[llvm] r345544 - [llvm-objcopy] Move elf-specific code into subfolder

Alexander Shaposhnikov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 29 14:22:58 PDT 2018

Author: alexshap
Date: Mon Oct 29 14:22:58 2018
New Revision: 345544

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=345544&view=rev
[llvm-objcopy] Move elf-specific code into subfolder

In this diff the elf-specific code is moved into the subfolder ELF 
(and factored out from llvm-objcopy.cpp).

Test plan: make check-all

Differential revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D53790

      - copied unchanged from r345543, llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/Object.cpp
      - copied unchanged from r345543, llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/Object.h

Modified: llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/CMakeLists.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/CMakeLists.txt?rev=345544&r1=345543&r2=345544&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/CMakeLists.txt (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/CMakeLists.txt Mon Oct 29 14:22:58 2018
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ add_llvm_tool(llvm-objcopy
-  Object.cpp
+  ELF/ELFObjcopy.cpp
+  ELF/Object.cpp

Added: llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/ELFObjcopy.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/ELFObjcopy.cpp?rev=345544&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/ELFObjcopy.cpp (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/ELFObjcopy.cpp Mon Oct 29 14:22:58 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+//===- ELFObjcopy.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                      The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "ELFObjcopy.h"
+#include "Buffer.h"
+#include "CopyConfig.h"
+#include "llvm-objcopy.h"
+#include "Object.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
+#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
+#include "llvm/MC/MCTargetOptions.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/ELFTypes.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Compression.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Memory.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <system_error>
+#include <utility>
+namespace llvm {
+namespace objcopy {
+namespace elf {
+using namespace object;
+using namespace ELF;
+using SectionPred = std::function<bool(const SectionBase &Sec)>;
+static bool isDebugSection(const SectionBase &Sec) {
+  return StringRef(Sec.Name).startswith(".debug") ||
+         StringRef(Sec.Name).startswith(".zdebug") || Sec.Name == ".gdb_index";
+static bool isDWOSection(const SectionBase &Sec) {
+  return StringRef(Sec.Name).endswith(".dwo");
+static bool onlyKeepDWOPred(const Object &Obj, const SectionBase &Sec) {
+  // We can't remove the section header string table.
+  if (&Sec == Obj.SectionNames)
+    return false;
+  // Short of keeping the string table we want to keep everything that is a DWO
+  // section and remove everything else.
+  return !isDWOSection(Sec);
+static ElfType getOutputElfType(const Binary &Bin) {
+  // Infer output ELF type from the input ELF object
+  if (isa<ELFObjectFile<ELF32LE>>(Bin))
+    return ELFT_ELF32LE;
+  if (isa<ELFObjectFile<ELF64LE>>(Bin))
+    return ELFT_ELF64LE;
+  if (isa<ELFObjectFile<ELF32BE>>(Bin))
+    return ELFT_ELF32BE;
+  if (isa<ELFObjectFile<ELF64BE>>(Bin))
+    return ELFT_ELF64BE;
+  llvm_unreachable("Invalid ELFType");
+static ElfType getOutputElfType(const MachineInfo &MI) {
+  // Infer output ELF type from the binary arch specified
+  if (MI.Is64Bit)
+    return MI.IsLittleEndian ? ELFT_ELF64LE : ELFT_ELF64BE;
+  else
+    return MI.IsLittleEndian ? ELFT_ELF32LE : ELFT_ELF32BE;
+static std::unique_ptr<Writer> createWriter(const CopyConfig &Config,
+                                            Object &Obj, Buffer &Buf,
+                                            ElfType OutputElfType) {
+  if (Config.OutputFormat == "binary") {
+    return llvm::make_unique<BinaryWriter>(Obj, Buf);
+  }
+  // Depending on the initial ELFT and OutputFormat we need a different Writer.
+  switch (OutputElfType) {
+  case ELFT_ELF32LE:
+    return llvm::make_unique<ELFWriter<ELF32LE>>(Obj, Buf,
+                                                 !Config.StripSections);
+  case ELFT_ELF64LE:
+    return llvm::make_unique<ELFWriter<ELF64LE>>(Obj, Buf,
+                                                 !Config.StripSections);
+  case ELFT_ELF32BE:
+    return llvm::make_unique<ELFWriter<ELF32BE>>(Obj, Buf,
+                                                 !Config.StripSections);
+  case ELFT_ELF64BE:
+    return llvm::make_unique<ELFWriter<ELF64BE>>(Obj, Buf,
+                                                 !Config.StripSections);
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("Invalid output format");
+static void splitDWOToFile(const CopyConfig &Config, const Reader &Reader,
+                           StringRef File, ElfType OutputElfType) {
+  auto DWOFile = Reader.create();
+  DWOFile->removeSections(
+      [&](const SectionBase &Sec) { return onlyKeepDWOPred(*DWOFile, Sec); });
+  FileBuffer FB(File);
+  auto Writer = createWriter(Config, *DWOFile, FB, OutputElfType);
+  Writer->finalize();
+  Writer->write();
+static Error dumpSectionToFile(StringRef SecName, StringRef Filename,
+                               Object &Obj) {
+  for (auto &Sec : Obj.sections()) {
+    if (Sec.Name == SecName) {
+      if (Sec.OriginalData.size() == 0)
+        return make_error<StringError>("Can't dump section \"" + SecName +
+                                           "\": it has no contents",
+                                       object_error::parse_failed);
+      Expected<std::unique_ptr<FileOutputBuffer>> BufferOrErr =
+          FileOutputBuffer::create(Filename, Sec.OriginalData.size());
+      if (!BufferOrErr)
+        return BufferOrErr.takeError();
+      std::unique_ptr<FileOutputBuffer> Buf = std::move(*BufferOrErr);
+      std::copy(Sec.OriginalData.begin(), Sec.OriginalData.end(),
+                Buf->getBufferStart());
+      if (Error E = Buf->commit())
+        return E;
+      return Error::success();
+    }
+  }
+  return make_error<StringError>("Section not found",
+                                 object_error::parse_failed);
+static bool isCompressed(const SectionBase &Section) {
+  const char *Magic = "ZLIB";
+  return StringRef(Section.Name).startswith(".zdebug") ||
+         (Section.OriginalData.size() > strlen(Magic) &&
+          !strncmp(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Section.OriginalData.data()),
+                   Magic, strlen(Magic))) ||
+         (Section.Flags & ELF::SHF_COMPRESSED);
+static bool isCompressable(const SectionBase &Section) {
+  return !isCompressed(Section) && isDebugSection(Section) &&
+         Section.Name != ".gdb_index";
+static void replaceDebugSections(
+    const CopyConfig &Config, Object &Obj, SectionPred &RemovePred,
+    function_ref<bool(const SectionBase &)> shouldReplace,
+    function_ref<SectionBase *(const SectionBase *)> addSection) {
+  SmallVector<SectionBase *, 13> ToReplace;
+  SmallVector<RelocationSection *, 13> RelocationSections;
+  for (auto &Sec : Obj.sections()) {
+    if (RelocationSection *R = dyn_cast<RelocationSection>(&Sec)) {
+      if (shouldReplace(*R->getSection()))
+        RelocationSections.push_back(R);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (shouldReplace(Sec))
+      ToReplace.push_back(&Sec);
+  }
+  for (SectionBase *S : ToReplace) {
+    SectionBase *NewSection = addSection(S);
+    for (RelocationSection *RS : RelocationSections) {
+      if (RS->getSection() == S)
+        RS->setSection(NewSection);
+    }
+  }
+  RemovePred = [shouldReplace, RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+    return shouldReplace(Sec) || RemovePred(Sec);
+  };
+// This function handles the high level operations of GNU objcopy including
+// handling command line options. It's important to outline certain properties
+// we expect to hold of the command line operations. Any operation that "keeps"
+// should keep regardless of a remove. Additionally any removal should respect
+// any previous removals. Lastly whether or not something is removed shouldn't
+// depend a) on the order the options occur in or b) on some opaque priority
+// system. The only priority is that keeps/copies overrule removes.
+static void handleArgs(const CopyConfig &Config, Object &Obj,
+                       const Reader &Reader, ElfType OutputElfType) {
+  if (!Config.SplitDWO.empty()) {
+    splitDWOToFile(Config, Reader, Config.SplitDWO, OutputElfType);
+  }
+  // TODO: update or remove symbols only if there is an option that affects
+  // them.
+  if (Obj.SymbolTable) {
+    Obj.SymbolTable->updateSymbols([&](Symbol &Sym) {
+      if ((Config.LocalizeHidden &&
+           (Sym.Visibility == STV_HIDDEN || Sym.Visibility == STV_INTERNAL)) ||
+          (!Config.SymbolsToLocalize.empty() &&
+           is_contained(Config.SymbolsToLocalize, Sym.Name)))
+        Sym.Binding = STB_LOCAL;
+      // Note: these two globalize flags have very similar names but different
+      // meanings:
+      //
+      // --globalize-symbol: promote a symbol to global
+      // --keep-global-symbol: all symbols except for these should be made local
+      //
+      // If --globalize-symbol is specified for a given symbol, it will be
+      // global in the output file even if it is not included via
+      // --keep-global-symbol. Because of that, make sure to check
+      // --globalize-symbol second.
+      if (!Config.SymbolsToKeepGlobal.empty() &&
+          !is_contained(Config.SymbolsToKeepGlobal, Sym.Name))
+        Sym.Binding = STB_LOCAL;
+      if (!Config.SymbolsToGlobalize.empty() &&
+          is_contained(Config.SymbolsToGlobalize, Sym.Name))
+        Sym.Binding = STB_GLOBAL;
+      if (!Config.SymbolsToWeaken.empty() &&
+          is_contained(Config.SymbolsToWeaken, Sym.Name) &&
+          Sym.Binding == STB_GLOBAL)
+        Sym.Binding = STB_WEAK;
+      if (Config.Weaken && Sym.Binding == STB_GLOBAL &&
+          Sym.getShndx() != SHN_UNDEF)
+        Sym.Binding = STB_WEAK;
+      const auto I = Config.SymbolsToRename.find(Sym.Name);
+      if (I != Config.SymbolsToRename.end())
+        Sym.Name = I->getValue();
+      if (!Config.SymbolsPrefix.empty() && Sym.Type != STT_SECTION)
+        Sym.Name = (Config.SymbolsPrefix + Sym.Name).str();
+    });
+    // The purpose of this loop is to mark symbols referenced by sections
+    // (like GroupSection or RelocationSection). This way, we know which
+    // symbols are still 'needed' and which are not.
+    if (Config.StripUnneeded) {
+      for (auto &Section : Obj.sections())
+        Section.markSymbols();
+    }
+    Obj.removeSymbols([&](const Symbol &Sym) {
+      if ((!Config.SymbolsToKeep.empty() &&
+           is_contained(Config.SymbolsToKeep, Sym.Name)) ||
+          (Config.KeepFileSymbols && Sym.Type == STT_FILE))
+        return false;
+      if (Config.DiscardAll && Sym.Binding == STB_LOCAL &&
+          Sym.getShndx() != SHN_UNDEF && Sym.Type != STT_FILE &&
+          Sym.Type != STT_SECTION)
+        return true;
+      if (Config.StripAll || Config.StripAllGNU)
+        return true;
+      if (!Config.SymbolsToRemove.empty() &&
+          is_contained(Config.SymbolsToRemove, Sym.Name)) {
+        return true;
+      }
+      if (Config.StripUnneeded && !Sym.Referenced &&
+          (Sym.Binding == STB_LOCAL || Sym.getShndx() == SHN_UNDEF) &&
+          Sym.Type != STT_FILE && Sym.Type != STT_SECTION)
+        return true;
+      return false;
+    });
+  }
+  SectionPred RemovePred = [](const SectionBase &) { return false; };
+  // Removes:
+  if (!Config.ToRemove.empty()) {
+    RemovePred = [&Config](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      return is_contained(Config.ToRemove, Sec.Name);
+    };
+  }
+  if (Config.StripDWO || !Config.SplitDWO.empty())
+    RemovePred = [RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      return isDWOSection(Sec) || RemovePred(Sec);
+    };
+  if (Config.ExtractDWO)
+    RemovePred = [RemovePred, &Obj](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      return onlyKeepDWOPred(Obj, Sec) || RemovePred(Sec);
+    };
+  if (Config.StripAllGNU)
+    RemovePred = [RemovePred, &Obj](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      if (RemovePred(Sec))
+        return true;
+      if ((Sec.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) != 0)
+        return false;
+      if (&Sec == Obj.SectionNames)
+        return false;
+      switch (Sec.Type) {
+      case SHT_SYMTAB:
+      case SHT_REL:
+      case SHT_RELA:
+      case SHT_STRTAB:
+        return true;
+      }
+      return isDebugSection(Sec);
+    };
+  if (Config.StripSections) {
+    RemovePred = [RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      return RemovePred(Sec) || (Sec.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) == 0;
+    };
+  }
+  if (Config.StripDebug) {
+    RemovePred = [RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      return RemovePred(Sec) || isDebugSection(Sec);
+    };
+  }
+  if (Config.StripNonAlloc)
+    RemovePred = [RemovePred, &Obj](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      if (RemovePred(Sec))
+        return true;
+      if (&Sec == Obj.SectionNames)
+        return false;
+      return (Sec.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) == 0;
+    };
+  if (Config.StripAll)
+    RemovePred = [RemovePred, &Obj](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      if (RemovePred(Sec))
+        return true;
+      if (&Sec == Obj.SectionNames)
+        return false;
+      if (StringRef(Sec.Name).startswith(".gnu.warning"))
+        return false;
+      return (Sec.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) == 0;
+    };
+  // Explicit copies:
+  if (!Config.OnlyKeep.empty()) {
+    RemovePred = [&Config, RemovePred, &Obj](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      // Explicitly keep these sections regardless of previous removes.
+      if (is_contained(Config.OnlyKeep, Sec.Name))
+        return false;
+      // Allow all implicit removes.
+      if (RemovePred(Sec))
+        return true;
+      // Keep special sections.
+      if (Obj.SectionNames == &Sec)
+        return false;
+      if (Obj.SymbolTable == &Sec ||
+          (Obj.SymbolTable && Obj.SymbolTable->getStrTab() == &Sec))
+        return false;
+      // Remove everything else.
+      return true;
+    };
+  }
+  if (!Config.Keep.empty()) {
+    RemovePred = [Config, RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      // Explicitly keep these sections regardless of previous removes.
+      if (is_contained(Config.Keep, Sec.Name))
+        return false;
+      // Otherwise defer to RemovePred.
+      return RemovePred(Sec);
+    };
+  }
+  // This has to be the last predicate assignment.
+  // If the option --keep-symbol has been specified
+  // and at least one of those symbols is present
+  // (equivalently, the updated symbol table is not empty)
+  // the symbol table and the string table should not be removed.
+  if ((!Config.SymbolsToKeep.empty() || Config.KeepFileSymbols) &&
+      Obj.SymbolTable && !Obj.SymbolTable->empty()) {
+    RemovePred = [&Obj, RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
+      if (&Sec == Obj.SymbolTable || &Sec == Obj.SymbolTable->getStrTab())
+        return false;
+      return RemovePred(Sec);
+    };
+  }
+  if (Config.CompressionType != DebugCompressionType::None)
+    replaceDebugSections(Config, Obj, RemovePred, isCompressable,
+                         [&Config, &Obj](const SectionBase *S) {
+                           return &Obj.addSection<CompressedSection>(
+                               *S, Config.CompressionType);
+                         });
+  else if (Config.DecompressDebugSections)
+    replaceDebugSections(
+        Config, Obj, RemovePred,
+        [](const SectionBase &S) { return isa<CompressedSection>(&S); },
+        [&Obj](const SectionBase *S) {
+          auto CS = cast<CompressedSection>(S);
+          return &Obj.addSection<DecompressedSection>(*CS);
+        });
+  Obj.removeSections(RemovePred);
+  if (!Config.SectionsToRename.empty()) {
+    for (auto &Sec : Obj.sections()) {
+      const auto Iter = Config.SectionsToRename.find(Sec.Name);
+      if (Iter != Config.SectionsToRename.end()) {
+        const SectionRename &SR = Iter->second;
+        Sec.Name = SR.NewName;
+        if (SR.NewFlags.hasValue()) {
+          // Preserve some flags which should not be dropped when setting flags.
