Reordering two functions can slow down lld by 1.06 times
Rafael EspĂndola via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at
Thu Oct 20 14:09:29 PDT 2016
I spend most of the day reducing an oddity I noticed while
benchmarking a small patch.
It turns out that just reordering two adjacent functions can have a
massive impact on performance. The two binaries are in
And the total diff of the objdump is attached.
When linking xul with one of the binaries I get
98,298,725 branch-misses # 2.24% of all branches
7.206486289 seconds time elapsed
With the other I get
139,849,372 branch-misses # 3.18% of all branches
7.645573494 seconds time elapsed
Adding enough padding before the function gets the performance back,
which suggests an aliasing problem in the branch predictor.
The cpu is a E5-2697 (Ivy Bridge). Is anyone familiar with its branch
predictor and how to avoid hitting these problems?
-------------- next part --------------
--- master.dump 2016-10-20 16:44:52.530377428 -0400
+++ patch.dump 2016-10-20 16:45:11.443536216 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-master: file format elf64-x86-64
+patch: file format elf64-x86-64
Disassembly of section .init:
@@ -209616,7 +209616,7 @@
00000000004d4020 <_Z8getSymVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS0_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEENT_4uintEjS7_S7_RKN3lld3elf10SymbolBodyENS9_7RelExprE.isra.106.constprop.398>:
4d4020: 48 89 fe mov %rdi,%rsi
4d4023: 48 89 d7 mov %rdx,%rdi
- 4d4026: e9 a5 92 0a 00 jmpq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d4026: e9 95 92 0a 00 jmpq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d402b: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
00000000004d4030 <_Z7getNameIKN3lld3elf17MergeInputSectionIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb0EEEEEENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEPT_>:
@@ -214946,7 +214946,7 @@
4d8b3e: eb b0 jmp 4d8af0 <_ZN3lld3elf16InputSectionBaseIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE8relocateEPhS9_+0x1d0>
4d8b40: 48 89 d6 mov %rdx,%rsi
4d8b43: 44 89 44 24 10 mov %r8d,0x10(%rsp)
- 4d8b48: e8 83 47 0a 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d8b48: e8 73 47 0a 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d8b4d: 44 8b 44 24 10 mov 0x10(%rsp),%r8d
4d8b52: 48 89 c1 mov %rax,%rcx
4d8b55: 0f 1f 00 nopl (%rax)
@@ -215024,14 +215024,14 @@
4d8c98: e9 53 fe ff ff jmpq 4d8af0 <_ZN3lld3elf16InputSectionBaseIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE8relocateEPhS9_+0x1d0>
4d8c9d: 0f 1f 00 nopl (%rax)
4d8ca0: 48 89 d6 mov %rdx,%rsi
- 4d8ca3: e8 28 46 0a 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d8ca3: e8 18 46 0a 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d8ca8: 48 8b 35 f1 0f b2 01 mov 0x1b20ff1(%rip),%rsi # 1ff9ca0 <_ZN3lld3elf3OutIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE3GotE>
4d8caf: 48 2b 46 38 sub 0x38(%rsi),%rax
4d8cb3: 48 89 c1 mov %rax,%rcx
4d8cb6: e9 35 fe ff ff jmpq 4d8af0 <_ZN3lld3elf16InputSectionBaseIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE8relocateEPhS9_+0x1d0>
4d8cbb: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
4d8cc0: 48 89 d6 mov %rdx,%rsi
- 4d8cc3: e8 08 46 0a 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d8cc3: e8 f8 45 0a 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d8cc8: 48 8b 15 d1 0f b2 01 mov 0x1b20fd1(%rip),%rdx # 1ff9ca0 <_ZN3lld3elf3OutIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE3GotE>
