[llvm] 7ffb5bc - [lit] Factor out report generators into separate file

Julian Lettner via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 1 17:04:03 PDT 2020

Author: Julian Lettner
Date: 2020-05-01T17:03:55-07:00
New Revision: 7ffb5bc2a25bbe81c1048ffd49a6d927a7b50658

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/7ffb5bc2a25bbe81c1048ffd49a6d927a7b50658
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/7ffb5bc2a25bbe81c1048ffd49a6d927a7b50658.diff

LOG: [lit] Factor out report generators into separate file

Factor out the report generators from main.py into reports.py.

I verified that we generate the exact same output by running `check-all`
and comparing the new and old output for both report flavors.




diff  --git a/llvm/utils/lit/lit/Test.py b/llvm/utils/lit/lit/Test.py
index 7bffcd630111..627785829efc 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/lit/lit/Test.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/lit/lit/Test.py
@@ -368,45 +368,3 @@ def isEarlyTest(self):
         parallelism or where it is desirable to surface their failures early.
         return self.suite.config.is_early
-    def writeJUnitXML(self, fil):
-        """Write the test's report xml representation to a file handle."""
-        test_name = quoteattr(self.path_in_suite[-1])
-        test_path = self.path_in_suite[:-1]
-        safe_test_path = [x.replace(".","_") for x in test_path]
-        safe_name = self.suite.name.replace(".","-")
-        if safe_test_path:
-            class_name = safe_name + "." + "/".join(safe_test_path) 
-        else:
-            class_name = safe_name + "." + safe_name
-        class_name = quoteattr(class_name)
-        testcase_template = '<testcase classname={class_name} name={test_name} time="{time:.2f}"'
-        elapsed_time = self.result.elapsed if self.result.elapsed is not None else 0.0
-        testcase_xml = testcase_template.format(class_name=class_name, test_name=test_name, time=elapsed_time)
-        fil.write(testcase_xml)
-        if self.isFailure():
-            fil.write(">\n\t<failure ><![CDATA[")
-            # In Python2, 'str' and 'unicode' are distinct types, but in Python3, the type 'unicode' does not exist
-            # and instead 'bytes' is distinct
-            # in Python3, there's no unicode
-            if isinstance(self.result.output, str):
-                encoded_output = self.result.output
-            elif isinstance(self.result.output, bytes):
-                encoded_output = self.result.output.decode("utf-8", 'ignore')
-            else:
-                encoded_output = self.result.output.encode("utf-8", 'ignore')
-            # In the unlikely case that the output contains the CDATA terminator
-            # we wrap it by creating a new CDATA block
-            fil.write(encoded_output.replace("]]>", "]]]]><![CDATA[>"))
-            fil.write("]]></failure>\n</testcase>")
-        elif self.result.code == UNSUPPORTED:
-            unsupported_features = self.getMissingRequiredFeatures()
-            if unsupported_features:
-                skip_message = "Skipping because of: " + ", ".join(unsupported_features)
-            else:
-                skip_message = "Skipping because of configuration."
-            fil.write(">\n\t<skipped message={} />\n</testcase>\n".format(quoteattr(skip_message)))
-        else:
-            fil.write("/>")

