[PATCH] D51431: [IPSCCP] Add lattice value for != constant
Florian Hahn via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 8 06:03:05 PST 2018
fhahn updated this revision to Diff 173151.
fhahn marked an inline comment as done.
fhahn retitled this revision from "[WIP][IPSCCP] Add lattice value for != constant and propagate nonnull." to "[IPSCCP] Add lattice value for != constant ".
fhahn edited the summary of this revision.
fhahn added a comment.
Herald added subscribers: dexonsmith, mehdi_amini.
I stripped adding nonnull for now. Even with freeze, we have to be far too conservative about the merging rules. This patch is now more an enabler to make it easier to use ValueLAtticeElement, with range support. What do you think?
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