[PATCH] D83047: [LiveDebugValues] 2/4 Add instruction-referencing LiveDebugValues implementation

Jeremy Morse via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jul 14 10:48:36 PDT 2020

jmorse added a comment.

On the topic of this implementation in general: the more I look at the vlocJoin method, the more I'm convinced it's incorrect. While it does produce an identical binary when stage2 building clang, I think it's only correctly dealing with the kind of control flow that C/C++ produces. If you expose it to weirder control flow, like these MIR files:


It produces the wrong output (details in a comment on each gist). For the latter, the problem is caused by insufficient number of iterations of vlocDataflow, not sure about the former. One major problem is that by allowing "empty" variable values (represented by no entry in the live-in map), changes that should lead to a variable-value live-out change and thus trigger another dataflow iteration, instead terminates early.

I'm pretty confident that everything else in this pass implementation is correct, and that the variable-value situation can be fixed. If anyone's currently reviewing that portion of code though, it's probably best to stop as I'm going to mess with it further.



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