[polly] r262202 - Revert "Add update_test.py script."

Tobias Grosser via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Feb 28 23:12:10 PST 2016

Author: grosser
Date: Mon Feb 29 01:12:10 2016
New Revision: 262202

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=262202&view=rev
Revert "Add update_test.py script."

This reverts commit r261899. Even though I am not yet 100% certain, this is
commit is the only one that has some relation to the recent cmake failures
in Polly.


Modified: polly/trunk/test/CMakeLists.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/polly/trunk/test/CMakeLists.txt?rev=262202&r1=262201&r2=262202&view=diff
--- polly/trunk/test/CMakeLists.txt (original)
+++ polly/trunk/test/CMakeLists.txt Mon Feb 29 01:12:10 2016
@@ -95,14 +95,6 @@ configure_file(
-  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/update_check.py
-  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/update_check.py)
-file(COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/update_check.py
 # Add a legacy target spelling: polly-test
 set_target_properties(polly-test PROPERTIES FOLDER "Polly")

Removed: polly/trunk/test/update_check.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/polly/trunk/test/update_check.py?rev=262201&view=auto
--- polly/trunk/test/update_check.py (original)
+++ polly/trunk/test/update_check.py (removed)
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-# Polly/LLVM update_check.py
-# Update lit FileCheck files by replacing the 'CHECK:' lines by the actual output of the 'RUN:' command.
-import argparse
-import os
-import subprocess
-import shlex
-import re
-polly_src_dir = '''@POLLY_SOURCE_DIR@'''
-polly_lib_dir = '''@POLLY_LIB_DIR@'''
-shlibext = '''@LLVM_SHLIBEXT@'''
-llvm_tools_dir = '''@LLVM_TOOLS_DIR@'''
-link_polly_into_tools = not '''@LINK_POLLY_INTO_TOOLS@'''.lower() in {'','0','n','no','off','false','notfound','link_polly_into_tools-notfound'}
-runre = re.compile(r'\s*\;\s*RUN\s*\:(?P<tool>.*)')
-filecheckre = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<tool>.*)\|\s*(?P<filecheck>FileCheck\s[^|]*)')
-emptyline = re.compile(r'\s*(\;\s*)?')
-commentline = re.compile(r'\s*(\;.*)?')
-def ltrim_emptylines(lines,meta=None):
-    while len(lines) and emptyline.fullmatch(lines[0]):
-        del lines[0]
-        if meta is not None:
-            del meta[0]
-def rtrim_emptylines(lines):
-    while len(lines) and emptyline.fullmatch(lines[-1]):
-        del lines[-1]
-def trim_emptylines(lines):
-    ltrim_emptylines(lines)
-    rtrim_emptylines(lines)
-def complete_exename(path, filename):
-    complpath = os.path.join(path, filename)
-    if os.path.isfile(complpath):
-        return complpath
-    elif os.path.isfile(complpath + '.exe'):
-        return complpath + '.exe'
-    return filename
-def indention(line):
-    for i,c in enumerate(line):
-        if c != ' ' and c != '\t':
-            return i
-    return None
-def common_indent(lines):
-    indentions = (indention(line) for line in lines)
-    indentions = (indent for indent in indentions if indent is not None)
-    return min(indentions,default=0)
-funcre = re.compile(r'^    Function: \S*$')
-regionre = re.compile(r'^    Region: \S*$')
-depthre = re.compile(r'^    Max Loop Depth: .*')
-paramre = re.compile(r'    [0-9a-z-A-Z_]+\: .*')
-def classyfier1(lines):
-    i = iter(lines)
-    line = i.__next__()
-    while True:
-        if line.startswith("Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: "):
-            yield {'PrintingDependenceInfo'}
-        elif line.startswith("remark: "):
-            yield {'Remark'}
-        elif funcre.fullmatch(line):
-            yield {'Function'}
-        elif regionre.fullmatch(line):
-            yield  { 'Region'}
-        elif depthre.fullmatch(line):
-            yield  {'MaxLoopDepth'}
-        elif line == '    Invariant Accesses: {':
-            while True:
-                yield { 'InvariantAccesses'}
-                if line == '    }':
-                    break
-                line = i.__next__()
-        elif line == '    Context:':
-            yield  {'Context'}
-            line = i.__next__()
-            yield  {'Context'}
-        elif line == '    Assumed Context:':
-            yield  {'AssumedContext'}
-            line = i.__next__()
-            yield  {'AssumedContext'}
-        elif line == '    Boundary Context:':
-            yield  {'BoundaryContext'}
-            line = i.__next__()
-            yield  {'BoundaryContext'}
-            line = i.__next__()
-            while paramre.fullmatch(line):
-                yield  {'Param'}
-                line = i.__next__()
-            continue
-        elif line == '    Arrays {':
