[zorg] r278057 - Added getClangWithLTOBuildFactory for muti-stage LTO Clang builders.
Galina Kistanova via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Aug 8 15:08:21 PDT 2016
Author: gkistanova
Date: Mon Aug 8 17:08:21 2016
New Revision: 278057
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=278057&view=rev
Added getClangWithLTOBuildFactory for muti-stage LTO Clang builders.
Added: zorg/trunk/zorg/buildbot/builders/ClangLTOBuilder.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/zorg/trunk/zorg/buildbot/builders/ClangLTOBuilder.py?rev=278057&view=auto
--- zorg/trunk/zorg/buildbot/builders/ClangLTOBuilder.py (added)
+++ zorg/trunk/zorg/buildbot/builders/ClangLTOBuilder.py Mon Aug 8 17:08:21 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand
+from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand
+from buildbot.steps.slave import RemoveDirectory
+from buildbot.process.properties import WithProperties, Property
+from zorg.buildbot.commands.CmakeCommand import CmakeCommand
+from zorg.buildbot.commands.NinjaCommand import NinjaCommand
+from zorg.buildbot.conditions.FileConditions import FileDoesNotExist
+from zorg.buildbot.process.factory import LLVMBuildFactory
+def _addSteps4SystemCompiler(
+ f,
+ stage_idx = 0,
+ clean = True,
+ jobs = None,
+ extra_configure_args = None,
+ env = None):
+ # Index is zero-based, so we want to use a human friendly number instead.
+ stage_num = stage_idx + 1
+ # Directories to use on this stage.
+ obj_dir = f.stage_objdirs[stage_idx]
+ src_dir = LLVMBuildFactory.pathRelativeToBuild(f.llvm_srcdir, obj_dir)
+ install_dir = LLVMBuildFactory.pathRelativeToBuild(f.stage_installdirs[stage_idx], obj_dir)
+ # This stage could use incremental build.
+ # Clean stage1, only if requested.
+ f.addStep(RemoveDirectory(name='clean-%s-dir' % obj_dir,
+ dir=obj_dir,
+ haltOnFailure=False,
+ flunkOnFailure=False,
+ doStepIf=clean
+ ))
+ f.addStep(RemoveDirectory(name='clean-%s-dir' % f.stage_installdirs[stage_idx],
+ dir=f.stage_installdirs[stage_idx],
+ haltOnFailure=False,
+ flunkOnFailure=False,
+ doStepIf=clean
+ ))
+ # Reconcile the cmake options for this stage.
+ # Make a local copy of the configure args, as we are going to modify that.
+ if extra_configure_args:
+ cmake_args = extra_configure_args[:]
+ else:
+ cmake_args = list()
+ # Set proper defaults.
+ CmakeCommand.applyDefaultOptions(cmake_args, [
+ ('-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=', 'Release'),
+ # Do not expect warning free build by the system toolchain.
+ ])
+ # Some options are required for this stage no matter what.
+ CmakeCommand.applyRequiredOptions(cmake_args, [
+ ('-G', 'Unix Makefiles'),
+ ('-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=', install_dir),
+ ])
+ # Note: On this stage we do not care of warnings, as we build with
+ # a system toolchain and cannot control the environment.
+ # Warnings are likely, and we ignore them.
+ # Create configuration files with cmake
+ f.addStep(CmakeCommand(name="cmake-configure-stage%s" % stage_num,
+ description=["stage%s cmake configure" % stage_num],
+ haltOnFailure=True,
+ flunkOnWarnings=False,
+ options=cmake_args,
+ path=src_dir,
+ env=env,
+ workdir=obj_dir,
+ doStepIf=FileDoesNotExist("CMakeCache.txt")))
+ # Build clang by the system compiler
+ f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="build-stage%s-compiler"% stage_num,
+ command=['make', WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs), "-k"],
+ haltOnFailure=True,
+ flunkOnWarnings=False,
+ description=["build stage%s compiler" % stage_num],
+ env=env,
+ workdir=obj_dir))
+ # Test stage1 compiler
+ f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="test-stage%s-compiler"% stage_num,
+ command=["make", WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs), "check-all"], # or "check-llvm", "check-clang"
+ haltOnFailure=True,
+ flunkOnWarnings=False,
+ description=["test stage%s compiler" % stage_num],
+ env=env,
+ workdir=obj_dir))
+ # Install stage1 compiler
+ f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="install-stage%s-compiler"% stage_num,
+ command=["make", WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs), "install"],
+ haltOnFailure=True,
+ flunkOnWarnings=False,
+ description=["install stage%s compiler" % stage_num],
+ env=env,
+ workdir=obj_dir))
+def _addSteps4StagedCompiler(
+ f,
+ stage_idx = 1,
+ use_stage_idx = -1,
+ withLTOSupport = False,
+ jobs = None,
+ extra_configure_args = None,
+ env = None):
+ if use_stage_idx < 0:
+ use_stage_idx = stage_idx - 1
+ # Index is zero-based, so we want to use a human friendly number instead.
