[PATCH] D28934: Write a new SSAUpdater

Daniel Berlin via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 20 15:58:26 PST 2017

dberlin added a comment.

Updating the patch in a second, i templated the trivial phi removal, fixed some bug, started on unit tests enough for others to play with it.

It should be a pretty direct conversion from the old ssaupdater (setAvailableValue->writeVariable, getvalueAtEndOfBlock->readVariableAfterDef, getvalueAtMiddleOfBlock->readVariableBeforeDef)

A few notes from more testing:

1. The old updater crashes if you call getValueAtEndOfBlock for a currently empty block (you have to insert the instruction first) (I can make the new one work on incomplete cfgs, actually, if we want)
2. The only cases we generate spurious phis now is in the case of irreducible control flow. This will go away once i implement the SCC algorithm.

Something like this:

  define void @F(i32, i32) {
    br i1 true, label %loopmain, label %loopstart
  loopstart:                                        ; preds = %loopmain, %if
    br label %loopmain
  loopmain:                                         ; preds = %loopstart, %if
    br i1 true, label %loopstart, label %afterloop
  afterloop:                                        ; preds = %loopmain
    ret i32 %0

Will become

  define void @F(i32, i32) {
    br i1 true, label %loopmain, label %loopstart
  loopstart:                                        ; preds = %loopmain, %if
    %update1 = phi i32 [ %update, %loopmain ], [ %0, %if ]
    br label %loopmain
  loopmain:                                         ; preds = %loopstart, %if
    %update = phi i32 [ %update1, %loopstart ], [ %0, %if ]
    br i1 true, label %loopstart, label %afterloop
  afterloop:                                        ; preds = %loopmain
    ret i32 %0


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