4d8ccf: 48 2b 42 38 sub 0x38(%rdx),%rax
4d8cd3: 48 2b 42 48 sub 0x48(%rdx),%rax
@@ -215079,7 +215079,7 @@
4d8d8a: e9 c9 fd ff ff jmpq 4d8b58 <_ZN3lld3elf16InputSectionBaseIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE8relocateEPhS9_+0x238>
4d8d8f: 90 nop
4d8d90: 48 89 d6 mov %rdx,%rsi
- 4d8d93: e8 38 45 0a 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d8d93: e8 28 45 0a 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d8d98: 48 8b 3d 01 0f b2 01 mov 0x1b20f01(%rip),%rdi # 1ff9ca0 <_ZN3lld3elf3OutIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE3GotE>
4d8d9f: 48 89 c6 mov %rax,%rsi
4d8da2: e8 59 c1 06 00 callq 544f00 <_ZN3lld3elf10GotSectionIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE22getMipsLocalPageOffsetEm>
@@ -215113,7 +215113,7 @@
4d8e27: 48 89 d6 mov %rdx,%rsi
4d8e2a: 44 89 44 24 10 mov %r8d,0x10(%rsp)
4d8e2f: 44 8b 60 14 mov 0x14(%rax),%r12d
- 4d8e33: e8 98 44 0a 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d8e33: e8 88 44 0a 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d8e38: 44 8b 44 24 10 mov 0x10(%rsp),%r8d
4d8e3d: 4c 89 e1 mov %r12,%rcx
4d8e40: 48 29 c1 sub %rax,%rcx
@@ -215122,7 +215122,7 @@
4d8e4f: 00
4d8e50: 48 89 d6 mov %rdx,%rsi
4d8e53: 44 89 44 24 10 mov %r8d,0x10(%rsp)
- 4d8e58: e8 73 44 0a 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d8e58: e8 63 44 0a 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d8e5d: 4c 89 e6 mov %r12,%rsi
4d8e60: 48 25 00 f0 ff ff and $0xfffffffffffff000,%rax
4d8e66: 44 8b 44 24 10 mov 0x10(%rsp),%r8d
@@ -215133,7 +215133,7 @@
4d8e7d: 0f 1f 00 nopl (%rax)
4d8e80: 48 89 d6 mov %rdx,%rsi
4d8e83: 44 89 44 24 10 mov %r8d,0x10(%rsp)
- 4d8e88: e8 43 44 0a 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d8e88: e8 33 44 0a 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d8e8d: 4c 29 e0 sub %r12,%rax
4d8e90: 44 8b 44 24 10 mov 0x10(%rsp),%r8d
4d8e95: 48 89 c1 mov %rax,%rcx
@@ -215152,7 +215152,7 @@
4d8ecf: e9 a3 fe ff ff jmpq 4d8d77 <_ZN3lld3elf16InputSectionBaseIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE8relocateEPhS9_+0x457>
4d8ed4: 0f 1f 40 00 nopl 0x0(%rax)
4d8ed8: 48 89 d6 mov %rdx,%rsi
- 4d8edb: e8 f0 43 0a 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d8edb: e8 e0 43 0a 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d8ee0: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
4d8ee2: 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax
4d8ee5: 0f 84 05 fc ff ff je 4d8af0 <_ZN3lld3elf16InputSectionBaseIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE8relocateEPhS9_+0x1d0>
@@ -215191,7 +215191,7 @@
4d8f66: 0f 84 64 01 00 00 je 4d90d0 <_ZN3lld3elf16InputSectionBaseIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE8relocateEPhS9_+0x7b0>
4d8f6c: 48 89 d6 mov %rdx,%rsi
4d8f6f: 44 89 44 24 10 mov %r8d,0x10(%rsp)
- 4d8f74: e8 57 43 0a 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d8f74: e8 47 43 0a 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d8f79: 49 89 c4 mov %rax,%r12
4d8f7c: 48 8b 05 15 0d b2 01 mov 0x1b20d15(%rip),%rax # 1ff9c98 <_ZN3lld3elf3OutIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE7TlsPhdrE>
4d8f83: 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
@@ -215269,7 +215269,7 @@
4d90ce: 00 00
4d90d0: 48 89 d6 mov %rdx,%rsi
4d90d3: 44 89 44 24 10 mov %r8d,0x10(%rsp)
- 4d90d8: e8 f3 41 0a 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4d90d8: e8 e3 41 0a 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4d90dd: 48 8b 15 b4 0b b2 01 mov 0x1b20bb4(%rip),%rdx # 1ff9c98 <_ZN3lld3elf3OutIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE7TlsPhdrE>
