[PATCH] D67500: [DebugInfo] LiveDebugValues: don't create transfer records for potentially invalid locations
Adrian Prantl via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 13 15:03:01 PDT 2019
aprantl added a comment.
In D67500#1669456 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D67500#1669456>, @jmorse wrote:
> In D67500#1668097 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D67500#1668097>, @aprantl wrote:
> > I'm assuming that at the beginning all in-locations are unknown and only when all incoming basic blocks have outgoing locations, join() adds new incoming locations to be processed.
> Ah, this is where the implementation diverges, in fact if all incoming blocks have the same outgoing location *or* unknown for a variable, join() will consider it a valid live-in location. I think it has to be this way because of loops -- for a location that is live throughout a loop, there's a circular dependency between the outgoing location for the back-edge and the live-in location for the loop header. Right now we assume the location is correct for any unknown blocks, and have to invalidate locations later if that doesn't turn out to be true. See for example D66599 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D66599>.
> > I guess this boils down to how we are not really modeling "unknown" currently?
> It turns out to be even more exciting than that -- consider this IR [0] which has badly behaved, but completely legal control flow. It's illustrated in this highly sophisticated diagram [1]. A single variable location (toast==0) is created in the entry block, and then invalidated with an undef dbg.value in loop 3. Because every non-entry/non-exit block is reachable from every other block, the location-invalidation has to be propagated to them all. However, it takes at least one LiveDebugValues iteration for the invalidation to traverse a back-edge, so it takes two LiveDebugvalues iterations for the invalidation to move up the CFG and reach loop1. In that time, all the "unknown" blocks have been processed, and as a result locations have to transition from "true" to "false", rather than "unknown" to "false". It might be possible to generate a situation where something transitions from "false" to "true" too, but I haven't looked closely at that yet.
> I think the fact that this is happening means I've made LiveDebugValues depart from peoples expectations, you wrote in the 2016 mailing list dicsussion [2]
> > the information at the nodes can only move in one direction in the lattice and can change at most once.
> which isn't true any more because of D66599 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D66599> removing locations. I suspect I've turned LiveDebugValues into a data-flow-like algorithm rather than a joining-lattices algorithm. Whether this is a good idea or not probably needs discussing; it's all been in aid of getting rid of invalid locations though.
> [0] https://reviews.llvm.org/P8163
> [1] https://imgur.com/a/YdE9kN7
> [2] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!search/llvm-dev/llvm-dev/nlgxIfDQnhs/4zsGbuoTAAAJ
Thanks for the thoughtful explanation. I don't think this is good. I re-read D66599 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D66599> and it sounds like it is also operating on the pre-D66663 premise that the first iteration is special to prime that values. That's really bad because it makes reasoning about the algorithm very hard (as evidenced by our conversation ;-) and also turns the algorithm from a bitvector problem to something much more expensive all the way to the point that I'm not even sure if it will always terminate. I think the reason why D66599 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D66599> needs to remove values is because we implemented join() and the unknown value incorrectly.
Is there a fundamental reason why we couldn't model LiveDebugValues to monotonically move results up the lattice until a fixpoint is reached? Looking at your CFG in [1], if we (conceptually) initialized every VarLoc with unknown and implement join such that join(unknown, X) == unknown, we should get an initial set of out-locs for each basic block that is derived just from the info we have for sure *within* each basic block and gradually more info gets propagated until we may or may not have a join function that produces new in-locs for a basic block. My assumption is that new in-locs would never result in an out-loc flipping from true->false but only in one flipping from unknown->something.
Maybe this assumption is wrong, but if it isn't, we should try hard to get LiveDebugValues to behave that way.
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