[PATCH] D42333: [Dominators] Remove misleading double-deletion test
Jakub Kuderski via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Jan 20 19:08:55 PST 2018
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rL323058: [Dominators] Remove misleading double-deletion test (authored by kuhar, committed by ).
Changed prior to commit:
Index: llvm/trunk/unittests/IR/DominatorTreeTest.cpp
--- llvm/trunk/unittests/IR/DominatorTreeTest.cpp
+++ llvm/trunk/unittests/IR/DominatorTreeTest.cpp
@@ -822,36 +822,6 @@
-TEST(DominatorTree, DeletionsInSubtrees) {
- CFGHolder Holder;
- std::vector<CFGBuilder::Arc> Arcs = {{"0", "1"}, {"1", "2"}, {"1", "3"},
- {"1", "6"}, {"3", "4"}, {"2", "5"},
- {"5", "2"}};
- // It is possible to perform multiple deletions and inform the
- // DominatorTree about them at the same time, if the all of the
- // deletions happen in different subtrees.
- std::vector<CFGBuilder::Update> Updates = {{Delete, {"1", "2"}},
- {Delete, {"1", "3"}}};
- CFGBuilder B(Holder.F, Arcs, Updates);
- DominatorTree DT(*Holder.F);
- EXPECT_TRUE(DT.verify());
- Optional<CFGBuilder::Update> LastUpdate;
- while ((LastUpdate = B.applyUpdate()))
- ;
- DT.deleteEdge(B.getOrAddBlock("1"), B.getOrAddBlock("2"));
- DT.deleteEdge(B.getOrAddBlock("1"), B.getOrAddBlock("3"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(DT.verify());
- EXPECT_EQ(DT.getNode(B.getOrAddBlock("2")), nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(DT.getNode(B.getOrAddBlock("3")), nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(DT.getNode(B.getOrAddBlock("4")), nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(DT.getNode(B.getOrAddBlock("5")), nullptr);
- EXPECT_NE(DT.getNode(B.getOrAddBlock("6")), nullptr);
TEST(DominatorTree, InsertDelete) {
std::vector<CFGBuilder::Arc> Arcs = {
{"1", "2"}, {"2", "3"}, {"3", "4"}, {"4", "5"}, {"5", "6"}, {"5", "7"},
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