4d90e4: 44 8b 44 24 10 mov 0x10(%rsp),%r8d
4d90e9: 48 2b 42 28 sub 0x28(%rdx),%rax
@@ -242187,7 +242187,7 @@
4f040c: 74 12 je 4f0420 <_ZN3lld3elf12LinkerScriptIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE14getSymbolValueENS2_9StringRefE+0x30>
4f040e: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
4f0410: 48 89 c7 mov %rax,%rdi
- 4f0413: e8 b8 ce 08 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 4f0413: e8 a8 ce 08 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
4f0418: 48 83 c4 38 add $0x38,%rsp
4f041c: c3 retq
4f041d: 0f 1f 00 nopl (%rax)
@@ -291792,7 +291792,7 @@
51bf7e: 66 90 xchg %ax,%ax
51bf80: 48 8b 7b 08 mov 0x8(%rbx),%rdi
51bf84: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
- 51bf86: e8 45 13 06 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 51bf86: e8 35 13 06 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
51bf8b: 48 89 45 00 mov %rax,0x0(%rbp)
51bf8f: eb b3 jmp 51bf44 <_ZN3lld3elf14DynamicSectionIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE7writeToEPh+0x34>
51bf91: 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax)
@@ -297260,7 +297260,7 @@
52067c: 48 8b 7d 00 mov 0x0(%rbp),%rdi
520680: 4d 8d 65 08 lea 0x8(%r13),%r12
520684: 48 83 c5 10 add $0x10,%rbp
- 520688: e8 43 cc 05 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 520688: e8 33 cc 05 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
52068d: 49 39 ee cmp %rbp,%r14
520690: 49 89 45 00 mov %rax,0x0(%r13)
520694: 4d 89 e5 mov %r12,%r13
@@ -297273,7 +297273,7 @@
5206b4: 48 8b 7d 00 mov 0x0(%rbp),%rdi
5206b8: 4d 8d 6c 24 08 lea 0x8(%r12),%r13
5206bd: 48 83 c5 10 add $0x10,%rbp
- 5206c1: e8 0a cc 05 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 5206c1: e8 fa cb 05 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
5206c6: 49 39 ee cmp %rbp,%r14
5206c9: 49 89 04 24 mov %rax,(%r12)
5206cd: 4d 89 ec mov %r13,%r12
@@ -297298,7 +297298,7 @@
520712: 75 3c jne 520750 <_ZN3lld3elf10GotSectionIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE12writeMipsGotEPh+0x130>
520714: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
520716: 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
- 520719: e8 b2 cb 05 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 520719: e8 a2 cb 05 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
52071e: 8b 55 04 mov 0x4(%rbp),%edx
520721: 83 fa ff cmp $0xffffffff,%edx
520724: 74 0c je 520732 <_ZN3lld3elf10GotSectionIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE12writeMipsGotEPh+0x112>
@@ -297405,7 +297405,7 @@
520875: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
520877: 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
52087a: 48 83 c3 08 add $0x8,%rbx
- 52087e: e8 4d ca 05 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 52087e: e8 3d ca 05 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
520883: 49 39 de cmp %rbx,%r14
520886: 49 89 04 24 mov %rax,(%r12)
52088a: 4d 89 ec mov %r13,%r12
@@ -301261,7 +301261,7 @@
523ce2: 83 e2 03 and $0x3,%edx
523ce5: 09 d0 or %edx,%eax
523ce7: 88 43 ff mov %al,-0x1(%rbx)
- 523cea: e8 e1 95 05 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 523cea: e8 d1 95 05 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
523cef: 48 89 ee mov %rbp,%rsi
523cf2: 48 89 43 02 mov %rax,0x2(%rbx)
523cf6: 4c 89 e7 mov %r12,%rdi
@@ -348569,7 +348569,7 @@
54cd6d: 00 00 00