+          // Also, preserve anything OS/processor dependant.
+          const uint64_t PreserveMask = ELF::SHF_COMPRESSED | ELF::SHF_EXCLUDE |
+                                        ELF::SHF_GROUP | ELF::SHF_LINK_ORDER |
+                                        ELF::SHF_MASKOS | ELF::SHF_MASKPROC |
+                                        ELF::SHF_TLS | ELF::SHF_INFO_LINK;
+          Sec.Flags = (Sec.Flags & PreserveMask) |
+                      (SR.NewFlags.getValue() & ~PreserveMask);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!Config.AddSection.empty()) {
+    for (const auto &Flag : Config.AddSection) {
+      auto SecPair = Flag.split("=");
+      auto SecName = SecPair.first;
+      auto File = SecPair.second;
+      auto BufOrErr = MemoryBuffer::getFile(File);
+      if (!BufOrErr)
+        reportError(File, BufOrErr.getError());
+      auto Buf = std::move(*BufOrErr);
+      auto BufPtr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(Buf->getBufferStart());
+      auto BufSize = Buf->getBufferSize();
+      Obj.addSection<OwnedDataSection>(SecName,
+                                       ArrayRef<uint8_t>(BufPtr, BufSize));
+    }
+  }
+  if (!Config.DumpSection.empty()) {
+    for (const auto &Flag : Config.DumpSection) {
+      std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> SecPair = Flag.split("=");
+      StringRef SecName = SecPair.first;
+      StringRef File = SecPair.second;
+      if (Error E = dumpSectionToFile(SecName, File, Obj))
+        reportError(Config.InputFilename, std::move(E));
+    }
+  }
+  if (!Config.AddGnuDebugLink.empty())
+    Obj.addSection<GnuDebugLinkSection>(Config.AddGnuDebugLink);
+void executeObjcopyOnRawBinary(const CopyConfig &Config, MemoryBuffer &In,
+                               Buffer &Out) {
+  BinaryReader Reader(Config.BinaryArch, &In);
+  std::unique_ptr<Object> Obj = Reader.create();
+  const ElfType OutputElfType = getOutputElfType(Config.BinaryArch);
+  handleArgs(Config, *Obj, Reader, OutputElfType);
+  std::unique_ptr<Writer> Writer =
+      createWriter(Config, *Obj, Out, OutputElfType);
+  Writer->finalize();
+  Writer->write();
+void executeObjcopyOnBinary(const CopyConfig &Config,
+                            object::ELFObjectFileBase &In, Buffer &Out) {
+  ELFReader Reader(&In);
+  std::unique_ptr<Object> Obj = Reader.create();
+  const ElfType OutputElfType = getOutputElfType(In);
+  handleArgs(Config, *Obj, Reader, OutputElfType);
+  std::unique_ptr<Writer> Writer =
+      createWriter(Config, *Obj, Out, OutputElfType);
+  Writer->finalize();
+  Writer->write();
+} // end namespace elf
+} // end namespace objcopy
+} // end namespace llvm

Added: llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/ELFObjcopy.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/ELFObjcopy.h?rev=345544&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/ELFObjcopy.h (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/ELFObjcopy.h Mon Oct 29 14:22:58 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+//===- ELFObjcopy.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                      The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+namespace llvm {
+class MemoryBuffer;
+namespace object {
+class ELFObjectFileBase;
+} // end namespace object
+namespace objcopy {
+struct CopyConfig;
+class Buffer;
+namespace elf {
+void executeObjcopyOnRawBinary(const CopyConfig &Config, MemoryBuffer &In,
+                               Buffer &Out);
+void executeObjcopyOnBinary(const CopyConfig &Config,
+                            object::ELFObjectFileBase &In, Buffer &Out);
+} // end namespace elf
+} // end namespace objcopy
+} // end namespace llvm

Removed: llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/Object.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/Object.cpp?rev=345543&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/Object.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/Object.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,1621 +0,0 @@
-//===- Object.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===//
-//                      The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-#include "Object.h"
-#include "llvm-objcopy.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
-#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCTargetOptions.h"
-#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Compression.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/FileOutputBuffer.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-namespace llvm {
-namespace objcopy {
-namespace elf {
-using namespace object;
-using namespace ELF;
-template <class ELFT> void ELFWriter<ELFT>::writePhdr(const Segment &Seg) {
-  uint8_t *B = Buf.getBufferStart();
-  B += Obj.ProgramHdrSegment.Offset + Seg.Index * sizeof(Elf_Phdr);
-  Elf_Phdr &Phdr = *reinterpret_cast<Elf_Phdr *>(B);
-  Phdr.p_type = Seg.Type;
-  Phdr.p_flags = Seg.Flags;
-  Phdr.p_offset = Seg.Offset;
-  Phdr.p_vaddr = Seg.VAddr;
-  Phdr.p_paddr = Seg.PAddr;
-  Phdr.p_filesz = Seg.FileSize;
-  Phdr.p_memsz = Seg.MemSize;
-  Phdr.p_align = Seg.Align;
-void SectionBase::removeSectionReferences(const SectionBase *Sec) {}
-void SectionBase::removeSymbols(function_ref<bool(const Symbol &)> ToRemove) {}
-void SectionBase::initialize(SectionTableRef SecTable) {}
-void SectionBase::finalize() {}
-void SectionBase::markSymbols() {}
-template <class ELFT> void ELFWriter<ELFT>::writeShdr(const SectionBase &Sec) {
-  uint8_t *B = Buf.getBufferStart();
-  B += Sec.HeaderOffset;
-  Elf_Shdr &Shdr = *reinterpret_cast<Elf_Shdr *>(B);
-  Shdr.sh_name = Sec.NameIndex;
-  Shdr.sh_type = Sec.Type;
-  Shdr.sh_flags = Sec.Flags;
-  Shdr.sh_addr = Sec.Addr;
-  Shdr.sh_offset = Sec.Offset;
-  Shdr.sh_size = Sec.Size;
-  Shdr.sh_link = Sec.Link;
-  Shdr.sh_info = Sec.Info;
-  Shdr.sh_addralign = Sec.Align;
-  Shdr.sh_entsize = Sec.EntrySize;
-SectionVisitor::~SectionVisitor() {}
-void BinarySectionWriter::visit(const SectionIndexSection &Sec) {
-  error("Cannot write symbol section index table '" + Sec.Name + "' ");
-void BinarySectionWriter::visit(const SymbolTableSection &Sec) {
-  error("Cannot write symbol table '" + Sec.Name + "' out to binary");
-void BinarySectionWriter::visit(const RelocationSection &Sec) {
-  error("Cannot write relocation section '" + Sec.Name + "' out to binary");
-void BinarySectionWriter::visit(const GnuDebugLinkSection &Sec) {
-  error("Cannot write '" + Sec.Name + "' out to binary");
-void BinarySectionWriter::visit(const GroupSection &Sec) {
-  error("Cannot write '" + Sec.Name + "' out to binary");
-void SectionWriter::visit(const Section &Sec) {
-  if (Sec.Type == SHT_NOBITS)
-    return;
-  uint8_t *Buf = Out.getBufferStart() + Sec.Offset;
-  std::copy(std::begin(Sec.Contents), std::end(Sec.Contents), Buf);
-void Section::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const { Visitor.visit(*this); }
-void SectionWriter::visit(const OwnedDataSection &Sec) {
-  uint8_t *Buf = Out.getBufferStart() + Sec.Offset;
-  std::copy(std::begin(Sec.Data), std::end(Sec.Data), Buf);
-static const std::vector<uint8_t> ZlibGnuMagic = {'Z', 'L', 'I', 'B'};
-static bool isDataGnuCompressed(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) {
-  return Data.size() > ZlibGnuMagic.size() &&
-         std::equal(ZlibGnuMagic.begin(), ZlibGnuMagic.end(), Data.data());
-template <class ELFT>
-static std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t>
-getDecompressedSizeAndAlignment(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) {
-  const bool IsGnuDebug = isDataGnuCompressed(Data);
-  const uint64_t DecompressedSize =
-      IsGnuDebug
-          ? support::endian::read64be(reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t *>(
-                Data.data() + ZlibGnuMagic.size()))
-          : reinterpret_cast<const Elf_Chdr_Impl<ELFT> *>(Data.data())->ch_size;
-  const uint64_t DecompressedAlign =
-      IsGnuDebug ? 1
-                 : reinterpret_cast<const Elf_Chdr_Impl<ELFT> *>(Data.data())
-                       ->ch_addralign;
-  return std::make_tuple(DecompressedSize, DecompressedAlign);
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFSectionWriter<ELFT>::visit(const DecompressedSection &Sec) {
-  uint8_t *Buf = Out.getBufferStart() + Sec.Offset;
-  if (!zlib::isAvailable()) {
-    std::copy(Sec.OriginalData.begin(), Sec.OriginalData.end(), Buf);
-    return;
-  }
-  const size_t DataOffset = isDataGnuCompressed(Sec.OriginalData)
-                                ? (ZlibGnuMagic.size() + sizeof(Sec.Size))
-                                : sizeof(Elf_Chdr_Impl<ELFT>);
-  StringRef CompressedContent(
-      reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Sec.OriginalData.data()) + DataOffset,
-      Sec.OriginalData.size() - DataOffset);
-  SmallVector<char, 128> DecompressedContent;
-  if (Error E = zlib::uncompress(CompressedContent, DecompressedContent,
-                                 static_cast<size_t>(Sec.Size)))
-    reportError(Sec.Name, std::move(E));
-  std::copy(DecompressedContent.begin(), DecompressedContent.end(), Buf);
-void BinarySectionWriter::visit(const DecompressedSection &Sec) {
-  error("Cannot write compressed section '" + Sec.Name + "' ");
-void DecompressedSection::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const {
-  Visitor.visit(*this);
-void OwnedDataSection::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const {
-  Visitor.visit(*this);
-void BinarySectionWriter::visit(const CompressedSection &Sec) {
-  error("Cannot write compressed section '" + Sec.Name + "' ");
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFSectionWriter<ELFT>::visit(const CompressedSection &Sec) {
-  uint8_t *Buf = Out.getBufferStart();
-  Buf += Sec.Offset;
-  if (Sec.CompressionType == DebugCompressionType::None) {
-    std::copy(Sec.OriginalData.begin(), Sec.OriginalData.end(), Buf);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Sec.CompressionType == DebugCompressionType::GNU) {
-    const char *Magic = "ZLIB";
-    memcpy(Buf, Magic, strlen(Magic));
-    Buf += strlen(Magic);
-    const uint64_t DecompressedSize =
-        support::endian::read64be(&Sec.DecompressedSize);
-    memcpy(Buf, &DecompressedSize, sizeof(DecompressedSize));
-    Buf += sizeof(DecompressedSize);
-  } else {
-    Elf_Chdr_Impl<ELFT> Chdr;
-    Chdr.ch_type = ELF::ELFCOMPRESS_ZLIB;
-    Chdr.ch_size = Sec.DecompressedSize;
-    Chdr.ch_addralign = Sec.DecompressedAlign;
-    memcpy(Buf, &Chdr, sizeof(Chdr));
-    Buf += sizeof(Chdr);
-  }
-  std::copy(Sec.CompressedData.begin(), Sec.CompressedData.end(), Buf);
-CompressedSection::CompressedSection(const SectionBase &Sec,
-                                     DebugCompressionType CompressionType)
-    : SectionBase(Sec), CompressionType(CompressionType),
-      DecompressedSize(Sec.OriginalData.size()), DecompressedAlign(Sec.Align) {
-  if (!zlib::isAvailable()) {
-    CompressionType = DebugCompressionType::None;
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Error E = zlib::compress(
-          StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(OriginalData.data()),
-                    OriginalData.size()),
-          CompressedData))
-    reportError(Name, std::move(E));
-  size_t ChdrSize;
-  if (CompressionType == DebugCompressionType::GNU) {
-    Name = ".z" + Sec.Name.substr(1);
-    ChdrSize = sizeof("ZLIB") - 1 + sizeof(uint64_t);
-  } else {
-    Flags |= ELF::SHF_COMPRESSED;
-    ChdrSize =
-        std::max(std::max(sizeof(object::Elf_Chdr_Impl<object::ELF64LE>),
-                          sizeof(object::Elf_Chdr_Impl<object::ELF64BE>)),
-                 std::max(sizeof(object::Elf_Chdr_Impl<object::ELF32LE>),
-                          sizeof(object::Elf_Chdr_Impl<object::ELF32BE>)));
-  }
-  Size = ChdrSize + CompressedData.size();
-  Align = 8;
-CompressedSection::CompressedSection(ArrayRef<uint8_t> CompressedData,
-                                     uint64_t DecompressedSize,
-                                     uint64_t DecompressedAlign)
-    : CompressionType(DebugCompressionType::None),
-      DecompressedSize(DecompressedSize), DecompressedAlign(DecompressedAlign) {
-  OriginalData = CompressedData;
-void CompressedSection::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const {
-  Visitor.visit(*this);
-void StringTableSection::addString(StringRef Name) {
-  StrTabBuilder.add(Name);
-  Size = StrTabBuilder.getSize();
-uint32_t StringTableSection::findIndex(StringRef Name) const {
-  return StrTabBuilder.getOffset(Name);
-void StringTableSection::finalize() { StrTabBuilder.finalize(); }
-void SectionWriter::visit(const StringTableSection &Sec) {
-  Sec.StrTabBuilder.write(Out.getBufferStart() + Sec.Offset);
-void StringTableSection::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const {
-  Visitor.visit(*this);
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFSectionWriter<ELFT>::visit(const SectionIndexSection &Sec) {
-  uint8_t *Buf = Out.getBufferStart() + Sec.Offset;
-  auto *IndexesBuffer = reinterpret_cast<Elf_Word *>(Buf);
-  std::copy(std::begin(Sec.Indexes), std::end(Sec.Indexes), IndexesBuffer);
-void SectionIndexSection::initialize(SectionTableRef SecTable) {
-  Size = 0;
-  setSymTab(SecTable.getSectionOfType<SymbolTableSection>(
-      Link,
-      "Link field value " + Twine(Link) + " in section " + Name + " is invalid",
-      "Link field value " + Twine(Link) + " in section " + Name +
-          " is not a symbol table"));
-  Symbols->setShndxTable(this);
-void SectionIndexSection::finalize() { Link = Symbols->Index; }
-void SectionIndexSection::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const {
-  Visitor.visit(*this);
-static bool isValidReservedSectionIndex(uint16_t Index, uint16_t Machine) {
-  switch (Index) {
-  case SHN_ABS:
-  case SHN_COMMON:
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (Machine == EM_HEXAGON) {
-    switch (Index) {
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-// Large indexes force us to clarify exactly what this function should do. This
-// function should return the value that will appear in st_shndx when written
-// out.
-uint16_t Symbol::getShndx() const {
-  if (DefinedIn != nullptr) {
-    if (DefinedIn->Index >= SHN_LORESERVE)
-      return SHN_XINDEX;
-    return DefinedIn->Index;
-  }
-  switch (ShndxType) {
-  // This means that we don't have a defined section but we do need to
-  // output a legitimate section index.