-            while True:
-                yield  {'Arrays'}
-                if line == '    }':
-                    break
-                line = i.__next__()
-        elif line == '    Arrays (Bounds as pw_affs) {':
-            while True:
-                yield  {'PwAffArrays'}
-                if line == '    }':
-                    break
-                line = i.__next__()
-        elif line.startswith('    Alias Groups ('):
-            while True:
-                yield  {'AliasGroups'}
-                line = i.__next__()
-                if not line.startswith('        '):
-                    break
-            continue
-        elif line == '    Statements {':
-            while True:
-                yield  {'Statements'}
-                if line == '    }':
-                    break
-                line = i.__next__()
-        elif line == '    RAW dependences:':
-            yield {'RAWDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'}
-            line = i.__next__()
-            while line.startswith('        '):
-                yield  {'RAWDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'}
-                line = i.__next__()
-            continue
-        elif line == '    WAR dependences:':
-            yield {'WARDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'}
-            line = i.__next__()
-            while line.startswith('        '):
-                yield  {'WARDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'}
-                line = i.__next__()
-            continue
-        elif line == '    WAW dependences:':
-            yield {'WAWDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'}
-            line = i.__next__()
-            while line.startswith('        '):
-                yield  {'WAWDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'}
-                line = i.__next__()
-            continue
-        elif line == '    Reduction dependences:':
-            yield {'RedDep','Dep','DepInfo'}
-            line = i.__next__()
-            while line.startswith('        '):
-                yield  {'RedDep','Dep','DepInfo'}
-                line = i.__next__()
-            continue
-        elif line == '    Transitive closure of reduction dependences:':
-            yield {'TransitiveClosureDep','DepInfo'}
-            line = i.__next__()
-            while line.startswith('        '):
-                yield  {'TransitiveClosureDep','DepInfo'}
-                line = i.__next__()
-            continue
-        else:
-            yield set()
-        line = i.__next__()
-def classyfier2(lines):
-    i = iter(lines)
-    line = i.__next__()
-    while True:
-        if funcre.fullmatch(line):
-            while line.startswith('    '):
-                yield  {'FunctionDetail'}
-                line = i.__next__()
-            continue
-        elif line.startswith("Printing analysis 'Polly - Generate an AST from the SCoP (isl)' for region: "):
-            yield {'PrintingIslAst'}
-            line = i.__next__()
-            while not line.startswith('Printing analysis'):
-                yield  {'AstDetail'}
-                line = i.__next__()
-            continue
-        else:
-            yield set()
-        line = i.__next__()
-replrepl = {'{{':'{{[{][{]}}','}}': '{{[}][}]}}', '[[':'{{\[\[}}',']]': '{{\]\]}}'}
-replre = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(k) for k in replrepl.keys()))
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Update CHECK lines")
-    parser.add_argument('testfile',help="File to update (absolute or relative to --testdir)")
-    parser.add_argument('--check-style',choices=['CHECK','CHECK-NEXT'],default='CHECK-NEXT',help="What kind of checks lines to generate")
-    parser.add_argument('--check-position',choices=['end','before-content','autodetect'],default='autodetect',help="Where to add the CHECK lines into the file; 'autodetect' searches for the first 'CHECK' line ind inserts it there")
-    parser.add_argument('--check-include',action='append',default=[], help="What parts of the output lines to check; use syntax 'CHECK=include' to apply to one CHECK-prefix only (by default, everything)")
-    parser.add_argument('--check-label-include',action='append',default=[],help="Use CHECK-LABEL for these includes")
-    parser.add_argument('--check-part-newline',action='store_true',help="Add empty line between different check parts")
-    parser.add_argument('--prefix-only',action='append',default=None,help="Update only these prefixes (default: all)")
-    parser.add_argument('--bindir',help="Location of the opt program")
-    parser.add_argument('--testdir',help="Root dir for unit tests")
