[PATCH] D19351: ELF: Add initial ThinLTO support.

Peter Collingbourne via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 3 16:40:20 PDT 2016

pcc added a comment.

> The proper solution should be in my opinion to have a "LTOCodeGenerator" (and/or a "ThinLTOCodeGenerator") that exposes an appropriate interface to the linker, that would be shared by lld, gold, etc.

Maybe, but I'm not sure that we can know what the right interface should be without working implementations in multiple linkers.

> I'll break lld and won't try to fix it

That doesn't really seem reasonable to me. We all have a responsibility to keep the bots green.

That said, I'm hoping to keep the API surface area used here relatively small, which should make it easier to update. One example of this is that as I mentioned before I'd like to move promotion into the compiler so that the linker doesn't need to do anything about it.


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