54cd70: 49 8b 77 30 mov 0x30(%r15),%rsi
54cd74: 49 8b 7f 08 mov 0x8(%r15),%rdi
- 54cd78: e8 53 05 03 00 callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 54cd78: e8 43 05 03 00 callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
54cd7d: e9 e2 fd ff ff jmpq 54cb64 <_ZN3lld3elf17RelocationSectionIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE7writeToEPh+0x54>
54cd82: 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
54cd88: 48 2b 9d 80 00 00 00 sub 0x80(%rbp),%rbx
@@ -402957,129 +402957,129 @@
57d2bc: 00 00 00
57d2bf: 90 nop
-000000000057d2c0 <foobarzed>:
- 57d2c0: c3 retq
- 57d2c1: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
- 57d2c8: 00 00 00
- 57d2cb: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
-000000000057d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>:
- 57d2d0: 80 7f 20 06 cmpb $0x6,0x20(%rdi)
- 57d2d4: 0f 87 36 01 00 00 ja 57d410 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x140>
- 57d2da: 41 54 push %r12
- 57d2dc: 55 push %rbp
- 57d2dd: 48 89 f5 mov %rsi,%rbp
- 57d2e0: 53 push %rbx
- 57d2e1: 48 89 fb mov %rdi,%rbx
- 57d2e4: 48 83 ec 60 sub $0x60,%rsp
- 57d2e8: 0f b6 47 20 movzbl 0x20(%rdi),%eax
- 57d2ec: ff 24 c5 c8 1f 64 01 jmpq *0x1641fc8(,%rax,8)
- 57d2f3: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
- 57d2f8: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
- 57d2fa: 48 83 c4 60 add $0x60,%rsp
- 57d2fe: 48 01 e8 add %rbp,%rax
- 57d301: 5b pop %rbx
- 57d302: 5d pop %rbp
- 57d303: 41 5c pop %r12
- 57d305: c3 retq
- 57d306: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
- 57d30d: 00 00 00
- 57d310: 48 8b 57 40 mov 0x40(%rdi),%rdx
- 57d314: 48 8b 47 38 mov 0x38(%rdi),%rax
- 57d318: 48 85 d2 test %rdx,%rdx
- 57d31b: 74 dd je 57d2fa <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
- 57d31d: 48 83 f8 ff cmp $0xffffffffffffffff,%rax
- 57d321: 0f 84 e9 00 00 00 je 57d410 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x140>
- 57d327: 48 03 42 38 add 0x38(%rdx),%rax
- 57d32b: 48 83 c4 60 add $0x60,%rsp
- 57d32f: 5b pop %rbx
- 57d330: 48 01 e8 add %rbp,%rax
- 57d333: 5d pop %rbp
- 57d334: 41 5c pop %r12
- 57d336: c3 retq
- 57d337: 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
- 57d33e: 00 00
- 57d340: 48 8b 47 48 mov 0x48(%rdi),%rax
- 57d344: 48 8b 38 mov (%rax),%rdi
- 57d347: 48 81 ff c0 9a ff 01 cmp $0x1ff9ac0,%rdi
- 57d34e: 74 a8 je 57d2f8 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x28>
- 57d350: 48 85 ff test %rdi,%rdi
- 57d353: 0f 84 e7 00 00 00 je 57d440 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x170>
- 57d359: 80 7b 22 03 cmpb $0x3,0x22(%rbx)
- 57d35d: 48 8b 73 38 mov 0x38(%rbx),%rsi
- 57d361: 0f 84 b9 00 00 00 je 57d420 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x150>
- 57d367: 48 8b 47 58 mov 0x58(%rdi),%rax
- 57d36b: 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax
- 57d36e: 0f 84 bc 00 00 00 je 57d430 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x160>
- 57d374: 4c 8b 60 38 mov 0x38(%rax),%r12
- 57d378: e8 33 8c f5 ff callq 4d5fb0 <_ZNK3lld3elf16InputSectionBaseIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE9getOffsetEm>
- 57d37d: 4c 01 e0 add %r12,%rax
- 57d380: 80 7b 22 06 cmpb $0x6,0x22(%rbx)
- 57d384: 0f 85 70 ff ff ff jne 57d2fa <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
- 57d38a: 48 8b 15 9f c8 a7 01 mov 0x1a7c89f(%rip),%rdx # 1ff9c30 <_ZN3lld3elf6ConfigE>
- 57d391: 80 ba a7 01 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x1a7(%rdx)
