[PATCH] D93392: [llvm][ARM/AArch64] Convert Target Parser CPU tests to fixtures

David Spickett via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 16 04:59:58 PST 2020

DavidSpickett created this revision.
Herald added subscribers: danielkiss, kristof.beyls.
Herald added a reviewer: a.sidorin.
DavidSpickett requested review of this revision.
Herald added a project: LLVM.
Herald added a subscriber: llvm-commits.

Also convert the test function to use EXPECT_EQ and
remove the special case for the AEK_NONE extension.

This means that each test is marked as failing separatley
and the accumultated EXPECT failures are printed next
to that test, with it's paramaters.

Before they would be hidden by the "pass &=" pattern
and failures would print in one block since it was a
"single" test.

Example of the new failure messages:

  [----------] 1 test from ARMCPUTestsPart1/ARMCPUTestFixture
  [ RUN      ] ARMCPUTestsPart1/ARMCPUTestFixture.ARMCPUTests/30
        Expected: ExpectedFlags
        Which is: 1024
  To be equal to: default_extensions
        Which is: 1025
  [  FAILED  ] ARMCPUTestsPart1/ARMCPUTestFixture.ARMCPUTests/30, where
  GetParam() = (0x942dd1 pointing to "arm10e", 0x941b6e pointing to
  "armv5te", 0x942031 pointing to "none", 1024, 0x945935 pointing to
  "5TE") (1 ms)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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