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/lit/lit/main.py b/llvm/utils/lit/lit/main.py
index bbaeb0d6b34e..d155b0d8a4d1 100755
--- a/llvm/utils/lit/lit/main.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/lit/lit/main.py
@@ -333,95 +333,13 @@ def print_summary(tests_by_code, quiet, elapsed):
 def write_test_results(tests, lit_config, elapsed, output_path):
-    # TODO(yln): audit: unexecuted tests
-    # Construct the data we will write.
-    data = {}
-    # Encode the current lit version as a schema version.
-    data['__version__'] = lit.__versioninfo__
-    data['elapsed'] = elapsed
-    # FIXME: Record some information on the lit configuration used?
-    # FIXME: Record information from the individual test suites?
-    # Encode the tests.
-    data['tests'] = tests_data = []
-    for test in tests:
-        test_data = {
-            'name' : test.getFullName(),
-            'code' : test.result.code.name,
-            'output' : test.result.output,
-            'elapsed' : test.result.elapsed }
-        # Add test metrics, if present.
-        if test.result.metrics:
-            test_data['metrics'] = metrics_data = {}
-            for key, value in test.result.metrics.items():
-                metrics_data[key] = value.todata()
-        # Report micro-tests separately, if present
-        if test.result.microResults:
-            for key, micro_test in test.result.microResults.items():
-                # Expand parent test name with micro test name
-                parent_name = test.getFullName()
-                micro_full_name = parent_name + ':' + key
-                micro_test_data = {
-                    'name' : micro_full_name,
-                    'code' : micro_test.code.name,
-                    'output' : micro_test.output,
-                    'elapsed' : micro_test.elapsed }
-                if micro_test.metrics:
-                    micro_test_data['metrics'] = micro_metrics_data = {}
-                    for key, value in micro_test.metrics.items():
-                        micro_metrics_data[key] = value.todata()
-                tests_data.append(micro_test_data)
-        tests_data.append(test_data)
-    # Write the output.
-    f = open(output_path, 'w')
-    try:
-        import json
-        json.dump(data, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
-        f.write('\n')
-    finally:
-        f.close()
+    import lit.reports
+    r = lit.reports.JsonReport(output_path)
+    r.write_results(tests, elapsed)
 def write_test_results_xunit(tests, opts):
-    # TODO(yln): audit: unexecuted tests
-    from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr
-    # Collect the tests, indexed by test suite
-    by_suite = {}
-    for result_test in tests:
-        suite = result_test.suite.config.name
-        if suite not in by_suite:
-            by_suite[suite] = {
-                                'passes'   : 0,
-                                'failures' : 0,
-                                'skipped': 0,
-                                'tests'    : [] }
-        by_suite[suite]['tests'].append(result_test)
-        if result_test.isFailure():
-            by_suite[suite]['failures'] += 1
-        elif result_test.result.code == lit.Test.UNSUPPORTED:
-            by_suite[suite]['skipped'] += 1
-        else:
-            by_suite[suite]['passes'] += 1
-    xunit_output_file = open(opts.xunit_output_file, "w")
-    xunit_output_file.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n")
-    xunit_output_file.write("<testsuites>\n")
-    for suite_name, suite in by_suite.items():
-        safe_suite_name = quoteattr(suite_name.replace(".", "-"))
-        xunit_output_file.write("<testsuite name=" + safe_suite_name)
-        xunit_output_file.write(" tests=\"" + str(suite['passes'] +
-            suite['failures'] + suite['skipped']) + "\"")
-        xunit_output_file.write(" failures=\"" + str(suite['failures']) + "\"")
-        xunit_output_file.write(" skipped=\"" + str(suite['skipped']) +
-            "\">\n")
-        for result_test in suite['tests']:
-            result_test.writeJUnitXML(xunit_output_file)
-            xunit_output_file.write("\n")
-        xunit_output_file.write("</testsuite>\n")
-    xunit_output_file.write("</testsuites>")
-    xunit_output_file.close()
+    import lit.reports
+    r = lit.reports.XunitReport(opts.xunit_output_file)
+    r.write_results(tests, 0.0)