- 57d398: 0f 85 5c ff ff ff jne 57d2fa <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
- 57d39e: 48 8b 15 f3 c8 a7 01 mov 0x1a7c8f3(%rip),%rdx # 1ff9c98 <_ZN3lld3elf3OutIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE7TlsPhdrE>
- 57d3a5: 48 85 d2 test %rdx,%rdx
- 57d3a8: 0f 84 ac 00 00 00 je 57d45a <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x18a>
- 57d3ae: 48 2b 42 10 sub 0x10(%rdx),%rax
- 57d3b2: e9 43 ff ff ff jmpq 57d2fa <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
- 57d3b7: 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
- 57d3be: 00 00
- 57d3c0: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
- 57d3c2: f6 47 21 01 testb $0x1,0x21(%rdi)
- 57d3c6: 0f 84 2e ff ff ff je 57d2fa <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
- 57d3cc: 80 7f 22 02 cmpb $0x2,0x22(%rdi)
- 57d3d0: 74 7e je 57d450 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x180>
- 57d3d2: 48 8b 47 48 mov 0x48(%rdi),%rax
- 57d3d6: 48 8b 15 2b 01 a8 01 mov 0x1a8012b(%rip),%rdx # 1ffd508 <_ZN3lld3elf3OutIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE3BssE>
- 57d3dd: e9 45 ff ff ff jmpq 57d327 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x57>
- 57d3e2: 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
- 57d3e8: 48 8b 15 d1 c9 a7 01 mov 0x1a7c9d1(%rip),%rdx # 1ff9dc0 <_ZN3lld3elf18CommonInputSectionIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE1XE>
- 57d3ef: 48 8b 47 38 mov 0x38(%rdi),%rax
- 57d3f3: 48 03 42 70 add 0x70(%rdx),%rax
- 57d3f7: 48 8b 52 58 mov 0x58(%rdx),%rdx
- 57d3fb: 48 03 42 38 add 0x38(%rdx),%rax
- 57d3ff: 48 83 c4 60 add $0x60,%rsp
- 57d403: 5b pop %rbx
- 57d404: 48 01 e8 add %rbp,%rax
- 57d407: 5d pop %rbp
- 57d408: 41 5c pop %r12
- 57d40a: c3 retq
- 57d40b: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
- 57d410: 48 8b 42 48 mov 0x48(%rdx),%rax
- 57d414: 48 03 42 38 add 0x38(%rdx),%rax
- 57d418: e9 dd fe ff ff jmpq 57d2fa <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
- 57d41d: 0f 1f 00 nopl (%rax)
- 57d420: 48 01 ee add %rbp,%rsi
- 57d423: 31 ed xor %ebp,%ebp
- 57d425: e9 3d ff ff ff jmpq 57d367 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x97>
- 57d42a: 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
- 57d430: 45 31 e4 xor %r12d,%r12d
- 57d433: e9 40 ff ff ff jmpq 57d378 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0xa8>
- 57d438: 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
- 57d43f: 00
- 57d440: 48 8b 43 38 mov 0x38(%rbx),%rax
- 57d444: e9 b1 fe ff ff jmpq 57d2fa <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
- 57d449: 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax)
- 57d450: e8 eb f6 ff ff callq 57cb40 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody8getPltVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintEv>
- 57d455: e9 a0 fe ff ff jmpq 57d2fa <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
- 57d45a: 48 8b 73 18 mov 0x18(%rbx),%rsi
- 57d45e: 48 8d 7c 24 20 lea 0x20(%rsp),%rdi
- 57d463: 48 8d 5c 24 40 lea 0x40(%rsp),%rbx
- 57d468: e8 d3 23 f4 ff callq 4bf840 <_ZN3lld3elf11getFilenameB5cxx11EPKNS0_9InputFileE>
- 57d46d: 48 8d 74 24 20 lea 0x20(%rsp),%rsi
- 57d472: 48 89 df mov %rbx,%rdi
- 57d475: ba c8 1f 64 01 mov $0x1641fc8,%edx
- 57d47a: e8 31 8d f3 ff callq 4b61b0 <_ZStplIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIT_T0_T1_EEOS8_PKS5_>
- 57d47f: 48 89 e7 mov %rsp,%rdi
- 57d482: c6 44 24 10 04 movb $0x4,0x10(%rsp)
- 57d487: c6 44 24 11 01 movb $0x1,0x11(%rsp)