-    parser.add_argument('--inplace','-i',action='store_true',help="Replace input file")
-    parser.add_argument('--output','-o',help="Write changed input to this file")
-    known = parser.parse_args()
-    if not known.inplace and known.output is None:
-        print("Must specify what to do with output (--output or --inplace)")
-        exit(1)
-    if known.inplace and known.output is not None:
-        print("--inplace and --output are mutually exclusive")
-        exit(1)
-    outfile = known.output
-    filecheckparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
-    filecheckparser.add_argument('-check-prefix','--check-prefix',default='CHECK')
-    filename = known.testfile
-    for dir in ['.', known.testdir, os.path.join(polly_src_dir,'test'), polly_src_dir]:
-        if not dir:
-            continue
-        testfilename = os.path.join(dir,filename)
-        if os.path.isfile(testfilename):
-            filename = testfilename
-            break
-    if known.inplace:
-        outfile = filename
-    allchecklines = []
-    checkprefixes = []
-    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
-        oldlines = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in file.readlines()]
-    runlines = []
-    for line in oldlines:
-        m = runre.match(line)
-        if m:
-            runlines.append(m.group('tool'))
-    continuation = ''
-    newrunlines = []
-    for line in runlines:
-        if line.endswith('\\'):
-            continuation += line[:-2] + ' '
-        else:
-            newrunlines.append(continuation + line)
-            continuation = ''
-    if continuation:
-        newrunlines.append(continuation)
-    for line in newrunlines:
-        m = filecheckre.match(line)
-        if not m:
-            continue
-        tool, filecheck = m.group('tool', 'filecheck')
-        filecheck = shlex.split(filecheck)
-        tool = shlex.split(tool)
-        if known.bindir is not None:
-            tool[0] = complete_exename(known.bindir, tool[0])
-        if os.path.isdir(llvm_tools_dir):
-            tool[0] = complete_exename(llvm_tools_dir, tool[0])
-        check_prefix = filecheckparser.parse_known_args(filecheck)[0].check_prefix
-        if known.prefix_only is not None and not check_prefix in known.prefix_only:
-            continue
-        if check_prefix in checkprefixes:
-            continue
-        checkprefixes.append(check_prefix)
-        newtool = []
-        optstderr = None
-        for toolarg in tool:
-            toolarg = toolarg.replace('%s', filename)
-            toolarg = toolarg.replace('%S', os.path.dirname(filename))
-            if toolarg == '%loadPolly':
-                if not link_polly_into_tools:
-                    newtool += ['-load',os.path.join(polly_lib_dir,'LLVMPolly' + shlibext)]
-                newtool.append('-polly-process-unprofitable')
-            elif toolarg == '2>&1':
-                optstderr = subprocess.STDOUT
-            else:
-                newtool.append(toolarg)
-        tool = newtool
-        inpfile = None
-        i = 1
-        while i <  len(tool):
-            if tool[i] == '<':
-                inpfile = tool[i + 1]
-                del tool[i:i + 2]
-                continue
-            i += 1
-        if inpfile:
-            with open(inpfile) as inp:
-                retlines = subprocess.check_output(tool,universal_newlines=True,stdin=inp,stderr=optstderr)
-        else:
-            retlines = subprocess.check_output(tool,universal_newlines=True,stderr=optstderr)
-        retlines = [line.replace('\t', '    ') for line in retlines.splitlines()]
-        check_include = []
-        for checkme in known.check_include + known.check_label_include:
-            parts = checkme.split('=')
-            if len(parts) == 2:
-                if parts[0] == check_prefix:
-                    check_include.append(parts[1])
-            else:
-                check_include.append(checkme)
-        if check_include:
-            filtered_retlines = []
-            classified_retlines = []
-            lastmatch = None
-            for line,kind in ((line,class1.union(class2)) for line,class1,class2 in zip(retlines,classyfier1(retlines), classyfier2(retlines))):
-                match = kind.intersection(check_include)
-                if match:
-                    if lastmatch != match:
-                        filtered_retlines.append('')
-                        classified_retlines.append({'Separator'})
-                    filtered_retlines.append(line)
-                    classified_retlines.append(kind)
-                lastmatch = match
-            retlines = filtered_retlines
-        else:
-            classified_retlines = (set() for line in retlines)
-        rtrim_emptylines(retlines)
-        ltrim_emptylines(retlines,classified_retlines)
-        retlines = [replre.sub(lambda m: replrepl[m.group(0)], line) for line in retlines]
-        indent = common_indent(retlines)
-        retlines = [line[indent:] for line in retlines]
-        checklines = []
-        previous_was_empty = True
-        for line,kind in zip(retlines,classified_retlines):
-            if line:
-                if known.check_style == 'CHECK' and known.check_label_include:
-                    if not kind.isdisjoint(known.check_label_include):
-                        checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + '-LABEL: ' + line)
-                    else:
-                        checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + ':       ' + line)
-                elif known.check_style == 'CHECK':
-                    checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + ': ' + line)
-                elif known.check_label_include and known.check_label_include:
-                    if not kind.isdisjoint(known.check_label_include):
-                        checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + '-LABEL: ' + line)
-                    elif previous_was_empty:
-                        checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + ':       ' + line)
-                    else:
-                        checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + '-NEXT:  ' + line)
-                else:
-                    if previous_was_empty:
-                        checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + ':      ' + line)
-                    else:
-                        checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + '-NEXT: ' + line)
-                previous_was_empty = False
-            else:
-                if not 'Separator' in kind or known.check_part_newline:
-                    checklines.append(';')
-                previous_was_empty = True
-        allchecklines.append(checklines)
-    if not checkprefixes:
-        return
-    checkre = re.compile(r'^\s*\;\s*(' + '|'.join([re.escape(s) for s in checkprefixes]) + ')(\-NEXT|\-DAG|\-NOT|\-LABEL|\-SAME)?\s*\:')
-    firstcheckline = None
-    firstnoncommentline = None
-    headerlines = []
-    newlines = []
-    uptonowlines = []
-    emptylines = []
-    lastwascheck = False
-    for line in oldlines:
-        if checkre.match(line):
-            if firstcheckline is None:
-                firstcheckline = len(newlines) + len(emptylines)
-            if not lastwascheck:
-                uptonowlines += emptylines
-            emptylines = []
-            lastwascheck = True
-        elif emptyline.fullmatch(line):
-            emptylines.append(line)
-        else:
-            newlines += uptonowlines
-            newlines += emptylines
-            newlines.append(line)
-            emptylines = []
-            uptonowlines = []
-            lastwascheck = False
-    for i,line in enumerate(newlines):
-        if not commentline.fullmatch(line):
-            firstnoncommentline = i
-            break
-    with open(outfile,'w',newline='') as file:
-        def writelines(lines):
-            for line in lines:
-                file.write(line)
-                file.write('\n')
-        if firstcheckline is not None and known.check_position == 'autodetect':
-            writelines(newlines[:firstcheckline])
-            writelines(uptonowlines)
-            for i,checklines in enumerate(allchecklines):
-                if i != 0:
-                    file.write('\n')
-                writelines(checklines)
-            writelines(newlines[firstcheckline:])
-            writelines(emptylines)
-        elif firstnoncommentline is not None and known.check_position == 'before-content':
-            headerlines = newlines[:firstnoncommentline]
-            rtrim_emptylines(headerlines)
-            contentlines = newlines[firstnoncommentline:]
-            ltrim_emptylines(contentlines)
-            writelines(headerlines)
-            for checklines in allchecklines:
-                file.write('\n')
-                writelines(checklines)
-            file.write('\n')
-            writelines(contentlines)
-            writelines(uptonowlines)
-            writelines(emptylines)
-        else:
-            writelines(newlines)
-            rtrim_emptylines(newlines)
-            for checklines in allchecklines:
-                file.write('\n\n')
-                writelines(checklines)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()

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