[PATCH] D63972: [PowerPC] Do the Early Return for the li and unconditional branch

Zhang Kang via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Jul 6 08:11:55 PDT 2019

ZhangKang added a comment.
Herald added subscribers: wuzish, MaskRay.

In D63972#1568955 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D63972#1568955>, @efriedma wrote:

> > The line 29 b .LBB0_10 is created after running the pass branch-folder,
> I did a quick test with -print-after-all, and it looks like it's actually created by MachineBlockPlacement?
> If we're going to do this transform, we should use the existing TailDup code to do it, not reimplement it in PPCEarlyReturn.  Would it make sense to run a re-run the entire tail duplication pass after block placement?  Or should we try to do something more targeted?

@efriedma Yes, you are right. This pattern is created by the pass `block-placement`. If I re-run `tail duplication` after the pass `block-placement`, this case will be what we want:

  1   .text
   2   .abiversion 2
   3   .file "HashXMLCh.cpp"
   4   .globl  _ZN11xercesc_2_79HashXMLCh6equalsEPKvS2_ # -- Begin function _ZN11xercesc_2_79HashXMLCh6equalsEPKvS2_
   5   .p2align  4
   6   .type _ZN11xercesc_2_79HashXMLCh6equalsEPKvS2_, at function
   7 _ZN11xercesc_2_79HashXMLCh6equalsEPKvS2_: # @_ZN11xercesc_2_79HashXMLCh6equalsEPKvS2_
   8 .Lfunc_begin0:
   9 # %bb.0:                                # %entry
  10   cmpdi 1, 4, 0
  11   cmpdi 5, 0
  12   cror 20, 6, 2
  13   bc 4, 20, .LBB0_6
  14 # %bb.1:                                # %if.then.i
  15   bc 12, 6, .LBB0_3
  16 # %bb.2:                                # %land.lhs.true.i
  17   lhz 4, 0(4)
  18   li 3, 0
  19   cmplwi 1, 4, 0
  20   bnelr 1
  21 .LBB0_3:                                # %lor.lhs.false3.i
  22   bc 12, 2, .LBB0_5
  23 # %bb.4:                                # %land.lhs.true5.i
  24   lhz 4, 0(5)
  25   li 3, 0
  26   cmplwi  4, 0
  27   bnelr 0
  28 .LBB0_5:                                # %if.else.i
  29   li 3, 1
  30   blr
  31 .LBB0_6:                                # %while.cond.preheader.i
  32   lhz 8, 0(4)
  33   lhz 6, 0(5)
  34   li 3, 0
  35   cmplw 8, 6
  36   bnelr 0
  37 # %bb.7:                                # %while.body.i.preheader
  38   addi 6, 5, 2
  39   addi 7, 4, 2
  40   .p2align  4
  41 .LBB0_8:                                # %while.body.i
  42                                         # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
  43   andi. 8, 8, 65535
  44   beq 0, .LBB0_5
  45 # %bb.9:                                # %if.end12.i
  46                                         #   in Loop: Header=BB0_8 Depth=1
  47   addi 5, 5, 2
  48   addi 4, 4, 2
  49   lhz 8, 0(4)
  50   lhz 9, 0(5)
  51   addi 6, 6, 2
  52   addi 7, 7, 2
  53   cmplw 8, 9
  54   beq 0, .LBB0_8
  55   blr

For the good assembly, the `.LBB0_10` has been removed, and `.LBB0_5` is reserved. All instruction which branch to `.LBB0_10` will branch to `.LBB0_5`.


Below is to analyze the reason for the bad pattern.
Before run the pass `block-placement`, the mir is below:

  body:             |
      successors: %bb.5(0x40000000), %bb.1(0x40000000)
      liveins: $x4, $x5
      renamable $cr1 = CMPDI renamable $x4, 0
      renamable $cr0 = CMPDI renamable $x5, 0
      renamable $cr5lt = CROR renamable $cr1eq, renamable $cr0eq
      BC killed renamable $cr5lt, %bb.5
      successors: %bb.2(0x40000000), %bb.11(0x40000000)
      liveins: $x4, $x5
      renamable $r8 = LHZ 0, renamable $x4 :: (load 2 from %ir.1, !tbaa !2)
      renamable $r6 = LHZ 0, renamable $x5 :: (load 2 from %ir.0, !tbaa !2)
      renamable $x3 = LI8 0
      renamable $cr0 = CMPLW renamable $r8, killed renamable $r6
      BCC 68, killed renamable $cr0, %bb.11
      successors: %bb.3(0x80000000)
      liveins: $r8, $x3, $x4, $x5
      renamable $x6 = ADDI8 renamable $x5, 2
      renamable $x7 = ADDI8 renamable $x4, 2
      successors: %bb.4(0x04000000), %bb.10(0x7c000000)
      liveins: $r8, $x3, $x4, $x5, $x6, $x7
      dead renamable $r8 = ANDIo killed renamable $r8, 65535, implicit-def $cr0
      BCC 68, killed renamable $cr0, %bb.10
      renamable $x3 = LI8 1
      BLR8 implicit $lr8, implicit $rm, implicit killed $x3
      successors: %bb.7(0x30000000), %bb.6(0x50000000)
      liveins: $cr0, $cr1, $x4, $x5
      BC killed renamable $cr1eq, %bb.7
      successors: %bb.7(0x30000000), %bb.11(0x50000000)
      liveins: $cr0, $x4, $x5
      renamable $r4 = LHZ 0, killed renamable $x4 :: (load 2 from %ir.4, !tbaa !2)
      renamable $x3 = LI8 0
      renamable $cr1 = CMPLWI killed renamable $r4, 0
      BCC 68, killed renamable $cr1, %bb.11
      successors: %bb.9(0x30000000), %bb.8(0x50000000)
      liveins: $cr0, $x5
      BC killed renamable $cr0eq, %bb.9
      successors: %bb.9(0x80000000)
      liveins: $x5
      renamable $r4 = LHZ 0, killed renamable $x5 :: (load 2 from %ir.6, !tbaa !2)
      renamable $x3 = LI8 0
      renamable $cr0 = CMPLWI killed renamable $r4, 0
      BCCLR 68, killed renamable $cr0, implicit $lr, implicit $rm, implicit killed $x3
      renamable $x3 = LI8 1
      BLR8 implicit $lr8, implicit $rm, implicit killed $x3
      successors: %bb.3(0x7c000000), %bb.11(0x04000000)
      liveins: $x3, $x4, $x5, $x6, $x7
      renamable $x5 = ADDI8 killed renamable $x5, 2
      renamable $x4 = ADDI8 killed renamable $x4, 2
      renamable $r8 = LHZ 0, renamable $x4 :: (load 2 from %ir.14, !tbaa !2)
      renamable $r9 = LHZ 0, renamable $x5 :: (load 2 from %ir.12, !tbaa !2)
      renamable $x6 = ADDI8 killed renamable $x6, 2
      renamable $x7 = ADDI8 killed renamable $x7, 2
      renamable $cr0 = CMPLW renamable $r8, killed renamable $r9
      BCC 76, killed renamable $cr0, %bb.3
      liveins: $x3
      BLR8 implicit $lr8, implicit $rm, implicit killed $x3

The `bb.4` and `bb.9` are same.
The pass:`block-placement` will merge the same BasicBlock, so after running pass `block-placement`, the `bb.9` will branch to the same BasicBlock bb.4, it's like below:

  ; predecessors: %bb.7, %bb.8
    successors: %bb.4(0x80000000); %bb.4(100.00%)
    B %bb.4

In the file `llvm/lib/CodeGen/BranchFolding.cpp`:

  687   // If both blocks are identical and end in a branch, merge them unless they
   688   // both have a fallthrough predecessor and successor.
   689   // We can only do this after block placement because it depends on whether
   690   // there are fallthroughs, and we don't know until after layout.
   691   if (AfterPlacement && I1 == MBB1->begin() && I2 == MBB2->begin()) {
   692     auto BothFallThrough = [](MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
   693       if (MBB->succ_size() != 0 && !MBB->canFallThrough())
   694         return false;
   695       MachineFunction::iterator I(MBB);
   696       MachineFunction *MF = MBB->getParent();
   697       return (MBB != &*MF->begin()) && std::prev(I)->canFallThrough();
   698     };
   699     if (!BothFallThrough(MBB1) || !BothFallThrough(MBB2))
   700       return true;
   701   }
   703   // If both blocks have an unconditional branch temporarily stripped out,
   704   // count that as an additional common instruction for the following
   705   // heuristics. This heuristic is only accurate for single-succ blocks, so to
   706   // make sure that during layout merging and duplicating don't crash, we check
   707   // for that when merging during layout.
   708   unsigned EffectiveTailLen = CommonTailLen;
   709   if (SuccBB && MBB1 != PredBB && MBB2 != PredBB &&
   710       (MBB1->succ_size() == 1 || !AfterPlacement) &&
   711       !MBB1->back().isBarrier() &&
   712       !MBB2->back().isBarrier())
   713     ++EffectiveTailLen;
   715   // Check if the common tail is long enough to be worthwhile.
   716   if (EffectiveTailLen >= MinCommonTailLength)
   717     return true;

The `bb.9` will be optimized to `B %bb.4`, because the line `700  return true`. Maybe we can add more limitaion like below:

  699     if ((!BothFallThrough(MBB1) || !BothFallThrough(MBB2))) {
  700        if (!MBB1->back().isReturn() ||
  701            !MBB2->back().isReturn() ||
  702            CommonTailLen >= MinCommonTailLength)
  703          return true;
  704     }

When `MBB1` is same as `MBB2`, both are end with return instruction and `CommonTailLen < MinCommonTailLength`, we won't return true. The default value of `MinCommonTailLength` is 3.



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