- 57d48c: 48 89 1c 24 mov %rbx,(%rsp)
- 57d490: e8 9b 47 f3 ff callq 4b1c30 <_ZN3lld3elf5fatalERKN4llvm5TwineE>
- 57d495: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
- 57d49c: 00 00 00
- 57d49f: 90 nop
+000000000057d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>:
+ 57d2c0: 80 7f 20 06 cmpb $0x6,0x20(%rdi)
+ 57d2c4: 0f 87 36 01 00 00 ja 57d400 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x140>
+ 57d2ca: 41 54 push %r12
+ 57d2cc: 55 push %rbp
+ 57d2cd: 48 89 f5 mov %rsi,%rbp
+ 57d2d0: 53 push %rbx
+ 57d2d1: 48 89 fb mov %rdi,%rbx
+ 57d2d4: 48 83 ec 60 sub $0x60,%rsp
+ 57d2d8: 0f b6 47 20 movzbl 0x20(%rdi),%eax
+ 57d2dc: ff 24 c5 c8 1f 64 01 jmpq *0x1641fc8(,%rax,8)
+ 57d2e3: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+ 57d2e8: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
+ 57d2ea: 48 83 c4 60 add $0x60,%rsp
+ 57d2ee: 48 01 e8 add %rbp,%rax
+ 57d2f1: 5b pop %rbx
+ 57d2f2: 5d pop %rbp
+ 57d2f3: 41 5c pop %r12
+ 57d2f5: c3 retq
+ 57d2f6: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+ 57d2fd: 00 00 00
+ 57d300: 48 8b 57 40 mov 0x40(%rdi),%rdx
+ 57d304: 48 8b 47 38 mov 0x38(%rdi),%rax
+ 57d308: 48 85 d2 test %rdx,%rdx
+ 57d30b: 74 dd je 57d2ea <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
+ 57d30d: 48 83 f8 ff cmp $0xffffffffffffffff,%rax
+ 57d311: 0f 84 e9 00 00 00 je 57d400 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x140>
+ 57d317: 48 03 42 38 add 0x38(%rdx),%rax
+ 57d31b: 48 83 c4 60 add $0x60,%rsp
+ 57d31f: 5b pop %rbx
+ 57d320: 48 01 e8 add %rbp,%rax
+ 57d323: 5d pop %rbp
+ 57d324: 41 5c pop %r12
+ 57d326: c3 retq
+ 57d327: 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+ 57d32e: 00 00
+ 57d330: 48 8b 47 48 mov 0x48(%rdi),%rax
+ 57d334: 48 8b 38 mov (%rax),%rdi
+ 57d337: 48 81 ff c0 9a ff 01 cmp $0x1ff9ac0,%rdi
+ 57d33e: 74 a8 je 57d2e8 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x28>
+ 57d340: 48 85 ff test %rdi,%rdi
+ 57d343: 0f 84 e7 00 00 00 je 57d430 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x170>
+ 57d349: 80 7b 22 03 cmpb $0x3,0x22(%rbx)
+ 57d34d: 48 8b 73 38 mov 0x38(%rbx),%rsi
+ 57d351: 0f 84 b9 00 00 00 je 57d410 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x150>
+ 57d357: 48 8b 47 58 mov 0x58(%rdi),%rax
+ 57d35b: 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax
+ 57d35e: 0f 84 bc 00 00 00 je 57d420 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x160>
+ 57d364: 4c 8b 60 38 mov 0x38(%rax),%r12
+ 57d368: e8 43 8c f5 ff callq 4d5fb0 <_ZNK3lld3elf16InputSectionBaseIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE9getOffsetEm>
+ 57d36d: 4c 01 e0 add %r12,%rax
+ 57d370: 80 7b 22 06 cmpb $0x6,0x22(%rbx)
+ 57d374: 0f 85 70 ff ff ff jne 57d2ea <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
+ 57d37a: 48 8b 15 af c8 a7 01 mov 0x1a7c8af(%rip),%rdx # 1ff9c30 <_ZN3lld3elf6ConfigE>
+ 57d381: 80 ba a7 01 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x1a7(%rdx)
+ 57d388: 0f 85 5c ff ff ff jne 57d2ea <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
+ 57d38e: 48 8b 15 03 c9 a7 01 mov 0x1a7c903(%rip),%rdx # 1ff9c98 <_ZN3lld3elf3OutIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE7TlsPhdrE>
+ 57d395: 48 85 d2 test %rdx,%rdx
+ 57d398: 0f 84 ac 00 00 00 je 57d44a <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x18a>
+ 57d39e: 48 2b 42 10 sub 0x10(%rdx),%rax
+ 57d3a2: e9 43 ff ff ff jmpq 57d2ea <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
+ 57d3a7: 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+ 57d3ae: 00 00