-    return SHN_UNDEF;
-  case SYMBOL_ABS:
-    return static_cast<uint16_t>(ShndxType);
-  }
-  llvm_unreachable("Symbol with invalid ShndxType encountered");
-void SymbolTableSection::assignIndices() {
-  uint32_t Index = 0;
-  for (auto &Sym : Symbols)
-    Sym->Index = Index++;
-void SymbolTableSection::addSymbol(Twine Name, uint8_t Bind, uint8_t Type,
-                                   SectionBase *DefinedIn, uint64_t Value,
-                                   uint8_t Visibility, uint16_t Shndx,
-                                   uint64_t Size) {
-  Symbol Sym;
-  Sym.Name = Name.str();
-  Sym.Binding = Bind;
-  Sym.Type = Type;
-  Sym.DefinedIn = DefinedIn;
-  if (DefinedIn != nullptr)
-    DefinedIn->HasSymbol = true;
-  if (DefinedIn == nullptr) {
-    if (Shndx >= SHN_LORESERVE)
-      Sym.ShndxType = static_cast<SymbolShndxType>(Shndx);
-    else
-      Sym.ShndxType = SYMBOL_SIMPLE_INDEX;
-  }
-  Sym.Value = Value;
-  Sym.Visibility = Visibility;
-  Sym.Size = Size;
-  Sym.Index = Symbols.size();
-  Symbols.emplace_back(llvm::make_unique<Symbol>(Sym));
-  Size += this->EntrySize;
-void SymbolTableSection::removeSectionReferences(const SectionBase *Sec) {
-  if (SectionIndexTable == Sec)
-    SectionIndexTable = nullptr;
-  if (SymbolNames == Sec) {
-    error("String table " + SymbolNames->Name +
-          " cannot be removed because it is referenced by the symbol table " +
-          this->Name);
-  }
-  removeSymbols([Sec](const Symbol &Sym) { return Sym.DefinedIn == Sec; });
-void SymbolTableSection::updateSymbols(function_ref<void(Symbol &)> Callable) {
-  std::for_each(std::begin(Symbols) + 1, std::end(Symbols),
-                [Callable](SymPtr &Sym) { Callable(*Sym); });
-  std::stable_partition(
-      std::begin(Symbols), std::end(Symbols),
-      [](const SymPtr &Sym) { return Sym->Binding == STB_LOCAL; });
-  assignIndices();
-void SymbolTableSection::removeSymbols(
-    function_ref<bool(const Symbol &)> ToRemove) {
-  Symbols.erase(
-      std::remove_if(std::begin(Symbols) + 1, std::end(Symbols),
-                     [ToRemove](const SymPtr &Sym) { return ToRemove(*Sym); }),
-      std::end(Symbols));
-  Size = Symbols.size() * EntrySize;
-  assignIndices();
-void SymbolTableSection::initialize(SectionTableRef SecTable) {
-  Size = 0;
-  setStrTab(SecTable.getSectionOfType<StringTableSection>(
-      Link,
-      "Symbol table has link index of " + Twine(Link) +
-          " which is not a valid index",
-      "Symbol table has link index of " + Twine(Link) +
-          " which is not a string table"));
-void SymbolTableSection::finalize() {
-  // Make sure SymbolNames is finalized before getting name indexes.
-  SymbolNames->finalize();
-  uint32_t MaxLocalIndex = 0;
-  for (auto &Sym : Symbols) {
-    Sym->NameIndex = SymbolNames->findIndex(Sym->Name);
-    if (Sym->Binding == STB_LOCAL)
-      MaxLocalIndex = std::max(MaxLocalIndex, Sym->Index);
-  }
-  // Now we need to set the Link and Info fields.
-  Link = SymbolNames->Index;
-  Info = MaxLocalIndex + 1;
-void SymbolTableSection::prepareForLayout() {
-  // Add all potential section indexes before file layout so that the section
-  // index section has the approprite size.
-  if (SectionIndexTable != nullptr) {
-    for (const auto &Sym : Symbols) {
-      if (Sym->DefinedIn != nullptr && Sym->DefinedIn->Index >= SHN_LORESERVE)
-        SectionIndexTable->addIndex(Sym->DefinedIn->Index);
-      else
-        SectionIndexTable->addIndex(SHN_UNDEF);
-    }
-  }
-  // Add all of our strings to SymbolNames so that SymbolNames has the right
-  // size before layout is decided.
-  for (auto &Sym : Symbols)
-    SymbolNames->addString(Sym->Name);
-const Symbol *SymbolTableSection::getSymbolByIndex(uint32_t Index) const {
-  if (Symbols.size() <= Index)
-    error("Invalid symbol index: " + Twine(Index));
-  return Symbols[Index].get();
-Symbol *SymbolTableSection::getSymbolByIndex(uint32_t Index) {
-  return const_cast<Symbol *>(
-      static_cast<const SymbolTableSection *>(this)->getSymbolByIndex(Index));
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFSectionWriter<ELFT>::visit(const SymbolTableSection &Sec) {
-  uint8_t *Buf = Out.getBufferStart();
-  Buf += Sec.Offset;
-  Elf_Sym *Sym = reinterpret_cast<Elf_Sym *>(Buf);
-  // Loop though symbols setting each entry of the symbol table.
-  for (auto &Symbol : Sec.Symbols) {
-    Sym->st_name = Symbol->NameIndex;
-    Sym->st_value = Symbol->Value;
-    Sym->st_size = Symbol->Size;
-    Sym->st_other = Symbol->Visibility;
-    Sym->setBinding(Symbol->Binding);
-    Sym->setType(Symbol->Type);
-    Sym->st_shndx = Symbol->getShndx();
-    ++Sym;
-  }
-void SymbolTableSection::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const {
-  Visitor.visit(*this);
-template <class SymTabType>
-void RelocSectionWithSymtabBase<SymTabType>::removeSectionReferences(
-    const SectionBase *Sec) {
-  if (Symbols == Sec) {
-    error("Symbol table " + Symbols->Name +
-          " cannot be removed because it is "
-          "referenced by the relocation "
-          "section " +
-          this->Name);
-  }
-template <class SymTabType>
-void RelocSectionWithSymtabBase<SymTabType>::initialize(
-    SectionTableRef SecTable) {
-  if (Link != SHN_UNDEF)
-    setSymTab(SecTable.getSectionOfType<SymTabType>(
-        Link,
-        "Link field value " + Twine(Link) + " in section " + Name +
-            " is invalid",
-        "Link field value " + Twine(Link) + " in section " + Name +
-            " is not a symbol table"));
-  if (Info != SHN_UNDEF)
-    setSection(SecTable.getSection(Info, "Info field value " + Twine(Info) +
-                                             " in section " + Name +
-                                             " is invalid"));
-  else
-    setSection(nullptr);
-template <class SymTabType>
-void RelocSectionWithSymtabBase<SymTabType>::finalize() {
-  this->Link = Symbols ? Symbols->Index : 0;
-  if (SecToApplyRel != nullptr)
-    this->Info = SecToApplyRel->Index;
-template <class ELFT>
-static void setAddend(Elf_Rel_Impl<ELFT, false> &Rel, uint64_t Addend) {}
-template <class ELFT>
-static void setAddend(Elf_Rel_Impl<ELFT, true> &Rela, uint64_t Addend) {
-  Rela.r_addend = Addend;
-template <class RelRange, class T>
-static void writeRel(const RelRange &Relocations, T *Buf) {
-  for (const auto &Reloc : Relocations) {
-    Buf->r_offset = Reloc.Offset;
-    setAddend(*Buf, Reloc.Addend);
-    Buf->setSymbolAndType(Reloc.RelocSymbol->Index, Reloc.Type, false);
-    ++Buf;
-  }
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFSectionWriter<ELFT>::visit(const RelocationSection &Sec) {
-  uint8_t *Buf = Out.getBufferStart() + Sec.Offset;
-  if (Sec.Type == SHT_REL)
-    writeRel(Sec.Relocations, reinterpret_cast<Elf_Rel *>(Buf));
-  else
-    writeRel(Sec.Relocations, reinterpret_cast<Elf_Rela *>(Buf));
-void RelocationSection::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const {
-  Visitor.visit(*this);
-void RelocationSection::removeSymbols(
-    function_ref<bool(const Symbol &)> ToRemove) {
-  for (const Relocation &Reloc : Relocations)
-    if (ToRemove(*Reloc.RelocSymbol))
-      error("not stripping symbol '" + Reloc.RelocSymbol->Name +
-            "' because it is named in a relocation");
-void RelocationSection::markSymbols() {
-  for (const Relocation &Reloc : Relocations)
-    Reloc.RelocSymbol->Referenced = true;
-void SectionWriter::visit(const DynamicRelocationSection &Sec) {
-  std::copy(std::begin(Sec.Contents), std::end(Sec.Contents),
-            Out.getBufferStart() + Sec.Offset);
-void DynamicRelocationSection::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const {
-  Visitor.visit(*this);
-void Section::removeSectionReferences(const SectionBase *Sec) {
-  if (LinkSection == Sec) {
-    error("Section " + LinkSection->Name +
-          " cannot be removed because it is "
-          "referenced by the section " +
-          this->Name);
-  }
-void GroupSection::finalize() {
-  this->Info = Sym->Index;
-  this->Link = SymTab->Index;
-void GroupSection::removeSymbols(function_ref<bool(const Symbol &)> ToRemove) {
-  if (ToRemove(*Sym)) {
-    error("Symbol " + Sym->Name +
-          " cannot be removed because it is "
-          "referenced by the section " +
-          this->Name + "[" + Twine(this->Index) + "]");
-  }
-void GroupSection::markSymbols() {
-  if (Sym)
-    Sym->Referenced = true;
-void Section::initialize(SectionTableRef SecTable) {
-  if (Link != ELF::SHN_UNDEF) {
-    LinkSection =
-        SecTable.getSection(Link, "Link field value " + Twine(Link) +
-                                      " in section " + Name + " is invalid");
-    if (LinkSection->Type == ELF::SHT_SYMTAB)
-      LinkSection = nullptr;
-  }
-void Section::finalize() { this->Link = LinkSection ? LinkSection->Index : 0; }
-void GnuDebugLinkSection::init(StringRef File, StringRef Data) {
-  FileName = sys::path::filename(File);
-  // The format for the .gnu_debuglink starts with the file name and is
-  // followed by a null terminator and then the CRC32 of the file. The CRC32
-  // should be 4 byte aligned. So we add the FileName size, a 1 for the null
-  // byte, and then finally push the size to alignment and add 4.
-  Size = alignTo(FileName.size() + 1, 4) + 4;
-  // The CRC32 will only be aligned if we align the whole section.
-  Align = 4;
-  Name = ".gnu_debuglink";
-  // For sections not found in segments, OriginalOffset is only used to
-  // establish the order that sections should go in. By using the maximum
-  // possible offset we cause this section to wind up at the end.
-  OriginalOffset = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
-  JamCRC crc;
-  crc.update(ArrayRef<char>(Data.data(), Data.size()));
-  // The CRC32 value needs to be complemented because the JamCRC dosn't
-  // finalize the CRC32 value. It also dosn't negate the initial CRC32 value
-  // but it starts by default at 0xFFFFFFFF which is the complement of zero.
-  CRC32 = ~crc.getCRC();
-GnuDebugLinkSection::GnuDebugLinkSection(StringRef File) : FileName(File) {
-  // Read in the file to compute the CRC of it.
-  auto DebugOrErr = MemoryBuffer::getFile(File);
-  if (!DebugOrErr)
-    error("'" + File + "': " + DebugOrErr.getError().message());
-  auto Debug = std::move(*DebugOrErr);
-  init(File, Debug->getBuffer());
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFSectionWriter<ELFT>::visit(const GnuDebugLinkSection &Sec) {
-  auto Buf = Out.getBufferStart() + Sec.Offset;
-  char *File = reinterpret_cast<char *>(Buf);
-  Elf_Word *CRC =
-      reinterpret_cast<Elf_Word *>(Buf + Sec.Size - sizeof(Elf_Word));
-  *CRC = Sec.CRC32;
-  std::copy(std::begin(Sec.FileName), std::end(Sec.FileName), File);
-void GnuDebugLinkSection::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const {
-  Visitor.visit(*this);
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFSectionWriter<ELFT>::visit(const GroupSection &Sec) {
-  ELF::Elf32_Word *Buf =
-      reinterpret_cast<ELF::Elf32_Word *>(Out.getBufferStart() + Sec.Offset);
-  *Buf++ = Sec.FlagWord;
-  for (const auto *S : Sec.GroupMembers)
-    support::endian::write32<ELFT::TargetEndianness>(Buf++, S->Index);
-void GroupSection::accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const {
-  Visitor.visit(*this);
-// Returns true IFF a section is wholly inside the range of a segment
-static bool sectionWithinSegment(const SectionBase &Section,
-                                 const Segment &Segment) {
-  // If a section is empty it should be treated like it has a size of 1. This is
-  // to clarify the case when an empty section lies on a boundary between two
-  // segments and ensures that the section "belongs" to the second segment and
-  // not the first.
-  uint64_t SecSize = Section.Size ? Section.Size : 1;
-  return Segment.Offset <= Section.OriginalOffset &&
-         Segment.Offset + Segment.FileSize >= Section.OriginalOffset + SecSize;
-// Returns true IFF a segment's original offset is inside of another segment's
-// range.
-static bool segmentOverlapsSegment(const Segment &Child,
-                                   const Segment &Parent) {
-  return Parent.OriginalOffset <= Child.OriginalOffset &&
-         Parent.OriginalOffset + Parent.FileSize > Child.OriginalOffset;
-static bool compareSegmentsByOffset(const Segment *A, const Segment *B) {
-  // Any segment without a parent segment should come before a segment
-  // that has a parent segment.
-  if (A->OriginalOffset < B->OriginalOffset)
-    return true;
-  if (A->OriginalOffset > B->OriginalOffset)
-    return false;
-  return A->Index < B->Index;
-static bool compareSegmentsByPAddr(const Segment *A, const Segment *B) {
-  if (A->PAddr < B->PAddr)
-    return true;
-  if (A->PAddr > B->PAddr)
-    return false;
-  return A->Index < B->Index;
-template <class ELFT> void BinaryELFBuilder<ELFT>::initFileHeader() {
-  Obj->Flags = 0x0;
-  Obj->Type = ET_REL;
-  Obj->Entry = 0x0;
-  Obj->Machine = EMachine;
-  Obj->Version = 1;
-template <class ELFT> void BinaryELFBuilder<ELFT>::initHeaderSegment() {
-  Obj->ElfHdrSegment.Index = 0;
-template <class ELFT> StringTableSection *BinaryELFBuilder<ELFT>::addStrTab() {
-  auto &StrTab = Obj->addSection<StringTableSection>();
-  StrTab.Name = ".strtab";
-  Obj->SectionNames = &StrTab;
-  return &StrTab;
-template <class ELFT>
-SymbolTableSection *
-BinaryELFBuilder<ELFT>::addSymTab(StringTableSection *StrTab) {
-  auto &SymTab = Obj->addSection<SymbolTableSection>();
-  SymTab.Name = ".symtab";
-  SymTab.Link = StrTab->Index;
-  // TODO: Factor out dependence on ElfType here.
