[PATCH] D56239: [hwasan] Switch to 64 allocator with a dense size class map.
Evgenii Stepanov via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 2 17:26:37 PST 2019
eugenis created this revision.
eugenis added reviewers: vitalybuka, kcc.
Herald added a subscriber: kubamracek.
Replace the 32-bit allocator with a 64-bit one with a non-constant
base address, and reduce both the number of size classes and the maximum
size of per-thread caches.
As measured on [1], this reduces average weighted memory overhead
(MaxRSS) from 26% to 12% over stock android allocator. These numbers
include overhead from code instrumentation and hwasan shadow (i.e. not a
pure allocator benchmark).
This switch also enables release-to-OS functionality, which is not
implemented in the 32-bit allocator. I have not seen any effect from
that on the benchmark.
[1] https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/extras/+/master/memory_replay/
Index: compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator_size_class_map.h
--- compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator_size_class_map.h
+++ compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator_size_class_map.h
@@ -237,3 +237,6 @@
// allowing for denser per-class arrays, smaller memory footprint and usually
// better performances in threaded environments.
typedef SizeClassMap<3, 4, 8, 17, 8, 10> DenseSizeClassMap;
+// Similar to VeryCompact map above, this one has a small number of different
+// size classes, and also reduced thread-local caches.
+typedef SizeClassMap<2, 5, 9, 16, 8, 10> VeryDenseSizeClassMap;
Index: compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator_combined.h
--- compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator_combined.h
+++ compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator_combined.h
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@
"SecondaryAllocator is using wrong AddressSpaceView");
void InitLinkerInitialized(s32 release_to_os_interval_ms) {
+ stats_.InitLinkerInitialized();
- stats_.InitLinkerInitialized();
void Init(s32 release_to_os_interval_ms) {
+ stats_.Init();
- stats_.Init();
void *Allocate(AllocatorCache *cache, uptr size, uptr alignment) {
Index: compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_allocator.h
--- compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_allocator.h
+++ compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_allocator.h
@@ -45,28 +45,22 @@
static const uptr kMaxAllowedMallocSize = 2UL << 30; // 2G
-static const uptr kRegionSizeLog = 20;
-static const uptr kNumRegions = SANITIZER_MMAP_RANGE_SIZE >> kRegionSizeLog;
-typedef TwoLevelByteMap<(kNumRegions >> 12), 1 << 12> ByteMap;
-struct AP32 {
- static const uptr kSpaceBeg = 0;
- static const u64 kSpaceSize = SANITIZER_MMAP_RANGE_SIZE;
+struct AP64 {
+ static const uptr kSpaceBeg = ~0ULL;
+ static const uptr kSpaceSize = 0x2000000000ULL;
static const uptr kMetadataSize = sizeof(Metadata);
- typedef __sanitizer::CompactSizeClassMap SizeClassMap;
- static const uptr kRegionSizeLog = __hwasan::kRegionSizeLog;
+ typedef __sanitizer::VeryDenseSizeClassMap SizeClassMap;
using AddressSpaceView = LocalAddressSpaceView;
- using ByteMap = __hwasan::ByteMap;
typedef HwasanMapUnmapCallback MapUnmapCallback;
static const uptr kFlags = 0;
-typedef SizeClassAllocator32<AP32> PrimaryAllocator;
+typedef SizeClassAllocator64<AP64> PrimaryAllocator;
typedef SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<PrimaryAllocator> AllocatorCache;
typedef LargeMmapAllocator<HwasanMapUnmapCallback> SecondaryAllocator;
typedef CombinedAllocator<PrimaryAllocator, AllocatorCache,
SecondaryAllocator> Allocator;
void AllocatorSwallowThreadLocalCache(AllocatorCache *cache);
class HwasanChunkView {
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