..bc25b37452b1 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCInstrInfo.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCInstrInfo.cpp
@@ -4416,21 +4416,17 @@ bool PPCInstrInfo::isImmElgibleForForwarding(const MachineOperand &ImmMO,
     // Sign-extend to 64-bits.
     // DefMI may be folded with another imm form instruction, the result Imm is
     // the sum of Imm of DefMI and BaseImm which is from imm form instruction.
+    APInt ActualValue(64, ImmMO.getImm() + BaseImm, true);
+    if (III.SignedImm && !ActualValue.isSignedIntN(III.ImmWidth))
+      return false;
+    if (!III.SignedImm && !ActualValue.isIntN(III.ImmWidth))
+      return false;
     Imm = SignExtend64<16>(ImmMO.getImm() + BaseImm);
     if (Imm % III.ImmMustBeMultipleOf)
       return false;
     if (III.TruncateImmTo)
       Imm &= ((1 << III.TruncateImmTo) - 1);
-    if (III.SignedImm) {
-      APInt ActualValue(64, Imm, true);
-      if (!ActualValue.isSignedIntN(III.ImmWidth))
-        return false;
-    } else {
-      uint64_t UnsignedMax = (1 << III.ImmWidth) - 1;
-      if ((uint64_t)Imm > UnsignedMax)
-        return false;
-    }
     return false;

diff  --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/out-of-range-dform.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/out-of-range-dform.ll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..13b68a18ac79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/out-of-range-dform.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
+; RUN: llc -mcpu=pwr9 -ppc-asm-full-reg-names -ppc-vsr-nums-as-vr \
+; RUN:   -mtriple=powerpc64le-unknown-unknown < %s | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN:   -check-prefix=CHECK-P9
+ at _ZL3num = external dso_local unnamed_addr global float, align 4
+define dso_local void @main() local_unnamed_addr personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) {
+; CHECK-P9-LABEL: main:
+; CHECK-P9:       # %bb.0: # %bb
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    mflr r0
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    std r0, 16(r1)
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    stdu r1, -32(r1)
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    .cfi_offset lr, 16
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    bl malloc
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    nop
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    addis r4, r2, _ZL3num at toc@ha
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    addi r3, r3, -25400
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    lfs f0, _ZL3num at toc@l(r4)
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    addis r4, r2, .LCPI0_0 at toc@ha
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    lfs f1, .LCPI0_0 at toc@l(r4)
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    li r4, 0
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    xsmulsp f0, f0, f1
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    cmpldi r4, 0
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    beq- cr0, .LBB0_2
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    .p2align 5
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:  .LBB0_1: # %bb5
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    #
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    addi r3, r3, 25400
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    addi r4, r4, 25400
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    stfs f0, 15240(r3)
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    cmpldi r4, 0
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:    bne+ cr0, .LBB0_1
+; CHECK-P9-NEXT:  .LBB0_2: # %bb16
+  %i = tail call noalias dereferenceable_or_null(6451600) i8* @malloc()
+  %i1 = bitcast i8* %i to float*
+  br label %bb2
+bb2:                                              ; preds = %bb5, %bb
+  %i3 = phi i64 [ 0, %bb ], [ %i15, %bb5 ]
+  %i4 = icmp eq i64 %i3, 0
+  br i1 %i4, label %bb16, label %bb5
+bb5:                                              ; preds = %bb2
+  %i6 = mul nuw nsw i64 %i3, 1270
+  %i7 = add nuw nsw i64 %i6, 0
+  %i8 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %i1, i64 %i7
+  store float undef, float* %i8, align 4
+  %i9 = add nuw nsw i64 %i3, 3
+  %i10 = load float, float* @_ZL3num, align 4
+  %i11 = fmul float %i10, 0x3E00000000000000
+  %i12 = mul nuw nsw i64 %i9, 1270
+  %i13 = add nuw nsw i64 %i12, 0
+  %i14 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %i1, i64 %i13
+  store float %i11, float* %i14, align 4
+  %i15 = add nuw nsw i64 %i3, 5
+  br label %bb2
+bb16:                                             ; preds = %bb2
+  unreachable
+declare i32 @__gxx_personality_v0(...)
+declare i8* @malloc() local_unnamed_addr


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