-  SymTab.EntrySize = sizeof(Elf_Sym);
-  // The symbol table always needs a null symbol
-  SymTab.addSymbol("", 0, 0, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-  Obj->SymbolTable = &SymTab;
-  return &SymTab;
-template <class ELFT>
-void BinaryELFBuilder<ELFT>::addData(SymbolTableSection *SymTab) {
-  auto Data = ArrayRef<uint8_t>(
-      reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(MemBuf->getBufferStart()),
-      MemBuf->getBufferSize());
-  auto &DataSection = Obj->addSection<Section>(Data);
-  DataSection.Name = ".data";
-  DataSection.Type = ELF::SHT_PROGBITS;
-  DataSection.Size = Data.size();
-  DataSection.Flags = ELF::SHF_ALLOC | ELF::SHF_WRITE;
-  std::string SanitizedFilename = MemBuf->getBufferIdentifier().str();
-  std::replace_if(std::begin(SanitizedFilename), std::end(SanitizedFilename),
-                  [](char c) { return !isalnum(c); }, '_');
-  Twine Prefix = Twine("_binary_") + SanitizedFilename;
-  SymTab->addSymbol(Prefix + "_start", STB_GLOBAL, STT_NOTYPE, &DataSection,
-                    /*Value=*/0, STV_DEFAULT, 0, 0);
-  SymTab->addSymbol(Prefix + "_end", STB_GLOBAL, STT_NOTYPE, &DataSection,
-                    /*Value=*/DataSection.Size, STV_DEFAULT, 0, 0);
-  SymTab->addSymbol(Prefix + "_size", STB_GLOBAL, STT_NOTYPE, nullptr,
-                    /*Value=*/DataSection.Size, STV_DEFAULT, SHN_ABS, 0);
-template <class ELFT> void BinaryELFBuilder<ELFT>::initSections() {
-  for (auto &Section : Obj->sections()) {
-    Section.initialize(Obj->sections());
-  }
-template <class ELFT> std::unique_ptr<Object> BinaryELFBuilder<ELFT>::build() {
-  initFileHeader();
-  initHeaderSegment();
-  StringTableSection *StrTab = addStrTab();
-  SymbolTableSection *SymTab = addSymTab(StrTab);
-  initSections();
-  addData(SymTab);
-  return std::move(Obj);
-template <class ELFT> void ELFBuilder<ELFT>::setParentSegment(Segment &Child) {
-  for (auto &Parent : Obj.segments()) {
-    // Every segment will overlap with itself but we don't want a segment to
-    // be it's own parent so we avoid that situation.
-    if (&Child != &Parent && segmentOverlapsSegment(Child, Parent)) {
-      // We want a canonical "most parental" segment but this requires
-      // inspecting the ParentSegment.
-      if (compareSegmentsByOffset(&Parent, &Child))
-        if (Child.ParentSegment == nullptr ||
-            compareSegmentsByOffset(&Parent, Child.ParentSegment)) {
-          Child.ParentSegment = &Parent;
-        }
-    }
-  }
-template <class ELFT> void ELFBuilder<ELFT>::readProgramHeaders() {
-  uint32_t Index = 0;
-  for (const auto &Phdr : unwrapOrError(ElfFile.program_headers())) {
-    ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data{ElfFile.base() + Phdr.p_offset,
-                           (size_t)Phdr.p_filesz};
-    Segment &Seg = Obj.addSegment(Data);
-    Seg.Type = Phdr.p_type;
-    Seg.Flags = Phdr.p_flags;
-    Seg.OriginalOffset = Phdr.p_offset;
-    Seg.Offset = Phdr.p_offset;
-    Seg.VAddr = Phdr.p_vaddr;
-    Seg.PAddr = Phdr.p_paddr;
-    Seg.FileSize = Phdr.p_filesz;
-    Seg.MemSize = Phdr.p_memsz;
-    Seg.Align = Phdr.p_align;
-    Seg.Index = Index++;
-    for (auto &Section : Obj.sections()) {
-      if (sectionWithinSegment(Section, Seg)) {
-        Seg.addSection(&Section);
-        if (!Section.ParentSegment ||
-            Section.ParentSegment->Offset > Seg.Offset) {
-          Section.ParentSegment = &Seg;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  auto &ElfHdr = Obj.ElfHdrSegment;
-  ElfHdr.Index = Index++;
-  const auto &Ehdr = *ElfFile.getHeader();
-  auto &PrHdr = Obj.ProgramHdrSegment;
-  PrHdr.Type = PT_PHDR;
-  PrHdr.Flags = 0;
-  // The spec requires us to have p_vaddr % p_align == p_offset % p_align.
-  // Whereas this works automatically for ElfHdr, here OriginalOffset is
-  // always non-zero and to ensure the equation we assign the same value to
-  // VAddr as well.
-  PrHdr.OriginalOffset = PrHdr.Offset = PrHdr.VAddr = Ehdr.e_phoff;
-  PrHdr.PAddr = 0;
-  PrHdr.FileSize = PrHdr.MemSize = Ehdr.e_phentsize * Ehdr.e_phnum;
-  // The spec requires us to naturally align all the fields.
-  PrHdr.Align = sizeof(Elf_Addr);
-  PrHdr.Index = Index++;
-  // Now we do an O(n^2) loop through the segments in order to match up
-  // segments.
-  for (auto &Child : Obj.segments())
-    setParentSegment(Child);
-  setParentSegment(ElfHdr);
-  setParentSegment(PrHdr);
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFBuilder<ELFT>::initGroupSection(GroupSection *GroupSec) {
-  auto SecTable = Obj.sections();
-  auto SymTab = SecTable.template getSectionOfType<SymbolTableSection>(
-      GroupSec->Link,
-      "Link field value " + Twine(GroupSec->Link) + " in section " +
-          GroupSec->Name + " is invalid",
-      "Link field value " + Twine(GroupSec->Link) + " in section " +
-          GroupSec->Name + " is not a symbol table");
-  auto Sym = SymTab->getSymbolByIndex(GroupSec->Info);
-  if (!Sym)
-    error("Info field value " + Twine(GroupSec->Info) + " in section " +
-          GroupSec->Name + " is not a valid symbol index");
-  GroupSec->setSymTab(SymTab);
-  GroupSec->setSymbol(Sym);
-  if (GroupSec->Contents.size() % sizeof(ELF::Elf32_Word) ||
-      GroupSec->Contents.empty())
-    error("The content of the section " + GroupSec->Name + " is malformed");
-  const ELF::Elf32_Word *Word =
-      reinterpret_cast<const ELF::Elf32_Word *>(GroupSec->Contents.data());
-  const ELF::Elf32_Word *End =
-      Word + GroupSec->Contents.size() / sizeof(ELF::Elf32_Word);
-  GroupSec->setFlagWord(*Word++);
-  for (; Word != End; ++Word) {
-    uint32_t Index = support::endian::read32<ELFT::TargetEndianness>(Word);
-    GroupSec->addMember(SecTable.getSection(
-        Index, "Group member index " + Twine(Index) + " in section " +
-                   GroupSec->Name + " is invalid"));
-  }
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFBuilder<ELFT>::initSymbolTable(SymbolTableSection *SymTab) {
-  const Elf_Shdr &Shdr = *unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSection(SymTab->Index));
-  StringRef StrTabData = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getStringTableForSymtab(Shdr));
-  ArrayRef<Elf_Word> ShndxData;
-  auto Symbols = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.symbols(&Shdr));
-  for (const auto &Sym : Symbols) {
-    SectionBase *DefSection = nullptr;
-    StringRef Name = unwrapOrError(Sym.getName(StrTabData));
-    if (Sym.st_shndx == SHN_XINDEX) {
-      if (SymTab->getShndxTable() == nullptr)
-        error("Symbol '" + Name +
-              "' has index SHN_XINDEX but no SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX section exists.");
-      if (ShndxData.data() == nullptr) {
-        const Elf_Shdr &ShndxSec =
-            *unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSection(SymTab->getShndxTable()->Index));
-        ShndxData = unwrapOrError(
-            ElfFile.template getSectionContentsAsArray<Elf_Word>(&ShndxSec));
-        if (ShndxData.size() != Symbols.size())
-          error("Symbol section index table does not have the same number of "
-                "entries as the symbol table.");
-      }
-      Elf_Word Index = ShndxData[&Sym - Symbols.begin()];
-      DefSection = Obj.sections().getSection(
-          Index,
-          "Symbol '" + Name + "' has invalid section index " + Twine(Index));
-    } else if (Sym.st_shndx >= SHN_LORESERVE) {
-      if (!isValidReservedSectionIndex(Sym.st_shndx, Obj.Machine)) {
-        error(
-            "Symbol '" + Name +
-            "' has unsupported value greater than or equal to SHN_LORESERVE: " +
-            Twine(Sym.st_shndx));
-      }
-    } else if (Sym.st_shndx != SHN_UNDEF) {
-      DefSection = Obj.sections().getSection(
-          Sym.st_shndx, "Symbol '" + Name +
-                            "' is defined has invalid section index " +
-                            Twine(Sym.st_shndx));
-    }
-    SymTab->addSymbol(Name, Sym.getBinding(), Sym.getType(), DefSection,
-                      Sym.getValue(), Sym.st_other, Sym.st_shndx, Sym.st_size);
-  }
-template <class ELFT>
-static void getAddend(uint64_t &ToSet, const Elf_Rel_Impl<ELFT, false> &Rel) {}
-template <class ELFT>
-static void getAddend(uint64_t &ToSet, const Elf_Rel_Impl<ELFT, true> &Rela) {
-  ToSet = Rela.r_addend;
-template <class T>
-static void initRelocations(RelocationSection *Relocs,
-                            SymbolTableSection *SymbolTable, T RelRange) {
-  for (const auto &Rel : RelRange) {
-    Relocation ToAdd;
-    ToAdd.Offset = Rel.r_offset;
-    getAddend(ToAdd.Addend, Rel);
-    ToAdd.Type = Rel.getType(false);
-    ToAdd.RelocSymbol = SymbolTable->getSymbolByIndex(Rel.getSymbol(false));
-    Relocs->addRelocation(ToAdd);
-  }
-SectionBase *SectionTableRef::getSection(uint32_t Index, Twine ErrMsg) {
-  if (Index == SHN_UNDEF || Index > Sections.size())
-    error(ErrMsg);
-  return Sections[Index - 1].get();
-template <class T>
-T *SectionTableRef::getSectionOfType(uint32_t Index, Twine IndexErrMsg,
-                                     Twine TypeErrMsg) {
-  if (T *Sec = dyn_cast<T>(getSection(Index, IndexErrMsg)))
-    return Sec;
-  error(TypeErrMsg);
-template <class ELFT>
-SectionBase &ELFBuilder<ELFT>::makeSection(const Elf_Shdr &Shdr) {
-  ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data;
-  switch (Shdr.sh_type) {
-  case SHT_REL:
-  case SHT_RELA:
-    if (Shdr.sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) {
-      Data = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSectionContents(&Shdr));
-      return Obj.addSection<DynamicRelocationSection>(Data);
-    }
-    return Obj.addSection<RelocationSection>();
-  case SHT_STRTAB:
-    // If a string table is allocated we don't want to mess with it. That would
-    // mean altering the memory image. There are no special link types or
-    // anything so we can just use a Section.
-    if (Shdr.sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) {
-      Data = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSectionContents(&Shdr));
-      return Obj.addSection<Section>(Data);
-    }
-    return Obj.addSection<StringTableSection>();
-  case SHT_HASH:
-  case SHT_GNU_HASH:
-    // Hash tables should refer to SHT_DYNSYM which we're not going to change.
-    // Because of this we don't need to mess with the hash tables either.
-    Data = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSectionContents(&Shdr));
-    return Obj.addSection<Section>(Data);
-  case SHT_GROUP:
-    Data = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSectionContents(&Shdr));
-    return Obj.addSection<GroupSection>(Data);
-  case SHT_DYNSYM:
-    Data = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSectionContents(&Shdr));
-    return Obj.addSection<DynamicSymbolTableSection>(Data);
-  case SHT_DYNAMIC:
-    Data = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSectionContents(&Shdr));
-    return Obj.addSection<DynamicSection>(Data);
-  case SHT_SYMTAB: {
-    auto &SymTab = Obj.addSection<SymbolTableSection>();
-    Obj.SymbolTable = &SymTab;
-    return SymTab;
-  }
-    auto &ShndxSection = Obj.addSection<SectionIndexSection>();
-    Obj.SectionIndexTable = &ShndxSection;
-    return ShndxSection;
-  }
-  case SHT_NOBITS:
-    return Obj.addSection<Section>(Data);
-  default: {
-    Data = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSectionContents(&Shdr));
-    if (isDataGnuCompressed(Data) || (Shdr.sh_flags & ELF::SHF_COMPRESSED)) {
-      uint64_t DecompressedSize, DecompressedAlign;
-      std::tie(DecompressedSize, DecompressedAlign) =
-          getDecompressedSizeAndAlignment<ELFT>(Data);
-      return Obj.addSection<CompressedSection>(Data, DecompressedSize,
-                                               DecompressedAlign);
-    }
-    return Obj.addSection<Section>(Data);
-  }
-  }
-template <class ELFT> void ELFBuilder<ELFT>::readSectionHeaders() {
-  uint32_t Index = 0;
-  for (const auto &Shdr : unwrapOrError(ElfFile.sections())) {
-    if (Index == 0) {
-      ++Index;
-      continue;
-    }
-    auto &Sec = makeSection(Shdr);
-    Sec.Name = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSectionName(&Shdr));
-    Sec.Type = Shdr.sh_type;
-    Sec.Flags = Shdr.sh_flags;
-    Sec.Addr = Shdr.sh_addr;
-    Sec.Offset = Shdr.sh_offset;
-    Sec.OriginalOffset = Shdr.sh_offset;
-    Sec.Size = Shdr.sh_size;
-    Sec.Link = Shdr.sh_link;
-    Sec.Info = Shdr.sh_info;
-    Sec.Align = Shdr.sh_addralign;
-    Sec.EntrySize = Shdr.sh_entsize;
-    Sec.Index = Index++;
-    Sec.OriginalData =
-        ArrayRef<uint8_t>(ElfFile.base() + Shdr.sh_offset,
-                          (Shdr.sh_type == SHT_NOBITS) ? 0 : Shdr.sh_size);
-  }
-  // If a section index table exists we'll need to initialize it before we
-  // initialize the symbol table because the symbol table might need to
-  // reference it.
-  if (Obj.SectionIndexTable)
-    Obj.SectionIndexTable->initialize(Obj.sections());
-  // Now that all of the sections have been added we can fill out some extra
-  // details about symbol tables. We need the symbol table filled out before
-  // any relocations.
-  if (Obj.SymbolTable) {
-    Obj.SymbolTable->initialize(Obj.sections());
-    initSymbolTable(Obj.SymbolTable);
-  }
-  // Now that all sections and symbols have been added we can add
-  // relocations that reference symbols and set the link and info fields for
-  // relocation sections.
-  for (auto &Section : Obj.sections()) {
-    if (&Section == Obj.SymbolTable)
-      continue;
-    Section.initialize(Obj.sections());
-    if (auto RelSec = dyn_cast<RelocationSection>(&Section)) {
-      auto Shdr = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.sections()).begin() + RelSec->Index;
-      if (RelSec->Type == SHT_REL)
-        initRelocations(RelSec, Obj.SymbolTable,
-                        unwrapOrError(ElfFile.rels(Shdr)));
-      else
-        initRelocations(RelSec, Obj.SymbolTable,
-                        unwrapOrError(ElfFile.relas(Shdr)));
-    } else if (auto GroupSec = dyn_cast<GroupSection>(&Section)) {
-      initGroupSection(GroupSec);
-    }
-  }
-template <class ELFT> void ELFBuilder<ELFT>::build() {
-  const auto &Ehdr = *ElfFile.getHeader();
-  Obj.Type = Ehdr.e_type;
-  Obj.Machine = Ehdr.e_machine;
-  Obj.Version = Ehdr.e_version;
-  Obj.Entry = Ehdr.e_entry;
-  Obj.Flags = Ehdr.e_flags;
-  readSectionHeaders();
-  readProgramHeaders();
-  uint32_t ShstrIndex = Ehdr.e_shstrndx;
-  if (ShstrIndex == SHN_XINDEX)
-    ShstrIndex = unwrapOrError(ElfFile.getSection(0))->sh_link;
-  Obj.SectionNames =
-      Obj.sections().template getSectionOfType<StringTableSection>(
-          ShstrIndex,
-          "e_shstrndx field value " + Twine(Ehdr.e_shstrndx) +
-              " in elf header " + " is invalid",
-          "e_shstrndx field value " + Twine(Ehdr.e_shstrndx) +
-              " in elf header " + " is not a string table");
-// A generic size function which computes sizes of any random access range.
