[PATCH] D84398: [yaml2obj] - Introduce a way to set default values when using ShOffset, ShName and ShSize fields.

James Henderson via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 23 07:58:41 PDT 2020

jhenderson added a comment.

To be clear, is the intent here is to allow yaml2obj to produce two different outputs form the same input where the only difference is that one provides a custom value and the other doesn't? How about a slightly more general concept: have a "None" special value (or "NONE" etc), parallel to llvm::Optional, which is equivalent to not specifying the field at all. This would be applicable to any optional field then, and would allow testing cases where a field may or may not exist.

For example, it could be used to allow testing Size/Content interactions:

    - Name: .aaa
      Size: [[SIZE=None]]
      Content: [[CONTENT=None]]
  # RUN: yaml2obj -o %t-with-size -DSIZE=42
  # RUN: yaml2obj -o %t-with-content -DCONTENT=aabbccddeeff
  # RUN: yaml2obj -o %t-with-both -DSIZE=42 -DCONTENT=aabbccddeeff

For ShName etc, it works the same as the proposed DEFAULT, because their values would be the default if the field wasn't specified at all.



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