[PATCH] D25277: [test-suite] Run FP tests twice with -ffp-contract=off/on

Sebastian Pop via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 6 07:30:43 PDT 2016

On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 5:33 PM, Matthias Braun <matze at braunis.de> wrote:
> I was mainly wondering here whether there may be a sensible generic mechanism to combine a list of floatingpoint numbers; The answer to that may very well be no.

For all the tests in the polybench, I think we can do bisimulation
(adding Tobi in CC for his opinion on this.)
What I mean by bisimulation is that we would copy the kernel()
function of each polybench/test.c and name it kernelNoFP() and add
flag attributes "-fno-fast-math -ffp-contract=off" (can be split
compilation if flag attributes do not work.)
main() will call kernel() and kernelNoFP() and compare their output
Only the execution of kernel() will be timed for benchmark performance result.
main() will only print the output from kernelNoFP() that will be
hashed and compared against the reference hash (as we currently expect
exact match of the output hash.)

The good things:
- no modifications to CMake and Makefiles
- no extra space to store the extra reference output
- tests both user CFLAGS specified mode and fast-math and fp-contraction=off.

The bad things: (because of the extra reference run of kernelNoFP())
- compilation time will double: e.g., Polly will optimize both kernels,
- memory requirements on the device will almost double: added one
extra output array, input arrays are not modified, so no need to
duplicate them,
- compute time on the device will more than double: running the kernel
twice, plus an extra loop over both outputs to compare with

> As far as I am concerned pushing the -ffp-contract=off switches to the benchmarks would have been enough and lesser evil compared to complicating the test-suite infrastructure further which has it's own problems.

I agree.

> I don't plan big changes in the near future except for an additionol plugin to collect the llvm statistics generated by the new -save-stats clang flag...

I like this: I had also thought adding a test-suite mode to collect at
compile time the output of -mllvm -stats.
Please point me to your patches, keep me in the review loop, and let
me know how I can help ;-)


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