-template <class R> size_t size(R &&Range) {
-  return static_cast<size_t>(std::end(Range) - std::begin(Range));
-Writer::~Writer() {}
-Reader::~Reader() {}
-std::unique_ptr<Object> BinaryReader::create() const {
-  if (MInfo.Is64Bit)
-    return MInfo.IsLittleEndian
-               ? BinaryELFBuilder<ELF64LE>(MInfo.EMachine, MemBuf).build()
-               : BinaryELFBuilder<ELF64BE>(MInfo.EMachine, MemBuf).build();
-  else
-    return MInfo.IsLittleEndian
-               ? BinaryELFBuilder<ELF32LE>(MInfo.EMachine, MemBuf).build()
-               : BinaryELFBuilder<ELF32BE>(MInfo.EMachine, MemBuf).build();
-std::unique_ptr<Object> ELFReader::create() const {
-  auto Obj = llvm::make_unique<Object>();
-  if (auto *o = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFile<ELF32LE>>(Bin)) {
-    ELFBuilder<ELF32LE> Builder(*o, *Obj);
-    Builder.build();
-    return Obj;
-  } else if (auto *o = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFile<ELF64LE>>(Bin)) {
-    ELFBuilder<ELF64LE> Builder(*o, *Obj);
-    Builder.build();
-    return Obj;
-  } else if (auto *o = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFile<ELF32BE>>(Bin)) {
-    ELFBuilder<ELF32BE> Builder(*o, *Obj);
-    Builder.build();
-    return Obj;
-  } else if (auto *o = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFile<ELF64BE>>(Bin)) {
-    ELFBuilder<ELF64BE> Builder(*o, *Obj);
-    Builder.build();
-    return Obj;
-  }
-  error("Invalid file type");
-template <class ELFT> void ELFWriter<ELFT>::writeEhdr() {
-  uint8_t *B = Buf.getBufferStart();
-  Elf_Ehdr &Ehdr = *reinterpret_cast<Elf_Ehdr *>(B);
-  std::fill(Ehdr.e_ident, Ehdr.e_ident + 16, 0);
-  Ehdr.e_ident[EI_MAG0] = 0x7f;
-  Ehdr.e_ident[EI_MAG1] = 'E';
-  Ehdr.e_ident[EI_MAG2] = 'L';
-  Ehdr.e_ident[EI_MAG3] = 'F';
-  Ehdr.e_ident[EI_CLASS] = ELFT::Is64Bits ? ELFCLASS64 : ELFCLASS32;
-  Ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] =
-      ELFT::TargetEndianness == support::big ? ELFDATA2MSB : ELFDATA2LSB;
-  Ehdr.e_ident[EI_VERSION] = EV_CURRENT;
-  Ehdr.e_ident[EI_OSABI] = ELFOSABI_NONE;
-  Ehdr.e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION] = 0;
-  Ehdr.e_type = Obj.Type;
-  Ehdr.e_machine = Obj.Machine;
-  Ehdr.e_version = Obj.Version;
-  Ehdr.e_entry = Obj.Entry;
-  // We have to use the fully-qualified name llvm::size
-  // since some compilers complain on ambiguous resolution.
-  Ehdr.e_phnum = llvm::size(Obj.segments());
-  Ehdr.e_phoff = (Ehdr.e_phnum != 0) ? Obj.ProgramHdrSegment.Offset : 0;
-  Ehdr.e_phentsize = (Ehdr.e_phnum != 0) ? sizeof(Elf_Phdr) : 0;
-  Ehdr.e_flags = Obj.Flags;
-  Ehdr.e_ehsize = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr);
-  if (WriteSectionHeaders && size(Obj.sections()) != 0) {
-    Ehdr.e_shentsize = sizeof(Elf_Shdr);
-    Ehdr.e_shoff = Obj.SHOffset;
-    // """
-    // If the number of sections is greater than or equal to
-    // SHN_LORESERVE (0xff00), this member has the value zero and the actual
-    // number of section header table entries is contained in the sh_size field
-    // of the section header at index 0.
-    // """
-    auto Shnum = size(Obj.sections()) + 1;
-    if (Shnum >= SHN_LORESERVE)
-      Ehdr.e_shnum = 0;
-    else
-      Ehdr.e_shnum = Shnum;
-    // """
-    // If the section name string table section index is greater than or equal
-    // to SHN_LORESERVE (0xff00), this member has the value SHN_XINDEX (0xffff)
-    // and the actual index of the section name string table section is
-    // contained in the sh_link field of the section header at index 0.
-    // """
-    if (Obj.SectionNames->Index >= SHN_LORESERVE)
-      Ehdr.e_shstrndx = SHN_XINDEX;
-    else
-      Ehdr.e_shstrndx = Obj.SectionNames->Index;
-  } else {
-    Ehdr.e_shentsize = 0;
-    Ehdr.e_shoff = 0;
-    Ehdr.e_shnum = 0;
-    Ehdr.e_shstrndx = 0;
-  }
-template <class ELFT> void ELFWriter<ELFT>::writePhdrs() {
-  for (auto &Seg : Obj.segments())
-    writePhdr(Seg);
-template <class ELFT> void ELFWriter<ELFT>::writeShdrs() {
-  uint8_t *B = Buf.getBufferStart() + Obj.SHOffset;
-  // This reference serves to write the dummy section header at the begining
-  // of the file. It is not used for anything else
-  Elf_Shdr &Shdr = *reinterpret_cast<Elf_Shdr *>(B);
-  Shdr.sh_name = 0;
-  Shdr.sh_type = SHT_NULL;
-  Shdr.sh_flags = 0;
-  Shdr.sh_addr = 0;
-  Shdr.sh_offset = 0;
-  // See writeEhdr for why we do this.
-  uint64_t Shnum = size(Obj.sections()) + 1;
-  if (Shnum >= SHN_LORESERVE)
-    Shdr.sh_size = Shnum;
-  else
-    Shdr.sh_size = 0;
-  // See writeEhdr for why we do this.
-  if (Obj.SectionNames != nullptr && Obj.SectionNames->Index >= SHN_LORESERVE)
-    Shdr.sh_link = Obj.SectionNames->Index;
-  else
-    Shdr.sh_link = 0;
-  Shdr.sh_info = 0;
-  Shdr.sh_addralign = 0;
-  Shdr.sh_entsize = 0;
-  for (auto &Sec : Obj.sections())
-    writeShdr(Sec);
-template <class ELFT> void ELFWriter<ELFT>::writeSectionData() {
-  for (auto &Sec : Obj.sections())
-    Sec.accept(*SecWriter);
-void Object::removeSections(std::function<bool(const SectionBase &)> ToRemove) {
-  auto Iter = std::stable_partition(
-      std::begin(Sections), std::end(Sections), [=](const SecPtr &Sec) {
-        if (ToRemove(*Sec))
-          return false;
-        if (auto RelSec = dyn_cast<RelocationSectionBase>(Sec.get())) {
-          if (auto ToRelSec = RelSec->getSection())
-            return !ToRemove(*ToRelSec);
-        }
-        return true;
-      });
-  if (SymbolTable != nullptr && ToRemove(*SymbolTable))
-    SymbolTable = nullptr;
-  if (SectionNames != nullptr && ToRemove(*SectionNames))
-    SectionNames = nullptr;
-  if (SectionIndexTable != nullptr && ToRemove(*SectionIndexTable))
-    SectionIndexTable = nullptr;
-  // Now make sure there are no remaining references to the sections that will
-  // be removed. Sometimes it is impossible to remove a reference so we emit
-  // an error here instead.
-  for (auto &RemoveSec : make_range(Iter, std::end(Sections))) {
-    for (auto &Segment : Segments)
-      Segment->removeSection(RemoveSec.get());
-    for (auto &KeepSec : make_range(std::begin(Sections), Iter))
-      KeepSec->removeSectionReferences(RemoveSec.get());
-  }
-  // Now finally get rid of them all togethor.
-  Sections.erase(Iter, std::end(Sections));
-void Object::removeSymbols(function_ref<bool(const Symbol &)> ToRemove) {
-  if (!SymbolTable)
-    return;
-  for (const SecPtr &Sec : Sections)
-    Sec->removeSymbols(ToRemove);
-void Object::sortSections() {
-  // Put all sections in offset order. Maintain the ordering as closely as
-  // possible while meeting that demand however.
-  auto CompareSections = [](const SecPtr &A, const SecPtr &B) {
-    return A->OriginalOffset < B->OriginalOffset;
-  };
-  std::stable_sort(std::begin(this->Sections), std::end(this->Sections),
-                   CompareSections);
-static uint64_t alignToAddr(uint64_t Offset, uint64_t Addr, uint64_t Align) {
-  // Calculate Diff such that (Offset + Diff) & -Align == Addr & -Align.
-  if (Align == 0)
-    Align = 1;
-  auto Diff =
-      static_cast<int64_t>(Addr % Align) - static_cast<int64_t>(Offset % Align);
-  // We only want to add to Offset, however, so if Diff < 0 we can add Align and
-  // (Offset + Diff) & -Align == Addr & -Align will still hold.
-  if (Diff < 0)
-    Diff += Align;
-  return Offset + Diff;
-// Orders segments such that if x = y->ParentSegment then y comes before x.
-static void OrderSegments(std::vector<Segment *> &Segments) {
-  std::stable_sort(std::begin(Segments), std::end(Segments),
-                   compareSegmentsByOffset);
-// This function finds a consistent layout for a list of segments starting from
-// an Offset. It assumes that Segments have been sorted by OrderSegments and
-// returns an Offset one past the end of the last segment.
-static uint64_t LayoutSegments(std::vector<Segment *> &Segments,
-                               uint64_t Offset) {
-  assert(std::is_sorted(std::begin(Segments), std::end(Segments),
-                        compareSegmentsByOffset));
-  // The only way a segment should move is if a section was between two
-  // segments and that section was removed. If that section isn't in a segment
-  // then it's acceptable, but not ideal, to simply move it to after the
-  // segments. So we can simply layout segments one after the other accounting
-  // for alignment.
-  for (auto &Segment : Segments) {
-    // We assume that segments have been ordered by OriginalOffset and Index
-    // such that a parent segment will always come before a child segment in
-    // OrderedSegments. This means that the Offset of the ParentSegment should
-    // already be set and we can set our offset relative to it.
-    if (Segment->ParentSegment != nullptr) {
-      auto Parent = Segment->ParentSegment;
-      Segment->Offset =
-          Parent->Offset + Segment->OriginalOffset - Parent->OriginalOffset;
-    } else {
-      Offset = alignToAddr(Offset, Segment->VAddr, Segment->Align);
-      Segment->Offset = Offset;
-    }
-    Offset = std::max(Offset, Segment->Offset + Segment->FileSize);
-  }
-  return Offset;
-// This function finds a consistent layout for a list of sections. It assumes
-// that the ->ParentSegment of each section has already been laid out. The
-// supplied starting Offset is used for the starting offset of any section that
-// does not have a ParentSegment. It returns either the offset given if all
-// sections had a ParentSegment or an offset one past the last section if there
-// was a section that didn't have a ParentSegment.
-template <class Range>
-static uint64_t LayoutSections(Range Sections, uint64_t Offset) {
-  // Now the offset of every segment has been set we can assign the offsets
-  // of each section. For sections that are covered by a segment we should use
-  // the segment's original offset and the section's original offset to compute
-  // the offset from the start of the segment. Using the offset from the start
-  // of the segment we can assign a new offset to the section. For sections not
-  // covered by segments we can just bump Offset to the next valid location.
-  uint32_t Index = 1;
-  for (auto &Section : Sections) {
-    Section.Index = Index++;
-    if (Section.ParentSegment != nullptr) {
-      auto Segment = *Section.ParentSegment;
-      Section.Offset =
-          Segment.Offset + (Section.OriginalOffset - Segment.OriginalOffset);
-    } else {
-      Offset = alignTo(Offset, Section.Align == 0 ? 1 : Section.Align);
-      Section.Offset = Offset;
-      if (Section.Type != SHT_NOBITS)
-        Offset += Section.Size;
-    }
-  }
-  return Offset;
-template <class ELFT> void ELFWriter<ELFT>::initEhdrSegment() {
-  auto &ElfHdr = Obj.ElfHdrSegment;
-  ElfHdr.Type = PT_PHDR;
-  ElfHdr.Flags = 0;
-  ElfHdr.OriginalOffset = ElfHdr.Offset = 0;
-  ElfHdr.VAddr = 0;
-  ElfHdr.PAddr = 0;
-  ElfHdr.FileSize = ElfHdr.MemSize = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr);
-  ElfHdr.Align = 0;
-template <class ELFT> void ELFWriter<ELFT>::assignOffsets() {
-  // We need a temporary list of segments that has a special order to it
-  // so that we know that anytime ->ParentSegment is set that segment has
-  // already had its offset properly set.
-  std::vector<Segment *> OrderedSegments;
-  for (auto &Segment : Obj.segments())
-    OrderedSegments.push_back(&Segment);
-  OrderedSegments.push_back(&Obj.ElfHdrSegment);
-  OrderedSegments.push_back(&Obj.ProgramHdrSegment);
-  OrderSegments(OrderedSegments);
-  // Offset is used as the start offset of the first segment to be laid out.
-  // Since the ELF Header (ElfHdrSegment) must be at the start of the file,
-  // we start at offset 0.
-  uint64_t Offset = 0;
-  Offset = LayoutSegments(OrderedSegments, Offset);
-  Offset = LayoutSections(Obj.sections(), Offset);
-  // If we need to write the section header table out then we need to align the
-  // Offset so that SHOffset is valid.
-  if (WriteSectionHeaders)
-    Offset = alignTo(Offset, sizeof(Elf_Addr));
-  Obj.SHOffset = Offset;
-template <class ELFT> size_t ELFWriter<ELFT>::totalSize() const {
-  // We already have the section header offset so we can calculate the total
-  // size by just adding up the size of each section header.
-  auto NullSectionSize = WriteSectionHeaders ? sizeof(Elf_Shdr) : 0;
-  return Obj.SHOffset + size(Obj.sections()) * sizeof(Elf_Shdr) +
-         NullSectionSize;
-template <class ELFT> void ELFWriter<ELFT>::write() {
-  writeEhdr();
-  writePhdrs();
-  writeSectionData();
-  if (WriteSectionHeaders)
-    writeShdrs();
-  if (auto E = Buf.commit())
-    reportError(Buf.getName(), errorToErrorCode(std::move(E)));
-template <class ELFT> void ELFWriter<ELFT>::finalize() {
-  // It could happen that SectionNames has been removed and yet the user wants
-  // a section header table output. We need to throw an error if a user tries
-  // to do that.
-  if (Obj.SectionNames == nullptr && WriteSectionHeaders)
-    error("Cannot write section header table because section header string "
-          "table was removed.");
-  Obj.sortSections();
-  // We need to assign indexes before we perform layout because we need to know
-  // if we need large indexes or not. We can assign indexes first and check as
-  // we go to see if we will actully need large indexes.
-  bool NeedsLargeIndexes = false;
-  if (size(Obj.sections()) >= SHN_LORESERVE) {
-    auto Sections = Obj.sections();
-    NeedsLargeIndexes =
-        std::any_of(Sections.begin() + SHN_LORESERVE, Sections.end(),
-                    [](const SectionBase &Sec) { return Sec.HasSymbol; });
-    // TODO: handle case where only one section needs the large index table but
-    // only needs it because the large index table hasn't been removed yet.
-  }
-  if (NeedsLargeIndexes) {
-    // This means we definitely need to have a section index table but if we
-    // already have one then we should use it instead of making a new one.
-    if (Obj.SymbolTable != nullptr && Obj.SectionIndexTable == nullptr) {
-      // Addition of a section to the end does not invalidate the indexes of
-      // other sections and assigns the correct index to the new section.
-      auto &Shndx = Obj.addSection<SectionIndexSection>();
-      Obj.SymbolTable->setShndxTable(&Shndx);
-      Shndx.setSymTab(Obj.SymbolTable);
-    }
-  } else {
-    // Since we don't need SectionIndexTable we should remove it and all
-    // references to it.
-    if (Obj.SectionIndexTable != nullptr) {
-      Obj.removeSections([this](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-        return &Sec == Obj.SectionIndexTable;
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  // Make sure we add the names of all the sections. Importantly this must be
-  // done after we decide to add or remove SectionIndexes.
