[PATCH] D43561: TableGen: Avoid using resolveListElementReference in TGParser

Artem Belevich via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 22 10:03:38 PST 2018

tra added a comment.

Please add more details. Description says what the patch does, but not why. There must be the reason for this change, but I can only guess what it is.
The major difference appears to be that now we do call resolveReferences() for each element, while resolveElementReferences() in the old code effectively just returns getElement(i). If resolving references is the purpose of the change, then patch description should reflect that. Also, if that's the case, perhaps it would be better to fix the problem in the List->resolveListElementReference() and make it actually do the reference resolution the name implies.



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