[PATCH] D98423: Fix the trunc instruction insertion problem in SLP pass

Bu Le via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 11 06:43:36 PST 2021

bule created this revision.
bule added reviewers: RKSimon, mssimpso, bryanpkc.
Herald added a subscriber: hiraditya.
bule requested review of this revision.
Herald added a project: LLVM.
Herald added a subscriber: llvm-commits.

Current SLP pass has this piece of code that inserts a  trunc instruction after the vectorized instruction.  In the case that the vectorized instruction is a phi node and not the last phi node in the BB, the trunc instruction will be inserted between two phi nodes, which will trigger verify problem in debug version or unpredictable error in another pass.  See the testcase in the patch as an example. Try remove the -disable-verify option for the verify error.

This patch changes the algorithm to 'if the last vectorized instruction is a phi, insert it after the last phi node in current BB' to fix this problem.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/trunc-insertion.ll
--- /dev/null
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/trunc-insertion.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+; RUN: opt < %s -slp-vectorizer -disable-verify -S | FileCheck %s
+target triple = "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+ at d = internal unnamed_addr global i32 5, align 4
+define dso_local void @l() local_unnamed_addr {
+; This test case is to check the trunc instruction
+; won't be inserted in between 2 phi statements.
+; CHECK:     bb25:
+; CHECK:     trunc
+; CHECK-NOT: phi
+; CHECK:     bb34:
+  br label %bb1
+bb1:                                              ; preds = %bb25, %bb
+  %tmp = phi i16 [ undef, %bb ], [ %tmp29, %bb25 ]
+  %tmp2 = phi i16 [ undef, %bb ], [ %tmp30, %bb25 ]
+  br i1 undef, label %bb3, label %bb11
+bb3:                                              ; preds = %bb1
+  %tmp4 = zext i1 undef to i32
+  %tmp5 = xor i16 %tmp2, undef
+  %tmp6 = icmp ugt i16 %tmp5, 8
+  %tmp7 = zext i1 %tmp6 to i32
+  %tmp8 = xor i16 %tmp, undef
+  %tmp9 = icmp ugt i16 %tmp8, 8
+  %tmp10 = zext i1 %tmp9 to i32
+  br label %bb25
+bb11:                                             ; preds = %bb1
+  %tmp12 = zext i1 undef to i32
+  %tmp13 = xor i16 %tmp2, undef
+  %tmp14 = sext i16 %tmp13 to i64
+  %tmp15 = icmp ule i64 undef, %tmp14
+  %tmp16 = zext i1 %tmp15 to i32
+  %tmp17 = icmp ult i32 undef, %tmp16
+  %tmp18 = zext i1 %tmp17 to i32
+  %tmp19 = xor i16 %tmp, undef
+  %tmp20 = sext i16 %tmp19 to i64
+  %tmp21 = icmp ule i64 undef, %tmp20
+  %tmp22 = zext i1 %tmp21 to i32
+  %tmp23 = icmp ult i32 undef, %tmp22
+  %tmp24 = zext i1 %tmp23 to i32
+  br label %bb25
+bb25:                                             ; preds = %bb11, %bb3
+  %tmp26 = phi i32 [ %tmp24, %bb11 ], [ %tmp10, %bb3 ]
+  %tmp27 = phi i32 [ %tmp18, %bb11 ], [ %tmp7, %bb3 ]
+  %tmp28 = phi i32 [ %tmp12, %bb11 ], [ %tmp4, %bb3 ]
+  %tmp29 = phi i16 [ %tmp19, %bb11 ], [ %tmp8, %bb3 ]
+  %tmp30 = phi i16 [ %tmp13, %bb11 ], [ %tmp5, %bb3 ]
+  %tmp31 = and i32 undef, %tmp26
+  %tmp32 = and i32 %tmp31, %tmp27
+  %tmp33 = and i32 %tmp32, %tmp28
+  br i1 undef, label %bb34, label %bb1
+bb34:                                             ; preds = %bb25
+  %tmp35 = phi i32 [ %tmp33, %bb25 ]
+  br label %bb36
+bb36:                                             ; preds = %bb34
+  store i32 %tmp35, i32* @d, align 4
+  ret void
Index: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SLPVectorizer.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SLPVectorizer.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SLPVectorizer.cpp
@@ -4946,8 +4946,14 @@
   // sign extend the extracted values below.
   auto *ScalarRoot = VectorizableTree[0]->Scalars[0];
   if (MinBWs.count(ScalarRoot)) {
-    if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(VectorRoot))
-      Builder.SetInsertPoint(&*++BasicBlock::iterator(I));
+    if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(VectorRoot)) {
+      // If current instr is a phi and not the last phi, insert it after the
+      // last phi node.
+      if (dyn_cast<PHINode>(I))
+        Builder.SetInsertPoint(&*I->getParent()->getFirstInsertionPt());
+      else
+        Builder.SetInsertPoint(&*++BasicBlock::iterator(I));
+    }
     auto BundleWidth = VectorizableTree[0]->Scalars.size();
     auto *MinTy = IntegerType::get(F->getContext(), MinBWs[ScalarRoot].first);
     auto *VecTy = VectorType::get(MinTy, BundleWidth);

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