-  if (Obj.SectionNames != nullptr)
-    for (const auto &Section : Obj.sections()) {
-      Obj.SectionNames->addString(Section.Name);
-    }
-  initEhdrSegment();
-  // Before we can prepare for layout the indexes need to be finalized.
-  uint64_t Index = 0;
-  for (auto &Sec : Obj.sections())
-    Sec.Index = Index++;
-  // The symbol table does not update all other sections on update. For
-  // instance, symbol names are not added as new symbols are added. This means
-  // that some sections, like .strtab, don't yet have their final size.
-  if (Obj.SymbolTable != nullptr)
-    Obj.SymbolTable->prepareForLayout();
-  assignOffsets();
-  // Finalize SectionNames first so that we can assign name indexes.
-  if (Obj.SectionNames != nullptr)
-    Obj.SectionNames->finalize();
-  // Finally now that all offsets and indexes have been set we can finalize any
-  // remaining issues.
-  uint64_t Offset = Obj.SHOffset + sizeof(Elf_Shdr);
-  for (auto &Section : Obj.sections()) {
-    Section.HeaderOffset = Offset;
-    Offset += sizeof(Elf_Shdr);
-    if (WriteSectionHeaders)
-      Section.NameIndex = Obj.SectionNames->findIndex(Section.Name);
-    Section.finalize();
-  }
-  Buf.allocate(totalSize());
-  SecWriter = llvm::make_unique<ELFSectionWriter<ELFT>>(Buf);
-void BinaryWriter::write() {
-  for (auto &Section : Obj.sections()) {
-    if ((Section.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) == 0)
-      continue;
-    Section.accept(*SecWriter);
-  }
-  if (auto E = Buf.commit())
-    reportError(Buf.getName(), errorToErrorCode(std::move(E)));
-void BinaryWriter::finalize() {
-  // TODO: Create a filter range to construct OrderedSegments from so that this
-  // code can be deduped with assignOffsets above. This should also solve the
-  // todo below for LayoutSections.
-  // We need a temporary list of segments that has a special order to it
-  // so that we know that anytime ->ParentSegment is set that segment has
-  // already had it's offset properly set. We only want to consider the segments
-  // that will affect layout of allocated sections so we only add those.
-  std::vector<Segment *> OrderedSegments;
-  for (auto &Section : Obj.sections()) {
-    if ((Section.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) != 0 && Section.ParentSegment != nullptr) {
-      OrderedSegments.push_back(Section.ParentSegment);
-    }
-  }
-  // For binary output, we're going to use physical addresses instead of
-  // virtual addresses, since a binary output is used for cases like ROM
-  // loading and physical addresses are intended for ROM loading.
-  // However, if no segment has a physical address, we'll fallback to using
-  // virtual addresses for all.
-  if (std::all_of(std::begin(OrderedSegments), std::end(OrderedSegments),
-                  [](const Segment *Segment) { return Segment->PAddr == 0; }))
-    for (const auto &Segment : OrderedSegments)
-      Segment->PAddr = Segment->VAddr;
-  std::stable_sort(std::begin(OrderedSegments), std::end(OrderedSegments),
-                   compareSegmentsByPAddr);
-  // Because we add a ParentSegment for each section we might have duplicate
-  // segments in OrderedSegments. If there were duplicates then LayoutSegments
-  // would do very strange things.
-  auto End =
-      std::unique(std::begin(OrderedSegments), std::end(OrderedSegments));
-  OrderedSegments.erase(End, std::end(OrderedSegments));
-  uint64_t Offset = 0;
-  // Modify the first segment so that there is no gap at the start. This allows
-  // our layout algorithm to proceed as expected while not out writing out the
-  // gap at the start.
-  if (!OrderedSegments.empty()) {
-    auto Seg = OrderedSegments[0];
-    auto Sec = Seg->firstSection();
-    auto Diff = Sec->OriginalOffset - Seg->OriginalOffset;
-    Seg->OriginalOffset += Diff;
-    // The size needs to be shrunk as well.
-    Seg->FileSize -= Diff;
-    // The PAddr needs to be increased to remove the gap before the first
-    // section.
-    Seg->PAddr += Diff;
-    uint64_t LowestPAddr = Seg->PAddr;
-    for (auto &Segment : OrderedSegments) {
-      Segment->Offset = Segment->PAddr - LowestPAddr;
-      Offset = std::max(Offset, Segment->Offset + Segment->FileSize);
-    }
-  }
-  // TODO: generalize LayoutSections to take a range. Pass a special range
-  // constructed from an iterator that skips values for which a predicate does
-  // not hold. Then pass such a range to LayoutSections instead of constructing
-  // AllocatedSections here.
-  std::vector<SectionBase *> AllocatedSections;
-  for (auto &Section : Obj.sections()) {
-    if ((Section.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) == 0)
-      continue;
-    AllocatedSections.push_back(&Section);
-  }
-  LayoutSections(make_pointee_range(AllocatedSections), Offset);
-  // Now that every section has been laid out we just need to compute the total
-  // file size. This might not be the same as the offset returned by
-  // LayoutSections, because we want to truncate the last segment to the end of
-  // its last section, to match GNU objcopy's behaviour.
-  TotalSize = 0;
-  for (const auto &Section : AllocatedSections) {
-    if (Section->Type != SHT_NOBITS)
-      TotalSize = std::max(TotalSize, Section->Offset + Section->Size);
-  }
-  Buf.allocate(TotalSize);
-  SecWriter = llvm::make_unique<BinarySectionWriter>(Buf);
-template class BinaryELFBuilder<ELF64LE>;
-template class BinaryELFBuilder<ELF64BE>;
-template class BinaryELFBuilder<ELF32LE>;
-template class BinaryELFBuilder<ELF32BE>;
-template class ELFBuilder<ELF64LE>;
-template class ELFBuilder<ELF64BE>;
-template class ELFBuilder<ELF32LE>;
-template class ELFBuilder<ELF32BE>;
-template class ELFWriter<ELF64LE>;
-template class ELFWriter<ELF64BE>;
-template class ELFWriter<ELF32LE>;
-template class ELFWriter<ELF32BE>;
-} // end namespace elf
-} // end namespace objcopy
-} // end namespace llvm

Removed: llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/Object.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/Object.h?rev=345543&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/Object.h (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/Object.h (removed)
@@ -1,774 +0,0 @@
-//===- Object.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-//                      The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-#include "Buffer.h"
-#include "CopyConfig.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
-#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/StringTableBuilder.h"
-#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/FileOutputBuffer.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/JamCRC.h"
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <functional>
-#include <memory>
-#include <set>
-#include <vector>
-namespace llvm {
-enum class DebugCompressionType;
-namespace objcopy {
-namespace elf {
-class SectionBase;
-class Section;
-class OwnedDataSection;
-class StringTableSection;
-class SymbolTableSection;
-class RelocationSection;
-class DynamicRelocationSection;
-class GnuDebugLinkSection;
-class GroupSection;
-class SectionIndexSection;
-class CompressedSection;
-class DecompressedSection;
-class Segment;
-class Object;
-struct Symbol;
-class SectionTableRef {
-  MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<SectionBase>> Sections;
-  using iterator = pointee_iterator<std::unique_ptr<SectionBase> *>;
-  explicit SectionTableRef(MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<SectionBase>> Secs)
-      : Sections(Secs) {}
-  SectionTableRef(const SectionTableRef &) = default;
-  iterator begin() { return iterator(Sections.data()); }
-  iterator end() { return iterator(Sections.data() + Sections.size()); }
-  SectionBase *getSection(uint32_t Index, Twine ErrMsg);
-  template <class T>
-  T *getSectionOfType(uint32_t Index, Twine IndexErrMsg, Twine TypeErrMsg);
-class SectionVisitor {
-  virtual ~SectionVisitor();
-  virtual void visit(const Section &Sec) = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const OwnedDataSection &Sec) = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const StringTableSection &Sec) = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const SymbolTableSection &Sec) = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const RelocationSection &Sec) = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const DynamicRelocationSection &Sec) = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const GnuDebugLinkSection &Sec) = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const GroupSection &Sec) = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const SectionIndexSection &Sec) = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const CompressedSection &Sec) = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const DecompressedSection &Sec) = 0;
-class SectionWriter : public SectionVisitor {
-  Buffer &Out;
-  virtual ~SectionWriter(){};
-  void visit(const Section &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const OwnedDataSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const StringTableSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const DynamicRelocationSection &Sec) override;
-  virtual void visit(const SymbolTableSection &Sec) override = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const RelocationSection &Sec) override = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const GnuDebugLinkSection &Sec) override = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const GroupSection &Sec) override = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const SectionIndexSection &Sec) override = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const CompressedSection &Sec) override = 0;
-  virtual void visit(const DecompressedSection &Sec) override = 0;
-  explicit SectionWriter(Buffer &Buf) : Out(Buf) {}
-template <class ELFT> class ELFSectionWriter : public SectionWriter {
-  using Elf_Word = typename ELFT::Word;
-  using Elf_Rel = typename ELFT::Rel;
-  using Elf_Rela = typename ELFT::Rela;
-  using Elf_Sym = typename ELFT::Sym;
-  virtual ~ELFSectionWriter() {}
-  void visit(const SymbolTableSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const RelocationSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const GnuDebugLinkSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const GroupSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const SectionIndexSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const CompressedSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const DecompressedSection &Sec) override;
-  explicit ELFSectionWriter(Buffer &Buf) : SectionWriter(Buf) {}
-#define MAKE_SEC_WRITER_FRIEND                                                 \
-  friend class SectionWriter;                                                  \
-  template <class ELFT> friend class ELFSectionWriter;
-class BinarySectionWriter : public SectionWriter {
-  virtual ~BinarySectionWriter() {}
-  void visit(const SymbolTableSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const RelocationSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const GnuDebugLinkSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const GroupSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const SectionIndexSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const CompressedSection &Sec) override;
-  void visit(const DecompressedSection &Sec) override;
-  explicit BinarySectionWriter(Buffer &Buf) : SectionWriter(Buf) {}
-class Writer {
-  Object &Obj;
-  Buffer &Buf;
-  virtual ~Writer();
-  virtual void finalize() = 0;
-  virtual void write() = 0;
-  Writer(Object &O, Buffer &B) : Obj(O), Buf(B) {}
-template <class ELFT> class ELFWriter : public Writer {
-  using Elf_Addr = typename ELFT::Addr;
-  using Elf_Shdr = typename ELFT::Shdr;
-  using Elf_Phdr = typename ELFT::Phdr;
-  using Elf_Ehdr = typename ELFT::Ehdr;
-  void initEhdrSegment();
-  void writeEhdr();
-  void writePhdr(const Segment &Seg);
-  void writeShdr(const SectionBase &Sec);
-  void writePhdrs();
-  void writeShdrs();
-  void writeSectionData();
-  void assignOffsets();
-  std::unique_ptr<ELFSectionWriter<ELFT>> SecWriter;
-  size_t totalSize() const;
-  virtual ~ELFWriter() {}
-  bool WriteSectionHeaders = true;
-  void finalize() override;
-  void write() override;
-  ELFWriter(Object &Obj, Buffer &Buf, bool WSH)
-      : Writer(Obj, Buf), WriteSectionHeaders(WSH) {}
-class BinaryWriter : public Writer {
-  std::unique_ptr<BinarySectionWriter> SecWriter;
-  uint64_t TotalSize;
-  ~BinaryWriter() {}
-  void finalize() override;
-  void write() override;
-  BinaryWriter(Object &Obj, Buffer &Buf) : Writer(Obj, Buf) {}
-class SectionBase {
-  std::string Name;
-  Segment *ParentSegment = nullptr;
-  uint64_t HeaderOffset;
-  uint64_t OriginalOffset = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
-  uint32_t Index;
-  bool HasSymbol = false;
-  uint64_t Addr = 0;
-  uint64_t Align = 1;
-  uint32_t EntrySize = 0;
-  uint64_t Flags = 0;
-  uint64_t Info = 0;
-  uint64_t Link = ELF::SHN_UNDEF;
-  uint64_t NameIndex = 0;
-  uint64_t Offset = 0;
-  uint64_t Size = 0;
-  uint64_t Type = ELF::SHT_NULL;
-  ArrayRef<uint8_t> OriginalData;
-  SectionBase() = default;
-  SectionBase(const SectionBase &) = default;
-  virtual ~SectionBase() = default;
-  virtual void initialize(SectionTableRef SecTable);
-  virtual void finalize();
-  virtual void removeSectionReferences(const SectionBase *Sec);
-  virtual void removeSymbols(function_ref<bool(const Symbol &)> ToRemove);
-  virtual void accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const = 0;
-  virtual void markSymbols();
-class Segment {
-  struct SectionCompare {
-    bool operator()(const SectionBase *Lhs, const SectionBase *Rhs) const {
-      // Some sections might have the same address if one of them is empty. To
-      // fix this we can use the lexicographic ordering on ->Addr and the
-      // address of the actully stored section.
-      if (Lhs->OriginalOffset == Rhs->OriginalOffset)
-        return Lhs < Rhs;
-      return Lhs->OriginalOffset < Rhs->OriginalOffset;
-    }
-  };
-  std::set<const SectionBase *, SectionCompare> Sections;
-  ArrayRef<uint8_t> Contents;
-  uint64_t Align;
-  uint64_t FileSize;
-  uint32_t Flags;
-  uint32_t Index;
-  uint64_t MemSize;
-  uint64_t Offset;
-  uint64_t PAddr;
-  uint64_t Type;
-  uint64_t VAddr;
-  uint64_t OriginalOffset;
-  Segment *ParentSegment = nullptr;
-  explicit Segment(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) : Contents(Data) {}
-  Segment() {}
-  const SectionBase *firstSection() const {
-    if (!Sections.empty())
-      return *Sections.begin();
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  void removeSection(const SectionBase *Sec) { Sections.erase(Sec); }
-  void addSection(const SectionBase *Sec) { Sections.insert(Sec); }
-class Section : public SectionBase {
-  ArrayRef<uint8_t> Contents;
-  SectionBase *LinkSection = nullptr;
-  explicit Section(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) : Contents(Data) {}
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const override;
-  void removeSectionReferences(const SectionBase *Sec) override;
-  void initialize(SectionTableRef SecTable) override;
-  void finalize() override;
-class OwnedDataSection : public SectionBase {
-  std::vector<uint8_t> Data;
-  OwnedDataSection(StringRef SecName, ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data)
-      : Data(std::begin(Data), std::end(Data)) {
-    Name = SecName.str();
-    Type = ELF::SHT_PROGBITS;
-    Size = Data.size();
-    OriginalOffset = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
-  }
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &Sec) const override;
-class CompressedSection : public SectionBase {
-  DebugCompressionType CompressionType;
-  uint64_t DecompressedSize;
-  uint64_t DecompressedAlign;
-  SmallVector<char, 128> CompressedData;
-  CompressedSection(const SectionBase &Sec,
-                    DebugCompressionType CompressionType);
-  CompressedSection(ArrayRef<uint8_t> CompressedData, uint64_t DecompressedSize,
-                    uint64_t DecompressedAlign);
-  uint64_t getDecompressedSize() const { return DecompressedSize; }
-  uint64_t getDecompressedAlign() const { return DecompressedAlign; }
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const override;
-  static bool classof(const SectionBase *S) {
-    return (S->Flags & ELF::SHF_COMPRESSED) ||
-           (StringRef(S->Name).startswith(".zdebug"));
-  }
-class DecompressedSection : public SectionBase {
-  explicit DecompressedSection(const CompressedSection &Sec)
-      : SectionBase(Sec) {
-    Size = Sec.getDecompressedSize();
-    Align = Sec.getDecompressedAlign();
-    Flags = (Flags & ~ELF::SHF_COMPRESSED);
-    if (StringRef(Name).startswith(".zdebug"))
-      Name = "." + Name.substr(2);
-  }
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const override;
-// There are two types of string tables that can exist, dynamic and not dynamic.