+ stage_num = stage_idx + 1
+ # Directories to use on this stage.
+ obj_dir = f.stage_objdirs[stage_idx]
+ src_dir = LLVMBuildFactory.pathRelativeToBuild(f.llvm_srcdir, obj_dir)
+ install_dir = LLVMBuildFactory.pathRelativeToBuild(f.stage_installdirs[stage_idx], obj_dir)
+ staged_install = LLVMBuildFactory.pathRelativeToBuild(f.stage_installdirs[use_stage_idx], obj_dir)
+ # Always do a clean build for the staged compiler.
+ f.addStep(RemoveDirectory(name='clean-%s-dir' % obj_dir,
+ dir=obj_dir,
+ haltOnFailure=False,
+ flunkOnFailure=False,
+ ))
+ f.addStep(RemoveDirectory(name='clean-%s-dir' % f.stage_installdirs[stage_idx],
+ dir=f.stage_installdirs[stage_idx],
+ haltOnFailure=False,
+ flunkOnFailure=False,
+ ))
+ # Reconcile the cmake options for this stage.
+ # Make a local copy of the configure args, as we are going to modify that.
+ if extra_configure_args:
+ cmake_args = extra_configure_args[:]
+ else:
+ cmake_args = list()
+ # Set proper defaults.
+ CmakeCommand.applyDefaultOptions(cmake_args, [
+ ('-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=', 'Release'),
+ # LTO Plugin dependency:
+ ('-DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=', '/opt/binutils/include'),
+ ])
+ # Some options are required for this stage no matter what.
+ CmakeCommand.applyRequiredOptions(cmake_args, [
+ ('-G', 'Ninja'),
+ ('-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=', install_dir),
+ ('-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=', "%s/bin/clang++" % staged_install),
+ ('-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=', "%s/bin/clang" % staged_install),
+ ])
+ # Create configuration files with cmake
+ f.addStep(CmakeCommand(name="cmake-configure-stage%s" % stage_num,
+ description=["stage%s cmake configure" % stage_num],
+ haltOnFailure=True,
+ options=cmake_args,
+ path=src_dir,
+ env=env,
+ workdir=obj_dir,
+ doStepIf=FileDoesNotExist("CMakeCache.txt")
+ ))
+ if withLTOSupport:
+ # Build LTO plugin if requested.
+ f.addStep(NinjaCommand(name="build-stage%s-LLVMgold.so" % stage_num,
+ targets=['lib/LLVMgold.so'],
+ haltOnFailure=True,
+ description=["stage%s build LLVMgold.so" % stage_num],
+ env=env,
+ workdir=obj_dir,
+ ))
+ # Build clang by the staged compiler
+ f.addStep(NinjaCommand(name="build-stage%s-compiler" % stage_num,
+ haltOnFailure=True,
+ description=["build stage%s compiler" % stage_num],
+ env=env,
+ workdir=obj_dir,
+ ))
+ # Test just built compiler
+ f.addStep(NinjaCommand(name="test-stage%s-compiler"% stage_num,
+ targets=["check-all"],
+ haltOnFailure=True,
+ description=["test stage%s compiler" % stage_num],
+ env=env,
+ workdir=obj_dir,
+ ))
+ # Install just built compiler
+ f.addStep(NinjaCommand(name="install-stage%s-compiler"% stage_num,
+ targets=["install"],
+ haltOnFailure=True,
+ description=["install stage%s compiler" % stage_num],
+ env=env,
+ workdir=obj_dir,
+ ))
+def getClangWithLTOBuildFactory(
+ clean = False,
+ jobs = None,
+ extra_configure_args = None,
+ compare_last_2_stages = True,
+ env = None):
+ # Set defaults
+ if jobs is None:
+ jobs = "%(jobs)s"
+ if extra_configure_args is None:
+ extra_configure_args = []
+ # Make sure CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and -G are not specified
+ # in the extra_configure_args. We set them internally as needed.