+ 57d3b0: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
+ 57d3b2: f6 47 21 01 testb $0x1,0x21(%rdi)
+ 57d3b6: 0f 84 2e ff ff ff je 57d2ea <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
+ 57d3bc: 80 7f 22 02 cmpb $0x2,0x22(%rdi)
+ 57d3c0: 74 7e je 57d440 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x180>
+ 57d3c2: 48 8b 47 48 mov 0x48(%rdi),%rax
+ 57d3c6: 48 8b 15 3b 01 a8 01 mov 0x1a8013b(%rip),%rdx # 1ffd508 <_ZN3lld3elf3OutIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE3BssE>
+ 57d3cd: e9 45 ff ff ff jmpq 57d317 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x57>
+ 57d3d2: 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+ 57d3d8: 48 8b 15 e1 c9 a7 01 mov 0x1a7c9e1(%rip),%rdx # 1ff9dc0 <_ZN3lld3elf18CommonInputSectionIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE1XE>
+ 57d3df: 48 8b 47 38 mov 0x38(%rdi),%rax
+ 57d3e3: 48 03 42 70 add 0x70(%rdx),%rax
+ 57d3e7: 48 8b 52 58 mov 0x58(%rdx),%rdx
+ 57d3eb: 48 03 42 38 add 0x38(%rdx),%rax
+ 57d3ef: 48 83 c4 60 add $0x60,%rsp
+ 57d3f3: 5b pop %rbx
+ 57d3f4: 48 01 e8 add %rbp,%rax
+ 57d3f7: 5d pop %rbp
+ 57d3f8: 41 5c pop %r12
+ 57d3fa: c3 retq
+ 57d3fb: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+ 57d400: 48 8b 42 48 mov 0x48(%rdx),%rax
+ 57d404: 48 03 42 38 add 0x38(%rdx),%rax
+ 57d408: e9 dd fe ff ff jmpq 57d2ea <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
+ 57d40d: 0f 1f 00 nopl (%rax)
+ 57d410: 48 01 ee add %rbp,%rsi
+ 57d413: 31 ed xor %ebp,%ebp
+ 57d415: e9 3d ff ff ff jmpq 57d357 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x97>
+ 57d41a: 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+ 57d420: 45 31 e4 xor %r12d,%r12d
+ 57d423: e9 40 ff ff ff jmpq 57d368 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0xa8>
+ 57d428: 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+ 57d42f: 00
+ 57d430: 48 8b 43 38 mov 0x38(%rbx),%rax
+ 57d434: e9 b1 fe ff ff jmpq 57d2ea <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
+ 57d439: 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax)
+ 57d440: e8 fb f6 ff ff callq 57cb40 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody8getPltVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintEv>
+ 57d445: e9 a0 fe ff ff jmpq 57d2ea <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_+0x2a>
+ 57d44a: 48 8b 73 18 mov 0x18(%rbx),%rsi
+ 57d44e: 48 8d 7c 24 20 lea 0x20(%rsp),%rdi
+ 57d453: 48 8d 5c 24 40 lea 0x40(%rsp),%rbx
+ 57d458: e8 e3 23 f4 ff callq 4bf840 <_ZN3lld3elf11getFilenameB5cxx11EPKNS0_9InputFileE>
+ 57d45d: 48 8d 74 24 20 lea 0x20(%rsp),%rsi
+ 57d462: 48 89 df mov %rbx,%rdi
+ 57d465: ba c8 1f 64 01 mov $0x1641fc8,%edx
+ 57d46a: e8 41 8d f3 ff callq 4b61b0 <_ZStplIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIT_T0_T1_EEOS8_PKS5_>
+ 57d46f: 48 89 e7 mov %rsp,%rdi
+ 57d472: c6 44 24 10 04 movb $0x4,0x10(%rsp)
+ 57d477: c6 44 24 11 01 movb $0x1,0x11(%rsp)
+ 57d47c: 48 89 1c 24 mov %rbx,(%rsp)
+ 57d480: e8 ab 47 f3 ff callq 4b1c30 <_ZN3lld3elf5fatalERKN4llvm5TwineE>
+ 57d485: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+ 57d48c: 00 00 00
+ 57d48f: 90 nop
+000000000057d490 <foobarzed>:
+ 57d490: c3 retq
+ 57d491: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+ 57d498: 00 00 00
+ 57d49b: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
000000000057d4a0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE0ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>:
57d4a0: 80 7f 20 06 cmpb $0x6,0x20(%rdi)
@@ -409933,7 +409933,7 @@
583915: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
583917: 48 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%rsp
58391b: 48 8b 7f 08 mov 0x8(%rdi),%rdi
- 58391f: e8 ac 99 ff ff callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 58391f: e8 9c 99 ff ff callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
583924: 48 89 c5 mov %rax,%rbp
583927: 48 c1 e8 02 shr $0x2,%rax
58392b: c7 03 00 00 19 3c movl $0x3c190000,(%rbx)
@@ -410035,7 +410035,7 @@
583a8a: ff e0 jmpq *%rax
583a8c: 0f 1f 40 00 nopl 0x0(%rax)
583a90: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
- 583a92: e8 39 98 ff ff callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 583a92: e8 29 98 ff ff callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
583a97: eb 8f jmp 583a28 <_ZNK3lld3elf12_GLOBAL__N_124ThumbToARMV7ABSLongThunkIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE7writeToEPh+0x18>
583a99: 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax)
@@ -410349,7 +410349,7 @@
583eb2: ff e0 jmpq *%rax
583eb4: 0f 1f 40 00 nopl 0x0(%rax)
583eb8: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
- 583eba: e8 11 94 ff ff callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 583eba: e8 01 94 ff ff callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
583ebf: eb 87 jmp 583e48 <_ZNK3lld3elf12_GLOBAL__N_124ARMToThumbV7ABSLongThunkIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE7writeToEPh+0x18>
583ec1: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
583ec8: 00 00 00
@@ -411792,7 +411792,7 @@
5855ca: 48 8b 40 60 mov 0x60(%rax),%rax
5855ce: ff e0 jmpq *%rax
5855d0: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
- 5855d2: e8 f9 7c ff ff callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 5855d2: e8 e9 7c ff ff callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
5855d7: 48 89 c3 mov %rax,%rbx
5855da: eb 90 jmp 58556c <_ZNK3lld3elf12_GLOBAL__N_123ARMToThumbV7PILongThunkIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE7writeToEPh+0x1c>
5855dc: 0f 1f 40 00 nopl 0x0(%rax)
@@ -411843,7 +411843,7 @@
585677: 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
58567e: 00 00
585680: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
- 585682: e8 49 7c ff ff callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 585682: e8 39 7c ff ff callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
585687: 48 89 c5 mov %rax,%rbp
58568a: e9 71 ff ff ff jmpq 585600 <_ZNK3lld3elf12_GLOBAL__N_123ThumbToARMV7PILongThunkIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEE7writeToEPh+0x20>
58568f: 90 nop
@@ -440964,7 +440964,7 @@
5a0998: 0f 84 f7 06 00 00 je 5a1095 <_ZN3lld3elf11writeResultIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEEvv+0x3205>
5a099e: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
5a09a0: 48 89 c7 mov %rax,%rdi
- 5a09a3: e8 28 c9 fd ff callq 57d2d0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
+ 5a09a3: e8 18 c9 fd ff callq 57d2c0 <_ZNK3lld3elf10SymbolBody5getVAIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS3_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEENT_4uintESA_>
5a09a8: e9 41 e0 ff ff jmpq 59e9ee <_ZN3lld3elf11writeResultIN4llvm6object7ELFTypeILNS2_7support10endiannessE1ELb1EEEEEvv+0xb5e>
5a09ad: c7 43 30 00 00 00 05 movl $0x5000000,0x30(%rbx)
5a09b4: 48 8b 05 75 92 a5 01 mov 0x1a59275(%rip),%rax # 1ff9c30 <_ZN3lld3elf6ConfigE>
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