-// In the dynamic case the string table is allocated. Changing a dynamic string
-// table would mean altering virtual addresses and thus the memory image. So
-// dynamic string tables should not have an interface to modify them or
-// reconstruct them. This type lets us reconstruct a string table. To avoid
-// this class being used for dynamic string tables (which has happened) the
-// classof method checks that the particular instance is not allocated. This
-// then agrees with the makeSection method used to construct most sections.
-class StringTableSection : public SectionBase {
-  StringTableBuilder StrTabBuilder;
-  StringTableSection() : StrTabBuilder(StringTableBuilder::ELF) {
-    Type = ELF::SHT_STRTAB;
-  }
-  void addString(StringRef Name);
-  uint32_t findIndex(StringRef Name) const;
-  void finalize() override;
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const override;
-  static bool classof(const SectionBase *S) {
-    if (S->Flags & ELF::SHF_ALLOC)
-      return false;
-    return S->Type == ELF::SHT_STRTAB;
-  }
-// Symbols have a st_shndx field that normally stores an index but occasionally
-// stores a different special value. This enum keeps track of what the st_shndx
-// field means. Most of the values are just copies of the special SHN_* values.
-// SYMBOL_SIMPLE_INDEX means that the st_shndx is just an index of a section.
-enum SymbolShndxType {
-struct Symbol {
-  uint8_t Binding;
-  SectionBase *DefinedIn = nullptr;
-  SymbolShndxType ShndxType;
-  uint32_t Index;
-  std::string Name;
-  uint32_t NameIndex;
-  uint64_t Size;
-  uint8_t Type;
-  uint64_t Value;
-  uint8_t Visibility;
-  bool Referenced = false;
-  uint16_t getShndx() const;
-class SectionIndexSection : public SectionBase {
-  std::vector<uint32_t> Indexes;
-  SymbolTableSection *Symbols = nullptr;
-  virtual ~SectionIndexSection() {}
-  void addIndex(uint32_t Index) {
-    Indexes.push_back(Index);
-    Size += 4;
-  }
-  void setSymTab(SymbolTableSection *SymTab) { Symbols = SymTab; }
-  void initialize(SectionTableRef SecTable) override;
-  void finalize() override;
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const override;
-  SectionIndexSection() {
-    Name = ".symtab_shndx";
-    Align = 4;
-    EntrySize = 4;
-  }
-class SymbolTableSection : public SectionBase {
-  void setStrTab(StringTableSection *StrTab) { SymbolNames = StrTab; }
-  void assignIndices();
-  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Symbol>> Symbols;
-  StringTableSection *SymbolNames = nullptr;
-  SectionIndexSection *SectionIndexTable = nullptr;
-  using SymPtr = std::unique_ptr<Symbol>;
-  SymbolTableSection() { Type = ELF::SHT_SYMTAB; }
-  void addSymbol(Twine Name, uint8_t Bind, uint8_t Type, SectionBase *DefinedIn,
-                 uint64_t Value, uint8_t Visibility, uint16_t Shndx,
-                 uint64_t Size);
-  void prepareForLayout();
-  // An 'empty' symbol table still contains a null symbol.
-  bool empty() const { return Symbols.size() == 1; }
-  void setShndxTable(SectionIndexSection *ShndxTable) {
-    SectionIndexTable = ShndxTable;
-  }
-  const SectionIndexSection *getShndxTable() const { return SectionIndexTable; }
-  const SectionBase *getStrTab() const { return SymbolNames; }
-  const Symbol *getSymbolByIndex(uint32_t Index) const;
-  Symbol *getSymbolByIndex(uint32_t Index);
-  void updateSymbols(function_ref<void(Symbol &)> Callable);
-  void removeSectionReferences(const SectionBase *Sec) override;
-  void initialize(SectionTableRef SecTable) override;
-  void finalize() override;
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const override;
-  void removeSymbols(function_ref<bool(const Symbol &)> ToRemove) override;
-  static bool classof(const SectionBase *S) {
-    return S->Type == ELF::SHT_SYMTAB;
-  }
-struct Relocation {
-  Symbol *RelocSymbol = nullptr;
-  uint64_t Offset;
-  uint64_t Addend;
-  uint32_t Type;
-// All relocation sections denote relocations to apply to another section.
-// However, some relocation sections use a dynamic symbol table and others use
-// a regular symbol table. Because the types of the two symbol tables differ in
-// our system (because they should behave differently) we can't uniformly
-// represent all relocations with the same base class if we expose an interface
-// that mentions the symbol table type. So we split the two base types into two
-// different classes, one which handles the section the relocation is applied to
-// and another which handles the symbol table type. The symbol table type is
-// taken as a type parameter to the class (see RelocSectionWithSymtabBase).
-class RelocationSectionBase : public SectionBase {
-  SectionBase *SecToApplyRel = nullptr;
-  const SectionBase *getSection() const { return SecToApplyRel; }
-  void setSection(SectionBase *Sec) { SecToApplyRel = Sec; }
-  static bool classof(const SectionBase *S) {
-    return S->Type == ELF::SHT_REL || S->Type == ELF::SHT_RELA;
-  }
-// Takes the symbol table type to use as a parameter so that we can deduplicate
-// that code between the two symbol table types.
-template <class SymTabType>
-class RelocSectionWithSymtabBase : public RelocationSectionBase {
-  SymTabType *Symbols = nullptr;
-  void setSymTab(SymTabType *SymTab) { Symbols = SymTab; }
-  RelocSectionWithSymtabBase() = default;
-  void removeSectionReferences(const SectionBase *Sec) override;
-  void initialize(SectionTableRef SecTable) override;
-  void finalize() override;
-class RelocationSection
-    : public RelocSectionWithSymtabBase<SymbolTableSection> {
-  std::vector<Relocation> Relocations;
-  void addRelocation(Relocation Rel) { Relocations.push_back(Rel); }
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const override;
-  void removeSymbols(function_ref<bool(const Symbol &)> ToRemove) override;
-  void markSymbols() override;
-  static bool classof(const SectionBase *S) {
-    if (S->Flags & ELF::SHF_ALLOC)
-      return false;
-    return S->Type == ELF::SHT_REL || S->Type == ELF::SHT_RELA;
-  }
-// TODO: The way stripping and groups interact is complicated
-// and still needs to be worked on.
-class GroupSection : public SectionBase {
-  const SymbolTableSection *SymTab = nullptr;
-  Symbol *Sym = nullptr;
-  ELF::Elf32_Word FlagWord;
-  SmallVector<SectionBase *, 3> GroupMembers;
-  // TODO: Contents is present in several classes of the hierarchy.
-  // This needs to be refactored to avoid duplication.
-  ArrayRef<uint8_t> Contents;
-  explicit GroupSection(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) : Contents(Data) {}
-  void setSymTab(const SymbolTableSection *SymTabSec) { SymTab = SymTabSec; }
-  void setSymbol(Symbol *S) { Sym = S; }
-  void setFlagWord(ELF::Elf32_Word W) { FlagWord = W; }
-  void addMember(SectionBase *Sec) { GroupMembers.push_back(Sec); }
-  void initialize(SectionTableRef SecTable) override{};
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &) const override;
-  void finalize() override;
-  void removeSymbols(function_ref<bool(const Symbol &)> ToRemove) override;
-  void markSymbols() override;
-  static bool classof(const SectionBase *S) {
-    return S->Type == ELF::SHT_GROUP;
-  }
-class DynamicSymbolTableSection : public Section {
-  explicit DynamicSymbolTableSection(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) : Section(Data) {}
-  static bool classof(const SectionBase *S) {
-    return S->Type == ELF::SHT_DYNSYM;
-  }
-class DynamicSection : public Section {
-  explicit DynamicSection(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) : Section(Data) {}
-  static bool classof(const SectionBase *S) {
-    return S->Type == ELF::SHT_DYNAMIC;
-  }
-class DynamicRelocationSection
-    : public RelocSectionWithSymtabBase<DynamicSymbolTableSection> {
-  ArrayRef<uint8_t> Contents;
-  explicit DynamicRelocationSection(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) : Contents(Data) {}
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &) const override;
-  static bool classof(const SectionBase *S) {
-    if (!(S->Flags & ELF::SHF_ALLOC))
-      return false;
-    return S->Type == ELF::SHT_REL || S->Type == ELF::SHT_RELA;
-  }
-class GnuDebugLinkSection : public SectionBase {
-  StringRef FileName;
-  uint32_t CRC32;
-  void init(StringRef File, StringRef Data);
-  // If we add this section from an external source we can use this ctor.
-  explicit GnuDebugLinkSection(StringRef File);
-  void accept(SectionVisitor &Visitor) const override;
-class Reader {
-  virtual ~Reader();
-  virtual std::unique_ptr<Object> create() const = 0;
-using object::Binary;
-using object::ELFFile;
-using object::ELFObjectFile;
-using object::OwningBinary;
-template <class ELFT> class BinaryELFBuilder {
-  using Elf_Sym = typename ELFT::Sym;
-  uint16_t EMachine;
-  MemoryBuffer *MemBuf;
-  std::unique_ptr<Object> Obj;
-  void initFileHeader();
-  void initHeaderSegment();
-  StringTableSection *addStrTab();
-  SymbolTableSection *addSymTab(StringTableSection *StrTab);
-  void addData(SymbolTableSection *SymTab);
-  void initSections();
-  BinaryELFBuilder(uint16_t EM, MemoryBuffer *MB)
-      : EMachine(EM), MemBuf(MB), Obj(llvm::make_unique<Object>()) {}
-  std::unique_ptr<Object> build();
-template <class ELFT> class ELFBuilder {
-  using Elf_Addr = typename ELFT::Addr;
-  using Elf_Shdr = typename ELFT::Shdr;
-  using Elf_Word = typename ELFT::Word;
-  const ELFFile<ELFT> &ElfFile;
-  Object &Obj;
-  void setParentSegment(Segment &Child);
-  void readProgramHeaders();
-  void initGroupSection(GroupSection *GroupSec);
-  void initSymbolTable(SymbolTableSection *SymTab);
-  void readSectionHeaders();
-  SectionBase &makeSection(const Elf_Shdr &Shdr);
-  ELFBuilder(const ELFObjectFile<ELFT> &ElfObj, Object &Obj)
-      : ElfFile(*ElfObj.getELFFile()), Obj(Obj) {}
-  void build();
-class BinaryReader : public Reader {
-  const MachineInfo &MInfo;
-  MemoryBuffer *MemBuf;
-  BinaryReader(const MachineInfo &MI, MemoryBuffer *MB)
-      : MInfo(MI), MemBuf(MB) {}
-  std::unique_ptr<Object> create() const override;
-class ELFReader : public Reader {
-  Binary *Bin;
-  std::unique_ptr<Object> create() const override;
-  explicit ELFReader(Binary *B) : Bin(B) {}
-class Object {
-  using SecPtr = std::unique_ptr<SectionBase>;
-  using SegPtr = std::unique_ptr<Segment>;
-  std::vector<SecPtr> Sections;
-  std::vector<SegPtr> Segments;
-  template <class T>
-  using Range = iterator_range<
-      pointee_iterator<typename std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>>::iterator>>;
-  template <class T>
-  using ConstRange = iterator_range<pointee_iterator<
-      typename std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>>::const_iterator>>;
-  // It is often the case that the ELF header and the program header table are
-  // not present in any segment. This could be a problem during file layout,
-  // because other segments may get assigned an offset where either of the
-  // two should reside, which will effectively corrupt the resulting binary.
-  // Other than that we use these segments to track program header offsets
-  // when they may not follow the ELF header.
-  Segment ElfHdrSegment;
-  Segment ProgramHdrSegment;
-  uint64_t Entry;
-  uint64_t SHOffset;
-  uint32_t Type;
-  uint32_t Machine;
-  uint32_t Version;
-  uint32_t Flags;
-  StringTableSection *SectionNames = nullptr;
-  SymbolTableSection *SymbolTable = nullptr;
-  SectionIndexSection *SectionIndexTable = nullptr;
-  void sortSections();
-  SectionTableRef sections() { return SectionTableRef(Sections); }
-  ConstRange<SectionBase> sections() const {
-    return make_pointee_range(Sections);
-  }
-  Range<Segment> segments() { return make_pointee_range(Segments); }
-  ConstRange<Segment> segments() const { return make_pointee_range(Segments); }
-  void removeSections(std::function<bool(const SectionBase &)> ToRemove);
-  void removeSymbols(function_ref<bool(const Symbol &)> ToRemove);
-  template <class T, class... Ts> T &addSection(Ts &&... Args) {
-    auto Sec = llvm::make_unique<T>(std::forward<Ts>(Args)...);
-    auto Ptr = Sec.get();
-    Sections.emplace_back(std::move(Sec));
-    Ptr->Index = Sections.size();
-    return *Ptr;
-  }
-  Segment &addSegment(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) {
-    Segments.emplace_back(llvm::make_unique<Segment>(Data));
-    return *Segments.back();
-  }
-} // end namespace elf
-} // end namespace objcopy
-} // end namespace llvm

Modified: llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/llvm-objcopy.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/llvm-objcopy.cpp?rev=345544&r1=345543&r2=345544&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/llvm-objcopy.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvm-objcopy/llvm-objcopy.cpp Mon Oct 29 14:22:58 2018
@@ -10,16 +10,12 @@
 #include "llvm-objcopy.h"
 #include "Buffer.h"
 #include "CopyConfig.h"
-#include "Object.h"
+#include "ELF/ELFObjcopy.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
-#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCTargetOptions.h"
 #include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
 #include "llvm/Object/ArchiveWriter.h"
 #include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
@@ -30,13 +26,9 @@
 #include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
 #include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Compression.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/FileOutputBuffer.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Memory.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
@@ -46,8 +38,6 @@
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cstdlib>
-#include <functional>
-#include <iterator>
 #include <memory>
 #include <string>
 #include <system_error>
@@ -85,466 +75,6 @@ LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void reportError
 } // end namespace objcopy
 } // end namespace llvm
-// TODO: move everything enclosed in the namespace llvm::objcopy::elf
-// into separate header+cpp files.
-namespace llvm {
-namespace objcopy {
-namespace elf {
-using namespace object;
-using namespace ELF;
-using SectionPred = std::function<bool(const SectionBase &Sec)>;
-static bool isDebugSection(const SectionBase &Sec) {
-  return StringRef(Sec.Name).startswith(".debug") ||
-         StringRef(Sec.Name).startswith(".zdebug") || Sec.Name == ".gdb_index";
-static bool isDWOSection(const SectionBase &Sec) {
-  return StringRef(Sec.Name).endswith(".dwo");
-static bool onlyKeepDWOPred(const Object &Obj, const SectionBase &Sec) {
-  // We can't remove the section header string table.
-  if (&Sec == Obj.SectionNames)
-    return false;
-  // Short of keeping the string table we want to keep everything that is a DWO
-  // section and remove everything else.
-  return !isDWOSection(Sec);
-static ElfType getOutputElfType(const Binary &Bin) {
-  // Infer output ELF type from the input ELF object
-  if (isa<ELFObjectFile<ELF32LE>>(Bin))
-    return ELFT_ELF32LE;
-  if (isa<ELFObjectFile<ELF64LE>>(Bin))
-    return ELFT_ELF64LE;
-  if (isa<ELFObjectFile<ELF32BE>>(Bin))
-    return ELFT_ELF32BE;
-  if (isa<ELFObjectFile<ELF64BE>>(Bin))
-    return ELFT_ELF64BE;
-  llvm_unreachable("Invalid ELFType");
-static ElfType getOutputElfType(const MachineInfo &MI) {
-  // Infer output ELF type from the binary arch specified
-  if (MI.Is64Bit)
-    return MI.IsLittleEndian ? ELFT_ELF64LE : ELFT_ELF64BE;
-  else
-    return MI.IsLittleEndian ? ELFT_ELF32LE : ELFT_ELF32BE;
-static std::unique_ptr<Writer> createWriter(const CopyConfig &Config,
-                                            Object &Obj, Buffer &Buf,
-                                            ElfType OutputElfType) {
-  if (Config.OutputFormat == "binary") {
-    return llvm::make_unique<BinaryWriter>(Obj, Buf);
-  }
-  // Depending on the initial ELFT and OutputFormat we need a different Writer.
