[PATCH] D38239: [ELF] - Define linkerscript symbols early.

Rafael Avila de Espindola via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 27 12:37:17 PST 2017

George Rimar <grimar at accesssoftek.com> writes:

>>> Though currently with Out::ElfHeader following cast asserts for me, because Out::ElfHeader is an input section,
>>> not output: https://github.com/llvm-mirror/lld/blob/master/ELF/SymbolTable.cpp#L441
>>> Is section needed there for something unobvious ?
>>That is the thin lto case, no? That is where I think there is something
>>odd with thin lto. It is producing a symbol we didn't ask for. Since the
>>symbol is already defined, we end up trying to report a duplicated
>>symbol error and crashing.
>>If thin lto would omit that symbol like regular LTO does we would not
>>get any errors.
> Ok. Want me to try investigate what is wrong with thin lto case then ?
> (I can try, though that probably be after 8th jan, we have a week+1 day of NY holidays starting
> on next week here).

If you don't mind that would be awesome. It is only thinlto, and from
the linker perspective having thinlto not produce the extra symbol is
exactly what we want. If it is not too hard that would be the perfect
fix IMHO.


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