[PATCH] D96883: Add support for JSON output style to llvm-symbolizer

George Rimar via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Mar 12 00:37:31 PST 2021

grimar added a comment.

Looks mostly good to me. I'd suggest to focus on refining the comments in test cases.
Currenty it is often not clear what is tested and what is expected result.

  ## Test JSON output style of DIInliningInfo.
  # RUN: llvm-symbolizer --output-style=JSON -e %p/Inputs/addr.exe < %p/Inputs/addr.inp \
  # RUN:   | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=INLINE --strict-whitespace --match-full-lines --implicit-check-not={{.}}
  #      INLINE:{"Error":{"Code":22,"Message":"unable to parse arguments: some text"}}
  # INLINE-NEXT:{"Frames":[
  # INLINE-NEXT:{"FunctionName":"inctwo","StartFileName":"/tmp{{/|\\\\}}x.c","StartLine":2,"FileName":"/tmp{{/|\\\\}}x.c","Line":3,"Column":3}
  # INLINE-NEXT:,{"FunctionName":"inc","StartFileName":"/tmp{{/|\\\\}}x.c","StartLine":6,"FileName":"/tmp{{/|\\\\}}x.c","Line":7}
  # INLINE-NEXT:,{"FunctionName":"main","StartFileName":"/tmp{{/|\\\\}}x.c","StartLine":12,"FileName":"/tmp{{/|\\\\}}x.c","Line":14}]}
  # INLINE-NEXT:{"Error":{"Code":22,"Message":"unable to parse arguments: some text2"}}

The JSON contains 2 errors and the declaration of `Frames`, it raises a question, like "why there are errors in the output"?
If you want to test the case where there are errors around a some normal output, then you should explain what exactly you are doing/testing.

Also, see my comment for `output-style-json-data.test`. Seems using of class names, like `DIInliningInfo` in comments
is not very helpful: it doesn't explain anything for a reader who doesn't know the code well.

Comment at: llvm/lib/DebugInfo/Symbolize/DIPrinter.cpp:34
+std::string hex(uint64_t V) { return ("0x" + Twine::utohexstr(V)).str(); }
I am not sure I'd introduce this helper: it is common to just inline the code like `"0x" + Twine::utohexstr(V)`.
Though if you want it, probably the better name is `toHex` then.

Comment at: llvm/test/tools/llvm-symbolizer/output-style-json-data.test:11
+## Test JSON output style of DIGlobal in case of error.
+# RUN: llvm-symbolizer "DATA %t-no-file.o 0" --output-style=JSON \
Note that you already have exactly the same comment at line 5.
Currently it is not very clear from comments what tests are doing.

I think it is better to not to refer to `DIGlobal` and other class names in comments.
They are a part of internal implementation and doesn't explain well what this test does for a reader who
are not familar with the code.

You can just explain what is exactly validated. E.g. this one comment could be like:
"Test that we print a valid error message to JSON when the input file is not present"

This applies to all test cases as far I can see.

Comment at: llvm/test/tools/llvm-symbolizer/output-style-json-frame.test:41
+## clang++ --target=i386-linux-gnu frame.cpp -g -std=c++11 -S -o frame.s 
Adding an exact clang version used might be helpfull.

Comment at: llvm/test/tools/llvm-symbolizer/output-style-json.test:1
+## This test checks JSON output for CODE.
Probably you should name this test case as `output-style-json-code.test`?
It seems a bit more consistent with `output-style-json-frame.test` and `output-style-json-data.test`.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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