-  switch (OutputElfType) {
-  case ELFT_ELF32LE:
-    return llvm::make_unique<ELFWriter<ELF32LE>>(Obj, Buf,
-                                                 !Config.StripSections);
-  case ELFT_ELF64LE:
-    return llvm::make_unique<ELFWriter<ELF64LE>>(Obj, Buf,
-                                                 !Config.StripSections);
-  case ELFT_ELF32BE:
-    return llvm::make_unique<ELFWriter<ELF32BE>>(Obj, Buf,
-                                                 !Config.StripSections);
-  case ELFT_ELF64BE:
-    return llvm::make_unique<ELFWriter<ELF64BE>>(Obj, Buf,
-                                                 !Config.StripSections);
-  }
-  llvm_unreachable("Invalid output format");
-static void splitDWOToFile(const CopyConfig &Config, const Reader &Reader,
-                           StringRef File, ElfType OutputElfType) {
-  auto DWOFile = Reader.create();
-  DWOFile->removeSections(
-      [&](const SectionBase &Sec) { return onlyKeepDWOPred(*DWOFile, Sec); });
-  FileBuffer FB(File);
-  auto Writer = createWriter(Config, *DWOFile, FB, OutputElfType);
-  Writer->finalize();
-  Writer->write();
-static Error dumpSectionToFile(StringRef SecName, StringRef Filename,
-                               Object &Obj) {
-  for (auto &Sec : Obj.sections()) {
-    if (Sec.Name == SecName) {
-      if (Sec.OriginalData.size() == 0)
-        return make_error<StringError>("Can't dump section \"" + SecName +
-                                           "\": it has no contents",
-                                       object_error::parse_failed);
-      Expected<std::unique_ptr<FileOutputBuffer>> BufferOrErr =
-          FileOutputBuffer::create(Filename, Sec.OriginalData.size());
-      if (!BufferOrErr)
-        return BufferOrErr.takeError();
-      std::unique_ptr<FileOutputBuffer> Buf = std::move(*BufferOrErr);
-      std::copy(Sec.OriginalData.begin(), Sec.OriginalData.end(),
-                Buf->getBufferStart());
-      if (Error E = Buf->commit())
-        return E;
-      return Error::success();
-    }
-  }
-  return make_error<StringError>("Section not found",
-                                 object_error::parse_failed);
-static bool isCompressed(const SectionBase &Section) {
-  const char *Magic = "ZLIB";
-  return StringRef(Section.Name).startswith(".zdebug") ||
-         (Section.OriginalData.size() > strlen(Magic) &&
-          !strncmp(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Section.OriginalData.data()),
-                   Magic, strlen(Magic))) ||
-         (Section.Flags & ELF::SHF_COMPRESSED);
-static bool isCompressable(const SectionBase &Section) {
-  return !isCompressed(Section) && isDebugSection(Section) &&
-         Section.Name != ".gdb_index";
-static void replaceDebugSections(
-    const CopyConfig &Config, Object &Obj, SectionPred &RemovePred,
-    function_ref<bool(const SectionBase &)> shouldReplace,
-    function_ref<SectionBase *(const SectionBase *)> addSection) {
-  SmallVector<SectionBase *, 13> ToReplace;
-  SmallVector<RelocationSection *, 13> RelocationSections;
-  for (auto &Sec : Obj.sections()) {
-    if (RelocationSection *R = dyn_cast<RelocationSection>(&Sec)) {
-      if (shouldReplace(*R->getSection()))
-        RelocationSections.push_back(R);
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (shouldReplace(Sec))
-      ToReplace.push_back(&Sec);
-  }
-  for (SectionBase *S : ToReplace) {
-    SectionBase *NewSection = addSection(S);
-    for (RelocationSection *RS : RelocationSections) {
-      if (RS->getSection() == S)
-        RS->setSection(NewSection);
-    }
-  }
-  RemovePred = [shouldReplace, RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-    return shouldReplace(Sec) || RemovePred(Sec);
-  };
-// This function handles the high level operations of GNU objcopy including
-// handling command line options. It's important to outline certain properties
-// we expect to hold of the command line operations. Any operation that "keeps"
-// should keep regardless of a remove. Additionally any removal should respect
-// any previous removals. Lastly whether or not something is removed shouldn't
-// depend a) on the order the options occur in or b) on some opaque priority
-// system. The only priority is that keeps/copies overrule removes.
-static void handleArgs(const CopyConfig &Config, Object &Obj,
-                       const Reader &Reader, ElfType OutputElfType) {
-  if (!Config.SplitDWO.empty()) {
-    splitDWOToFile(Config, Reader, Config.SplitDWO, OutputElfType);
-  }
-  // TODO: update or remove symbols only if there is an option that affects
-  // them.
-  if (Obj.SymbolTable) {
-    Obj.SymbolTable->updateSymbols([&](Symbol &Sym) {
-      if ((Config.LocalizeHidden &&
-           (Sym.Visibility == STV_HIDDEN || Sym.Visibility == STV_INTERNAL)) ||
-          (!Config.SymbolsToLocalize.empty() &&
-           is_contained(Config.SymbolsToLocalize, Sym.Name)))
-        Sym.Binding = STB_LOCAL;
-      // Note: these two globalize flags have very similar names but different
-      // meanings:
-      //
-      // --globalize-symbol: promote a symbol to global
-      // --keep-global-symbol: all symbols except for these should be made local
-      //
-      // If --globalize-symbol is specified for a given symbol, it will be
-      // global in the output file even if it is not included via
-      // --keep-global-symbol. Because of that, make sure to check
-      // --globalize-symbol second.
-      if (!Config.SymbolsToKeepGlobal.empty() &&
-          !is_contained(Config.SymbolsToKeepGlobal, Sym.Name))
-        Sym.Binding = STB_LOCAL;
-      if (!Config.SymbolsToGlobalize.empty() &&
-          is_contained(Config.SymbolsToGlobalize, Sym.Name))
-        Sym.Binding = STB_GLOBAL;
-      if (!Config.SymbolsToWeaken.empty() &&
-          is_contained(Config.SymbolsToWeaken, Sym.Name) &&
-          Sym.Binding == STB_GLOBAL)
-        Sym.Binding = STB_WEAK;
-      if (Config.Weaken && Sym.Binding == STB_GLOBAL &&
-          Sym.getShndx() != SHN_UNDEF)
-        Sym.Binding = STB_WEAK;
-      const auto I = Config.SymbolsToRename.find(Sym.Name);
-      if (I != Config.SymbolsToRename.end())
-        Sym.Name = I->getValue();
-      if (!Config.SymbolsPrefix.empty() && Sym.Type != STT_SECTION)
-        Sym.Name = (Config.SymbolsPrefix + Sym.Name).str();
-    });
-    // The purpose of this loop is to mark symbols referenced by sections
-    // (like GroupSection or RelocationSection). This way, we know which
-    // symbols are still 'needed' and which are not.
-    if (Config.StripUnneeded) {
-      for (auto &Section : Obj.sections())
-        Section.markSymbols();
-    }
-    Obj.removeSymbols([&](const Symbol &Sym) {
-      if ((!Config.SymbolsToKeep.empty() &&
-           is_contained(Config.SymbolsToKeep, Sym.Name)) ||
-          (Config.KeepFileSymbols && Sym.Type == STT_FILE))
-        return false;
-      if (Config.DiscardAll && Sym.Binding == STB_LOCAL &&
-          Sym.getShndx() != SHN_UNDEF && Sym.Type != STT_FILE &&
-          Sym.Type != STT_SECTION)
-        return true;
-      if (Config.StripAll || Config.StripAllGNU)
-        return true;
-      if (!Config.SymbolsToRemove.empty() &&
-          is_contained(Config.SymbolsToRemove, Sym.Name)) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      if (Config.StripUnneeded && !Sym.Referenced &&
-          (Sym.Binding == STB_LOCAL || Sym.getShndx() == SHN_UNDEF) &&
-          Sym.Type != STT_FILE && Sym.Type != STT_SECTION)
-        return true;
-      return false;
-    });
-  }
-  SectionPred RemovePred = [](const SectionBase &) { return false; };
-  // Removes:
-  if (!Config.ToRemove.empty()) {
-    RemovePred = [&Config](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      return is_contained(Config.ToRemove, Sec.Name);
-    };
-  }
-  if (Config.StripDWO || !Config.SplitDWO.empty())
-    RemovePred = [RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      return isDWOSection(Sec) || RemovePred(Sec);
-    };
-  if (Config.ExtractDWO)
-    RemovePred = [RemovePred, &Obj](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      return onlyKeepDWOPred(Obj, Sec) || RemovePred(Sec);
-    };
-  if (Config.StripAllGNU)
-    RemovePred = [RemovePred, &Obj](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      if (RemovePred(Sec))
-        return true;
-      if ((Sec.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) != 0)
-        return false;
-      if (&Sec == Obj.SectionNames)
-        return false;
-      switch (Sec.Type) {
-      case SHT_SYMTAB:
-      case SHT_REL:
-      case SHT_RELA:
-      case SHT_STRTAB:
-        return true;
-      }
-      return isDebugSection(Sec);
-    };
-  if (Config.StripSections) {
-    RemovePred = [RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      return RemovePred(Sec) || (Sec.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) == 0;
-    };
-  }
-  if (Config.StripDebug) {
-    RemovePred = [RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      return RemovePred(Sec) || isDebugSection(Sec);
-    };
-  }
-  if (Config.StripNonAlloc)
-    RemovePred = [RemovePred, &Obj](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      if (RemovePred(Sec))
-        return true;
-      if (&Sec == Obj.SectionNames)
-        return false;
-      return (Sec.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) == 0;
-    };
-  if (Config.StripAll)
-    RemovePred = [RemovePred, &Obj](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      if (RemovePred(Sec))
-        return true;
-      if (&Sec == Obj.SectionNames)
-        return false;
-      if (StringRef(Sec.Name).startswith(".gnu.warning"))
-        return false;
-      return (Sec.Flags & SHF_ALLOC) == 0;
-    };
-  // Explicit copies:
-  if (!Config.OnlyKeep.empty()) {
-    RemovePred = [&Config, RemovePred, &Obj](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      // Explicitly keep these sections regardless of previous removes.
-      if (is_contained(Config.OnlyKeep, Sec.Name))
-        return false;
-      // Allow all implicit removes.
-      if (RemovePred(Sec))
-        return true;
-      // Keep special sections.
-      if (Obj.SectionNames == &Sec)
-        return false;
-      if (Obj.SymbolTable == &Sec ||
-          (Obj.SymbolTable && Obj.SymbolTable->getStrTab() == &Sec))
-        return false;
-      // Remove everything else.
-      return true;
-    };
-  }
-  if (!Config.Keep.empty()) {
-    RemovePred = [Config, RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      // Explicitly keep these sections regardless of previous removes.
-      if (is_contained(Config.Keep, Sec.Name))
-        return false;
-      // Otherwise defer to RemovePred.
-      return RemovePred(Sec);
-    };
-  }
-  // This has to be the last predicate assignment.
-  // If the option --keep-symbol has been specified
-  // and at least one of those symbols is present
-  // (equivalently, the updated symbol table is not empty)
-  // the symbol table and the string table should not be removed.
-  if ((!Config.SymbolsToKeep.empty() || Config.KeepFileSymbols) &&
-      Obj.SymbolTable && !Obj.SymbolTable->empty()) {
-    RemovePred = [&Obj, RemovePred](const SectionBase &Sec) {
-      if (&Sec == Obj.SymbolTable || &Sec == Obj.SymbolTable->getStrTab())
-        return false;
-      return RemovePred(Sec);
-    };
-  }
-  if (Config.CompressionType != DebugCompressionType::None)
-    replaceDebugSections(Config, Obj, RemovePred, isCompressable,
-                         [&Config, &Obj](const SectionBase *S) {
-                           return &Obj.addSection<CompressedSection>(
-                               *S, Config.CompressionType);
-                         });
-  else if (Config.DecompressDebugSections)
-    replaceDebugSections(
-        Config, Obj, RemovePred,
-        [](const SectionBase &S) { return isa<CompressedSection>(&S); },
-        [&Obj](const SectionBase *S) {
-          auto CS = cast<CompressedSection>(S);
-          return &Obj.addSection<DecompressedSection>(*CS);
-        });
-  Obj.removeSections(RemovePred);
-  if (!Config.SectionsToRename.empty()) {
-    for (auto &Sec : Obj.sections()) {
-      const auto Iter = Config.SectionsToRename.find(Sec.Name);
-      if (Iter != Config.SectionsToRename.end()) {
-        const SectionRename &SR = Iter->second;
-        Sec.Name = SR.NewName;
-        if (SR.NewFlags.hasValue()) {
-          // Preserve some flags which should not be dropped when setting flags.
-          // Also, preserve anything OS/processor dependant.
-          const uint64_t PreserveMask = ELF::SHF_COMPRESSED | ELF::SHF_EXCLUDE |
-                                        ELF::SHF_GROUP | ELF::SHF_LINK_ORDER |
-                                        ELF::SHF_MASKOS | ELF::SHF_MASKPROC |
-                                        ELF::SHF_TLS | ELF::SHF_INFO_LINK;
-          Sec.Flags = (Sec.Flags & PreserveMask) |
-                      (SR.NewFlags.getValue() & ~PreserveMask);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (!Config.AddSection.empty()) {
-    for (const auto &Flag : Config.AddSection) {
-      auto SecPair = Flag.split("=");
-      auto SecName = SecPair.first;
-      auto File = SecPair.second;
-      auto BufOrErr = MemoryBuffer::getFile(File);
-      if (!BufOrErr)
-        reportError(File, BufOrErr.getError());
-      auto Buf = std::move(*BufOrErr);
-      auto BufPtr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(Buf->getBufferStart());
-      auto BufSize = Buf->getBufferSize();
-      Obj.addSection<OwnedDataSection>(SecName,
-                                       ArrayRef<uint8_t>(BufPtr, BufSize));
-    }
-  }
-  if (!Config.DumpSection.empty()) {
-    for (const auto &Flag : Config.DumpSection) {
-      std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> SecPair = Flag.split("=");
-      StringRef SecName = SecPair.first;
-      StringRef File = SecPair.second;
-      if (Error E = dumpSectionToFile(SecName, File, Obj))
-        reportError(Config.InputFilename, std::move(E));
-    }
-  }
-  if (!Config.AddGnuDebugLink.empty())
-    Obj.addSection<GnuDebugLinkSection>(Config.AddGnuDebugLink);
-void executeObjcopyOnRawBinary(const CopyConfig &Config, MemoryBuffer &In,
-                               Buffer &Out) {
-  BinaryReader Reader(Config.BinaryArch, &In);
-  std::unique_ptr<Object> Obj = Reader.create();
-  const ElfType OutputElfType = getOutputElfType(Config.BinaryArch);
-  handleArgs(Config, *Obj, Reader, OutputElfType);
-  std::unique_ptr<Writer> Writer =
-      createWriter(Config, *Obj, Out, OutputElfType);
-  Writer->finalize();
-  Writer->write();
-void executeObjcopyOnBinary(const CopyConfig &Config,
-                            object::ELFObjectFileBase &In, Buffer &Out) {
-  ELFReader Reader(&In);
-  std::unique_ptr<Object> Obj = Reader.create();
-  const ElfType OutputElfType = getOutputElfType(In);
-  handleArgs(Config, *Obj, Reader, OutputElfType);
-  std::unique_ptr<Writer> Writer =
-      createWriter(Config, *Obj, Out, OutputElfType);
-  Writer->finalize();
-  Writer->write();
-} // end namespace elf
-} // end namespace objcopy
-} // end namespace llvm
 using namespace llvm;
 using namespace llvm::object;
 using namespace llvm::objcopy;

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