[llvm] r356364 - [llvm-exegesis] Separate tool options into three categories.

Roman Lebedev via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 18 04:32:38 PDT 2019

Author: lebedevri
Date: Mon Mar 18 04:32:37 2019
New Revision: 356364

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=356364&view=rev
[llvm-exegesis] Separate tool options into three categories.

Results in much nicer -help output:
$ ./bin/llvm-exegesis -help
USAGE: llvm-exegesis [options]


Color Options:

  -color                                         - Use colors in output (default=autodetect)

General options:

  -enable-cse-in-irtranslator                    - Should enable CSE in irtranslator
  -enable-cse-in-legalizer                       - Should enable CSE in Legalizer

Generic Options:

  -help                                          - Display available options (-help-hidden for more)
  -help-list                                     - Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)
  -version                                       - Display the version of this program

llvm-exegesis analysis options:

  -analysis-clustering-epsilon=<number>          - dbscan epsilon for benchmark point clustering
  -analysis-clusters-output-file=<string>        -
  -analysis-display-unstable-clusters            - if there is more than one benchmark for an opcode, said benchmarks may end up not being clustered into the same cluster if the measured performance characteristics are different. by default all such opcodes are filtered out. this flag will instead show only such unstable opcodes
  -analysis-inconsistencies-output-file=<string> -
  -analysis-inconsistency-epsilon=<number>       - epsilon for detection of when the cluster is different from the LLVM schedule profile values
  -analysis-numpoints=<uint>                     - minimum number of points in an analysis cluster

llvm-exegesis benchmark options:

  -ignore-invalid-sched-class                    - ignore instructions that do not define a sched class
  -mode=<value>                                  - the mode to run
    =latency                                     -   Instruction Latency
    =inverse_throughput                          -   Instruction Inverse Throughput
    =uops                                        -   Uop Decomposition
    =analysis                                    -   Analysis
  -num-repetitions=<uint>                        - number of time to repeat the asm snippet
  -opcode-index=<int>                            - opcode to measure, by index
  -opcode-name=<string>                          - comma-separated list of opcodes to measure, by name
  -snippets-file=<string>                        - code snippets to measure

llvm-exegesis options:

  -benchmarks-file=<string>                      - File to read (analysis mode) or write (latency/uops/inverse_throughput modes) benchmark results. “-” uses stdin/stdout.
  -mcpu=<string>                                 - cpu name to use for pfm counters, leave empty to autodetect


Modified: llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-exegesis/llvm-exegesis.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-exegesis/llvm-exegesis.cpp?rev=356364&r1=356363&r2=356364&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-exegesis/llvm-exegesis.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-exegesis/llvm-exegesis.cpp Mon Mar 18 04:32:37 2019
@@ -40,24 +40,33 @@
 namespace llvm {
 namespace exegesis {
+static cl::OptionCategory Options("llvm-exegesis options");
+static cl::OptionCategory BenchmarkOptions("llvm-exegesis benchmark options");
+static cl::OptionCategory AnalysisOptions("llvm-exegesis analysis options");
 static cl::opt<int> OpcodeIndex("opcode-index",
                                 cl::desc("opcode to measure, by index"),
-                                cl::init(0));
+                                cl::cat(BenchmarkOptions), cl::init(0));
 static cl::opt<std::string>
                 cl::desc("comma-separated list of opcodes to measure, by name"),
-                cl::init(""));
+                cl::cat(BenchmarkOptions), cl::init(""));
 static cl::opt<std::string> SnippetsFile("snippets-file",
                                          cl::desc("code snippets to measure"),
+                                         cl::cat(BenchmarkOptions),
-static cl::opt<std::string> BenchmarkFile("benchmarks-file", cl::desc(""),
-                                          cl::init(""));
+static cl::opt<std::string>
+    BenchmarkFile("benchmarks-file",
+                  cl::desc("File to read (analysis mode) or write "
+                           "(latency/uops/inverse_throughput modes) benchmark "
+                           "results. “-” uses stdin/stdout."),
+                  cl::cat(Options), cl::init(""));
 static cl::opt<exegesis::InstructionBenchmark::ModeE> BenchmarkMode(
-    "mode", cl::desc("the mode to run"),
+    "mode", cl::desc("the mode to run"), cl::cat(BenchmarkOptions),
     cl::values(clEnumValN(exegesis::InstructionBenchmark::Latency, "latency",
                           "Instruction Latency"),
@@ -73,33 +82,36 @@ static cl::opt<exegesis::InstructionBenc
 static cl::opt<unsigned>
                    cl::desc("number of time to repeat the asm snippet"),
-                   cl::init(10000));
+                   cl::cat(BenchmarkOptions), cl::init(10000));
 static cl::opt<bool> IgnoreInvalidSchedClass(
     cl::desc("ignore instructions that do not define a sched class"),
-    cl::init(false));
+    cl::cat(BenchmarkOptions), cl::init(false));
 static cl::opt<unsigned> AnalysisNumPoints(
-    cl::desc("minimum number of points in an analysis cluster"), cl::init(3));
+    cl::desc("minimum number of points in an analysis cluster"),
+    cl::cat(AnalysisOptions), cl::init(3));
 static cl::opt<float> AnalysisClusteringEpsilon(
-    cl::desc("dbscan epsilon for benchmark point clustering"), cl::init(0.1));
+    cl::desc("dbscan epsilon for benchmark point clustering"),
+    cl::cat(AnalysisOptions), cl::init(0.1));
 static cl::opt<float> AnalysisInconsistencyEpsilon(
     cl::desc("epsilon for detection of when the cluster is different from the "
              "LLVM schedule profile values"),
-    cl::init(0.1));
+    cl::cat(AnalysisOptions), cl::init(0.1));
 static cl::opt<std::string>
     AnalysisClustersOutputFile("analysis-clusters-output-file", cl::desc(""),
-                               cl::init(""));
+                               cl::cat(AnalysisOptions), cl::init(""));
 static cl::opt<std::string>
-                                      cl::desc(""), cl::init(""));
+                                      cl::desc(""), cl::cat(AnalysisOptions),
+                                      cl::init(""));
 static cl::opt<bool> AnalysisDisplayUnstableOpcodes(
@@ -108,13 +120,12 @@ static cl::opt<bool> AnalysisDisplayUnst
              "if the measured performance characteristics are different. by "
              "default all such opcodes are filtered out. this flag will "
              "instead show only such unstable opcodes"),
-    cl::init(false));
+    cl::cat(AnalysisOptions), cl::init(false));
-static cl::opt<std::string>
-    CpuName("mcpu",
-            cl::desc(
-                "cpu name to use for pfm counters, leave empty to autodetect"),
-            cl::init(""));
+static cl::opt<std::string> CpuName(
+    "mcpu",
+    cl::desc("cpu name to use for pfm counters, leave empty to autodetect"),
+    cl::cat(Options), cl::init(""));
 static ExitOnError ExitOnErr;

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