[PATCH] D33749: [DWARF] Introduce Dump Options

David Blaikie via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed May 31 17:26:45 PDT 2017

dblaikie accepted this revision.
dblaikie added inline comments.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

Comment at: include/llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h:155
+    DIDumpOptions() : DumpType(DIDT_All), DumpEH(false), SummarizeTypes(false) {}
Use non-static data member initializers rather than a user-defined ctor.

Comment at: tools/llvm-dwarfdump/llvm-dwarfdump.cpp:99
+  // Dump the DWARF structure. DumpOpts controls the information to be dumped.
+  DIDumpOptions DumpOpts;
Doubt the comment needs to change - the code seems pretty self explanatory.

Comment at: tools/llvm-objdump/MachODump.cpp:1273
     std::unique_ptr<DIContext> DICtx(new DWARFContextInMemory(*MachOOF));
-    // Dump the complete DWARF structure.
-    DICtx->dump(outs(), DwarfDumpType, true /* DumpEH */);
+    // Dump the DWARF structure. DumpOpts controls the information to be dumped.
+    DIDumpOptions DumpOpts;
similarly here (code seems self explanatory)

Though, equally, in this and the toher case, you could use: '{DwarfDumpType, true /* DumpEH */, false /* SummarizeTypes */}" if you like

Comment at: tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp:2066
     std::unique_ptr<DIContext> DICtx(new DWARFContextInMemory(*o));
-    // Dump the complete DWARF structure.
-    DICtx->dump(outs(), DwarfDumpType, true /* DumpEH */);
+    // Dump the DWARF structure. DumpOpts controls the information to be dumped.
+    DIDumpOptions DumpOpts;
similarly here


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