+ # TODO: assert extra_configure_args.
+ install_prefix_specified = any(a.startswith('-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=') for a in extra_configure_args)
+ assert True, "Please do not explicitly specify the install prefix for multi-stage build."
+ # Prepare environmental variables. Set here all env we want everywhere.
+ merged_env = {
+ 'TERM' : 'dumb' # Be cautious and disable color output from all tools.
+ }
+ if env is not None:
+ # Overwrite pre-set items with the given ones, so user can set anything.
+ merged_env.update(env)
+ f = LLVMBuildFactory(
+ depends_on_projects=['llvm', 'clang', 'lld'],
+ llvm_srcdir="llvm.src",
+ stage_objdirs=[
+ "build/stage1",
+ "build/stage2",
+ "build/stage3",
+ "build/stage4",
+ ],
+ stage_installdirs=[
+ "install/stage1",
+ "install/stage2",
+ "install/stage3",
+ "install/stage4",
+ ],
+ staged_compiler_idx = 1)
+ cleanBuildRequested = lambda step: step.build.getProperty("clean") or clean
+ # Do a clean checkout if requested.
+ f.addStep(RemoveDirectory(name='clean-src-dir',
+ dir=f.llvm_srcdir,
+ haltOnFailure=False,
+ flunkOnFailure=False,
+ doStepIf=cleanBuildRequested,
+ ))
+ # Get the source code.
+ f.addSVNSteps()
+ # Build with the system compiler first
+ _addSteps4SystemCompiler(f,
+ stage_idx=0,
+ clean=cleanBuildRequested,
+ jobs=jobs,
+ extra_configure_args=extra_configure_args,
+ env=merged_env)
+ # Then build the compiler we would use for the bootstrap.
+ _addSteps4StagedCompiler(f,
+ stage_idx=1,
+ withLTOSupport=True,
+ jobs=jobs,
+ extra_configure_args=extra_configure_args,
+ env=merged_env)
+ # Build all the remaining stages with exactly the same configuration.
+ # Set proper compile and link flags.
+ CmakeCommand.appendFlags(extra_configure_args, [
+ ('-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=', ['-flto']),
+ ('-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=', ['-flto', '-fuse-ld=lld']),
+ ('-DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS=', ['-flto', '-fuse-ld=lld']),
+ ('-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=', ['-flto', '-fuse-ld=lld']),
+ ])
+ # The rest are test stages, which depend on the staged compiler we are ultimately after.
+ s = f.staged_compiler_idx + 1
+ for i in range(s, len(f.stage_objdirs[s:]) + s):
+ configure_args = extra_configure_args[:]
+ staged_install = LLVMBuildFactory.pathRelativeToBuild(
+ f.stage_installdirs[f.staged_compiler_idx],
+ f.stage_objdirs[i])
+ CmakeCommand.applyDefaultOptions(configure_args, [
+ ('-DCMAKE_AR=', '%s/bin/llvm-ar' % staged_install),
+ ('-DCMAKE_RANLIB=', '%s/bin/llvm-ar' % staged_install),
+ ])
+ _addSteps4StagedCompiler(f,
+ stage_idx=i,
+ use_stage_idx=f.staged_compiler_idx,
+ jobs=jobs,
+ extra_configure_args=configure_args,
+ env=merged_env)
+ if compare_last_2_stages:
+ # Compare the compilers built on the last 2 stages if requested.
+ diff_command = [
+ "diff",
+ "-q",
+ "%s/clang" % f.stage_installdirs[-2],
+ "%s/clang" % f.stage_installdirs[-1],
+ ]
+ f.addStep(
+ ShellCommand(
+ name="compare-compilers",
+ description=[
+ "compare",
+ "stage%d" % (len(f.stage_installdirs)-1),
+ "and",
+ "stage%d" % len(f.stage_installdirs),
+ "compilers",
+ ],
+ haltOnFailure=True,
+ command=WithProperties(" ".join(diff_command)),
+ workdir=".",
+ env=merged_env
+ )
+ )
+ return f
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