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/lit/lit/reports.py b/llvm/utils/lit/lit/reports.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..d043e7f71fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/utils/lit/lit/reports.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import itertools
+import json
+from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr as quo
+import lit.Test
+class JsonReport(object):
+    def __init__(self, output_file):
+        self.output_file = output_file
+    def write_results(self, tests, elapsed):
+        assert not any(t.result.code in {lit.Test.EXCLUDED, lit.Test.SKIPPED} for t in tests)
+        # Construct the data we will write.
+        data = {}
+        # Encode the current lit version as a schema version.
+        data['__version__'] = lit.__versioninfo__
+        data['elapsed'] = elapsed
+        # FIXME: Record some information on the lit configuration used?
+        # FIXME: Record information from the individual test suites?
+        # Encode the tests.
+        data['tests'] = tests_data = []
+        for test in tests:
+            test_data = {
+                'name': test.getFullName(),
+                'code': test.result.code.name,
+                'output': test.result.output,
+                'elapsed': test.result.elapsed}
+            # Add test metrics, if present.
+            if test.result.metrics:
+                test_data['metrics'] = metrics_data = {}
+                for key, value in test.result.metrics.items():
+                    metrics_data[key] = value.todata()
+            # Report micro-tests separately, if present
+            if test.result.microResults:
+                for key, micro_test in test.result.microResults.items():
+                    # Expand parent test name with micro test name
+                    parent_name = test.getFullName()
+                    micro_full_name = parent_name + ':' + key
+                    micro_test_data = {
+                        'name': micro_full_name,
+                        'code': micro_test.code.name,
+                        'output': micro_test.output,
+                        'elapsed': micro_test.elapsed}
+                    if micro_test.metrics:
+                        micro_test_data['metrics'] = micro_metrics_data = {}
+                        for key, value in micro_test.metrics.items():
+                            micro_metrics_data[key] = value.todata()
+                    tests_data.append(micro_test_data)
+            tests_data.append(test_data)
+        with open(self.output_file, 'w') as file:
+            json.dump(data, file, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
+            file.write('\n')
+class XunitReport(object):
+    def __init__(self, output_file):
+        self.output_file = output_file
+        self.skipped_codes = {lit.Test.EXCLUDED,
+                              lit.Test.SKIPPED, lit.Test.UNSUPPORTED}
+    # TODO(yln): elapsed unused, put it somewhere?
+    def write_results(self, tests, elapsed):
+        assert not any(t.result.code in {lit.Test.EXCLUDED, lit.Test.SKIPPED} for t in tests)
+        # Suite names are not necessarily unique.  Include object identity in
+        # sort key to avoid mixing tests of 
diff erent suites.
+        tests.sort(key=lambda t: (t.suite.name, id(t.suite), t.path_in_suite))
+        tests_by_suite = itertools.groupby(tests, lambda t: t.suite)
+        with open(self.output_file, 'w') as file:
+            file.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n')
+            file.write('<testsuites>\n')
+            for suite, test_iter in tests_by_suite:
+                self._write_testsuite(file, suite, list(test_iter))
+            file.write('</testsuites>\n')
+    def _write_testsuite(self, file, suite, tests):
+        skipped = sum(1 for t in tests if t.result.code in self.skipped_codes)
+        failures = sum(1 for t in tests if t.isFailure())
+        name = suite.config.name.replace('.', '-')
+        file.write(f'<testsuite name={quo(name)} tests="{len(tests)}" failures="{failures}" skipped="{skipped}">\n')
+        for test in tests:
+            self._write_test(file, test, name)
+        file.write('</testsuite>\n')
+    def _write_test(self, file, test, suite_name):
+        path = '/'.join(test.path_in_suite[:-1]).replace('.', '_')
+        class_name = f'{suite_name}.{path or suite_name}'
+        name = test.path_in_suite[-1]
+        time = test.result.elapsed or 0.0
+        file.write(f'<testcase classname={quo(class_name)} name={quo(name)} time="{time:.2f}"')
+        if test.isFailure():
+            file.write('>\n\t<failure ><![CDATA[')
+            # In the unlikely case that the output contains the CDATA
+            # terminator we wrap it by creating a new CDATA block.
+            output = test.result.output.replace(']]>', ']]]]><![CDATA[>')
+            if isinstance(output, bytes):
+                output.decode("utf-8", 'ignore')
+            file.write(output)
+            file.write(']]></failure>\n</testcase>\n')
+        elif test.result.code in self.skipped_codes:
+            reason = self._get_skip_reason(test)
+            file.write(f'>\n\t<skipped message={quo(reason)} />\n</testcase>\n\n')
+        else:
+            file.write('/>\n')
+    def _get_skip_reason(self, test):
+        code = test.result.code
+        if code == lit.Test.EXCLUDED:
+            return 'Test not selected (--filter, --max-tests, --run-shard)'
+        if code == lit.Test.SKIPPED:
+            return 'User interrupt'
+        assert code == lit.Test.UNSUPPORTED
+        features = test.getMissingRequiredFeatures()
+        if features:
+            return 'Skipping because of: ' + ', '.join(features)
+        return 'Skipping because of configuration.'


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